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Posts posted by windsprints

  1. I agree, it does remind of the Ellis/Richard scenario. I don't think its for MerDer though. I think its a light bulb moment for Maggie. Perhaps she finds out why Ellis left Seattle/Richard is her father around this time. Seeing these people going through it and seeing how it can just end could help her see what Ellis was feeling when she left Seattle.

    • Love 1
  2. Two more sides came out - Tara and Greg:


    Tara/Greg - Tara's patient room. Tara's lover and coworker Greg are with Tara and they are looking over a formal offer of employment from a Paris (later its NY) law firm as Dr. Smith draws blood. 


    Greg tells her its great that they offered her the job, unbelievable.  Tara confidently says 'what's not to believe?' then says 'it's amazing'. Greg sees the responses Tara sent on her laptop. He's seems surprised she's asking for that much money and says its a little audacious. She says she is an audacious  person and that's why they want her. Greg says he's afraid she's going to ruffle some feathers. Tara tells him to stop being afraid. No one will give you anything, you need to take it, hold onto it and fight off anyone that tries to take it from you. Greg is stunned by her vehemence.


    Tara asks him to come with her but Greg says he has his own projects here. She tells him they aren't as good without each other and they are meant to do this together. He knows that, doesn't he? Imagine them living in NY and practicing law. Greg, in agony, tells her she has a family, he has a family. Tara says to rip the bandage off and let the light in. They deserve to be happy. Greg realizes they do. He looks at Dr. Smith who is pretending not to listen. He sounds forceful and decisive, like a new man as he tells Tara they do. Tara says tonight, Greg says he'll tell his family tonight, she says she'll tell hers.They kiss. She says her heart is racing. There's a knock at the door. Jack says 'Hello? Tara?" Greg is stricken. Caught. Whispers, damn it, its Jack, God --


    Tara tells him to stop panicking and to stand by the door. Greg is obscured as Dr. Smith opens it, there is Jack, their boss. He tells Tara he got a call from the NY firm. They are going to give her everything she asked for. She's elated. Jack tells her that the partners would like to talk to her tomorrow to go over details. Tara silently looks at Greg, he feigns excitement but as she turns to Jack is face is falling.


    Lobby, Day - Tara is pacing until she sees Greg walking towards her. He's hard to read. Tara tells him she did it, they are free! Greg says he couldn't. Tara cannot believe this, says he promised. Greg tells her she has a husband and he made a vow. Tara tells him that he made a promise to her and he has to do it. He says he can't, he won't, he's sorry. He can't do it to his wife and kids. Tara says its what they agreed upon but he says he can't. She says he can't leave her, he turns and walks away. She desperately calls after him but he keeps walking. Tara tries to compose herself and starts repeating "I have to go home". Tara is reeling as she heads off.


    What´s ND doctor,please?


    I don't know if there's any real definition but in the sides its always been a generic doctor so I thought it mean non-descript.

  3. The most egregious is the off-centered shower fixtures.


    I was waiting for them to fix those. I don't see how that wasn't considered something that needed to be fixed. I could overlook the blue frames faster than those off center fixtures if I were a buyer (and I did not like the frames).

    I have enjoyed this show, even when it drives me crazy. The aspect I like best is the fact that there has been very little discord and everyone seems to get along. I hate the phoney drama that happens on so many of these HGTV shows.


    I agree. It was nice to not have all the bickering.

    • Love 3
  4. The fighting could also be Meredith and Derek, since they're going to be on the rocks probably. If we take the sides literally, well, they did have a dog together that died, so it's possible. Who knows. Sides tend to mix scenarios up all the time just for the sake of being confusing (or they get changed/omitted). They can be red herrings.


    My money is on Callie/Arizona. It follows up from 11x01 with the surrogate/adoption falling through. Them meeting with another agency/counselor/lawyer to pursue another avenue makes the most sense IMO. 


    Thank you for sharing the sides, Windsprints. :)


    You're welcome, its not a big deal.

    • Love 1
  5. I agree, it could be a marriage counselor but I'm not sure. I thought adoption because of they were planning to add to their family.


