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Posts posted by Llywela

  1. When Ward and Skye were having their little chat in that closet, I was literally yelling at my TV, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Seriously, the world is in peril and you're talking about getting a drink and being all schmoopy. Please. Talk later.

    See, I thought that conversation was actually very pointed. It came immediately after Hand told Simmons “The worst thing you can do right now is to underestimate HYDRA. They hide in plain sight. They earn our trust, our sympathy. They make us like them.” We cut straight from that line to Ward doing exactly that to Skye - telling her a sob story, playing on her sympathy, making her like him. First time round it seemed all kinds of out of place, but once you know Ward is Hydra...that scene isn't about a potential Skye-Ward romance any more. It's about Ward playing Skye for all he's worth, and succeeding. He plays everyone in this episode, doing exactly what Hand warned Simmons Hydra agents would do, and he succeeds, his cover remains intact for him to use to Hydra's advantage.

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  2. I'm still really curious about the framing of the episode, which does point to Olenna. I keep thinking about the marriage ceremony - there was a line in the vows which said something like, 'a curse on anyone who divides them', and the camera was pointing past the 'happy' couple straight at Olenna in that moment. Then during the feast there were a number of moments when the camera lingered on her quite pointedly - if this were a different kind of show, I'd take that narrative framing as deliberate foreshadowing of her guilt or complicity. But with Game of Thrones...I don't know. I can't see a clear motive.


    This is a common complaint among the sort of people with too much time to think about this sort of thing

    So they want us to watch the show, preferably in our droves, but they don't want us to actually pay attention to it or think about it in any way? Sheesh.

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  4. Oh, being made to choose - how do I choose?

    I tend to pick favourite combinations, rather than favourite individuals. I adore the First Doctor with just about any combination of companions, but in particular with Ian and Barbara with Susan/Vicki - those first two seasons are hands down my favourite era of the show, closely followed by season twelve for my other favourite combination: the Fourth Doctor with Sarah and Harry, I love them all as individuals and I love their dynamic as a trio. :)

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  5. Hello. I was Indeg on Twop, only posted a few times but a few of you might remember me. I mostly lurk and don't expect to post much here, but I just wanted to say that I rewatched the episode after reading all the spec here and was struck by a few meaningful shots of Olenna - mostly during the wedding feast, but also during the ceremony, in particular the camera lingering on her in the background just as the...master of ceremonies (seriously, what do they call the guy who conducts weddings in Westeros?) got to the bit about a curse on anyone who divides the happy couple, or some such, I forget the exact words. But it seemed awfully potentous, in hindsight. There were a few shots like that, as well as Olenna taking the jewel from Sansa's necklace, which all seem very suspicious. But I don't know what her motive would be, other than to save Margaery from having to go through with being married to Joffrey - but the Tyrells have gone to such trouble to get Margaery married to The King, it seems an awful waste of effort for any of them to be involved in killing Joffrey at this stage.

    Come to that, I'm not sure what anyone's motive would be, beyond blind hate. Plenty of people hate Joffrey enough to want him dead, but most of those with a particular grudge against him also seem to have potentially too much to lose to risk it.

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