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  1. poor julia! I really liked her. I have quite a few friends I cheered with in college who have gone on to work for different teams as sideline reporters and also local news anchors. I think its mostly because they were gorgeous and comfortable in front of the camera, not necessarily due to their sports knowledge. Still, that answer was cringe worthy on her part. I dont get Kat. I want to get her. I want to like her. I feel like im missing something that everyone else can see in her. somebody help me like kat!
  2. she really is! I think they should follow her example
  3. THIS!! didnt brennan do it one year in her backyard? I truly dont understand why this isnt down pat prior to auditioning. Same with the kickline. I think most of us could arguably do the entrance just by watching the show (not well on my part but i could do the basics). Maybe they do practice but once the cameras are on and K & J are there the pressure takes over. who knows!
  4. I wonder how this information plays out with the squad now. knowing that none of the GL picked you or that other girls got more stickers than you. that has to mess with some peoples heads right?
  5. i did notice that at birthday dinners or group outings they do and post on instagram VK is never included in them. I find that odd. One of my dearest friends is 11 years younger than me. Its more of an older sister/younger sister relationship but we've never had an issue with it. always have a great time hanging out and doing things together.
  6. I cannot believe im saying this but I agree with you. That last episode really switched my opinion of her. She just seems more low key. who knows if thats editing and if TPTB are trying to bamboozle us but shes coming across as likable, where as last year it was the opposite. Shes leaned out, she looks amazing. Her hair even looks good. go figure. haha
  7. eeek. who is that???? someone with the facial recognition software help us out! kids are not going to get fed today until we solve this mystery hehe
  8. Im so invested in this "particular reason". I need to know! haha! My only issue with the pregnancy theory is what would be the point of trying out and even attempted to go through the process knowing it was a possibility. it seems selfish of that girl to take that chance away from someone else. the only person I imagine they would make that exception for would be amy and truthfully I dont see her as a selfish person. But who knows! I cant wait to find out.
  9. There was no real info just that it was announced
  10. I always wondered how much time was between the final cut and MTT. I feel like it would be difficult for most families to make travel arrangements last minute.
  11. Same girl. my coworkers think im crazzzzy (eagles country) but i love my DCC and im so thankful to find yall
  12. right. id be happy with 20 lbs!
  13. every single time i find myself cracking up loudly at a post, you are the poster.
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