    Here's the Jeff side. In parts Dr. Jenkins is referred to as a he so it may be Derek but its hard to say. IIRC, Callie spoke of working to apply the sensors to prosthetics last season so I still think it could be her.


    Jeff: Dr. Jenkins sits with Jeff Dickerson (30). Jeff is in a wheelchair and missing his leg above his kness. He says 'come on, you want to give me a robotic leg. Like the Terminator?' Dr. J says more like 6 Million Dollar Man though the prosthetic costs a bit more than that. Jeff says its cool but his price-point is more broomstick glued to a bucket. Dr. Jenkins explains that the hospital is willing to do it pro bono. Jeff is appreciative but he's been through 3 prosthetics and the pain was worse with each one. Dr. Jenkins tells him the leg should be pain free but that they'd still need to run test to make sure he's a candidate. All he has to do is show up. Jeff agrees, Dr. Jenkins is thrilled that Jeff's on board.


    Lab, day - Jeff is on the exam table as Dr. J is attaching the electrodes. The need the nerves and muscles to interface with the sensors.  Jeff is holding the leg, its the coolest thing he's ever seen. Asks again if its free; yes.  Dr. J repositions the sensors. Jeff says he has friends who lost limbs and they're hiking and walking, they feel like their old selves. He had to get right with the idea of staying in the chair for the rest of his life. And now Dr. J is telling him he may walk again....asks if he can take a picture of it for his mom. Dr. Jenkins smiles and tells him to go for it, keep flexing. Dr. is looking at the monitor then repositions the sensor on his own forearm - the monitor bursts with activity. He puts it back to Jeff and tells him to flex a little harder. Dr. Jenkins' face is grim, Jeff notices and asks if everything is ok. Dr. Jenkins takes a deep breath then gives Jeff the bad news. His nerves are no longer communicating with the muscles. The sensors on the prosthesis can't feel the nerve impulses so the leg will not work. Jeff asks if it can be fixed, Dr. J explains its not the sensors. Jeff says its him, Dr Jenkins tells him he's not an eligible candidate for the prosthetic, he's sorry. Jeff is crushed. Dr. Jenkins watches helplessly as he deletes the picture from his phone.

    • Love 1
  6. Filming 8/15-8/28:

    Woman: Annie and Jake are in the middle of a huge fight in a waiting room. Annie is asking Jake if he's telling her that he managed to kill every pet he's ever had and expect her to be ok with getting a pet with her. A woman says hi. They look up and see that the Pet Adoption woman has come out of her office and heard their fight. Guessing its Callie and Arizona having some kind of argument while waiting to speak with an adoption counselor or lawyer. 


    Steve (probably Amelia's patient): Paramedics bring in Steve Tate, dressed in motorcycle leathers, head bashed in. Paramedic says 38, thrown, no helmet, skull fracture, left side hemiparesis. Dr. Smith asks Steve his name, Steve is in pain, Dr. Smith gives him something for the pain and Steve goes out like a light.


    Steve's room, post op. Dr. Smith shows the CT to Steve who is just out of surgery. There's an aneurysm that could blow or clot and cause a stroke. Needs surgery now. Its risky. Endovascular approach is the best option.


    Next scene is the operation. Steve is conscious but very sedated. He tells Dr. Smith riding without a helmet is a personal freedom. She/he says its illegal in this state, Steve says that's stupid, Dr. S says "says the man with the giant hole in his head". Steve says it affects no one but him, Dr. S says someone else has to clean it up. Steve slurs and slips out of consciousness. Monitors blare as his pulse races.


    Peggy: Peggy is in the ER with her son Tommy, age 11. Dr. Carter is examining and says its likely his appendix, they will figure it out and introduces himself as Dr. Carter.  Peggy looks confused and says she knows, they met 2 years ago. Dr. Carter clearly doesn't remember. Lifts up Tommy's shirt to reveal an appendectomy scar as Peggy says "when you took out his appendix".


    Next scene: Peggy lays into Dr. Carter with Dr. Jones standing behind. They left a portion of Tommy's appendix inside him. Dr. Carter says it must have been hidden, its no one's fault, it was a complication. They have an OR waiting. Peggy tells Dr. Carter he/she is not touching her

    son. Ever.  He said he was fine yet left something inside him that could have killed him. Dr. Carter says he/she is only observing, Dr. Jones will do the surgery. Peggy begrudeningly agrees saying 'maybe she won't screw it up'.


