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Posts posted by SG11

  1. 16 hours ago, preeya said:

    That's what I thought, but how would the revolver have had an empty chamber in the middle of two live rounds?

    I think you can just enter a round one at a time, unless you use a speed loader. I usually use a semi-Auto, but I do have a revolver and it’s possible to place a round in, skip a chamber, place another in... think about how Russian Roulette works, for instance.

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  2. One other thing... kind of odd that Matt said the revolver “jammed.” While it’s a common belief that revolvers do not jam, the truth is they can, but usually it’s due to a casing foulup that would cause the shooter to have to work on the gun to get it to fire. The next shot the offender took, shot successfully with no effort, into the floor.

    When I watched the scene, it looked like there wasn’t a round in that chamber. That’s what I thought they were doing there. Then the next shot fired cleanly. Calling it a “jam” was weird, but I guess he’s a fireman, not a gun guy.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

    That s why they offer so much in prize money. It’s very difficult to do that but it’s definitly been done.  even pro hockey players  would have trouble making that shot.

    Actually, it’s not that hard. I played a long time and the board was shown to have the 3 holes cut, so all he had to do would be slide (not shoot) the puck 100 feet from center ice on goal, and get lucky.  I do not believe anyone wins $10k on the third try though; only the first.

    I was yelling at the TV why are they giving him a left curve stick when he is shooting right handed? Good for his player coach at the end to tell him that.

    True story, while coaching minor league hockey, our team also did a $10k giveaway, but it was one shot, one hole in the center. (Much more difficult). It was held the last game of the season and some guy who had never had a stick in his hand won it! BUT... the insurance policy that covered the $10k payoff EXPIRED at midnight the night before, due to a schedule error. Uh oh.

    It took months, but the guy finally got paid. His wife gave me grief saying it wasn’t worth all the hassle and drama. I said spare me the whiny, Mrs 10k Lady.

    • LOL 2
  4. I think they got the top 4 right. Kind of a no brainer. Assumed Preacher would get 5th as he’s been an annointed one from the moment he’s shown up. I think he’s a talented performer and absolutely made for a sitcom, but his material is not remotely funny. His trying waaaay tooo hard standup is painful to sit through. I’m glad he’s given up the Kevin Hart imitation, though.

    Figured there was no way Darci was going to win as a Wild Card, even though the fact she had to get there that was was ridiculous.

    The show had some good moments and they sure ended up with some great acts. But that horrible 50 state lie has to stop; its insulting to the audience.

    • Love 5
  5. The only thing you like about Bishop is her recently terrible hair? She looks like she’s too poor to take care of her mousy color growing out.

    But yeah, I forgot about Bishops ridiculous entitlement over “not being able to learn from Ziva.” What?  You didn’t get to learn from Kate either. 

    Or, uh, George Washington.

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  6. I can’t imagine anyone not being completely turned off by the shows development into The Olivia Benson SJW Hour. I mean, she could spend most shows pushing an agenda I agreed with and I wouldn’t be interested in that sort of bias either. I’ve watched this show and its reruns forever and when I watch older episodes of SVU and am reminded of what good writing and storytelling is compared to this leftist speech every week, it makes me sad.

    And don’t get me started on the gun stuff. If you own a gun, you’re bad. When she chided blondie not to “get all Second Amendment” when she made a normal, valid point, that was it. I retired from 20 years in LE and I don’t know anyone who is as aggressively anti gun rights as Benson. Why doesn’t she work in Seattle?

    its sad what this show has become, and it’s all Olivia. At least her biannual surgery gives us something to look forward to, although I do miss the Katlyn Jenner look she was going for awhile back.

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  7. I returned to watch this episode given the Ziva storyline. I haven’t watched it since that goofball took over for Abby, who admittedly, was getting a little stale. Goth in 2018 is not cutting edge, kids. Neither are tattoos. But her replacement... unwatchable.

    So I come back and see: 1. Gibbs, looking remarkably older and not interesting. What happened? 2. McGee looking like he joined the Dad Bod in 30 days Club. Yikes, Tim. And 3. Bishop... what happened to Bishop? She looks like her own older sister. Her hair is half brown. Is there a storyline to explain the remarkable change in her... and others?

