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Posts posted by Julyolo

  1. I am sure Victor with all the expert advisors in his wheelhouse is aware that there is no one more dangerous than a narcissistic psychopath once exposed? And he is aware that the highest risk for spouse or significant other murder occurs when the emotionally/physically abused person LEAVES? I didn't see the Doughboy showing any signs of being "heartbroken." He looked to me like a great white shark circling while getting prepared to come in for the kill. ETA: or in this case, a killer whale. LOL!

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  2. Phyllis needs to tell the show stylist to wait for Halloween to dress her as "The Great Pumpkin". That shade of orange with her hair color was a huge NOPE. Auntie Jack and Allie are just as boring as any two supposedly well-intended bland people can be. Adding Noah is kind like that obligatory parsley restaurants used to put on our meals...or like watching paint dry. As for the pep talk Elena gave Tess, it could have been delivered by a nurse. She needs to go to that conference in Hawaii and get a life. The MWT have squandered her character IMO. All the pearl clutching between Kyle and Auntie Jack, interspersed with Phyllis rationalizing her alpha dog pissing higher than Diane on Jack's leg, is not very interesting to an adult  Seems like this whole episode was a "junior varsity" day, so back to the pasta salad, and a Happy 4th to you all!

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  3. 16 hours ago, deirdra said:

    I think he must have mumbled it, since I didn't hear/remember it either.  

    Just finished fast forwarding the episodes from Thursday & Friday. Billy was funny when he walked up on the Holy Trinity (Nikki, Victor, and Nick) and delivered the famous line of the Joker's in Batman, "Why so serious?" Does the color on my set need adjusting or are the show's stylists colorblind? Nikki wearing a pink blouse under a red jacket was color tone deaf IMO. The Mop and the Doughboy's dust up looked to me like the manager of Starbucks and his newest barista fighting about how her hair was interfering with her latte making. Their lines were fine, the delivery by actors was underwhelming. Nick rolling his eyes at Adam asserting himself again as a "family member" was a real moment of hypocrisy. Nick himself was recently bawling his eyes out to Phyllis at how his family considered him irrelevant at the Tuscany nuptials. IIRC Nick's neverending anxiety all about  his "place in my family"  drama was why Phyllis dumped him. So, Nick should at least have insight about Adam's anger. IMO this show is just sagging under the weight of so many of the long-term cast members bringing so little energy to their performances.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Great to see John Abbott. He was a real patriarch who didn't protect his ego by playing his kids against each other.

    I liked Allie's booties. But goodness gracious, did she get dressed in the dark? Nothing about that outfit matched except the dreaded sparkles on her dress and bag. Bleh.

    OMG, as soon as they mentioned Danny Romalotti I was afraid they'd play Rock On. Thankfully, no. 🥵

    Traci stays being a Pollyanna. Traci, hon, sometimes giving people "enough time" just lets them keep hurting you longer. Not everyone is safe to be allowed a second or third chance.

    Too bad--IMO--they chose to show a scene concerning Ashley's abortion but didn't dare mention the word. And didn't Ashley have to go ino a mental hospital for a while after that? Ehhh.

    A watch. Heh, Ashley was bought for cheap, even if it did have microscopic diamond chips on it. Victor probably had his secretary pick it up from Fenmores on her lunch break.

    Alrighty then, Brad Carlton. Fine AF. And boy did he get around. Were there any of the main woman characters he didn't sleep with? Even Nate's mommy Olivia got some, tee hee.

    Traci didn't bother to tell Allie that Colleen's heart is now in Noah's grandfather's chest. A fate worse than death. Yeah I said it, Victor. Come at me. 😏

    Wait, Noah asked Allie to "hang out"? At what point does he come to the Abbott house to pick her up for a proper date? Grrr.

    Went in expecting Traci or Ashley to mention Theo when they were discussing Dina. Left disappointed, of course. 😒

    All in all, I thought it was a decent retrospective. They even brought out Nadia's Theme at the end. 🏆

    I think there is a forthcoming culling of the "talent" coming, hence the flashbacks. IMO they are airing these retros to establish who a character was, maybe before they let them go. The influx of newbies: "New" Chance, Noah, Allie, Diane, Imani, Giancarlo, bringing back Kyle and Summer, are being "tried and tested", and when they see who resonates, will allow for a more youthful and culturally diverse cast. Some oldies are going to be put out to pasture IMO, and could be some of the legacy characters are actually seeking "graceful" exits. I would love them to replace Phyllis with Diane. The actress playing Diane gives a much more nuanced and compelling performance than the 1-note histrionics of Phyllis, IMO. With all that said, I think the PTB are attempting to revitalize Y&R, but it already may be too late.