    The side says "he" for Dr. Carter so it could be Alex but I think its likely its Meredith, Bailey or Richard. Even though Tommy is 11 appendectomy surgery has always been done on the show by general surgeons. Of the interns Leah spent the most time in general and she's gone now.


    I'll get the last one later but quickly - its either Callie or Derek with a person with a prosthetic leg with sensors. The leg ends up not working because of nerve damage. Derek has been doing the brain mapping/sensors but Callie was applying to prosthetics so my guess is its Callie. 

  7. Flashbacks.  There were some more sides out for 11x01. One is for a girl Lisa. It appears to be Meredith, with Ellis waking her to take her out of town. In another scene they are at the hospital and it could be something like Ellis finding out she is pregnant or even after the suicide attempt.

  8. Here you go:

    Filming 7/25 - 8/6

    Brian/Tracy -  ER. Brian (25, more muscles than brains) is there with Tracy (25, attractive, athletic) who has suffered a stroke. Dr. Jones enters and Dr. Smith presents, Tracy, early 20s, ischemic stroke.  Brian questions a stroke? I gave her a stroke? Dr. Jones examines,asks Brian if we have a history. Brains says he doesn't even know her last name. They met at the gym a couple of weeks prior and they play racquetball, she kicks his ass frequently and today was the first time he was winning. He asks if it was him, was he pushing too hard. He's self impressed. Dr. Jones asks him what answer he is looking for. Before he answers Dr. Jones asks if she is on the pill, Brian doesn't know.


    Post Op - Brian stands awkwardly in Tracy's room while she sleeps. Dr. Jones comes in. Brain asks Dr. Jones if he will look clingy if he hangs around and asks her out or is it cooler to text her. They only played racquetball but he likes her. Dr. Jones smiles, its stupid and sweet. Tells Brian he should stay, she'd like that. Brian smiles.


    Eric/Rita - Rita Patel is 33 weeks pregnant, has Epstein's Malformation, is there for observation. Her husband, Eric (34), is with her. Dr.Burns and an intern come into the room. Rita will be there until she gives birth. Dr. Burns asks the intern why, Rita speaks before the intern can. She says that childbirth could cause her heart to give out, the risks are that having this baby could kill her but she doesn't believe them. Eric nods, we can see he's trying to be there for her.


    Next scene, Rita's room, day. Rita is breathing hard and very uncomfortable. Eric is holding her had. She tells Dr. Burns that she's had lower back pain but this is different. Its in the center and burning. Dr. Burns says it could be a lot of things and they are going to take her for an ultrasound.


    Next: (note that the Rita side and the Eric side list the conditions differently. Its a heart problem in the Rita side and a brain bleed in the Rita side. My guess is it will be heart and Maggie will be the doctor). Dr. Burns and Dr. Norton (or Abraham, name is different in each too) with Eric, Eric is losing it. Dr. Norton explains that Rita is having an aortic dissection, a tear in the inner wall, causes blood to force the vessel apart.  She needs an emergency C section, Dr. Norton will operate on the baby while Dr. Burns is repairing your---- Rita cuts in asking if the baby is too little,can she handle the surgery? Dr. Burns says there's no choice. Rita will die without the surgery. Rita says just make sure my baby --- Eric cuts in telling her to please stop talking about the baby. I told you not to do this. I told you this would happen. Dr. Burns tells Eric to step outside, he goes. 


    Outside of the room Eric tells the doctor he told her not to do this, he knew this would happen. Dr. tells him she needs his support right now. Eric says he can't support her killing herself, Dr. says she doesn't want to loose her child. Eric says she already did. Explains that 5 years ago their little girl Madeline died. Rita was walking with her and let go of her hand because Madeline wanted to run. She fell down and hit her head on the sidewalk, 4 feet from her mother, she was gone. It was a freak thing but Rita will always believe its because she let go of her hand. They thought they would have another child then Rita got her diagnosis so they didn't try. It was a shock when she got pregnant. He begged her not to have it but she would not let go and now he's going to lose them both. Dr. says they are going to do their best. Eric goes back to his wife.


