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Retired at last

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Posts posted by Retired at last

  1. I don't think Nicole was ever meant to be a role model to anyone. I know that she is a very popular character/actress, but I have never cared for the character. And, her getting drunk and turning to Eric AGAIN just shows that there has been no real growth in her. Definitely, Holly's words were brutal and no one should have to hear things like that from their child, but, take your hurt feelings, maybe go home and have a drink, but handle it maturely. And, of course, EJ will see them.

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  2. But, regardless of how he got that way, I think the bigger problem is that most people don't care about the character of Everett OR Bobby. And to be invested in the whole DID situation, you have to care about both the DID person, as well as the people his character impacts, and I don't see that. I don't see anything positive about Stephanie as a character and the same about Jada. They are both pretty boring, minor characters.

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  3. I just read an article on soaps.com and it said that the biggest problem with Days is the one they will never fix - the ridiculous filming schedule that doesn't give them the ability to fix horrible stories (such as the Konstantin one or the Bobby/Everett one. There are MANY stories, of course, some due to the writer's strike, but since they can do this filming within the budget they get, we are doomed to get more stories and characters we don't like and that's the chance they are willing to take to keep the show running).

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  4. 2 hours ago, MissPhoenixGirl said:

    Actually she does need to be the town pariah; pretty much everybody needs to hate her, including her own family. If Days insists on having her be written like the villain that they obviously want her to be, then she needs to have absolutely no one on her side and she needs to be shunned by the whole town.

    It seems like we have so many of these characters and yet, some of them are allowed to be redeemed (Kate, Sami) and others are just left out there to be hated, but nothing ever happens to them (Kristen, Paulina, Theresa, Konstantin, maybe Sloan, Ava).

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  5. On 4/25/2024 at 7:32 PM, Alexander Pope said:

    Re Emily--I have heard that narcissists are very hard to treat in therapy, almost impossible.  And that scene we saw, if it was real, was evidence of how that works.  Therapy is not just about feeling fantastic about yourself.

    I have also read that and have also read that a practice may have only one or two to treat, because they are so exhausting and challenging, with very little success or progress ever being made.

    ETA - I just got home from vacation, so I tried to watch the last episode and found that I was FFing through most of it. I still don't like Chloe, and don't think she is genuine. Lauren needs to go away. I had no interest in any of the men, and I HOPE that the Emily getting therapy session was staged. Becca really needs to lose the pink hair and grow her vocabulary beyond, "yeah." I wasn't a fan of Clareapist's darker hair color. They must have so much film of these losers to make up this version of the show without Kevin F hosting. 

    It's been fun posting with you all. If you see me back for the next season, feel free to shame me! I will deserve it.

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  6. Not sure where this should go, but I just ran across reruns of MAFS, the season with Tristan/Mia, Bobby/Danielle, and Amber/Dave (my first season watching) on the LRW channel - Lifetime for Real Women, I think. I don't know if they will have the whole season, but this one started with them back from the honeymoon and getting together with their friends.

  7. If Lifetime wanted us to actively dislike a group of people (men and women), then they hired the right cast. If they thought that disliking them intensely was the best way to get many viewers to watch again, they lose.  They may pick up some new viewers who watch this stuff for the fakeness and drama, but some of us watch for other reasons and don't like the scripted drama. I, personally, don't think I will be watching again.

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  8. I got the impression that Brennan's dislike for Emily came from the drinking, and not necessarily the sex. I remember him saying something about, "someone being in their 30s is a little old to be the party girl," and I took that to mean the drinking and wild behavior. Maybe it was both since he was not happy with the shower incident when she wanted sex (while she was drinking).

    And, I agree that Clairapist was the instigator, getting Emily riled up and poor Becca as a follower. The way that they all patted each others' arms and comforted each other was cringey. As long as Clairapist can be in charge, she and Emily will be BFFs. Becca needs to break away and get some counseling to find her lost self-esteem. Lauren and Chloe don't want to play.

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  9. I am trying to think of any woman I have disliked more than Emily and I can 't think of anyone. what a HORRIBLE person, and completely phony (or delusional). Between the smirks and the interrupting and having to get a nasty comment in at the end of each sentence, I don't think she will have to worry about finding a relationship anytime soon.

    I know I am in the minority, but I totally believe the men. However, the show has encountered the scripts between couples all the time, so I am not sure why this is such a big deal. We always hear about strategies between the couples to not share certain things. Maybe it's different because they were all in on it?

    Clareapist is a liar, every bit as much as Emily is. Becca is just a sad, lost person, who, I don't think will find someone without serious therapy (and NOT from Clareapist). 

    Another unpopular opinion is that I do not like Lauren and never have. She is so cold, and uses that stupid psychobabble to tell "her truth" and her "authentic" garbage. The first half of the show seemed OK, but then it was all of the trendy language that means NOTHING, but she thinks she sounds professional. She doesn't. She was smirking the whole time, too, and thinking that she is, oh, so much better than the others. Although, she would have been miserable with Orion, as would anyone, including the person he supposedly is dating (which I don't believe).

