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Posts posted by LongDenimFrumper

  1. Anyone know where Carlin & Evan are moving in? They are painting & preparing a house... wonder if it’s near the Bates home place or will they venture a little further out? 

    Interested in seeing their place & how Carlin will decorate.  They seem to have more cash flow than most of the siblings (minus Zach & Whit and Josie & Kelton) although I don’t know how. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Lulz! A couple days ago my husband and I were driving past the front of Hobby Lobby on our way to Barnes and Noble. We stopped to let several people cross and they were all dragging carts with those fake trees! Is that the new "thing" these days?

    Yes. Those trees, fake potted succulents, fake box woods & eucalyptus. Geometric shapes, white subway tile, hipster hats hung on the wall, yarn tapestry, old books, washed out rugs, all white everything.... it’s the popular look on Instagram. I wasn’t really opposed to it & sort of liked it until I saw it everywhere. Now it’s overdone. 

    It looks like Hobby Lobby threw up in everyone’s living room when I see that style now.

    Don’t mean to offend anyone, it’s a nice look when done right!

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  3. She should have called Jana...

    Ugh those room “makeovers”... Jessa is not a decorator. They are so bland & unimaginative. I agree that the rooms now look like a low budget college apartment. I think I know the look she’s wanting & she definitely didn’t achieve it. I imagine Jessa was probably wanting a mix of Kendra & Lauren’s homes with a splash of Jinger’s style thrown in. Minimalist + Boho + a dab of Joanna Gaines. All their houses are starting to look the same. Hobby Lobby can’t turn out those fake fiddle leaf fig trees fast enough. 

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  4. Omg. The MAGA hat on one of the little boys (Jeb ?)  at Bradley’s birthday party. Vomit. I guess they’re cool with a thrice married, porn loving, pussy grabbing bully. I still don’t understand how evangelists perform the mental gymnastics required to make Trump a Christian champion. 

    • Love 21
  5. So I finally caught up on the last couple episodes... Wow! I had to take little breaks from Erin & Chad’s anniversary trip. It was almost cringeworthy she was so fakey fake, happy, lovey, perfect, perfect, perfect. She is definitely high on life...or something. I don’t know how she keeps that up all the time. I swear she said “I love it” , “I’m so excited” and “oh my word” over & over again. Her perma grin is almost frightening. She is one of my least favorites. I also thought it was hilarious when she told chef Tim that he was “doing a good job”. Go sit down Erin... he’s a chef, a real one. 

    Also, on the previous episode where Josie is decorating her apartment... I got the impression Carlin was almost making fun of Josie’s boho style. Like “she’s so cool.”(I personally love her style btw)  I get a whiff of jealousy from Carlin when it comes to Josie. I read somewhere that Josie was frequently left out when it came to the other sisters and I wondered if it was because they were jealous of her. She seems closer to Whitney than her own sisters. 

    • Love 6
  6. 10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I wonder what Bobby and Tori's story really is? Did he flame out, or did Tori hound him until he was forced to move back to Knoxville just to keep the peace?

    I was wondering if maybe Tori was pregnant again. Maybe baby #2 happened much more quickly than they were expecting & she pressured him to bail home to the family for help. Either that or maybe something didn't go as expected with his job? Wonder where he's planning to work now?

    • Love 5
  7. I just checked the Bates family insta... so Bobbi & Tori are moving to Knoxville. Erin’s decorating skills in the Nashville nursery were used for a very short time period. These people. Anything for an episode. 

    Tori probably wants help with her baby. Calling in all the sisters to babysit. Caring for a baby is just another on the long list  of the things Tori isn’t into. (Eyeroll) 

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  8. On 3/19/2019 at 5:58 AM, Fallacy said:

    I noticed a conversation between Kendall and her mother, which made me sad. Her mother was explaining that every pregnancy after Kendra has been very difficult because she had a car accident while pregnant with Kendra. There’s been at least 5 pregnancies since Kendra! The woman appeared to be in serious pain, but I guess God just wants her to keep birthing those babies for Christ. 

    I thought the same. I think it's cruel of her husband to keep forcing pregnancies on her (we all know she doesn't have a choice... ). She looked like she felt miserable. All the rest of the family was enjoying the beach and she sat miserably holding a newborn on top of her pregnant stomach. 