    I will say I’ve always hated Palmer so much, and he seemed more mature.

    And nitwit gives Torres an empty jar? With no reason? And he puts water in it?

    And for those who hate Ziva so much because of the impossibleness of her character. C’mon, this show has never had any interest in reality. They felt the need to try to keep up with Criminal Minds so they had their Medical Examiner take a course someplace and he’s suddenly a qualified “Profiler.” Jake comes in, supposedly in an “Agent” job title like everyone else... except she’s some kind of Doc and has a private office. This stuff has defied stupid for years.

    Not that I’m crazy over Ziva. I loved her skills and lack of use of contractions and funny misuse of English expressions, but I’ve always pined for Kate.

    So, is there a reason Bishop looks like that? Why hire Emily Wickersham and make her look like a nobody at the mall?

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  8. I guess I’m old enough to remember when the moral dilemmas were how medical professionals had to treat people they disliked, or in the established order regardless of whose friend was last on the list. Now, this show weekly shows this cowboy atmosphere of Docs and nurses completely ignoring protocol, legal requirements, moral requirements, sensible medical strategy, making up insane procedures, faking computer information etc and just making up whatever they want to do, based on their own biases and personal beliefs.

    And every week when the latest staff gets caught, the Admin gives him/her the stern face and says it better not happen again. There are never consequences, ever. No wonder no one follows any rules or laws. Why bother? The nurses with the sex offender stuff should all have been suspended. No blowback, nothing, except the glaring April for Choi rightfully suspecting her.

    And I will never, ever understand why the Psych Doc has literally nothing else to do all day every day but hang around the ER.

    I shouldn’t complain as he’s the only character remotely likable on that show.

    • Love 7
  9. On 2/9/2019 at 10:41 AM, Court said:

    This show has infuriated me. Where do I start and why am I still watching. Both Natalie and April are insufferable and the absolute worst. Choi and Will need to run away.

    April is constantly interjecting her personal beliefs all over patients and she needs to shut up and do her job. I wish she had killed that patient, it could have made the show interesting. 

    Natalie yes divorce is your only option when you and your husband have a fight. Stop issuing ultimatums and talk to Will. Listen to him and find out why he has the gun. Why he feels it's necessary and what he has actually been through. You could come to a compromise about it and it not be in the house. He wouldn't have had to lie to you if you hadn't just kicked him out because he owned one. 

    I hope whoever stole the gun shoots Natalie and April gets caught in the crossfire. 

    I effectively blocked out Bekker and Rhodes. She can go too. Maybe Rhodes will become likeable again. 

    But we did get a mention of Dr. Latham! Maybe we will get an appearance from him soon. 

    On 2/9/2019 at 10:41 AM, Court said:

    This show has infuriated me. Where do I start and why am I still watching. Both Natalie and April are insufferable and the absolute worst. Choi and Will need to run away.

    April is constantly interjecting her personal beliefs all over patients and she needs to shut up and do her job. I wish she had killed that patient, it could have made the show interesting. 

    Natalie yes divorce is your only option when you and your husband have a fight. Stop issuing ultimatums and talk to Will. Listen to him and find out why he has the gun. Why he feels it's necessary and what he has actually been through. You could come to a compromise about it and it not be in the house. He wouldn't have had to lie to you if you hadn't just kicked him out because he owned one. 

    I hope whoever stole the gun shoots Natalie and April gets caught in the crossfire. 

    I effectively blocked out Bekker and Rhodes. She can go too. Maybe Rhodes will become likeable again. 

    But we did get a mention of Dr. Latham! Maybe we will get an appearance from him soon. 

    Great post.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, izabella said:

    Yes, she has a young child in the house, the son who threw a block at Will's head.  She is concerned because gun accidents happen, especially with kids.  The fact is, gun accidents can't happen if there are no guns in the house.

    He would give it to the PD so it doesn't end up in a criminal's hands, like it did with the theft.  If he sold it to someone himself, or gave it away, he wouldn't be doing a background check on the person buying.  I don't know if gun shops take returns.

