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Posts posted by HighQueenEB

  1. Which makes it no different from Once Upon a Time -- only it seems to work a lot better here than it does there, for some reason.

    Honestly, I don't mind the mish-mash of historical eras in costuming on OUAT either.  I think that it places both shows firmly in the fantasy genre and that's a good choice from the production crews of both shows because it establishes, for the audience, the firm intention that they are playing with and/or embellishing familiar stories or tropes.  We wouldn't have the same expectations of either show if we were burdened with period costuming a la The Tudors or Downton Abbey.

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  2. According to the listings at The Futon Critic.com, ABC will be replaying a few episodes Saturday night Jan. 2.


    Second season (yay!) premiere is Sun. Jan. 3, at 8pm.

    I think that ABC is planning on airing "key" episodes from S1.  Not sure exactly what that means, though I'm guessing 4 out of the 8.  Obviously the pilot, probably "Comedy Gold" (Ep 4) and "It's All in the Executions" (Ep 8).  The fourth would be either "Completely Mad-Alena" (Ep 5) or "Dungeons and Dragon Lady" (Ep 6) - and I don't know which one they'd select because there are some key plot developments in both.  My pick would be Ep 6 if only because it firmly advances both the Madalena/Kingsley overthrow plot as well as Galabella ("Love Is Strange" is probably my favorite song from S1), but I can see an argument for Ep 5 also as it would be a darn shame to miss out on both of the Chef/Gwynne duets (which appear in Eps 5 & 7). 

    Now, if they air a 3-hour block and only cut two episodes, I could see them cutting "Joust Friends" (Ep 2) and "My Cousin Izzy" (Ep 7).  We'll know in another week or so, I'd think.

  3. https://twitter.com/galavantabc/status/675475657711816704

    I'll save my costume ravings for the costume thread, and for when this pic isn't considered spoilerish.

    For now I'll just say: feast your eyes on some more costume porn!

    I've been drooling over Izzy and Maddie's new togs for S2 for months now.  I'm so excited.  The costume porn is one of the best things about this show, even if it's a mishmash of historical eras and regions.

  4. I got far more enjoyment out of the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie I simultaneously watched while watching The Voice tonight.  Now, I fully admit, I kinda like those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, but I used to love The Voice.  The past few seasons have been underwhelming but this season has sunk to a new low.  None of the singers are all that remarkable or memorable. 

    Agree with Adam about Madi's set...  It was cool and I'd like to hang out there.  Her song?  Not so much.  I get so tired of these singers (girl or guy) who are just too twee for words and re-arrange every song they ever sing to suit their limited voices (I'm lookin' at you, Sawyer, amongst many others).  Zach was okay but when the original is by Miley Cyrus, the bar is set pretty low when it comes to improvement.  Shelby was fine but boring.  Same with Jeffrey.  I'm praying that Barrett goes home, but I've been praying for that for weeks.  Should finally happen this week, thank goodness. 

    I'm with the rest who will get really stabby if Braiden advances to the final because he and Gwen pandered to the audience with a religious song.  The kid has been skating by for weeks and needs to go, so I'm likely to be annoyed tomorrow night. 

    Jordan - again, reiterating what others have said, he's no Freddie Mercury, and I really didn't like it.  The gospel choir made it tolerable but he wasn't all that great on his own. 

    Emily Ann was decent but, like Jordan is no Freddie Mercury, she's no Dolly Parton.  I find her voice to be really thin and while she did bring energy to her performance, she's just not quite ready.  I really wish that Blake had visited the Alison Krauss songbook for Emily Ann at least once this season.  Maybe next week if she gets to the final. 

    Best for the night, for me, was Amy.  She sounded beautiful on a beautiful, haunting song.  She really should be in the final.  I hope those iTunes rankings change some overnight and she moves up.  I might even have to go on iTunes and buy her version because it really was just lovely.  And, just an FYI, I haven't bought anything for this show since Amber Carrington.

    • Love 3
  5. ^ http://eldorion.com/lore/eagles/

    I suppose there's a few good reasons why they couldn't get a lift from the eagles to go destroy the ring, but the excuses don't really cut it for some people.

    The eagles swooped in at the last minute to pretty much save the day and end the battle of 5 armies in the Hobbit. They also conveniently swoop in at the last minute and rescue Frodo and Sam from Mt. Doom in LotR (at least in the movies).

    So yeah, people side-eye the eagles.


    Promo featuring Kylie Minogue. Is that part of a new song I hear?

    Thanks for the eagles explanation!  We'll definitely have to keep an eye out for them since the name of the battle definitely mirrors that of LOTR.  :-)

    Sounds like a new song.  I hope it comes off better in the episode than it does in the promo.

  6. My greatest wish is for them to make fun of the eagles from the Hobbit in this episode. I'll take anything, please.

    I've studiously avoided all JRR Tolkein books and movies since I was a kid and someone gave me The Hobbit to read, which I didn't enjoy.  I was a voracious reader but Tolkein's never been of any interest to me.  So, may I ask for you to explain so that I can properly laugh if this particular cultural reference does indeed pop-up in my newest favorite show?  Thanks!

  7. I really enjoyed this, thought I wasn't paying as close attention to it as I did The Sound of Music.  I hated Peter Pan last year, mostly because Allison Williams was just atrocious.  I can only vaguely recall seeing The Wiz movie when I was a kid.

    I really liked the costumes in this production.  I also thought the singing was pretty strong, with the exception of Queen Latifah.  She was the weakest link, by far, but overall, it was easy to overlook that when the rest of the cast was so strong. 