    Night-Rita's ICU room. Dr. Abraham updates them on the baby. She's fine, she is beautiful. Eric kisses Rita, she's overwhelmed with relief. Dr. will let them know when they can see her. They hold each other, Dr. leaves.


    Jeannie/Majorie - Majorie (late 80s) is the patient and Jeannie is her daughter. Dr. Clark leads Dr. Michaels in to see Majorie, who recently coded. Dr. Clark asks Marjorie how she is doing but she's very sick and moans. Jeannie tells her mother she is getting tea, will be back soon. Marjorie grabs the doctor's arm and uses all her strength to say if it happens again please let her die. 


    Majorie's room - Dr. Clark talking to Majorie. Asks if she knows where she is, she's not out of her mind. She's lived 89 years, 65 of those with her husband, more years with him than without him. The taught English in Japan, its very green there. Now she's here, in this ugly room alone. She's always in pain and they give her drugs that make her forget everything. She is forgetting her life, her beautiful life. She's earned better than this. Dr. Clark says there are forms she can sign. Marjorie says that Jeannie won't let her. She'd never forgive herself if everything wasn't done.  She's good-hearted, always has been. Marjorie says if its her time she should get to die remembering her life, shouldn't she? She isn't pleading, she is reasoning. And, she is right.


    Nurse - Nurses move a crash cart to a patient room as Dr. Hall arrives. The patient is coding and a nurse is performing CPR. Dr. Hall asks how long, 40 seconds, is there a DNR, no. Dr. Hall says its not gonna do it, let me. She pushes past the nurse and takes over.


    Robbie - Robbie's room. Robbie, 22, is trying to pass a kidney stone. He's curled on his side in pain. Dr. Rogers tells him to hang in there. Tells Dr. Hall that Robbie has been having some arrhythmias so they called for an EKG. Robbie is red and very short of breath. Dr. Hall doesn't like the EKG, orders morphine. Tells Robbie to relax, Robbie does just that.

  9. In Canada Grey's will be airing on Wednesday nights at 10 beginning October:


    5.    How to Get Away with Simulcast
    When the U.S. networks began revealing their schedules, CTV was clearly in a jam thanks to Grey’s Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory both changing timeslots come September. The solution? Air them both out of simulcast at a given point. When The Big Bang Theory returns, it will be in a pre-release at 7:30 p.m. Monday nights, leading into the inaugural season of Gotham. Grey’s Anatomy, meanwhile, will occupy the simulcasted slot (8 p.m. on Thursdays) until the end of October. At that time, Grey’s flips to a pre-release Wednesdays at 10 p.m., and Big Bang settles back into its Thursday night home. Confused? You can thank football.



  10. She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically)



    I don't either. Other then 1 early episode after Bailey found them in the car when has being involved with Derek been a downside professionally? Richard gave Burke interim chief and then in season 3 initially didn't want to consider Derek for chief due to his relationship with Meredith, but I don't recall anything for her. 


    I meant that a lot of what you listed was temporary inconvenience for Derek, not permanent.


    Why does it need to be permanent? Someone on another board mentioned that Derek's position could end when the Presidential term ends. They could move anywhere after that. They were keeping their seats on the board even. She'd just need to practice in another hospital for a period of time.

    Then again, it might be a fakeout and she isn't Richard's



    Agree, Ellis could have met someone in Boston after she left. I hope not though. She's here and has been made a regular. I'd rather it be a story for Richard about having found a child than yet another Meredith pop up sister.

  11. These 3 sides came out after I had gotten the others:

    Eyeball Man - ER hallway, Dr. Hall is scared by a man whose eyeball is bulging out of his face like a fish. Eyeball man tells Dr. Hall he can't see out of it, Dr. Hall says its definitely there. Dr. Hall says there is blood behind it and she is going to release it. She shoots lidocaine into his temple, by the eye. She holds her hand so he won't see that she is slicing through the skin by his eyelid. Blood gushes down his face and she gently pinches his eyelid shut, making the eyeball pop back into place. Tells him to open his eye, he blinks and tells her he can see. Thank you! Thank you so much! He beams at her, his face totally covered in blood.

