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Posts posted by nixgirl28

  1. They're all despicable people, but Joy could be the worst. Are we supposed to feel sympathetic towards her? Because she's just terrible.


    I kindof figured the ending out, didn't see Savannah/Lindsey being Harry's sister though. That kindof seemed like a rushed storyline.

    On 3/17/2024 at 8:50 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    The bloody jacket would have had a lot of dog DNA on it. They just ignored that?

    Probably since the dog "found" the jacket, they took that into consideration 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    My first thought - Stan killed Savannah because she wouldn't leave.

    I was thinking it was Joy disguised as Stan hauling random junk, in an effort to frame him for her murder.


    I'll watch the last 2 eps tonight but my prediction is that Joy pulled a Gone Girl and disappeared herself and ran away with Savannah (not in a romantic way, but because she thinks Savannah is the only one who cares about her). Interesting to see how it resolves.

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  3. On 2/12/2024 at 6:57 PM, possibilities said:

    I suspect mom is not as innocent as dude thinks she is. Her total rejection of the other brother is surprising. Maybe the kid is the family scapegoat. Maybe dad fell and everybody blamed the brother. I mean, it's never as simple as a dysfunctional family makes things seem to outsiders. If dad was so dangerous, why didn't mom do anything to protect the kids or help the dad? A kid wanting his dad dead is not something that happens without a lot of abusive build up. 

    Dad was paranoid and that's not easy to live with and who knows, maybe mom bought into it too. He is similar to my dad, all about prepping and a survivalist lifestyle, fear of "them" and conspiracy minded. It's hard on a kid, especially moving away from everything to live in anxiety and paranoia. It really takes its toll (ask how I know, lol). I'm guessing it was probably an accident that is just assumed to be murder (and of course people in these shows don't communicate). Or it was a crime of passion and the kid just snapped from the stress of it all. We'll see, I really hope they don't go the abuse route, I think mental illness/paranoia/delusions is enough.

  4. 1 hour ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

    Or hell, send an email! I'm guessing the dad's death might have been an accident, or maybe Lee Tergresen intentionally jumped trying to escape whoever was "after" him. 

    I also like the theory that the mom was involved - given his increasing level of paranoia and presumably violent outbursts, maybe she led him to his death.

    Pretty much!

    I'll never turn down shirtless Hartley, and the man can wear a pair of jeans quite nicely.  But I also wonder if he's doing something to his face, as it looked just slightly off in direct shots.  I'm not knocking cosmetic procedures, because hey, that's the entertainment biz.  But when it's not done well, or the results are still...settling, it's more noticeable then ever in this high definition, digital era. 

    But yeah, he looks his age and there's no reason the character can't be in his forties.  I wonder who is cast as the older brother in present day.  

    In any case, I'll probably watch the next day via streaming to avoid the commercials.  It went by pretty quickly for me in that regard.

    Oh he's gorgeous! Doesn't look old or bad in any way, but he looks in his forties. I think I was just taken aback because I just turned 37 and don't like the idea that he's younger than me, lol!

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  5. It was OK. Some terrible writing in places. Some rough acting in places. We're supposed to believe he's 36? Justin Hartley is a good looking guy, but he looks his 47 years. 

    I'm slightly intrigued, but no character to this point is interesting or likeable yet. I might give it another episode or two, maybe once it gets its stride and figures itself out a bit, this show could be really good.

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  6. Just a vent

    I used to really love this show. I've had a stillborn baby, so I was sucked in from the pilot. I've been able to relate to some aspect of each of the big 3, I've loved many of the other characters. Seasons 1-2 were great, season 3 in Vietnam got dull, season 4 was great. Season 5 was a mess. It was either outlandish (Laurel's resurrection) or just filler. The only thing that moved the plot forward really was the last 3 minutes of the finale. I've spent 5 years with these characters, sometimes loving them sometimes hating them, always crying with them, but I'm ready for it to end.

    I'm afraid S6 will be more outlandish stories or filler until the finale wraps everything up in a messy bow. I feel this show has gone way downhill and is just laughable at this point. It just makes me sad.