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  5. 2 hours ago, basiltherat said:

    The belt .. . . oh, dear God in heaven, the belt!!!!

    I thought that dress must have stunk to high heaven the way Nikki had her nose stuck up in the air at Diane and Adam this entire episode. The dress was horrible, but her nasty attitude made it so much worse, and IMO EB can barely dial in his performances anymore  He seems quite diminished. Abby's hair with the side strands looked like she'd gone crazy with a can of Aqua Net. Sally's dress was a heinous clash of color with her hair. And as business attire? Nope  On a positive side it seemed that this episode's production values were improved: shorter scenes, with greater impact, delivered in multiple sites, made a more enjoyable watch for me.

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  6. 20 hours ago, Runningwild said:

    Well, I’m rooting for Victoria and Ashland. And I don’t even really like Victoria. I would just like someone to shut up Grampire, Drinkki and Dickolas. They need to be knocked down a dozen or so pegs and reminded of the horrible things they have done. 

    I agree Nikki and Victor aren't saints, but IMO Victoria's only getting out of the frying pan and into the fire. How can any sane person insist they love someone who only contributed continuous lies to their relationship? If she were my daughter, I would have gone for an emergency psychiatric commitment, followed by a brain scan to r/o a closed head injury from the car wreck. And of course, murder the Doughboy next. In absence of that, the hardest question Nikki and Victoria need to be asking  themselves is how they raised such a messed up daughter who hid it so well for so long.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

    At this point, I truly hope that Victoria and Ashland get on their private jet and fly away to some place (any place) in the universe so that we never have to hear from them again. And then someone, anyone kills Victor for good. I am so very tired of hearing that man threatening everyone in his path. Go away forever, Victor. We do not like you.

    Yeah veiled and hollow threats delivered in a sinister way. Then nothing ever happens. All show, no go, that's Victor.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    The reunion secksay times between Victoria and her husband must not have been amazing if he was fully dressed and walking around while she was still in bed in her robe. The afterglow = pathetic.

    Yeah, not sure what to make of Summer's dress. I think it's an off color and fabric for the current season, and frankly the whole bodycon and random bare skin look is her mother's thing. Weird.

    But well, well, well, lookie here now. Diane was wearing non-black clothing for a change. Was it in honor of Phyllis' absence? She had a matching bag too. 🥳

    Jeebus cripes, Victoria has lost her mind. She's only spent most of her adult life working to become the heir to daddy's throne. Now she's going to walk away from NE to run off with Not-So-Slim Shady? Yeesh, please tell me she's running a long con to honeytrap Ashland.

    Summer and Kyle shouldn't be running their mouths about this Marchetti deal. What if Diane mentions it to Ashland? Then he's got a reason to undermine Jabot in exchange for ending the restraining order.

    Oh Victor, apparently you don't know Victoria at all. So bluster, such lame.

    Jack is clueless about Billy's whinecast. Lucky him. He's sure got a clear read on Allie's budding crush, however. Allie couldn't wait to get over to the coffeehouse so she could run into Noah. Tee!

    Victoria's janky sleeves tho. 🙀

    Whee, Adam's face when Vikki announced she was leaving. Put him in, coach! He's ready to play!

    Next up, Victor probably has Victoria arrested on baloney charges to keep her from leaving town. Or he gets Ashland snatched and put on a slow boat to...parts unknown.

    "Not-So-Slim-Shady" Roflmao! So funny, so true!

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  9. Victoria's outfit today was either "saint about to be immolated"  or a tryout for Taken 4 movie sequel, with her as the kidnap victim dressed for her introduction to the harem. This whole storyline of her bolting with the Doughboy could bring us some relief. Maybe this will instigate the Doughboy's murder,/disappearance. Maybe they are both exiting the show at large, to which I say, "Godspeed, and take your stupid storyline with you.'

