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Everything posted by mk828

  1. We had a security guard that was paying girls for their used panties 🤢
  2. Ok what is with the most half ass paint job?? Why are the walls half painted?
  3. Anyone else really want ice cream all of a sudden?? Haha
  4. In other news, I have my 20 year high school reunion this weekend. Well, technically 21, we just never could agree on a date last year. Here's to hoping I may actually like some of these people 20 years later haha
  5. This is not a good situation here Amber.
  6. That is a lot of t-shirt she has there.
  7. I did get really excited when I saw that Jean, if I am not mistaken is the one with like 8 dogs and a gross trailer is also going to get a WATN. Always wondered what happened to her.
  8. I somehow don't really remember his eposode.
  9. Hello Pounders!! Tonight's menu, Chinese food with the parents with my finaceè. Our son is on a school field trip to DC. Child free for 3 days :)
  10. Love it and hate it.. Just so expensive now. It has changed so much over the last 20ish years.
  11. That is crazy!! Yep, born and raised here in Stamford!
  12. Perhaps she is an avid Price is Right fan?? Plays from her couch?
  13. I work at Dolan Middle School in Stamford, CT
  14. I've only had one episode in my state of Connecticut. Felt so honored. I saw on Dr. Now's IG that he hosted a meet and greet at his office recently. Would have been all over that if I was closer. Apparently it was highly attended.
  15. Are they already on WATN episodes?? I feel as if the season just started. I saw rumors online it was the last season. Dr. Now might be retiring?!?! He can't retire! What would we do without our snark dates?
  16. A little late to the party here. Dad life had me running around like crazy! Missed y'all last week with a vacation in Florida. Thank God for spring break! My middle school students were on my last nerve!!
  17. 2 weeks in a row with no park walks. See y'all next week!
  18. Wait, if you listen to Dr. Now you lose weight??
  19. I can't imagine sitting like that with your head looking into that machine for hours for a surgery. Gotta be uncomfortable
  20. My son devoured his white chocolate bunny. He doesn't like chocolate or peanut butter.
  21. We are in desperate need of a train wreck episode this season.
  22. Ok those grandkids are making me want to lose weight! They are so sweet!
  23. Does it say "My Love 2" on he phone? I thought he was hubby #3?
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