    • Love 5
  7. 5 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    I'm almost always Team Beth, but Bratty Tess is really taking the cake lately.  Beth should have told her this is a teachable moment where you learn the wedding day is the bride's day and to suck it up buttercup with the dress.  Tess is now manipulating Beth to get what she wants because she can accuse her mother of not getting her gayness which leave Beth feeling like a failure.

    Yep, Beth is scared of Tess. She indulges her because she's afraid to offend her. Whether a child (and Tess is supposed to be 12!) is straight, gay, a they, etc they need boundaries and discipline. Beth's more concerned with Tess seeing her as woke, not with parenting her, and Tess knows it too.

    • Love 18
  8. 53 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    Sorry this has been bothering me all day. I don't get the "look" that Kate and Madison got from Kevin.

    You can't compare young Kevin and 40 year old Kev.

    Of course when you are young you make those types of plans.  Get married at 25. Career goals at 28. Kids at 30. Then grow old.  But at 40 not many do that even when the marry. It's his second marriage.  He would just be hoping (given the circumstances) that it's going to work out.  Plus there's the pandemic to factor it.  Most people are just living day by day hoping to make it to the other side given the circumstances. 

    I give Kevin a HUGE pass on that question.  It was a shitty question.

    Yeah, shouldn't newlywed game style questions be more like "who leaves their socks on the bedroom floor?" or "who's more likely to get a speeding ticket?"? It just seemed too much for a silly bachelorette game.

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  9. 23 minutes ago, madmax said:

    Kate and Toby live in LA, so only Toby had to fly.  Kevin chartered a jet for everybody except Randall, who could drive to the Poconos from Philly.

    Ok, my antenna was a little fuzzy at some points, I missed that Kevin chartered a plane for the group. It was bugging me the whole episode, how stressed Toby was about the job thing, yet he still flew out there. Makes a lot more sense now, thanks!

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  10. Some more thoughts: what are the women going to do with their paintings of the naked model? Haha

    We know Kate and Toby don't move to SF, we see the montage of Jack growing up and creating music in their garage. Maybe he works remotely or commutes, and years of that causes their marriage to fall apart? Maybe he stays in LA. 

    How did Toby and Kate afford a cross country flight for a the bachelor party as well as Kate throwing the bachelorette party? 

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  11. 8 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Broken record here, but Madison creeps me out. She's estranged from her family. Her father pre-emptively has an emergency business thing days/weeks before her wedding?* Not one of her 'friends' can make it out to her wedding shower? She mentioned Kevin being 'polite' about responding to her texts post-one-night-stand, but it didn't seem to me that there was any contact between them afterwards until she turned up pregnant. (Could be wrong about that but that's how I recall it.) Naked Model Guy ghosted her and didn't seem all that eager to defend himself. All that and her mood swings over Kevin and his career, etc., just seem like giant waving red flags to me.

    *and has Kevin even met or talked to the man yet?

    I agree. Madison is the common denominator here, what's the deal? 

    For the penultimate episode this was pretty dull. More tension, more doubts and apprehension. More of the same. Nothing progressed the story, maybe the flashback snippet of Rebecca and Miguel but otherwise, I could've not seen the episode and not missed anything. This used to be my favorite show, now I'm just glad there's only one season left.

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  12. 9 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    I'm white, I don't pretend to understand Randall's experiences, but I felt like Randall came into the discussion with Kevin looking for a fight and determined not to hear him. 

    Also, where was Phylicia Rashad during the girl's day? 

    She was upstairs listening, taking notes for Beth. 

    Jk! I thought she'd went with the girls, but she didn't walk in with them, so idk.

    • LOL 11
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  13. 14 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Not necessarily.  Hospitals will get free samples of various products to give to new mothers.  The products are not full sized, but samples do happen.  The hospital in my town got a huge shipment of little boxes of Dreft to give out to patients.  They received so much that they had to put cases into storage.  Then that storage facility was cleaned out, and all those little boxes of Dreft ended up in the dumpster.  But not for long, because my dad's company also used that particular storage facility and he was a dumpster diver.  He and his buddy loaded up and my mom had enough laundry detergent for my family of 6 for almost a year.