    Investigator - Hospital Hallway, day. Amid busy personnel Dr. Kelly talks to an investigator.  The investigator confirms to Dr. Kelly that it looks like a regular car accident. A dog ran into the road and the driver lost control, causing the pile up. Dr. Kelly says don't tell me, tell the media. Get it out there before people panic.

    Weather Guy - a chirpy Seattle morning show there's a chirpy morning anchor and weather guy. The weather guy gives the forecast - mid 70s, unseasonably warm and clear. Its going to be a great day, Seattle!

  12. Maybe Sandra leaves in episode 22 with Burke? I don't think there's been any spoilers regarding the story with his return. I could see her leaving in 22 or 23 since 24 is an hour. That would be my preference instead of having her good bye shoved in the middle of the chaos.

    Sorry, I left one side out:

    Morning Anchor: Good Morning Seattle interior. Diane, the morning news anchor holds up a coconut and says that a report on coconut oil is next. She's smiling as she addresses the camera.

    Hospital ER, day.  Dr. Hall tells the nurse to turn up the tv. There is breaking news, an overhead shot of a massive pileup on the freeway, with chaos, people running and lying injured, emergency vehicles and an 18 wheeler on its side. The morning anchor reports that its an enourmous car accident following a high speed chase on the freeway. Happened minutes ago. Reports of multiple fatalities and injuries. The morning anchor says the big concern is, what we're all wondering, who was in the car and why were they running?

    Corridor, day. A crowd of nurses are gathered around a tv. The anchor is reporting that the investigators have determined that the accident was caused by driver error. Seattle PD says there is no evidence of foul play - amid the incredible relief of our doctors.

  13. Its finale sides time!

    The sides describe a multi-vehicle crash with many injuries, which seems to be caused by 2 high school kids who carjacked a car. Pure speculation - I think it’s something else like an explosion or a shooting. Or, since its Shondaland, maybe the doctor with the organ cooler has a bomb in the cooler. Its is SGM, which seems to sit on the hellmouth.  They often use a different situation for the finale sides and a few things in the side don't come across to me as a car crash, like why would the anchor be concerned about the reporter's safety when she's outside the hospital.  Here's the summaries:

    Filming dates: 4/11 - 4/23

    Doctor - West Lobby, day. A cab pulls up. A doctor in strange scrubs gets out carrying an organ cooler. Dr. Smith approaches him and asks if its for Allie Callway. The doctor says yes, needs to find Dr. Hall. Dr. Smith points the doctor to the nurse's station and says she will direct the doctor. The doctor goes and Dr. Smith goes off in another direction.

    Female reporter - a field reporter is doing a stand up report outside the west lobby. She says its speculation at this point but the mysterious car jacker could be a member of one of Seattle's most notorious gangs. That has them wondering if it’s a gang initiation gone awry. The anchor asks if she should even be there. She replies I know, right? It’s an intensely dangerous situation. She's also receiving reports that police are looking to question these men, photos of 2 high school boys flash on the screen, who are being treated right here in this hospital.

    Young Girl - In the ER Dr. Jenkins is changing the IV of an unconscious young girl. She wakes. Dr. Jenkins tells her it will be ok and she asks what happened. Dr. tells her there was a car accident but that its over and she is going to be fine. The young girl closes her eyes.

    Marilyn/Glenn - ER. Dr. Smith puts a mask on Marilyn (30s). She has a head lac, is out of it and panicking. She asks if she is going to be ok and Dr. Smith calmly tells her they are running tests and she's interrupted by Glenn (30s), scraped, bloody and panicked. Glenn says he can't find him. Dr. Smith asks who and Marilyn says her, our, little boy. He was in another car with friends. Marilyn starts hyperventilating; Dr. Smith ups the O2 and gets a syringe to sedate her. She asks the boy's name and what he looks like.  Glenn answers Leo, he's 10, has long brown hair. It’s too long, he won't cut it. And green eyes, they are really green. Dr. Smith steadies Marilyn as she injects her and says Leo is probably there and if he is they will find him.

    PICU - Dr. Kelly walks Glenn into the room to look at the unconscious boy. He steps forward then stops still. It’s not Leo, it’s not their son. He collapses into hopeless sobs.

