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Posts posted by whirlingdervish

  1. I've always liked CM and looked forward to seeing her on challenges, even though I do think she is a lot more emotionally fragile than is healthy. I'm inclined to give her a pass on some of her overwrought grabbing for victim status in this ep: the poor girl came back to the house exhausted from being up all night at the emergency room after a tough elimination; she was emotionally exhausted from the stuff with Laurel; her nerves were fried because she didn't know if she'd get to compete; and I can only imagine that it wears you down to go into final after final after final. Plus she's probably in some pretty serious pain. Honestly, I'd probably be a hot, weepy, exhausted, hypersensitive overemotional wreck teetering on the edge, too.  I can see how that would be annoying to be around and annoying to watch, but the girl really has had a rough couple of days. 

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  2. It's like his character never gets anything to do besides getting injured or being in a love triangle.


    Seriously.  He's becoming the Peeta Mellark of The 100 [Games].  

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  3. That post by Susie on Salon was just ridiculous. It just cracked me up to read her looking down on all of the hypocrisy and drama on shows like the Challenge, without once really owning up to the hypocrisy and drama she dredged up. The "I Hate Tonya Club", anyone? Evelyn had Susie pegged when she said that Susie liked to act the good Christian girl, but that in reality she was just as bad as everyone else, and a lot of times she was worse.  [i'm seriously paraphrasing here, but you get the idea].  So, yeah, that was a really special read from Susie.  What's next? CT bemoaning the appalling use of humans as backpacks? 

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  4. I'm still wondering if Bananas was thinking about South Africa and not Australia.  They don't speak Dutch in South Africa, but some folks do speak Afrikaans, which is derived from Dutch and Germanic dialects.  Then again....naaah, that's giving him too much credit. 

  5. Evony and Kenzi continue to rock out as two of my faves.  The rest of the ep, though...eeesh.  A day later, and I can't remember half of what I watched...it was all a blur.  I was so glad to see Bo getting called out, though. I'm pretty much over Bo's complete self-absorption.  I get it, you're an abandoned succubus with mommy and daddy issues and you don't want anyone to tell you what to do but you're so conflicted, I get it. In the meantime, other people exist.  I was cheering for Kenzi when she let Bo have it, because poor Kenzi has really gotten screwed all season long. 

    Speaking of screwing...I think Lauren really opened a Pandora's box of problems when she Magic Snatched Evony's faeness away. That's going to be a serious issue when that formula gets into the wrong hands, and starts getting used freely as a weapon or punishment.  

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