    Some samples, sure, but the packages of diapers and wipes, etc are charged (even if insurance pays for it), at least I always have been.

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  14. On 2/28/2021 at 1:56 AM, Leeds said:

    There's nothing complimentary in American health care.

    Yep. All those diapers and baby shampoos Jack and Rebecca took home were charged to them too. They and the nurse acted like it was free treasure, ha! Nope, plus it's marked up too.

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  15. On 2/25/2021 at 2:39 PM, PRgal said:

    What is with the Big 3 (or at least the guys) seeing ghosts of their parents?  We've had Randall seeing his birth mom and this past episode, Kevin saw Jack.  I suppose it won't be long before Kate sees someone.  Unless the urn counts.  

    At least Kevin's was a dream. Randall's experience was... a hallucination... I guess? He was awake right? I still don't get what it was. Kate saw Jack during her ivf, but again, anesthesia. Yeah, it's weird they're all seeing ghosts.

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  16. On 2/24/2021 at 10:58 AM, tennisgurl said:

    Randall's obsession with his biological family, including him apparently never being able to understand himself and find peace until he learns about his bio family, is starting to send a sort of uncomfortable message about adoption at times. 

    This just made me wonder: what if Kate and Toby had been chosen by a black birth mother? Would Randall have discouraged the adoption and been upset if they went through with it? Maybe he'd have been the uncle who could help the baby understand who they are as they grow up? That's probably not something the show wanted to deal with.

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  17. 16 hours ago, Eureka said:

    You just said everything that went through our minds. DS17 said to me, “I wouldn’t say that at all” when Toby called Kate unflappable. But I was surprised how unflappable Madison was, given what (albeit little) we’ve seen from her character. DS also asked “did you give me a long speech when you brought be home like Randal did.” Uh, no...and sitting on a hard chair eating ice cream in a parking lot on the way home with a two-day-old baby wouldn’t have been my choice either, but to each her own.

    She was wearing white (patterned) pants too. No post partum mom wears white pants!

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  18. 22 hours ago, Leeds said:

    What?  That's akin to saying "She asked for it".

    Are you suggesting she didn't ask for an epidural, they just gave her one automatically? Or are you comparing epidurals to rape? If she was getting an epidural she asked for it and signed paperwork consenting to it.

  19. 56 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    I think people on this show are incapable of having conversations that don't lead to the revelation of one's life story.  And just so I understand, Toby was never going to get to go into the hospital, correct?  They were essentially paying a babysitter to watch Jack so Toby could sit in a parking lot for however many hours and offer moral support by phone?  That seems somewhat counterproductive. 

    I guess they'd be taking Hailey home within a few hours of her birth and they didn't want to worry about waking Jack at whatever time that may be, but both wanted that experience? I can't think of any other reason they did that. 

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  20. 16 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    This bugs me since season one! We never got to see how Kate and Kevin reacted when finding out. We only got to see Randall when that horrid neighbor told him. But this should have been as much Kate and Kevin's plot and yet we got zilch! 

    I've always wanted to see this too. I've had a stillborn baby, she was a singleton, but her following sister and brothers talk about her and express sadness over not having her with us. I imagine losing your triplet (possibly Kevin's identical twin) would be an extra layer to the conversation. Oftentimes people can have survivor's guilt, even from what happened in the womb, I could see it being a lot for all the big 3 to uncover in therapy

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  21. 18 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    Jack was at the hospital the whole time though. Maybe they made him leave the room (especially likely if they knocked Rebecca out), but he was right outside the room. He wasn't hundreds of miles away in another country. 

    Yes, he was in the hospital, but I don't really consider that being there for their birth since he was in another room. It wasn't his choice though. I guess it's just different definitions. 

  22. 5 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    As far as I know there are no commercial flights to Victorville. Victorville is known as the airport graveyard where decommissioned jets are parked in the desert. The closest commercial airport is Ontario which is 35 miles away and their code is ONT.  

    Seriously, did no one do any research for this episode?

    I thought she'd accidentally clicked on a V not paying attention to the actual airport. I'd assume VCV was Vancouver at first blush while in a tizzy; it probably had nothing to do with geography. Plus, the dementia probably isn't helpful.

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