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  10. 3 hours ago, Runningwild said:

    If I had to pick which one was crazier and/or more evil between SyPhyllis and Diane- it’s SyPhyllis. No question. 

    More evil - Victor or Ashland? Victor. Again- no question. 

    I can tell you who is more stupid. Doughboy explaining to Victor how not to treat Victoria, if he didn't want his daughter to get back in their gaslite relationship, was meta level ridiculous.

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  11. 1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

    Going past everyone’s disdain for Phyllis, Diane is a creep beyond creepdom. She’s up to some nasty crap and Kyle is just showing how totally stupid he is to fall for his mommy’s lies.  I never knew he was so desperate for his lying mother.   She’s going to pull some shady deal with Harrison, like maybe kidnapping him to make up for her leaving Kyle. 

    Word to Diane: If you kidnap HairySon be sure he get's a haircut. That way when the Amber Alert goes out, he'll be unrecognizable for sure. 

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  12. Phyllis sharing her obsession about Diane to Summer today reeked  of desperation and insecurity and a repeated storyline. Auntie Jack having his inevitable hook up with Phyllis, then making it sound like suddenly they are almost remarried, is equally idiotic. Why is anyone even giving the Doughboy another second of their time, when he has wasted so much of it already? Why does Victor bother making threats? IMO the whole Newman family should have forced the Doughboy to jump off the top of Newman Towers, and then told everybody he suicided because of his cancer. LOL. Instead, they have put this "great love/great grift" storyline on life support, and it makes absolutely no sense, in addition to being tedious. As for Nikki and Victor blustering around, telling people to "leave town". nope...sorry, that storyline went out with silent movies. Only thing else I got today was it seems the MWT & TPTB may be reading this forum, because they have re-animated and hyped up the characters. Now some new storylines with well-developed arcs and conclusions would be greatly welcomed.

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  13. 15 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    Why is Diane always wearing black?  Is she trying to be the adult version of Wednesday Addams?  And I don’t get why Jack is enabling Diane by not going after her for crashing the wedding.  He should have walked right over and grabbed her arm and threw her out.  But all this poo/pooing just emboldens her. 

    Can someone refresh my memory as to why Mariah and Summer hate each other. 

    I found that whole thing of who (Phyllis/Jack) would ask the wedding crasher Diane to leave the wedding off-putting. It was really  neither of their business to do so. They were guests, not the hosts. Their relationship always seems based on exposing (Tara, Diane), criticizing (Nick) or Phyllis trying to be a post modern version of Miss Marple hanging out with Auntie Jack. They present as two very poorly developed characters.

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  14. OMG Sharon and Phyllis' dresses. Put them side by side and scream, "Merry Christmas". You are right,  Kemper! So bad.....even Amanda. A new low even for this show. Mariah's dress from the waist down makes her look like a refrigerator, Tessa done up with another one armed bandit dress. So sad. Getting back to the show as a (w)hole, they are renewed thru the 23-24 season, so maybe the MWT are just dialing it in until some sort of undignified demise. Actor JV mentioned by a previous poster, as perhaps persuing  a racial discrimination claim. The current St. Rey tour doesn't help, but only highlights how badly ignored his entire storyline was. Ashland's donation from money obtained as a payoff from the recipient's (Nick) family? Just no. A great love between Victoria and Ashland that had its' origins in deception and fraud? Unbelievable. Other sites reviewing this soap are trashing it too, and the articles read as if lifted right from our forum. Break out the Supremes/Vanilla Fudge song for all of us.....cast, crew, and audience: "You don't really love me, you just keep me hanging on' 

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  15. 8 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    15 minutes into the show: The makeup on Mariah is so distracting. A shiny sequin in the corners of her eyes? That’s all I can see. Faith and Tessa’s sister (forgot her name) look like hookers. Good gracious me. What is happening on this wedding day?

    Just when I thought I was out... you dragged me back in! Yes, the stylists have gotten heavy-handed with faux lashes lately. So heavy on Allie some days she doesn't look Asian and today Faith's are overly done as well and she is nearly unrecognizable IMO

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  16. On 5/13/2022 at 5:12 PM, Waldo13 said:

    First things first.  Chrystal is a beautiful young lady and I wish they would let her stay around for a while.  Chrystal would be a fantastic asset to GC. 

