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Posts posted by Regalbegal

  1. 22 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

    I still don’t understand why Isobel killed Rosa. I can understand killing the girls who were planning to harm Rosa, but killing Rosa, her friend who she confided in?

    I am still not fully convinced that she actually killed Rosa, or at least there is more going on than we think.  The way they shot it, and at this point the fact that we only saw what Max/Michael saw, makes me pretty sure there is a lot more to unfold here - maybe the other girls hurt Rosa and Isobel tried to help her, but actually ended up killing her accidentally? Maybe there was another alien involved?  I really hope this is resolved by the end of the season. 

    • Love 3
  2. 23 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

    I like Alex, but I'm still not sold on Alex/Michael and I really like Michael's chemistry with Maria

    I have found the opposite - while Michael and Maria are snarky and fun together and play off each other well I don't see the romantic/sexual undercurrent/chemistry that there is between Michael and Alex, at least not at this point.  Complicating matters is that this is an attractive and fairly charismatic cast overall, so at times there are vibes popping off in all directions.  I would hesitate to see a love triangle with the three of them, bc as written now at least Maria would be the "spoiler", so to speak, and I think the character deserves better than that. 

    I am hoping that the lack of Maria thus far is a product of both availability issues and the initial focus on setting up the core back stories of Rosa/Liz and the 3 aliens.  The actress is great, and I would hate to see her under-used.

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  3. 6 hours ago, izzybee said:

    Hm.. This episode was kind of a bust for me. It ended with Isobel essentially being locked up.. which is exactly how the previous episode ended.

    Overall I liked it, but yeah it did feel like a lot of action but no real plot progress, character development, etc. The only exception for me was the stuff with Alex and his father, both bc it was great seeing Alex be proactive and it was cathartic for him to take some power back.  I thought most of the cast did a good job this week, and I like how they continue to mix up scene pairings.  Also, for  once Max's crying seemed fully appropriate to the context. The one character that felt sort of off to me was Liz, surprisingly.  I just couldn't get a good read on where she was coming from and what her motivations were.  She had some lovely silver jewelry, though. 

    I predict that Noah will be exposed as having nefarious motives, dead, or both by the end of the season. 

    To end on a shallow note: Michael looked very nice in a cowboy hat. 

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I rewound, but I am still not sure. It looked like Schwartz was smiling when FI was calling Katie a bully. 

    It seems like he might be one of these people who smiles when he gets nervous, and any hint of confrontation seems to make him nervous. 

    Katie is no great prize, but I don't really get the whole carrying of James' firing on her shoulders.  He pissed off so many of the cast by acting like a drunk, petulant child at work; maybe Katie was the one who talked to Lisa, but Lisa did not just fire him for one insulting comment at Katie.  His response to Tom and Tom was hilarious - and proved the point of his douchery - having a full out temper tantrum in front of the former boss he is trying to impress with how much he has "grown" to get his job back?  Dumbass. 

    Hey, that was my Gelson's!  They (unfortunately?) do not sell butt plugs there.  They do have a great vodka selection, though.  

    • Love 19
  5. On 3/5/2019 at 10:06 PM, izzybee said:

    As much as I can snark about this show, it really is coming into its own. This episode felt totally unique to Roswell, New Mexico - a bit of mystery, some sci-fi, angsty cowboys, stunning landscape shots. Most importantly though, I felt like the characters were finally acting their age. Maria's struggle with her mother (while it may be alien induced) was very real and required a maturity that wouldn't have been believable if these characters were any younger. Plus, Izzy's husband standing by her, the little glimpse into Cameron's past - hell, even Liz and Max dealt with their drama pretty reasonably. 

    I finally caught up with the last two episodes, and that was my response as well, I really enjoyed both episodes and was for the first time not comparing everything to OG Roswell (where was the OG show at this point, what would have the OG characters done, etc).  I particularly liked the characterization of Isobel this episode, who has been the one character I really haven't connected with so far - it was nice seeing her trying to take control of her life while taking active steps to try to protect others (without the aura of self-sacrifice that both Max and Michael often wallow in). 

