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Ayn Marx 666

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  1. Funny, I've liked the way Xander was allowed to grow. By the end of the series---though it's less visible at the very end because nobody's building anything in Sunnydale---he's grown from being very determinedly a failure to being the boss of a construction crew in very little time, and in stark material terms is the closest thing to a functional adult of all the Gang. ...and though he did it in a profoundly bad way and for a profoundly stupid reason, his decision not to marry Anya was the closest thing to a mature decision I can see from any of them. (I lost all sympathy with Buffy the moment she decided that her sister's life was worth letting the world end in horrendous pain...which would have ended her sister's life. Only a nonsensical anus-pull at the end of Season 5 prevented this from being the case, and it worked only because she had the writers on her side.)
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