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Posts posted by Mom2twoNonna2-3

  1. Amy didn't want help, nor, did she want the kids to have to clean up after themselves. That falls to Amy, who I much prefer over Matt. Teaching your children life skills, such as cooking, cleaning, laundry is a parent's responsibility. Both parents responsibility. Many complain about the sheet-less beds, but, my son fought me through his teen years over putting sheets on his bed. I finally gave up the fight and went with the "choose your battles" idea. He is 19 now and cooks, cleans, does his own laundry, and yes, his bed has sheets on it. 

    • Love 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Literata said:

    Here's what precipitated that:

    Matt and Amy were already separated, perhaps divorced. Matt sat down at the kitchen table, alone, and was pouting about the fact that Amy didn't have dinner on the table at EXACTLY the time she said she was going to, because he had somewhere to be. He made a couple of snarky comments about not being surprised that Amy was late with dinner because that's the way it always had been, or some such. He clearly had a date and wanted everyone to KNOW he had a date, and he was insufferable. And Amy, who A. was not required to serve him and B. likely knew he was worried about being late to meet the woman he had begun fucking while he and Amy were still married, was 110% justified in telling him to shove the dinner up his ass. 

    In addition, it was the Thanksgiving dinner that the kids were cooking for. So technically, it wasn't her responsibility to feed his a$$ at the appointed time. If you can't be a gracious guest then go home.

    • Love 11
  3. 23 hours ago, Chippings said:

    Molly Shannon's episode really got to Mr Chips and myself. His gt-gt-grandparents came from the North of Ireland ca 1850, and he has always wanted me to find their "wee village" or even better their "wee cottage."   I knew they would find Molly Shannon's wee cottage - we are so jealous.  Now he wants me to start researching again and see if we can find his.  (Highly unlikely!)  The sight of her standing on her own family's land really has him ready to go on the hunt again.  Being Irish does mean a particular lot to people, I think - maybe because of the dire circumstances that caused them to leave, and the vast number who did.  This one was particularly moving for us. 

    My 2nd great grandparents came to the US in 1848. They were 21, married and boarded a ship out of that famine. They were from North Ireland (Newry, County Down) and I, too, do alot of research in hope of finding their village and/or "wee cottage." Here's  hoping Mr. Chips finds his.  In my research I found the great niece of my 2nd great grandfather (his sister is the great grandmother of the relative I found). It's a tremendous joy to find someone in your research. I live in PA, she grew up in OH and now lives in Canada. But, we met and found the cemetery were our relatives are buried together.


    I liked how Molly's story had a much closer relationship. We've complained about how they had to go back so many generations to find something interesting. Finding living relatives who knew your grandparents and great grandparents is much more interesting to me.

    • Love 7
  4. 1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

    All the birthdays cards I've gotten are addressed as sweetheart, too.  She also has called her older sister "Sis" for their entire lives, and no one has seemed upset about it.

    My aunt is over 70. She has always been called Sis(sy). Even the nieces and nephews call her Aunt Sis. Her license plate on her car is "AuntSis" I never knew her Christian name until I started researching our ancestry. Another aunt refuses to call my daughter by her full Christian name. It's the name of a former paramour of hers. Every card and gift in her 26 yearss been addressed to a shortened version of her name. No complaints have ever been lodged by anyone involved. I even refer to my daughter at age 26 by "baby girl" on occasion. It's a form of endearment and I'm sure Ember will know her Christian name, but, feel special when called "baby girl" by her parents. No matter how old, she'll always be their baby girl.

    Tori and Zach call Jackson "Baby J" or "J."

    • Love 6
  5. I was curious about if he was related to John Adams. That would have been amazing. My family is Pierce from New Hampshire. I'm hoping to discover that I'm a descendent of Franklin Pierce. My daughter is descended from 2 Kings (William the Lion of Scots and one other I can't remember) from her dad's side. She's so proud. 

  6. Quote

    I would vehemently disagree with you that he is an "awesome" farmer and "supreme" businessman.

    I was being sarcastic. I would never agree that he is any of those things .He just thinks he is. And my point is..if he thinks he's those things, why is the days leading up to opening always a cluster###. By now, he should have the system down pat and running like a well-oiled machine.

    Amy has never claimed to be a "businesswoman." It sounds to me like she was happy being a mother. Now that her kids are grown and she's no longer a wife, she's looking for a new direction in her life. Good for her.