    • Love 3
  9. It was mentioned up thread but I have to ask again, what in the world does Tori do all day?? She clearly doesn't decorate. Their apartment looked haphazardly thrown together. Sort of like she took style ideas from all her sisters and incorporated random leftover pieces from them. I understand being young and tight on cash and working with what  you have but these girls are supposed to be professional homemakers and incredible thrift treasure finders. Erin mentioned that cooking isn't Tori's thing... so she doesn't typically cook either. They must eat out a lot or she waits until Bobby comes home to cook something for them to eat. She doesn't seem to have any hobbies.... she doesn't teach piano/music lessions, craft, babysit, etc. She definitely isn't working. She just seems like a miserable person. And LAZY. Really really lazy. I don't get that impression from the rest of the sisters but I definitely do from Tori. She must just slug around the house all day long and put some heavy eyeliner/eye shadow on before Bobby comes home to entertain her and have "sweet fellowship".... BARF. 

    • Love 5
  10. Where is Carlin working? I thought she was the one that was finishing up school as a music major at Clown college. Did she get a job?!  Is Evan going to be an electrician? I knew Josie was a hair stylist and Kelton was a plumber but not totally sure about CarVan's current employment. 

    Unrelated topic but I also saw where Gil let the cat out of the bag on Carlin's venue. Castleton Farms... not a cheap venue either $9K base for just the venue. UP must surely be paying for that because there is no way Gil would fork over that kind of cash. They must be getting some freebies somewhere along the way. Carlin is getting the bourgiest wedding yet. I feel bad for the little girls. No way the show will be around long enough to pay for their weddings. 

    • Love 3
  11. Ummmmmm where the heck did Evan get the money to buy Carlin that ring? If he's been saving for it, he must have been piggy banking up since birth. Guilty pleasure but I love browsing around through engagement rings...well browsing  jewelry in general. That appears to be a very healthy full carat or more diamond in the center of that engagement ring. I finally got a good close up this episode. I'm sure Up just casually zoomed in there. At any rate, I've seen similar styles from $9K to $15K++++ Carlin must be quite pleased with herself knowing she has the biggest and flashiest "rink" (as they call them in Tennessee. lol).

    I also love how all of them say "pitchers" instead of "pictures". Kelly Jo loves talking about the weddin' pitchers. 

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  12. @Julia67 I've always wondered too. It's amazing how much money they have to blow for people who don't work very much. My neighbor is a pastor and that man works... he is always running for a member of his church! Funerals, weddings, hospital visits, nursing home visits, new baby blessings, Wednesday night service, Sunday morning service, etc. He also mentors and counsels young couples.  I know you probably know all too well. He can barely take a day off let alone travel for the majority of the month. Jeremy is not working... He must have stored away some money from his soccer days or possibly Jinger has more cash than we think? I can't imagine with Boob though... I know all the Duggars are peddling various items and companies on Instagram. I'd love to know their financial when it comes to the show! I'm so nosey but I would honestly love to know how they do it. Mr. Frumper and I both work full time with decent wages and could never swing some of the stuff Jing and Jerm do. We'd go broke in airfare alone. 

    I wonder if they have broken the golden rule and taken on debt in the form of a mortgage, car payment, credit cards, etc....I don't really see how they couldn't have. 

    • Love 19
  13. 1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

       I do actually wonder if we aren't headed for the long awaited Jana announcement as this season's cliffhanger though.  

    I know we've all been saying it for years at this point but I really do believe Jana is courting. Jessa teased it twice during this show and I think the slow buildup to the major announcement has started. I definitely don't think that she's courting Lawson Bates but I'm dying to know if she's courting fundie royalty or will this be a completely unknown bachelor to all of us. 

    • Love 1
  14. 1 minute ago, libgirl2 said:

    If they are making them shine, why are they making the others seem so stupid? 

    I think Jeremy has negotiated a better deal with TLC than the rest of the family. Jim Boob was not in his paycheck equation. He's far more savvy with his marketability than the other family members. I believe he also knows he and Jinger are the most likable, relate-able  and in a way, most valuable couple on the show and has some leverage with his requests. "Make me look like an ass and I'll walk." There isn't much to work with on that show and I'm pretty sure he knows it. 

    • Useful 4
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  15. My Chicco car seat set cost nearly $500, I received it as a baby shower gift... I couldn't bear to throw it in the dumpster after my son out grew it. It was used for approximately 7 months and in perfect condition. I listed mine on a FB yardsale site and ended up selling it less than 1/2 price to an acquaintance. I totally understand being wary of a 2nd hand car seat due to potential unknown accidents and safety concerns but I also completely understand wanting to purchase  "like new" used seats if possible. Some of the nicer car seats are outrageously priced and it's literally sickening to waste something so costly if it can be safely reused. As long as you know the honest background of a seat and it meets the current safety requirements @ginger90 posted... why not?