    If she has a young child in the house and she said that was her concern, I’m OK with that. Even if having a young child to protect is even more reason to have a gun in the house, I at least understand her being afraid of that.

    Your PD answer makes no sense. Almost all gun shops take guns back, they sell every one they have in stock. If he bought a gun and then just gave it away, that’s just senseless. Citizens sell guns to private citizens every day of the week in Illinois. The seller isn’t responsible for a background check, just needs to keep a copy of the buyers FOID card. You might disagree with the law, but there’s no reason why a private gun owner shouldn’t sell privately within the law.  Most private sellers do so because they are buying a different gun; leaving 4-500 dollars on the table makes no sense.

    I think the next time I want to get rid of a car, I’m going to give it to the government instead of selling it because I’m afraid that car might be used in an accident.

    Who needs the trade-in?

    • Love 3
  11. By the way, why does this soap opera so desperately want to be New Amsterdam?   Every show a clear legal standard is ignored, and some Doc either decides he/she will ignore what a patient really wants because he knows better or ignores legal, moral, medical procedure because he thinks he knows what the patient really wants.

  12. On 1/17/2019 at 10:27 PM, spunky said:

    Exactly! One of the advisors for the show is a former cop from Chicago. Clearly if he had an issue with how the "corrupt white cops" were being portrayed the storylines would be different. I appreciate the fact that the writers don't make it seem as though every Black and Hispanic male is a criminal. 

    Try to keep up. Writers on every single show on TV and movies have stopped showing ANY black or Hispanic as a criminal, and any terrorist can only be a white Eastern European, never a radical Muslim.

    The only acceptable villains on any show are white, straight males, prefably cops. When you see them early in the storyline, that’s your crooked politician, bad cop or sexual deviant.

    The fact they pay a former cop to advise on procedure (not very well) does not in any way prove that Police do not care for the BS way cops are portrayed on this show and every other.

    • Love 1
  13. Agree with most of the complaints.

    It shows how weak this series is that I still find Curry the most interesting person on it. Still poorly written.

    The show starts with a helicopter crash. People in helicopter crash act like, “oops, how inconvenient.” People at hospital hear about helicopter crash and go, “everyone OK?” Was this a helicopter crash or a fender-bender?

    Please make April stop making those looks. It’s like an SNL skit.

    I know Wolf is desperately interjecting anti gun BS, but why hasn’t Will once asked whiny-girl why the gun is so horrifying in the house? Does she think it will grow legs and attack her in the shower? Are there kids in the house? Does she believe Chicago criminals don’t have their own guns? If this is close to a dealbreaker, where’s the conversation? I think Wolf actually hurts his own cause by making her a typical no logic anti gun nut who thinks No Gun Zones mean there’s no guns there.

    And... why would he take it to the PD? If it’s a legal gun and he’s got a FOID, why would he give away a pistol he probably paid $400 for? 

    I guess the Psych Doc has to date Miss Former Law and Order.

    BTW, Miss whiny I Hate Guns is the perfect example of a woman I thought was absolutely stunning, too pretty to play that part, and through her personality has managed to actually become unattractive over time.  Of course, several of the soap opera-cast pretty people on that show have done the same.

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  14. PS: if ventriloquist Girl wants a job on SNL, all she has to do is promise to hate Republicans. Not a tough process.

    And that Victor juggler makeup guy? Are you joking? He does nothing out there. Terrible.

    The lights shows were interesting the first time someone did it. Was it “Illuminate”? Now everything is another boring copy. And those last guys were not good at all. No effects, just dancing with lights on like a possessed Christmas tree.

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  15. On 1/17/2019 at 7:55 PM, NYCFree said:

    Given the not guilty verdict handed down today for the cops who appeared to cover up the Laquan McDonald murder, it appears there is still plenty of real life police corruption in Chicago these days.


    I also believe that the Anne Heche and Scrubs Dr. Police guy will be traded for Ruzek at some point.

    Or maybe those cops really told the story of what they saw and hanging more cops in the name of this fake police brutality narrative is unnecessary.

    I see Wolf couldn’t pass up a chance for a black citizen to tell the Super to stop killing their children. I was wondering when the Super would suggest the “children” stop committing violent felonies and resisting arrest.