    My oldest grandson is 7, he has been the baby until his brother was born 11 months ago. I still slip up and refer to him as the baby, though.

    • Love 4
  7. They said due to filming, family members may not always be available. Jackson had to be at least 4 1/2 months old, Ember close to 1 month when Pumpkin season started. In PA pumpkin farms generally open last weekend in September or first weekend in October. Jackson was born mid-may, Ember at the end of August, IIRC. I bet the filming of this episode, based on when they talk about ages is set-up. The actual season for pumpkins hadn't started, I bet. 

    It is ridiculous that the boys can't work because of babies. My husband went back to work a few days after my son was born. 12 week paternity leave is now available, but, Jeremy doesn't actually work a real job, other than the show. Zach works at the soccer club.


    I do feel for Tori, but, they could have alternated times at the farm once the season started.  Pumpkin season is when she met and fell in love with Zach. It holds a special place in her heart. Her parents don't live too far away and she could have left Jackson with them. Zach was smart to want to keep the baby away from the public, although unnecessary.  He wasn't a brand new baby and I'm sure they took him out other places. Tori did keep the baby close to her and protected so they had a smart compromise.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I agree.  It seems that something has to be late, delayed, not working out, a thorn in their side, in order to create a storyline. Home renovation shows have a long history of feeding into the theory that viewers like to see a race to the finish to get the house ready, because the Open House is tomorrow! So frustrating.   I get the same vibe from this show.  Unless, it was scripted to add interest and a reason for Amy to criticize Matt, then, I don't see the point.  Either that or Matt relied on the boys to paint it and they never got around to it. Still, no excuse. I don't buy that Matt let that project fall through the cracks.   I even wonder if that first day that they aired last night was REALLY a first open day.  Hmmm........More like a trial run, imo and maybe not even real.  lol 

    I did get some evidence that Amy's real beef with Caryn is not about Caryn and Matt, but, with Caryn and the adult kids and grandkids.  I don't think Amy likes seeing them, being cordial or friendly with Caryn.  And how dare Tori ask Caryn to hold Jackson.  I get it.  Too bad Chris couldn't be there.  His presence seems to soothe Amy. 

    I liked the gifts they had available.  T-shirts wold also be popular, imo.  Did you see any in the gift shop? 

    I did see shirts when they were doing quick shots of different items for sale.

    • Love 1
  9.   On 4/23/2018 at 10:52 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

    Just want to add if they do kill off Barbara I won't be mad.  I'll miss her and want it to be where she lives next week but I won't be mad at the show if she dies die.  What would make me very mad at the writers is if Barbara dies and they put Trixe and Tom back together.

    I would absolutely hate if Barbara dies and they pull that. Trixie/Christopher is much better.

    Hopefully Barbara will recover.

    I've read articles so I know how this turns out. The season must be nearing it's end. I'm glad I found it on PBS. I usually watch on Netflix and wasn't looking forward to waiting on this season.

    • Love 1
  10. You think Matt was more involved in Dwarf games? I recall that when they went to Europe he couldn't be bothered to actually attend the games. He and Jer went to another country instead and left Amy, Molly, Jacob & Zach at the games. 

    Amy was always the one who coached the kids games and went to all of their games. Matt couldn't be bothered to show up for the twins graduation on time.


    I have an ex who has missed his daughter's HS graduation, college graduation and now her wedding. Her stepfather will walk her down the aisle with a smile on his face. He's the one who did Daddy/Daughter dances, stayed up late making bows for her cheerleading squad and attending all her sporting events and music recitals.  It's sad that the Roloff kids didn't have a father who was more committed to them than "making the farm something to remember." Of course, the kids have great memories, but, many of the memories they mention are just running through the woods. That's God's building, not Matt's.

    • Love 7
  11. I didn't say it was 12-13 years in the future, the showrunners did. Watch the video that's posted by itself.  I agree he looked older than 50 or 51, but, I don't do the makeup for this show.

  12. My son is my clone and my daughter looks like her father. We are divorced and I've remarried. People say she looks like me until I show them a pic of her father. Then, you see it. She's beautiful (see my profile pic) and never minds being compared to him physically. She's getting married on 4/14 and we've struggled with our relationship. I would love her to say something to me like Kate did to Rebecca. Not so much that I am her way, but, that I'm not in the way. 