    Although I am 100% sure there is still another shoe to drop on the "who killed Rosa" side, I thought how it played out at least provided an understandable explanation (although not an excuse) for the awful actions of Max and Michael - they made a stupid decision in the heat of panic without thinking through the consequences (although I don't necessarily think the whole town turning on Rosa's family was that foreseeable), and after that coming cleaning would basically have ended things for all three of them.  Again, this doesn't make their choices any less bad, but at least understandable within the overall plot. 

    Also good this episode:  Maria finally getting some screen time (hopefully this will continue); interesting parallels between Max/Liz and Michael/Alex (although the later actually had a real relationship vs mopey pining); and the introduction of Maria's mom. I like where things are going. 

    Maybe it is the little piece of emo in my soul but I really liked the "Jumper" cover, although as an old that song will always remind me of "Real World - Seattle".  

    • Love 3
  6. Re-watching Ep2 last night, plus the coming attractions for the next episode, has me wondering how much Max really knows about Rosa's death and when he found it out.  It doesn't seem like he was actually there when it happened - does he just know because Michael told him? And why was he so surprised about the hand on Rosa's face - was it out of line with how Michael told him it happened?  One theory is that Michael came upon the scene and assumed Isobel did it (I think in the promo he says "what did you do?"), but really she was just there or tangentially involved - and the hand on the face was her trying to help Rosa?  I don't know, this is only episode 5 so I just can't quite buy we've already gotten to the final answer of who killed Rosa.  

    • Love 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    finally got to watch the episode last night - I think this was their best one so far. Kyle and Alex were unexpectedly entertaining (I LOLed at "What's the worst we can find?" "Literal skeletons!") and touching. It was interesting that someone (was it Valenti? Was it Rosa? Was it someone else?) hid a piece of alien glass in the walls. Also, there was a point in the pilot of Michael having a piece of the same material, so I think that's going to connect Michael and Alex at some point. 

    Agreed on both counts!  This episode had a lot of new info/plot development, but unlike last week balanced it with action and drama to keep things interesting.  The Alex/Kyle scenes were definitely  - and surprisingly - my favorites. One positive about the show is that the writers have given opportunities for all of the major characters to have interaction with each other (not just the same pairs over that over) that provide some additional character background and development - Michael/Maria being an example last week, Alex/Kyle this week.  We learned a lot about not just Alex and Kyle's relationship, but their relationship with their fathers, Alex coming out, Alex/Michael (both coming from abusive backgrounds) etc.   Eek, could Alex's father be more awful?  This must has made an impact on me, bc after watching I had a dream that he (Alex's father) broke my phone?? 

    I think it is pretty clear I am on board for Max/Liz, but it struck me this episode that a good 80% of the time, no matter what he is doing (policing, having sex, having a conversation,  just hanging out), he looks on the verge of bursting into tears.  Theoretically, Michael and Isobel have been putting up with this for 10 years? (even though they had a role in it..).  Yikes. 

    Every week, even though it is not featured in the episode, I get the song from the episode title stuck in my head as a ear worm.  Luckily I was a big No Doubt fan back in the day. 

    • LOL 2
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  8. On 2/9/2019 at 5:36 AM, 2727 said:

    I'm giving up on All Stars because it's no longer any fun for me, but if Ru insists on keeping  this format it's possible that a lot of former queens won't be interested, either.

    This season really has been a disappointment for me. The contestants as a whole haven't wowed me, and I think I would only have identified around half of them as "All-stars" material to begin with.  Of the ones left, I don't know, I guess either Trinity or Monet as the winner (although I can't say either one of them has been stellar)?   The contestants doing the voting format didn't work well on the last All-stars and is not working here either, rather than stirring up "drama" for the most part it just seems to make all of them seem stressed and tired.  I really hope they take a long break before trotting out All-stars again, and hopefully revamp the format.   

    • Love 2
  9. On 2/6/2019 at 12:33 PM, ellieart said:

    I really wish they would stop giving Nathan Parsons these huge, emotional scenes to play.  He's truly awful at it. 