  16. On 1/19/2019 at 1:43 AM, langford peel said:

    This a very skewed show.  It is a jaundiced and very negative view of the police. Corruption is killing this show. It is making it a boring one note show that follows the same pattern every episode. Add in the fact that every other episode a different friend or family member of the squad is kidnapped, raped or murdered it is just nonsense. You do realize that 90% of the cops on the beat never even pull their guns even in a hellhole like Chicago?

    If Voight and his team killed as many people as they do in this show they would be off the force in any city in America. Every member of the team has killed more people than Doc Holiday. It is just bullshit. It is almost as bad as Hawaii Five O.

    When I look at a show I hope to see something different. A show like The WIre showed the good and the bad of both the cops and the crooks without making them  cardboard characters. That is beyond Dick Wolf's talent. Of course they use talented writers of detective fiction like RIchard Price, Dennis Lehane and George Pelecanos. Real talent not hacks.

    If only we could have the verisimilitude and excitement of classics like "Adam 12" or "Dragnet"we would be getting somewhere.

    Even a humble show like "Baretta" was more true to life. After all they hired a murderer as the star of the show.

    It’s pretty obvious that Dick Wolf hates the Police and has an anti cop, left wing agenda, but somehow I still like the show.

    I retired from 20 years as an LEO in Illinois and I’d loved to have worked for Voight. And I worked with plenty of Chicago Cops that had to do what they had to do. Most people criticizing them wouldn’t last a month.

    I would have trouble concentrating if Burgess was in my squad though. And Blondie with her pissy face, disapproving wet blanket act really needs to go work for IA somewhere and be happy ratting out other cops.

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  17. On 1/17/2019 at 9:00 AM, preeya said:

    I knew the "superintendent" was bad the minute I saw him. It figures that once again we have a plotline with corruption in the ranks and a new thorn in Hank's side.

    I guess we can call him the "White Bubba Gump."

    Anne Heche has got to go.

    Don't exactly know, but I edited/changed it.

    As soon as the Superintendent stated he was tough on crime, anti gang it quite clear the message was “republican/racist/blah blah” and he would be the villain at the end. Wasnt worth waiting for.

    I want to know why at the end when Hesch was shoving the case down Voights throat he didn’t say, “ Ok but Ruzek and Antonio walk.” Seemed obvious.

  18. I guess I’ll disagree some.


    Love Courtney Hadwin. Surprised so many people dont. Absolutely love the skaters. Emily is magnificent. They look like a couple of superheros and her abs should get their own monument.

    That said, agree that Howie just keeps saying the same thing over and over, superfans, 50 states, 2 go through. What are these judges supposed to be doing? Was Heidi on break the second half?  I liked it when a couple of them were a bit critical, but Simon is an unprofessional jerk. He sits on his hands while some of those terrible acts played out like the boy band and the 6 year old and he buzzes the comedian? After raving about the racist, unfunny Preacher Lawson? More fuel to add to the “rigged” feel. The comedian was kinda funny, certainly better than Tourette’s Boy. Uncalled for.

    And while Mel B is not my favorite, why does Simon feel like he can harass her for her criticisms and the spout his own form of stupid. His bullying of her is uncomfortable.

    Did I say Emily is a Goddess?

    The acts weren’t very good last night. When it got to the last three, my wife and I said before they performed they would be the 3 Finalists after the little kid got the GB. Did. Obvious.

    Disappointed the Opera Singer, that “America” has never and would never vote for, beat the killer skaters.

    • Love 2
  19. Has Atwater lost weight? Between his lack of bulk and Ruzek’s ridiculous hipster hair they look like a couple of baristas. Eww.

    Agree that the reruns are always the same episodes.

    I can’t stand blondie, she hates everyone, everything and just walks around with a stick up her ass sneering at everyone like they are beneath her. Her getting killed off would be just fine.

    On 1/11/2019 at 2:21 PM, langford peel said:

    There is currently an epedemic of car jacking you n Chicago but as usual ina Dick Wolf production they get the demographics of the perps wrong.

    Ripped from the headlines but sanitized for your pleasure.

    No kidding.  His far left reach in every story and pretending every criminal is a white guy or a Russian is stupid.