    I watched that video of the showrunners , Justin, Mandy and Milo. You can see the happiness Milo felt finally having a chance to film with the other stars of the show. He said he savored every minute of it. Mandy said it's like being in two different shows, one with the adults and one with the kids and Milo. 

    I'm glad Kate took the time to  herself, it was originally her way of including her father, but, finally realizing that she needed to let him go. She actually had emotional growth in this episode and it was a pleasure to see. Regarding her always thinking of herself, remember that in the beginning she was her brother's assistant and her life consisting of being his caretaker and making sure his needs were met. 

    I was also happy to see that no one walked her down the aisle, but, her brothers walked behind her as support. That was a beautiful moment. Any scene with the adult Big Three is a joy to see. 

    My daughter watched the show (and lives in Bethel Park where they supposedly grew up, she was bummed when the kids school colors and mascot didn't match the real Bethel Park "Hawks") and still can't discuss it with me. Her response when I asked if she watched was "Yes. Don't. I can't." Clearly she was moved also. I can't wait to hear her feelings on this show. 

    My parents died young. Dad when I was 18 from a heart attack and he as about 45. Mom was 62 and died the day after my grandson's first birthday from an auto accident. But, I watched my grandfather suffer from Alzheimer's for 12 years. I was far away, but, visiting him and trying to call him was hard. I couldn't understand his speech and hearing the stories of how disorientated he became broke my heart. He was an incredible man who invented things and had a numerical memory that would astound you. He could identify one of the UPS trucks in his fleet from a far distance and name the model and truck number. He passed on Father's day of all things and I think that is hard for my surviving aunts.  I hope they don't go there with Rebecca or Beth. Damn showrunners show us some mercy.

    Rebecca looked beautiful in her dress. The costume designers in this episode did a great job. 

    I can't speak to foster children. My sister was in a foster home, but, I never was directly impacted. Anyone who has the heart and patience to open their homes to a child in need is a saint in my book. 

    6 months of no TIU will be hard. I may sink into a Toby-like depression by then. 

    • Love 3
  13. On 3/14/2018 at 11:41 AM, DearEvette said:


    The Randall/Tess one is so far into the future (20 years) that I can't get too upset that they might be talking about Beth -- which I think the show wants us to think but it might not really be her.  I am leaning toward that it has something to do with Deja too.  Even if it is Beth, that doesn't affect her 'present day' presence.  So I am ok.  I mean, Jack has been dead for two seasons and we still get to hang with him. 

    Based on the video where the host interview a few of the cast and the creators, the Randall/Tess scene occurs 12-13 years in the future and next season will focus a lot on Vietnam. They did not tell us exactly what would be found there, but, it will be a focus of the series.

    • Love 1
  14. On 3/13/2018 at 10:31 PM, imhooked said:


    Jack's hammer

    It was his screwdriver. I read it on an article. I thought someone in the show background (not in show directly) said it was.

    • Love 2
  15. My daughter and her fiancee are having a joint party this weekend. They are playing airsoft (whatever that is, is it like paintball?) and then some will go out for drinks, but, his groomsman brother is underage and they wanted him included so this was a perfect thing and the girls are all tomboys.

    • Love 6
  16. 22 hours ago, J0nas3 said:

    Did anybody catch where the Bruce concert was? I heard Rebecca say /something/ Center, and I was wondering where that was because the Igloo was Civic Arena.

    The Benedum Center, He did play the Benedum Center in Sept. of 1996 which does not line up to this.


    I felt like it was my fault my  mother died. We just hit the 6 year mark on Sunday. I asked her to come to my house for my grandson's 1st birthday. She was on her way to the bus station (the day before birthday) and her friend had a car accident. She died at the scene and the revived her. She lived 2 days until the day after his birthday. I'm just glad she didn't die on his birthday. I was with her. My father was alone, except his dog. I couldn't go in the room when I saw him laying in the ER dead. My grandmother is the one I bawled over leaving in the funeral home. I didn't really cry when my brother died (I was 15, he was 16). Didn't mean I didn't love him, though. I lost it 4 months later. So I don't fret over Kevin. And I instantly lost it when I heard one of my dear friends died of cancer. I didn't know she had been sick. I had moved away and couldn't reach her for over a year. We led busy lives so I wasn't worried. Her mother in law told me when I finally messaged her on facebook. 

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