    He was pretty cringe-y for me the first couple of episodes, but has grown on me, especially in his scenes with Jeanine Mason (like the ones at the end of this episode and the last one).  Historically in shows I will ship the tortured, dramatic pairing vs. the healthy alternative, so I wasn't really feeling the Kyle and Liz scenes (Kyle is very, very nice to look at though, and I like that they are writing him from the beginning as a layered character vs. the little weasel OG Kyle was at the beginning). 

    Michael and Alex are pretty smokin' together, but Michael and Maria were fun this episode, I am fine with the writers playing around with it a little bit. Who knows, maybe there is a thruple in the offing? 

    The more I see Rosa the less she is coming across "free spirit" and the more "whiney hot mess".  I find myself not super-invested in who killed her, but I would bet it ends up not being one of the "core three". 

    All in all this episode was... A LOT for the 4th episode of the show.   Lots of "huh?" moments and a little too much exposition.  Still hanging in there, though!

    • Love 4
  10. 23 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

    As far as chemistry, I think the actors who play Liz and Max have exhibited plenty of chemistry or at least they have that look of love in their eyes when they see each other.

    Reading the comments on this episode thus far, it struck me how fine the line is between "romantic" and "stalker" in some of these fictional melodramas, exemplified by Max's behavior in this episode.  I tend to fall on the romance side of his interactions with Liz, but I definitely understand the "run, girl!" reaction to things like "I've been thinking for 10 years about that one time you touched my lip" as well.  To their credit, I think the writers and actors get this and are playing with it a bit. 

    5 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    This. I personally can't see anything but his version of Todd every time he's on screen lol. It's sort of comforting and annoying at the same time.

    I wonder if he's going to start doing that weird thing where he talks to the imaginary people in the corner? Such a strange tick. I don't think I could handle him as a good guy and I don't see him becoming Dad-ified like Valenti did on OG Roswell, but I can handle him as a super creepy villain.

    Ah, the batshit days of the last few Frodd/Todd months of OLTL.  Of all the old OLTL cast, I can't say Trevor St John is one I anticipated seeing in a CW melodrama.  Good on him, though, I think he fits the role well.  

    • Love 2
  11. I am so glad they didn't drag out Liz confronting Max about her suspicions he killed Rosa.  Ouch, though, that scene was tough to watch.  I haven't been too much of a fan of Nathan Parson's acting thus far, but he really sold Max's heartbreak, and I think he and Jeanine Mason are building some good chemistry.  I am glad they had Isobel validating that his feelings aren't one-sided after her trip into Liz's head, I was starting to feel like there might be something wrong with me rooting for a couple veering so close to stalker territory.

    3 hours ago, Kareny said:

    This is what made Original Flavor Roswell work, when it did - melodramatic aliens bringing the big feels. Not the details, not the high school genre, and definitely not the Antar/Kivar/Royal Four crap storylines. Sexy aliens who are emotionally overinvested in their relationships. YES. They're getting that part right. 

    Agreed, I am willing to overlook a lot of storytelling silliness for good old-fashioned melodrama and UST (and eventually RST!) played out among very pretty people, and that is what is keeping me tuning in here. 

    3 hours ago, phoenics said:

    Maria said Rosa snuck out to meet someone - so who was it?  Was it an alien?

    Were they trying to hint that it was Isobel, and maybe Isobel had something going on with Rosa?  Maybe that is why she is so freaked out about Max and Liz?  

    In other news:  Michael and Alex still hot (until they gave me the sads), Maria is great and I want to see more of her, the '90s music references are a hoot, and I am loving Liz's lipstick color. 

    • Love 1
  12. I know the "what ifs" are many today, but I really wish, from the video that has slipped out from the live show,  they had decided to do a partially staged live concert.  I think that a good chunk (at least 50%?) of the numbers could have been run live with the planned staging mostly intact - the ones that didn't include Roger or where he mostly just stands/sits around anyway.  For the numbers that just couldn't have been staged with him sitting without a major overhaul, do those concert-style.   Overall, it was enjoyable, I feel weird critiquing something that those who made it weren't intending others to see.  So, trying to keep things mostly on the positive side....