    As I thought Sally’s over exuberance will be detrimental to Adam’s plan. Sally in talking to Olive has set off Olive’s suspicions nature where everything to her is a conspiracy. The exception is Poppin Fresh where her black heart overruled her nature.  I don’t believe I’m saying this, but Olive’s suspicions nature can be a blessing in business. In business, it’s good that people tell you things but it’s always very wise to understand why they are telling you.  Truthfulness or hidden agenda?  

    If Victor would for once look at things on the bright side that he would bought Locke’s empire, which is probably worth more than $500 million, and made a donation to his sons charity endeavor, New Hope.

    WTF?  Did I miss a day?  Isn’t today Friday the 13th?  I guess in GC, Monday is Friday the 13th. I was all set to see the wedding today and snark on what everyone was wearing including the Chelsea created wedding dresses.  Bummer. 

    It looks like TIIC are hinting towards a murder mystery of who killed Poppin Fresh.  How many hints are being dropped to that end. Too many to be red herrings. 

    They had better kill the Doughboy, because if they don't I'm going to self- immolate over my theory that Rey's character was eliminated to keep the Doughboy on. I have a sneaking suspicion the original plan/budget was that the Doughboy was only supposed to be a short-term character. When they dumped RB, and got someone they all "liked", I intuited Rey's demise covered the financial shortfall inherent in letting the Doughboy stay. IMO Rey was literally roadkill to them in their quest to keep the Doughboy poppin' fresh.

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  17. 17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Wow, Diane is already acting like Kyle's life should revolve around her.

    And there's Lauren in her Little Hooker on the Prairie dress. Then what was Michael wearing, the 2022 version of a 70s leisure suit? 😼 Meanwhile, looked like Sharon got one of Summer's old wrap dresses dyed black.


    I think Sharon was more gracious to Chelsea than Chelsea deserved. If the car accident hadn't happened Chelsea was probably going to put a move on Rey in Chicago. She and Sharon both know it.

    So are they going to cast Allie's mother or was Allie's convo with Jack today a way of letting the audience know Allie is virtually an orphan? Keemo's widow sounds awful and GC already has enough bad people.

    Does Michael not know Ashland is still in town, rolling around in $500M of Newman cash, harassing Victoria, and thumbing his nose at Victor? I'm thinking he might not want to feel so proud of his efforts to take Ashland out of the picture.

    Gotta give it to Lauren. She's still got a tight body for a woman of a certain age.

    I wonder if we'll ever find out what really went down between TPTB and Jordi Vilasuso? This sendoff they've given Rey is one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen on a soap.

    Not sure why but seeing Diane in a bear hug with Kyle gave me the complete creeps. I just can't see how he could possibly trust her again but it seems like she's made some small progress already.

    But Sharon, Nick might want to get away from GC so he won't have to deal with Diane. Plus he's got Ashland breathing down his neck about the $250M donation to New Hope.

    Ugh, Chelsea. You are not Rey's widow. Shut up with your "coulda, woulda" soliloquies.

    Heh, Hurricane Phyllis has arrived and she's about to land on Diane. Batten down the hatches!

    May I ask in what ways it seems Allie's appearance has been Anglicized? She looks the same to me but perhaps I don't know what to expect in make-up for a young Asian woman.

    In some scenes with Allie they have gone heavy on false eyelashes which IMO detract from the natural shape. As to the 250 mil "donation" from Pillsbury for Rey's memory....is it a donation or a redirection? Pillsbury knows he can get a whole lot more $ if he can con Victoria back into their relationship. 

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  18. IKR. If this had happened in any other town, he would have had a huge multi city/state police departments send off at a local funeral home, then at a Genoa City church, then on to Miami where first responders there also would have given him a well deserved respectful farewell. A PARK with a slideshow is tone-deaf on the writers' part, nonwithstanding the fact Rey had a heart attack while off duty. A local officer here (very large urban area) died in a motorcycle wreck while vacationing, young like Rey, local and state departments from all over the state paid respects to this officer, and more importantly to his surviving family members. Huge media coverage on it as well. This was just cheap IMO.

