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Posts posted by Petunia13

  1. Lani was so happy to see and hold her gf today. Notice she’s able to emotionally open up w her in a way she has not with Eli during this? I swear if Kristen wasn’t obsessed w Brady, Lani would risk it all to be w her. 

    Phillip’s mugging and inflections worked for me today. I feel like Show should maybe lean into that and make him more of a comic relief and sarcastic or snarky side dude in all the stories. 

    Doug looked really nice today in that classic sweater, blazer, and matching pocket square. 

    Sarah’s first day at work in over a month. She has that Horton princess pass that Failure and Ciara had were they can work 5 hours a month and still get a full time salary and ass pats.

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  2. Can you believe in a week is February sweeps? I’m going to need them to step it up w some of these storylines. 

    Not really sure why they decided a couple characters w the likability and charisma of tap water should be in lead story. 

  3. 2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Susan is going to help murderer Ben?

    Leave her out of your mess,  Ron. She has nothing to do with this. Thank GOD Eileen isn't here for this humiliation. 

    No after Lanis GF escapes from prison she uses Ben as her hostage or some bullshit and puts on false teeth to pretend to be Susan to get away or see Brady after he’s shot. 

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  4. That was weird as hell btw they had the 60 yr old man acting like he had never seen It’s A Wonderful Life before and to the point he was distraught saying to his wife “he’s going to kill himself! I hope he make it’s at the end, (sob) Doc ”.  It’s one of my faves so besides being dubious it was disrespectful. 

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  5. Lawd I hope they don’t bring on some annoying woman to play Janice Raincheck or what Gwen’s mom’s name is. 

    Kate’s outfit made her look like she was gonna be in some rap video about flossing. 

    The actresses hair and makeup have been 💯 amazing since they returned and that’s such a compliment since they do both themselves because of covid. 

    Gabi’s looking real desperate it’s embarrassing. 

    I’m enjoying Abby this week. MM really injects some some nuance and reasoning to this character. KM would have played this material super smug and shrill. 

    • Love 9
  6. 1 hour ago, Peanut6711 said:

    Pretty sure Nicole is secretly interning as Julie's replacement, and she's doing quite well in the program. 

    You caught that too? 

    She’s getting on my nerves. 

    For the first time in years Chloe’s not in relationship drama or being harassed by mobsters. She first thing she does is butt into Brady’s relationship w his criminal girlfriend and volunteering to help save Phillip from gangsters. What a Dumb Dumb. 

    • LOL 3
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  7. Chloe being stupid w these spoilers. First giving Brady relationship advice to split when his crazy bitch gf already hates her w jealousy. Kristen gonna hulk smash her way out of the clink to choke her.

    Then Chloe decides to help and protect Phillip against the mob like she didn’t just spend several years being kidnapped and having her life threatened into a living hell by another mob cartel? In what universe....

    • LOL 7
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  8. Bish they have $99 home paternity tests.

    yeah I’m pretty sure I should be rooting for Allie and Lani in their storylines but I get so annoyed seeing and listening to them. I hope the aftermath of these stories usher them off. 

    That actor playing Charlie is doing a great job. That speaks highly of him since they have no set coach and get virtually no feed back from the slackers in charge. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

    "Gabi Hernandez (Camila Banus) comes back to claim her man on the NBC soap opera...Now, Jake Lambert’s (Brandon Barash) in an official and public romance with Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow). And he’s falling hard for her. However, Gabi comes back to town to sink her claws back into him."

    Her man?? They had sex once and now she thinks she has some claim to him?? It's stuff like this - the entitlement - why I can't stand Gabi and didn't want her to come back. I hope Jake tells her to fuck off and he and Kate continue with their relationship - which I've grown to like. 

    I kinda liked Jake initially kinda like a younger version salt of the earth guy like Dan on The Connors/Roseanne or Kev on Shameless which is sorely needed on this soap which is filled w 30-40 somethings bros who are C Suite executives in a small town but he’s not that likable or warm, I’m not seeing why he’s that’s sought after or being chased other than his looks or something 🤷‍♀️ The only reason Gabi would be remotely be interested in him is he looks like Stefan and that has passed and would not carry any love match... I’d buy her carrying a flame for Eli more than this. 

    On that note the only time I’ve ever noticed Eli is attractive was when he was dating her which is incredibly telling that someone that gorgeous is so boring and a doormat in scenes with Lani and Rafe and Hope and Julie that you don’t even  notice his obvious appearance, easy wit, or toughness. Their dullness and how self absorbed they can be actually dimmed the light of his looks and personality which isn’t stanning him w Gabi; but saying he should be freed to not be some off hand prop or mere reactor. 

    I’m happy Abby is leaving Chad. Long overdue in my book and I have HATED Abby for years so that’s a testament to Marci Miller’s portrayal and interpretation of the story and a wake up call to the writing of Chad, who’s a been a quick to anger and a more smug or bigger  dickhead for almost 2 years. Chad used to be a warm charming dude I liked a lot from his time working at Java Cafe till a couple years ago. His friendships w Will and w Kate used to be legitimately tender and meaningfully built up for hundreds of scenes. 

    • Love 4
  10. 11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I refuse to watch this on the app so if they don't show it in late night then I simply will not watch it lol. I will actually be bummed though because I'm really digging the show right now.

    Yeah Peacock sux 😂 I just finally deleted it a couple days  ago. I used the free version and some of the episodes of Days and Below Deck would have like 12 separate commercial breaks and no FF #bruh 

  11. Chad’s a fucking dirtbag who’s been acting like an edgy prick since before Steve came back. I hope Abby dumps him. 

    Claire and Allie are really hard to watch. Ron does NOT know how to write women. They’re either crazy bitchs or shrews or super babyish twee twits (Claire, Allie, Sarah). He does know that Claire and Allie are like 22 and have had sex with dudes before, went to college, socialized with their peers? But theirs fanning their hands and giggling running to tell each other over a fucking kiss... or blown away a dude would share some french fries 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

    • Love 11
  12. I hate the character of Abigail but I find Marci Miller’s portrayal preferable. She brings much more nuance and feeling to the role and has a more skilled interpretation. I find her more interesting to watch. She also looked more like the child of Jack and Jennifer and she has some good chemistry with her family. I found her believable as the daughter of Jen / MR and new Jen / Cady.

    in the bullshit going on w her and Chad I’m actively rooting for her something I’ve NEVER done for Abby. 


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