    13 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

    I thought Tinashe doing "Will You Light My Candle" was a scene stealer.

    This is one of my favorite numbers in the show in general (I think partially because I get a kick out of how Larson played off of the original scene in "La Boheme"), and I was surprised in that I really liked what these two did with it (I guess my expectations for them were pretty low!).  To me, the airing of the rehearsal vs. live show seemed to impact  Brennin and Tinashe's performances the most. There were performers who were strong throughout or weak throughout, but these two were sort of hit and miss. They came on strong at the beginning, but felt more and more muted/restrained as the show went on.  Which completely makes sense - if I was doing a dress rehearsal I would not have gone full out the whole time!  There was definitely a "u curve" with the two of them, with the energy/intensity picking back up when it switched into live mode at the end.  

    3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Man, half the cast seemed to just be doing impressions of previous actors, and half the cast really made the roles their own. BVD was fabulous, of course, as was Vanessa, but for me Jordan Fisher was the MVP. He really took the character of Mark and made him different from anyone else and super memorable. It sounded like Tinashe was literally going for an impersonation of Rosario Dawson in the movie. Vanessa was a bit more nasal than I remember her in other things, giving her an Idina sound. I didn't like how subdued most folks were in the dress rehearsal. Roger was much stronger in the actual live portion at the end, despite probably being heavily medicated. Valentina...you know, she's obviously not a great singer/actor, but she radiated warmth and joy in that role, which was the most critical component of that part. Even when she was clearly fucking up the vocals, she didn't break character and show it on her face.

    BVD and Jordan Fisher really jumped out to me as the ones whose performances could stand up to the originals (from someone who saw the original cast back in the day).  BVD is a force of nature, and Jordan had a new take on the role of Mark that was fresh/interesting.  They (and Vanessa Hudgens) also seemed least impacted by the live/not live variations (from what I have seen of clips of the actual live show).   Of course, the ending with the original cast made up for a multitude of sins, and I loved the opportunities (however small) for the original cast members to sing/interplay with the new counterparts.  I think I would have been happy with just listening to Jesse L. Martin and BVD sing with each other for 3 hours.    

    All in all, a lot of missed opportunities, but still worth a watch.  I hope that at some point Fox releases the entire "live concert".   

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    At least 2 of us here think so.

    Make that 3... Nathan Parsons is so so pretty, but he isn't exactly a world-class emoter.  In comparison, the actor playing Michael I think is doing a great job so far, and I like the fact that he character has some very rough edges.

    • Love 5
  14. Overall, I think the creators have made a good choice to just keep the bare bones of the story and re-conceive the characters – for me, much of the OG show was carried by the chemistry between the four leads, and any new teen Max, Liz, Maria etc would suffer in comparison.  This episode emphasized even further the difference in tone between this and the original – there is sex, violence,  the aliens are acting threatening,  Liz and Max are in opposition to each other etc.   I enjoyed the pilot, but this was definitely an improvement.

    5 hours ago, kj4ever said:

    I don't buy the whole she was afraid of Max.  I really, really hate when shows make something that in real life would be completely resolved by a conversation and make it into a big deal that causes conflict and problems for the whole season.  I don't buy that Liz would be afraid of Max at this point.  If he wouldn't have saved her life, shown her exactly how he has felt about her for over a decade, and then turned around and saved her Father's life maybe.

    I generally agree that this type of plotting is annoying and it was pretty abrupt here, although in this case at least there was some reasonable rationale for why both Max and Liz were holding things back.  I hope they don’t drag it out too long, though – I think the chemistry between these two is a strength of the show, so I’d prefer to see the characters working together vs. cross purposes. 

    9 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

    I have to admit I laughed at Max’s sadbang face at the end there. 

    Yes, me too! All that was missing was the “womp womp” sad  trombone.  It wiped out whatever heat or pathos they were possibly trying to bring in that scene.   Luckily, we had the scene with Michael and Alex to bring the sexy back, so to speak.  I am really curious about their backstory. 

    So, is every episode going to be named after a late-‘90s song?  If so, I like it!

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