    Baby's Dad/Baby's Mom - Dr. Hall is replacing a dressing on Tara, a girl who saved a baby from the car accident wreckage. The baby's parents (40s) enter, shell shocked and nervous to see Tara. They ask if she is ok and before she can say a word they are thanking her. The baby's mom is hugging her and the baby's dad takes her good hand. They are crying, so grateful to Tara.

    Leanne - Dr. Smith pushes a gurney with Leanne (20s). Leanne is 8 months pregnant and her tourniqueted arm is missing part of her forearm and hand. Dr. Smith tries to keep her calm, asks you're 31 weeks? Home stretch, you're doing great.  Tells Leanne they need to do surgery on her arm and if the baby goes into any kind of distress they will do a C-section. Leanne says no,no,no it’s too soon. Dr. Smith tells her the baby is going to be just fine. Leanne says it’s not time, she's too little, please let her get to term. Dr. Smith says we'll do what -- and Leanne cuts in. She explains that it’s a miracle she got pregnant. Every doctor said she wouldn't, they tried for years and then it happened. You have to protect her. Please. If I lose her -- Dr.Smith cuts in and says they are both going to be ok. And off they go.

    Leanne's room, night. Dr. Smith is changing the dressing on Leanne's arm. Dr. Kelly appears at the door, tentative. Dr. Kelly says the baby's father is there and wondered if Leanne would be up for --- Leanne says yes, yes, please yes. The dad enters shell-shocked and nervous and asks Leanne if she is ok. Leanne asks if she is ok? Do you love her? Is she alright?  He says she is perfect and beautiful. He's hugging Leanne now. They are both crying, so grateful that Leanne and the baby have survived.

    Male Reporter - Dr. Hall passes a tv and sees a male reporter reporting from a hospital hallway. The reporter says that the Seattle Police Department have reported that the men in the car were merely high school students operating an out of control vehicle. Dr. Hall walks off enraged, we still see the tv with the reporter says so that's an enormous relief. Dr. Hall suddenly appears. The reporter starts to ask
    Dr. Hall what can you tell as Dr. Hall tells him he needs to move. Clear the hallway, GET OUT OF THE WAY. NOW. The reporter is baffled.

    Mike - Officer Pelletier leans in close to Mike, 20, who is sitting on the bed. Mike is bloody and shocky from the accident. Pelletier asks him what was he doing in the streets on a school day, why weren't you in class? Mike is sweating, shaking and whispering. He asks where is Nicky? Where is my friend? Office Pelletier is getting impatient and tells Mike he wants to talk to him. Trust him, talk to him now. He doesn't want to have to take him out of there. Dr. Hall says Mike's eardrums are burst and that he may not hear him. Mike mumbles again, ...my friend, where's .... and crumples to the floor. Dr. Hall runs to him. Abdomen is rigid. Yells to a nurse to get a gurney, they need to take him up.

    • Love 1
  14. 10.19: Filming dates: 2/18 - 2/28

    In the hospital cafeteria a medical student approaches Dr. Brown and tells the doctor he's a student and wanted to say congratulations. Dr. Brown gives a death stare and asks if he's from the future. The student says no and Dr. Brown tells him to just shut up then. The student is horrified and walks away.

    10.20: Filming dates are 2/27 - 3/12

    Translator/Russian man: Derek's BMI Office, night. Dr. Smith is on the phone, a man speaks in Russian followed by a translator. The translator says they'd take the lead on Gene receptors, its their bread .... Dr. Smith? Dr. Smith says he's there, trying to pay attention.

    Shears in Brain Guy - Dr. Smith holds up a scan of a brain with kitchen scissors embedded in the skull. Dr. Smith says "can't say I've ever seen that before".  Shears in Brain says "I know, right!?!". He fully concious with the scissors sticking out of his forehead and just as impressed as Dr. Smith.