  8. I just checked and the episodes are $2.99 each.  If anyone sees it for free, please let us know.

    She didn't specify when in December.  This Sunday will be 4 weeks out from the S2 premiere, so I wouldn't expect anything for free until at least then.

    • Love 1
  9. Has anyone seen an announcement mentioning if there will be showings of season one before the season two premiere? I had them all taped but ran out of room - too many Doctor Who episodes saved.

    Kat Likkel just tweeted today that all of S1 will be available on iTunes for free in December.

    • Love 2
  10. I am disappointed that there hasn't been a tiny sneak peek at the actual new songs in those trailers....is that Shake it Off song not way too old to be used in these promos anyway?

    Well, remember, the promo aired during the AMAs, so using Shake It Off wasn't the worst choice in the world.  But, yes, it would be nice to get a sneak peek of some of the new songs, though I'm not sure they're ready for that yet.  Alan Menken only started the orchestral recording sessions at the beginning of the month.  Maybe we'll get something along those lines the first week of December.

  11. That wizard guy looks hilarious. Maybe we'll get more Sid and Gareth if they do a 3rd promo.

    That was the 3rd promo.  Two 30-second ones over the weekend and the 15-second one yesterday.  I can't imagine we won't get at least one more promo if not two.  It's not like the ABC Publicity department will have much to do during December to promote any of their other shows, what with them all going on an extended winter hiatus.

  12. Yay! At least Izzy's in this one!

    I lol'd at that wizard? guy. If it only it was a 7 week extravaganza.

    If they make the winter OUAT hiatus 12 weeks again next year like they did this year then maybe we WILL get a 7 or 10 week long musical comedy extravaganza!

  13. This is 100% baseless speculation on my part, but I have a suspicion that after Isabella takes back her kingdom she'll take Richard's as well because he's accepted that he's just not good at kinging and doesn't want to do it anymore. And then he'll join the singing monastery.

    Oh, come on over to the S2 Spoilers and Speculation thread!  I can't really comment here because I'm as spoiled as any Galavant fan can be. :-)

    • Love 1
  14. Barrett, Go away and repent for what you did to Delta Dawn. I know Victor got knocked for being cruise shippy or like a lounge lizard....but man Barrett's performance style isn't much better. At least it isn't when he's not over emoting a song to death.


    Zach, Feeling more and more like he was a one week wonder. Underwhelming....and his voice just gives out or cuts out in his lower register an alarming amount of the time. He'll coast until to the blood bath week. I don't see him surviving that though.

    Could not agree more with your assessment of both.  I was beyond annoyed at what Barrett did to Delta Dawn.  SMH.

    There were some mic/sound issues with Zach during the first half or so of his performance, so I'm not sure if it was his voice giving/cutting out or a tech issue.  He didn't have quite as many issues last week so I'm inclined to think that it was a sound/mic/tech issue tonight but I don't see him getting past a bloodbath elimination week either.

    • Love 1
  15. Glad to know I'm not the only one who was seriously underwhelmed tonight.  Emily Ann was okay but I just couldn't with the coaches, especially Blake, slobbering over how she bluegrass-ified a hit by the Judds.  1) they're from Kentucky and Naomi could sound as bluegrass as they come, 2) "Why Not Me" has always had a fairly strong bluegrass sound to it, moreso than many of the Judds' hits, and 3) while Emily was okay, and the point isn't to reproduce the original, I'm a little perplexed why Blake chose a song by a duo who are noted for their amazing harmonies, something that Emily is incapable of replicating on her own as a solo act.  Then again, after tonight, I'm waiting for Blake to break out something like Jolene, I Will Always Love You or something else from the Dolly Parton catalog. 

    Barrett was boring and I hated how he was practically country-rapping on an absolute country classic.  Do NOT screw with Tanya Tucker.  Or, you know, give it to Emily Ann, who might be able to handle it.  Zach was also boring and it seemed like the show was screwing with his sound during the first two-thirds of the song.

    Madi, Korin, & Amy all sounded fine, though they blended together to me.  Shelby...  Pitchy and that dress was awful.  The boots were cute but they didn't work with the dress.  And her hair was pretty.  None of the guys were awful, but none of them were remarkable in any way. 

    Are we cutting two or three this week?  I could really do with losing a few more of these singers since they are all too bland to bother with caring to even remember their names.  Seriously, I know that Gwen's two guys are Braiden and Jeffrey but I can't remember the name of Pharrell's other guy.  I could barely remember, until Gwen made her a mini-me, who Korin was. I'm sure that the non-country fans feel the same about the country singers we have left, lol.

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dolB0Fr2zIc&feature=youtu.be

    Another new promo - 15 seconds but still another new character shows up - a Merlin-esque wizard type, from the looks of it.  Or, I suppose, possibly an "Ever After"-inspired DaVinci type? Hard to say but exciting nonetheless.  I'm a bit perturbed at the lack of Sid & Gareth. We've gotten a good dose of Izzy in this one and yesterday's promo.  Sooooooo excited for season 2!

  17. I don't need all the storylines wrapped up in a bow, but last season everything was up in the air, and I don't know if I can handle that twice!

    Fair enough.  So, who do you want to see some sort of happy resolution for?  I'd be fine if #Galabella had a happy ending, though with just enough of an open ending to give us a good start for S3 (presuming we get a S3).  Beyond that, I'm open to anything.

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