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  19. How 'bout Sharon's crepe de ville neck? Guess Botox is a no-no for the throat. I feel since the first couple of episodes the make-up artists have Anglicized Allie's looks more and more. IMO she was prettier in her beginning episodes. Where was HairySon during the Abbott summit? Auntie Jack is quite the master of passive-aggressive parental alienation with Kyle, while claiming he'll support "any" decision. I'm going to laugh so much if one day the Grinning Ass*ole podcast ends up with an episode about how a family rejected a known villain who had truly changed, while embracing an unknown waif (who while seemingly sweet) brought them only heartache.

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  20. Only thing good about watching all of the moral swamp dwellers (minus Traci) grill Diane was that for some reason Phyllis didn't insinuate herself there as Auntie Jack's friend. If Jack gets befuddled by the rebranded Diane, and Nick makes Sharon a merry widow, only hope for her will be to fall in love with her bestie Amanda. Lately this show is like opening a fridge to only see leftovers from a party that was kind of a drag.

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  21. Nikki's skirt today...Co-Ceo leaves a pile of glitter wherever she sits, followed by a sparkly trail wherever she roams in the corporate suites. Ill fitting, inappropriate in a business setting, just hideous. I am still unable to understand the endless love saga Pillsbury is singing about when Victoria was nothing but a mark he duped into falling in love with a gasbag of lies. Utterly ridiculous. Now, Pillsbury is offering Nick a donation of 250 million of the $ he obtained by Nick's family ransoming Victoria out of his grift? To be gilded with the memory of Rey? Victoria vocalizing her revenge redemption by advocating such a scenario? Such a self centered solution to soothe her bruised ego.She can't stop preening long enough as the world's strongest victim to think through the manipulation and insanity inherent in this strategy. As a plot device, it is every bit as nauseous as the Darvon paternity ploy.

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  22. Diane is just more watchable for me than Phyllis or Nikki. Her calm countenance delivering zingers seems more impactful than the people all running around her huffing and bluffing. If "revenge is best served cold" Diane could be the personification of it. As for Victor being "as quick as ever",  I haven't seen him in anything but mostly a prone position for weeks. I do not feel any menace from him. Again with the belts...is the show stylist color blind? Mariah's taupe and rust colored patterned dress with a red and black striped belt? Uh, no  Caped Victoria looks like a Norland Nanny that got beat up by her young charges. As for her affect not matching her emotions, a lot of it is due to the continued poor production values in her dubbing. She is not the only actor on this show that is suffering from  ineptitude. Are we the only ones that still remember that Billy was victimized by Ashland's and Victor's "scorch the earth" plan to sanitize/neutralize Ashland's reputation? This is another one of the gaping holes the MWT's have just asked the viewers to disregard. Do they have memory impairment, or think the viewers do, or do they just not care? If the answer is they don't care, then don't expect this viewer to. 

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  23. On 4/30/2022 at 8:27 AM, SweePea59 said:

    She's said that a couple times. They've been vague about whatever she did and whomever she did whatever to. They're not telling us because then they would have to write something and fill in all the blanks they are giving us. Too much effort for the MWTs? Or just a poorly executed bad idea in general?


    Yup. Rehashing old crap doesn't make it any better. Just the opposite. These MWTs really have no ideas whatsoever for interesting story lines if they have to revive a dead character and rehash a tedious feud and annoy us with illogical things that make no sense and be vague about it. They gave us the new character Allie. We welcomed her. Where is she? Why isn't she being featured? With a new character they could write anything. Allie is a clean slate. They don't have to change the past and tell us what we saw didn't happen. They could write anything they want with Allie. Why destroy what already exists? Clearly the MWTs have agendas that do not include writing fresh stories, like you would think writers would love to do. Do they just want to piss all over story lines that other writers wrote and feature actors that have no place in existing story and change existing characters that were previously crafted into completely different characters for reasons that have nothing to do with good story telling? Why are they destroying instead of creating? That is not interesting to watch. When I miss an episode, or part of an episode, I don't bother watching it On Demand, or on youtube, or anywhere any way. I just sat fuck it, I can't be bothered. In fact, when I read the posts here and read what happened sometimes I say to myself, glad I missed that.

    I am totally with you. I DVR, then I have zero energy to watch. There is no deep backstory established as to why the characters behave the way they do in the present. If an interesting storyline starts, I know it will just wither away...Dominic bone marrow, Ashland receiving some sort of retribution for his sociopathic ways. I sometimes suspect the MWT's have ADHD. This show forfeited coherency a long, long time ago.

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