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Lois Sandborne

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Posts posted by Lois Sandborne

  1. I like Daphne's personality, and I have always enjoyed her on the show, but I don't really miss her in the mix. I think at this point the show is kind of running on its own fumes.  Any of the remaining four could kind of come and go and the feel of the show wouldn't change much for me; I didn't miss Mario when he was gone last week either, although he's never been much of a favorite, so that might have had something to do with that.

    Speaking of Mario, though, I can't believe Carla never finished his Christmas scarf!  Kudos to that viewer who sent the finished product in, lol, but if that were me in Carla's shoes I would've been too shamed to even put that on air.

    • Love 1
  2. Well, I don't like the breaks, but a lot of the production beats were the same, and the casting team were clearly able to round up another group of lovely people with a pretty entertaining mix of skills.  A lot of ambition, especially in the Instagram showstopper round.  Yan and Liam are adorable.  There seems to be no crush bait though.

    I'm still getting used to the new judging and presenting energy, but I thought Paul was doing a bit much handing out two handshakes in the first episode.  In the first challenge even.  Steven and Kate seem impressive so far, and that sandwich cake might be the most impressive thing I've ever seen on any Bake Off iteration, but come on.  They were also trying too hard to make "exposed bottom" happen with the swiss rolls.

    I can't lie; I do miss Mary, Mel, and Sue.  But anyway, I'm in for next week.

    • Love 5
  3. 1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

    Interesting. Of course that's how it should be pronounced -- it makes me think of the Singing Nun song -- 

    Same here. My choir has done that song, so my mind instantly went there as soon as Alex read the category. I'd never heard the country's name pronounced before, but I guess now I know that's how you do it.

    I thought I liked Greg early on when he got Futurama correct (and answered with such glee), but he lost me once he got control in DJ and started picking from the middle. I did laugh at lugesters though.

    And I thought it was crazy no one rang in and scooped up pumice after lava was ruled incorrect.

    • Love 3
  4. 15 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

    And she has beautiful penmanship.

    Doesn't she? Her signature was awesome, with no exclamation points needed.

    I liked Eric, but I like Abigail too, so I'm not sad to see him go. Too bad he couldn't play his final FJ, but he won a couple of games, so he shouldn't feel too bad.

    I've ... never seen Animal House. Sorry, everybody.

    • Love 4
  5. What I loved most about Robert Osborne was his ability to be equally as passionate about a true four star gem as some slice of RKO nonsense. He really, really loved the movies, and loved sharing with us all of the things - grand and humble, silly or sincere - that there are to enjoy about films.  He was an icon, and I am really going to miss his warm presence.

    • Love 12
  6. I've read that Gilbert Ryle quote several times, so I was (forgive me) chuffed to know FJ right away, even though I've never heard of that philosopher in any other context. I continue to be happy that they seem to have gotten rid of "Women Authors."

    I felt for Allison missing that ark DD, and was super surprised no one chimed in to add "eyed" after she missed with "green monster."

    • Love 3
  7. This is pretty much the best episode of TV I've seen this season. And for a half hour with next to no plot, that's saying something.  That Coconut Cruncho-s commercial alone makes up for Donald Glover leaving Community.

    I mean, the lack of plot did bother me at first -- I was waiting all week to see how Van's situation would progress -- but then they gave me that Tavis-lite setup, Nathan Wielder, and the dying palm tree, and all was forgiven. I loved how gobsmacked Al and the professor were when they ended up in agreement and Montague kept trying to stir the pot.  And I probably disturbed a few neighbors when the "transracial" guy went on his transphobic rant.

    • Love 4
  8. In his first game, I thought Seth would get on my nerves after a few episodes, but it turns out he kind of leaves me cold. I've got nothing against him, but he hasn't made a strong impression either way. I am really pleased that he's passed Arthur Chu's record and is gaining on Matt Jackson's though. So I guess that's a big plus in his column.

    Props to Ben for knowing all those flags. Vexillology is always going to be a weak spot for me.  I smoked that Oscars category though. I also liked the state names category, and I too have always read Borgia as rhyming with Georgia.

    23 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

    The joys of watching way too many British tv shows - they are obsessed with the Krays :-)

    Same here, but surely no amount of British TV shows is way too many?

