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Posts posted by whirlingdervish

  1. Yeah, count me in with those who are frustrated at the lack of objections, etc., that we're used to in the US.  I can't believe that barristers are allowed to get away with that kind of badgering and grandstanding without getting called on it. Is that really how it is in UK courtrooms? Because Sharon would have had to withdraw half of that nonsense on this side of the pond, or at least gotten some judicial raised eyebrows/understated eyerolls at some of her histrionics. 

    • Love 4
  2. ITA on Nia. She's volatile and dangerous, she punks out on challenges....she really brings nothing but the crazy.  Which means that MTV will bring her back again and again and again. 

  3. It was Cutthroat, IIRC.  Tyler and Johnny were sent to the Gulag (elimination round), but they had to go against Challenge monster CT instead of each other.  Tyler won the Gulag; Johnny became the Johnny Bananas Backpack. So yeah, Johnny was pissy about it because he felt it was totally UNFAIRRRRR! [also, humiliating for Johnny.] [also, HILARIOUS.]


    I'm in a Cutthroat rewatch on Hulu, and it's interesting to see this stuff right after this week's episode of Exes 2. In Cutthroat, we see Paula still completely pissed off at/over/near/surrounding Bananas--I think it was her first challenge with Bananas after Island. We also see Bananas whinging and getting upset early in the season at the first mention that he might get tossed into the Gulag, pulling on these same overtones of upset and offendedness. Same behavior, different season. 

  4. Heh, I was kidding about Bananas acting as if Sarah was starving his kids....he was so OTT, I was trying to think of what could possibly justify this level of weeping and wailing and rending of robes.  


    I've gone back and inserted a note to try to make that clearer. 


    ITA though, that there really is no basis for Bananas claiming that he's the reason Sarah's in the final.  Sure, he didn't toss them in when he could have, but he had bigger fish to fry. It wasn't because he wanted to save his BFF Sarah, ffs.

    • Love 1
  5. Man, I'd be so curious to know what the other cast members think of this nonsense...especially after watching Bananas do his thing for eleven (ELEVEN!) challenges. 


    How could anyone think that Bananas is owed some kind of loyalty?  Okay, Bananas, right, you totally are the one who got Sarah and Jordan to the finals...OF A SEASON YOU WERE ELIMINATED FROM HALFWAY THROUGH.  Sure, slow claps to you, brah. 


    This? This petulance and panic and sense of aggrieved wrong? This posturing as if Sarah is snatching the food from your children's mouths*?  This is what happens when you mistake The Challenge for a Career. It's great he made all that money--more power to him--but when you start depending on Challenge income as a way of life, THIS is what happens.  


    Mad props to Jordan throughout this whole damn thing.  


    *ETA:  Just riffing here, Bananas doesn't have kids (that I'm aware of)...he's just so OTT it's like Sarah starved his kids, then sexed them up, then killed them in cold blood and then fingerpainted with their blood in elementary art class. 

    • Love 7
  6. I forgot how much I really dug how the final regular challenge to decide the last exile went down.  It was really refreshing to see everyone take a "fair's fair" approach and just put their heads down and battle it out.  I was fascinated with the political game in this season, but I also liked the breath of fresh air with how everything resolved in the last episode or two going into the finale.  Really great season.

  7. All the snaps in the world to Jay and Jenna for keeping their mouths shut and keeping their faces somber and neutral while Bananas, Nany, and Jordan were showing their asses over Wes' injury.  If Sarah doesn't take it all, I'd love for those two to win.  Won't happen, but it would make ah-maaaaazing television to see the reactions of the others.  


    And yes, I think Jenna just might be a secret Keyser Soze. 

    • Love 4
  8. In the wake of Exes II, I thought I'd rewatch Fresh Meat II. Man, Wes really is the Wile Coyote of The Challenge! You can see how Wes and Ev were sitting pretty, right up until they totally cannibalized their own alliance. 


    This is also Theresa's first season, and it's the season in which she gets together with Wes after going for Kenny and getting shot down. It's funny to hear her slut shaming girls in later seasons, because in her first season, she's described as completely boy crazy by multiple castmates. 