    Nova/Chelsea - Nova Jenkins (20s) is in her room with her best friend Chelsea sitting on her bed. Nova is eating a burrito. Dr. Smith comes in and says good news, they're doing her surgery tonight instead of tomorrow, they've shuffled things around. Chelsea says to Dr. Smith that Nova picked him from his picture, its all about the eyes. She's needling Nova who is gaga over Dr. Smith. Nova says there's a lot of fine doctors out there but you, Dr. Smith, are a fine doctor. Then tell him his face crinkles when he's about to give bad news. He says that patients need to fast prior to  surgery and nods to the half eaten burrito. Nova asks if it needs to be postponed again. She's been there almost a week. He can't do this again, not to this nice girl. Dr. Smith says they have to wait 8 hours so they will do the surgery at 2:30 am. Nova saya midnight rendezvous! Chelsea shakes her head laughing at her best friend.  If Nova didn't love him before she absolutely does now. Nova says "I love you", Chelseas says "she means it, she loves you." Dr. Smith smiles, shaking his head at these two.

    Post-Op, morning.  Chelsea is beside Dr. Smith he examines Nova is she is waking up. She's non-responsive and groggy. Its intense. He leans over and looks in her pupils. Dr. Smith asks Nova if she can hear him and to blink if she understands him. It looks like she may be gorked. Then groggy, she speaks "smiling eyes" then to Chelsea "he's so pretty".  The whole rooms sighs with relief. Dr. Smith asks "what's your name?". She replies "Nova Jenkins, thanks for asking Dr. Pretty". Everythig looks good.

    Nicole/Kyle: Dr. Ramos consults for Dr. Carter, examining a facial lac on Jill Kasliner, age 4. Her parents Nicole and Kyle argue. Nicole is deaf and communicates through ASL while Kyle uses both ASL and speaking. They're discussing whether to get rid of the dog. The dog growled after Jill was pulling on his tail but Jill didn't hear and then got the bite. Dr. Ramos asks if they've ever considere cochlear implants. They aren't interested. Dr. Ramos says Jill is the perfect age, healthy and now would be the time to get the most benefit. Nicole's signs become big, passionate, "loud". She says that her daughter is deaf. She is not diseased. She doesn't need to be cured or fixed. Kyle says see, now you made her yell. Dr. Ramos apologizes saying he/she didn't mean to be disrespectful.

    Excited Doctor/Excited Doctor 2- Auditorium, day. Hundreds of crowd the large auditorium. An excited doctor sidles up to Dr. Marshall and introduces himself as Robert Bonocore. Dr. Marshall says "the epilepsy specialist". Excited doctor says he's a huge fan, has read all Dr. Marshall's work, its just facinating. Truly. Dr. Marshall says thank you as Excited Doctor 2 overhears and asks where Dr. Marshall is on the second phase. They are all waiting to see when they can get their hands on this. Excited Doctor asks when Dr. Marshall will finish the fellowship, Excited Doctor 2 says he/she imagines everyone is asking that.

    Sounds dull. No surprise Derek is beginning to tire of his big opportunity. Just in time to ditch in the finale, lol.


    The sides for Nova and Chelsea have been replaced. All the references to pretty eyes, etc. have been removed. New sides are as follows:

    Nova and Chelsea are in Nova's room. Dr. Rogers enters. Chelsea says he ought to be ashamed, Nova tells her not to yell at him, he's doing his best. Chelsea says Nova is sweet but a pushover. She won't say it but Chelsea will - she's sick, you keep jerking her around, scheduling her surgery then canceling. She hasn't eaten in 2 days and has had 3 seizures in 4 hours. Dr. Rogers says she's right, he's sorry its been this difficult but they are doing the surgery at 2:30am. Chelsea says to Nova see what a little backbone will do?

    Post-Op: Dr. Rogers examines Nove as Chelsea stands by. She's waking, groggy and non-responsive. Its tense. Dr. Rogers leans over her asking if she can hear him, Chelsea asks why she isn't answering. Dr. Rogers tells Nova to blink if she understands. Its starting to look like she is gorked then Nova speaks, asking if its ok if she says 'yes' or is the blinking medically important. She's groggy but fine, smiling at Dr. Rogers. The room sighs with releif as Dr. Rogers says "yes" works for me. Nova says she can blink too. Dr. Rogers continues a brief exam, says its looking good and that Dr. Meyers will be charge of Nova's post op care. Rest up. Nova says sounds good to me.

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