    • Love 2
  9. Yay, Jeopardy's back! Those six weeks really flew by, thank goodness. 

    In small world news, I went to college with the new champ. It was kind of surreal to have her pop up on the show. She didn't have a super impressive debut, but I remember her being sharp and fun, so I hope she lasts awhile.

    Count me in thinking the Daily Doubles and of course that FJ were on the easy side. Basically,  if I can answer a geography question, then it's an easy question, and I knew Thailand right away.

    The TSs I remember getting were Johnstown Flood, Dylan Thomas, toilet, and the Dept. of Labor. Frances Perkins deserves more respect.

    • Love 6
  10. 3 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

    Happy last day of the season everyone! 

    It is! My DVR decided to just not record anything for the past two days, so I'm late celebrating the good news that Pranjal is gone. He won't be waiting for us when next season starts, and apparently we have you to thank for that! My only regret is that I have boneitis didn't get to see his losing game. Ah, well.

    • Love 2
  11. On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 6:17 PM, peeayebee said:

    What was FJ?

    "Before he headed up the Supreme Court, he argued only 1 case before it--a 1796 case he ironically argued on states’ rights grounds."

    I know technically there's only one Justice Marshall who fits both the time period and the Chief clues, but I still think it deserved a BMS.

    5 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I'm obviously going to have an unpopular opinion on this one but here goes: I like Pranjal and think he's kind of attractive.  (Ducks the tomatoes.) 

    Nah, I think he's attractive too, but it doesn't outweigh how much I dislike him. (And this is me blowing a retroactive raspberry at the guy who said I didn't like Chu because he wasn't conventionally attractive.)

    Dan really let me down; I liked him a lot and he such a great first round. I agree though, he seemed to go into some kind of shock after he missed those two Broadway clues.

    I got the CB radio FJ from Wednesday and of course yesterday's ridiculously easy answer.  When you have Alex openly exclaiming at how easy the final clue is, that's a hint and a half that you're doing it wrong, writers.

    • Love 4
  12. Add me to the people pissed off about accepting Catholics for Quakers. I'd be upset even if I hadn't been rooting so hard for Pranjal to lose, but I was rooting so hard for him to lose by that point that it really leveled up my outrage. Can anybody take a stab at the rationale for that one, with "friend" so strongly emphasized in the clue?

    For TSs, I got emissary and alderman, and shook my head at no one knowing Ben E. King. I also knew FJ, and think "John" should've been required.

    I lasted 4 or 5 games of Arthur Chu before I had to give up watching, but old Pranjal and his 1000-yard stare might break his record. During the think music he looked like he was trying to set me on fire with his mind.

    • Love 5
  13. 5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Why did Sue wager anything at all ?  She knew the other two were going to have to wager big ?

    I know next to nothing about wagering strategy, but even I was sure that Sue would bet $0 for the chance to steal. I thought Ken bet way too much also.  Leaving Kelly to take the game with only $3k! She came back really strong in Double Jeopardy, so she certainly deserved the win.

    I got FJ because of the Missouri Compromise and knowing that MO didn't secede, altough there were a ton of Confederate sympathizers/traitors.

    • Love 2
  14. Tim lost me forever when he thought the brilliant Charles Drew was associated with sperm banks. I mean, sperm banks have their place, but it's nowhere near the heart.

    And, am I wrong, or did he think Edna Mode was a real person?

    I too liked Erin going for the Afams and Africa categories. I'm sad to see her go.  And the Nation TS made me sad also.

    Animals and geography are pretty much my two weakest subjects, so I never had a prayer on FJ. Unless they would've accepted "some South Pacific island."

    • Love 4
  15. I don't know if I've laughed harder at anything this week than at Bryna answering "Xmas" for "yule." That might say more about my week than anything else, but whatever.

    I really like Erin, and it's clear Alex does as well. I don't know who she kissed or killed to get those two softball FJs in a row, lucky girl, but I'm sure she's glad Bryna is not also an English prof.

    • Love 4
  16. I liked Ted and his cagey response to Alex's question about his concrete boat race, but he lost me when he started throwing out silly guesses. The Fahrenheit 9/11 miss is the only one I can remember offhand, but he had a few of those.