  9. I don't really find Susie at all credible when it comes to Tonya.  After all, Susie was the one behind the whole "I hate Tonya" game.  In this charming little game,she and her little mean girls clique would stand around and each take turns saying "I hate Tonya because...".  IIRC, one of Susie's entries was, "I hate Tonya because she smells like a stripper."  She really took delight on putting Tonya down any chance she got, and she just oozed scorn for Tonya.  So, yeah, I would take anything Susie says about Tonya with a grain of salt.    

    • Love 4
  10. Boy, I hope Jenna has some second thoughts after watching the way Zach treats Johnna. Yeesh.


    The minute I saw the bag swap, I was convinced that Leroy and Nia were going to get disqualified.  I'm actually surprised they didn't, but glad Leroy didn't have to go into the dome.  Seriously, though, after her cocktail last week, Nia has no business saying that she's smarter than anyone, or classier than anyone, or has better judgment than anyone, or, or, or.....

  11. I thought the blood in the shower was supposed to be from getting scrubbed with those push brooms. But then later, Bellamy's skin looks completely undamaged, so I guess not. Unless he healed even faster than usual. It was sort of nice of the mountain men to give him some nice clean underpants, though. 


    Totally over Abby. I liked her last season, but ugh this season. 


    That's what I thought the blood was from, too.  Plus, was that lye or something like that that they used on the boys in the shower?  Yeesh.   Not surprised they scrubbed those guys clean, burned their clothing (I assume) and gave them fresh undies, what with the crappy immune systems among the Weatherites and all. 


    Couldn't agree more about Abby.  It's okay for Clarke to be upset because someone tried to kill her?  People might get hurt?  Uh...yeah...been there, done that, Mom...like, all last year after you sent me down here to die.  :eyeroll:

    • Love 1
  12. whirlingdervish  . . . I think this episode is a "must see." Just skip the first five minutes, and you won't get to see Nia doing what she did. Here's hoping she keeps her money closer to her, because I don't want to see her do anything else that gross again.


    Okay...but if this all goes south, you can hold my hair and help me mop up the mess, Lantern7! 


    ETA...Ohhhhh, that was such good advice.  Thanks! (I FF'ed and started it at the top of the challenge, just to be safe).  I'm so glad I saw that; you're right, it definitely was a "must see". 

    • Love 1
  13. Soooo glad I came here first before watching the episode. I've been retching just reading everyone's descriptions of Nia's...cocktail hour. So, yeah, I'm definitely skipping THIS episode.  Thanks guys!  You guys are the best. 


    Also, I had no idea I had such a sensitive stomach until just now.  How did I make it through years of Challenge and Survivor? 

    • Love 2
  14. The show is definitely improving, but I tell you, if they kill off Jasper or Bellamy[/b], I am done.  I really like how their characters have grown.

    Can someone remind me who Harper is?  The other person in the cage?


    at the end of the episode we see her presumably having her marrow drained. I think...?


    Yes to both. 


    I'm guessing the Queen of the Ice Nation (or whatever) is going to be the big bad of Season 3, if they get there.  

  15. So conflicted.  Love Danny Pino, hate Amaro.  


    My number one thought through this whole episode:  "Daaaaaaamn.  Didn't anyone at SVU have a happy childhood?" 


    It's like having a horrible family is a job requirement.  I'm going to die a little inside when we find out that Carisi had a funny uncle who liked playing with matches.


    From Sarah's recap: 


    Benson either can't resist the icy hotness of Robert John Burke, or she's like, "This is so fucking out there, it could totally work; maybe he's good with babies?" so she says yes, she'll have a glass of wine. Tucker's like, nope, you're drinking bourbon. Benson's like, o...kay! Guys: I think I ship these two. Help.


    Me too, man, me too.  And I feel a little funny inside about it. 

    • Love 2
  16. Yuca! I love yuca.  I would have been so excited if that was my eating challenge.  Having said that....damn, that was a lot of yuca.  


    Especially with no sauce and no beer. 

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