    Chloe and Michael were absolutely the most mature and they took the high road. I still don't like them and I think they were just more adult, but I appreciated that they didn't get down in the mud, and I look forward to seeing what broke the bond with Chloe and Lauren. And, yes, many people DID want to see Lauren and Michael get together, so what's the big deal? Chloe was no longer his wife. So, in spite of it all, I guess I will give it one more week. Sigh.

    I did NOT watch the recap (another one???) after the show. And, I did not need to see KNP back with those asinine polling questions. 

    This was the most I have liked seeing Kevin host. After he started taking sides (Jake/Haley), I was done with him. But, he redeemed himself this time for me.

    The ship was gone a long time ago, but I do think that Cam would have wanted to see if there was "anything there" if Clareapist had been the least bit interested. She made it clear that she wasn't.

    All in all, this season of Emily has been a disaster. Since the Chicago show has already been filmed, I wonder if they changed anything, such as all of the group meetings and activities.


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  10. This sounds like every episode so far. And we need two parts for this????? And then the Where Are They Now? episode? Are they kidding????

    ETA -I just saw a clip from the Reunion show, so I don't know if that is a spoiler because it hasn't aired yet, so I put it in a spoiler box, even though the preview was on regular TV, so anyone could have seen it.


    It looked like all the women were wearing the same color prom dresses and sitting across from the men - just like a junior high dance. Cam said something that sounded like he and Clarapist had had sex, and then she yelled at him and said (as she was dabbing her eyes from pretend crying) that HE manipulated her. At that point, ALL of the men started laughing. 

    And I don't know if this was from the same scene, but Emily got up and walked out, because you know that every year, somebody has to. Unfortunately, Kevin Frazier is hosting.


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  11. I saw most of it (between commercials for other shows). I couldn't remember Rachel's name, but when they played a few scenes with her and Jose, I remembered. Sadly, they didn't show Jose's budgeting whiteboard - that was funny. But, Rachel appears to me to not be very bright. Maybe it is the way her voice is, but she just sounds stupid.

    Stacia went all out in her look, as usual. I did have to laugh when someone suggested that she should get a dog. Can you imagine Stacia's reaction if the dog shed or peed in the house? At least, Stacia said NO. She also isn't dating and is fine with that. She never talks to Nate and he ghosted her at their last counseling session.

    Bennet was fun. He spoke in a lot of word salads, but he was amusing. Airris was the same. I don't even remember his wife. Although I didn't watch their season, I thought that Jamie and Doug were weird. They were so wrapped up in each other physically, I am not sure of who was keeping the other one from running away. Every time they changed to a new position, it was still their hands were gripping each other or Doug had his hand on Jamie's leg, etc. I would rather they had on a different couple who were still married, but I understand the OG status.

    They spoke a little about the current season, but didn't have anything I remembered, so it probably wasn't interesting.

    I anticipate that this week's discussion will be very limited, since most people didn't watch.

    ETA- Oh yeah, Paige. She spoke in her calm hippie-type voice with lots of trendy language. Ugh. She did seem very happy, though. She said she is in a healthy relationship, but they aren't married. Doug offered to officiate when they do.

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  12. My guide says Former MAFS cast members return to reveal behind the scenes gossip and insider information on what really happened during their seasons and beyond.


    My thoughts - this COULD be interesting, depending on who they get and what scoop they will allow.

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  13. As far as Xander forgiving Theresa goes, kidnapping is low on the list once he finds out that she was behind the whole "let's change Victor's will so we can decide who gets the money and to learn that he is a true heir and Victor's son" plot. And, just when is that going to happen or have they forgotten that completely? Going back to California will be too good for her, but she sure can't stay in Salem. (Although, if she ever leaves, does that mean that suddenly Gwen will be back? I hope not, but it probably does.)

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  14. I am just guessing that they signed the usual 8 week contract, plus the obligatory Afterparty episodes and the Reunions and Where Are They Now Shows. Because they had to extend the season (although I still don't know why) because of Michael and Chloe, I am guessing that they had the option of filming those extra shows, probably for more money and air time. The cast had agreed to those set dates and once the show started, I don't think the show could extend the dates of requiring them to be there. These people have jobs and lives and had to get back to them. I am sure they would be welcome to attend if they were available, but I don't think they could be required to. Even Clarapist didn't come, and she LOVES her air time. If Cam didn't have to attend, nothing could get him to be there. I think the same with Brennan. I don't know why Austin came. 

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  15. PLEASE, let's not compare Chris to any of the men this season. He was a total ass, had another woman (maybe) while he was married to Paige, who he kept screwing (although I think Paige was an idiot to allow it). None of the men took advantage, sexually, of the situation this season, although their wives would have been more than willing to participate. And I do respect that. I don't think we will ever have a participant as totally despicable as Chris was. At least, no one that I will ever watch.

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  16. To all of you who are lamenting that we are missing some of the cast - never fear - in 2 weeks, we get to see them all return for the Reunion show! (Even though they haven't been apart, we will get to see everyone rehash what has happened since D Day, and how the women are still mad at the men and how the men don't care. Except for Orion, who is probably going to try to get Lauren to like him again.

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