    Having never cracked the spine on any Harry Potter books (or the ... seals (?) on any of the films), I was prepared to be mystified by that beasts caregory. I was surprised I ended up knowing a couple just through cultural osmosis/Harry-Potter-everywhereness.

    I would've just given Elba as the answer to that Napoleon clue; never heard St. Elba before.

    For FJ I zeroed in on "Antoinette" right away, and got to Tony pretty quickly.

    I didn't really mind Buzzy at first, but I am getting tired of him now. Maybe it's just that he's getting too comfortable.  He does seem a little smug for someone with so many unremarkable games to his credit.

    • Love 2
  17. 18 hours ago, secnarf said:

    Did Alex seriously ask Lara about her being sexually assaulted in the interview portion?! I was pouring tea at the time and actually splashed it on myself in shock when I heard that. 

    Were you also wearing pearls? That you then clutched? Heh. I was trying to squeeze in this episode while getting ready this morning,  and for a moment I thought my half-alive brain was playing tricks on me when that happened.  But reading here about how open Logan is about her experiences makes me better able to believe they vetted that question and that she chose to speak about her assault. It was still awkwardly done as all hell, though.

    Franken is my former senator,  and I'm still devoted to him; I know he'll make a good showing, and I have my fingers crossed for Melissa Harris-Perry and Louis C. K. too. If their games end up like yesterday's, I'm going to have to keep reminding myself it's all for charity.

  18. 15 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

    I was hoping Chris would win but he blew it with "Grey Mansions". Dude...

    I really liked Chris, so it kind of sucked that his blowing the game made me laugh so hard, but what are you gonna do?

    In other news, I was sad that no one could name Jaime Escalante.

    • Love 2
  19. I had to catch up on most of the episodes this weekend because I lead a ridiculous life, but watching three in one go, I did feel that the boards were kind of basic. I also thought all the FJs of the week were on the easy side, which is a thing I never think. Although I guess that weird Venus clue was pretty challenging in its own way.

    18 hours ago, Driad said:

    Does anyone have data on how much money people win in teachers' tournaments vs. regular weeks?  That might correlate to whether TTs have easier questions.  I think they do, and coming from a family with many teachers I find it a bit insulting,

    I don't have any data, and I'm far too lazy to compile any, but it did seem like the Wild Card winners got in with some extremely low totals this go-round, so that's something. 

    • Love 2
  20. 43 minutes ago, Trey said:

    The fellow on the end totally made up a Shakespeare play with "Everything is Humour".  Well, it did make me laugh:)

    Even better, he said, "Everything in Its Own Humour." I'm still amused trying to figure out which play he could've been thinking of with that.

    This whole game was kind of goofy. I really want to know why Nicole was so tickled by Van Halen.

    And, I spent that Dedications category hoping they would mention Emma's dedication to the Prince Regent, which is one of my favorite historical anecdotes.

    I really liked Lesser Known Names and was proud to get the Bessie Coleman clue. FJ I thought was pretty easy.

    • Love 2
  21. 3 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    I came unglued when Jerry answered not one, but TWO questions wrong in the "Of The" movie category.  OF THE, Jerry!  Did you not catch on to what the category meant?!  I hated him from that minute forward.

    I can't put my finger on who Buzzy reminds me of but, in spite of that goofy name, I like him.

    I cracked up at that, because by that point I thought he was a bit of a pill anyway. But I couldn't decide if he was thinking more Animal of the House, or House of the Animals.

    I like Buzzy too, although his name is ridiculous. He's giving me hipster Harold Lloyd.

    That Dickens category felt interminable. Good thing they kept going back to it.

    • Love 2
  22. I cheered and clapped like a seal when Andrew won. I always love a good comeback, and his was a great one. Plus he knows how to go through a category, and he's eaten fugu, which reminded me of a wonderful Simpsons episode. 


    I didn't get FJ. I've heard of Sue Grafton and her alphabet series (although I thought they were thrillers, so I guess I haven't heard much), but her name just didn't come to mind, even though I could tell the answer was a series, and the clue emphasized letters. I'm telling myself it was the end of a long week. Maybe I should take it easy this weekend with a Grafton novel.

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