    • Love 13
  16. On 3/9/2019 at 9:23 PM, cmr2014 said:

    Everything about this is just insanely sad -- and this is what Jill manages when she tries

    The party decorations are ridiculous.

    The pictures on the wall are insane. Jill simply has no eye for anything -- I've never seen a collection of dozens of small pictures haphazardly arranged on a wall that way, and now I can see why.

    The table looks like crap. Does she really not own a bowl? Is it really necessary to serve the "big green salad" in tupperware on the dining room table?

    Jill looks like crap. If this is a special dinner, could she really not bother to put on a cute outfit? We know that she has some reasonably cute clothes now -- are those clothes just for selfies?

    I don't know if anyone else remembers what Meeeechelle and Boobs master bedroom used to look like at the TTH back in the old days but I recall an episode of 19K&C  where Josie had recently come home and the scene was in Meeeechelle's room... Her walls were covered haphazardly in random pictures, onesies were literally stapled to the wall along with balloons that were deflated and a handful of other random items were strewn all over the floor like an episode of hoarders. 

    Jill grew up with this style of "decorating", that's where her "eye" has come from. I think what she has on her wall actually looks better than what she grew up looking at. Sad as that is.,.. It's only been recently that Jana, Jessa and Jinger started getting it together in the decorating / homemaking department and I think a lot of that has to do with their obsession with Joanna Gaines and Pinterest. I think Joy tries too but can't quite get a handle on it or possibly just doesn't care. The married in girls (like Kendra) care more about what their spaces look like I've noticed. 

    • Love 11
  17. TLC really loves using a story line featuring the girls being unable to cook or bake... how many times are we going to see this. I'm also not buying Jessa not having a mixer or ever baking a cake. She likes cheesecake and has posted pictures of herself making those in the past.... I could have sworn I've spotted the standard issue Kitchen-Aid mixer on her counter top in a previous episode. Those are  typically also  a pretty popular wedding gift. 

    Joe and Kendra have a pretty nice house set up compared to the rest. Who paid for Joe's house? I can't remember where he's working.( I know that cabin used to belong to Grandma Duggar.) Their kitchen and house is noticeably nicer than the rest. I always find the variations of wealth/ luxuries between the married Duggar kids interesting. There's no way some aren't jealous of the others. 

    Also, was that Johanna baking with Jessa? She has had a major growth spurt! I barely recognized her. Why are they featuring her all the sudden. Putting her out there for courtship prospects when she turns of age? (Barf.) 

    I think Lauren is my least favorite. She's very awkward, bland, strange in front of the camera. She's a pretty girl but she seems so backward? Or maybe just trying to act so much older than her age? I did enjoy Kendra this episode. 

    • Love 6
  18. I think Bobby's desire for sex outweighed his logical thinking. He probably got in too deep drinking the Bates kool aid and felt he could't back out or rationalized with himself that it would be better once they were married and had a little distance between them and the mega Bates family circus. I'm sure he got a very rude awakening after living with Tori and being with her 24/7. Especially after the honeymoon phase ended and day to day life set in. I can't believe his parents didn't steer him in another direction! I agree with what everyone else is saying... you can see the despair in his eyes, trapped with Tori forever and ever, Amen. 

    • LOL 1
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  19. 12 hours ago, Petrichor said:

    Cute! But...Anyone else notice one of his eyes is way bigger than the other?

    I didn't want to be the first to point it out... It does appear his eyes are noticeably different in size. I wondered why they weren't sharing pictures of him. I thought maybe they were trying to watch out for his privacy but now I think there may have been a health condition they wanted to conceal. I knew it had to be something because if these people can make a nickle with a picture, they will sell it lickity split. 

    He may have glaucoma. He's a cute baby and I hope whatever it is either clears up or is manageable and doesn't hinder his health.  

    • Love 3
  20. I love Josie. She and Whitney are my favorite of the Bates women. I was a little shocked that Josie was sporting that short dress on the show in Asheville! I know she wears what she wants to now but I was surprised she didn't conceal it longer for the show. That looks like more Citrus & Lemon clothing that all the Duggars and Bates are pushing on social media. Josie made that shirt look cute... Jill Duggar looked frumptastic in hers.... 

    I kept noticing how they talked about being alone for the first time. I just can't imagine. The more I watch these shows, the more I realize the reality of their lives. Grow up, get married and procreate ASAP. It's just bizarre when you really get down to it. 

    Josie & Kelton are already keeping up with the other couples during their "couch interviews" by constantly touching. The hand holding was a bit awkward. 

    TORI... I can't stand her. I feel so badly for Bobby. 

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