    • Love 2
  20. 5 hours ago, Reiki said:

    I contended that this show had jumped the shark multiple times during the episode before this one. It seems as though I was right. I found, during this episode, that the best way to watch was to watch a minute or two for context and then fast forward. Wait until something looks interesting and watch again for another minute or two. This way I don't waste too much time and still have a pretty good idea what is happening. I think this show and Fire need to be deleted from my record schedule. If not, this is the best way to watch these interminably tedious shows.

    I was down on Fire, but it’s redeemed itself somewhat to me where I can look the other way on the silly stuff and enjoy the action. They need more interesting characters though. However, I’m shocked that a show like Med could come from the same place as a great show as PD. Med is a fully blown soap opera with revolting characters, no buy in and enough virtue-signaling and political agendas to simply stop watching and never miss it.

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  21. 2 hours ago, helenamonster said:

    I wonder if this was a knee-jerk response to the two Chosen Ones from last season (Courtney Hadwin and Michael Ketterer) both not winning or really coming within striking distance of doing so, with Michael only placing fifth and Courtney not even cracking the Top 5. I was hoping the overwhelming mandate from the voting audience last season that we would not be manipulated into favoring pre-determined winners would get them to back off, but I'm getting nervous that they've decided to course-correct in the other direction and will make it harder for audience-preferred acts who don't line up with producer favorites to make it through when the regular season comes back.

    At the very least you'd think a Chosen One being arrested the day following the finale for hitting his wife would get them to think about not pushing certain acts too hard in case they severely misjudge their character.

    All good points. There’s been a number of acts not fare well in America’s voting that clearly didn’t meet the expectations of the shows obvious biases and their pushing of certain acts, so this SuperFan thing is a weak way to take that possibility away from those silly flyover state voters they disrespect so much. I have no doubt there a rigged artificial composition to the SuperFans that’s designed for the results they desire.

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  22. I had just said Stella needs to walk. Good for her, it was the right thing to do. But boy they were a terrible couple. He couldn’t do better? Yikes. I hated to see the Corvette C7 in the boat owner’s garage... I’m a Corvette Guy and and seeing what a dick he was it was a red light for Corvette Owner Jokes. Nice boat, though.

  23. This SuperFan thing feels really, really rigged. It really feels like the producers decided they cannot have the voting come out the way America has voted in recent years, so we are going to make up some ridiculous format and rig it. Horrible.

    And related, it was absolutely clear from the jump that Preacher was going to go through, end of story. It was like that when he was on before, but this time it was palpable. I see some people like him/dislike Vicki, and vice versa. I get that but, how anyone could find Preachers borderline racist routine funny is beyond me. I did notice that before all he did was imitate Kevin Hart for 5 minutes, and it really looked like he’s heard that and was avoiding it. I still think he could be a terrific sitcom actor or maybe a good comedian with different material but that guy is not funny, not at all.

    Interesting to read posts by people explaining that absolute train wreck “champion” group from Australia winning over there because they were less horrible than everyone else. They were horrible.

    I think Mel B should be replaced. If you cannot watch a danger act and give the feedback you are being paid to provide, you aren’t doing your job.

    Final 3 were laughable. Of course it was an amusing set up for Preacher, but the other 2? The former 11 year old winner with the sob story was worse than everyone but Australia’s Got NoTalent and while I love Sophie, she didn’t belong in the Top 3.  

    I agree with those who hate the Buzzer format. It’s impossible with 10 supposed top shelf acts. I also think 3 should go through.

    • Love 7
  24. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Thanks for the explanation.  She's so cold, I wouldn't want her working with research animals, much less people.  She acts like she's got a couple screws loose.

    The first time she inappropriately responded to a patient, I pretty much fell off the couch. Like most, I thought she was just a nutty jerk that needed to be censured, especially after that stunt she pulled with the heart monitor/baby thing /whatever (sorry, can’t remember details, but it was insane). But the more I watched her with NO human filter, she quickly became the most interesting character in a very dull cast of soap opera dullards. I respected her a lot more for reaming Incel-Boy as opposed to April scowling at people who treated him.

    4 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Dr Curry is just about the only interesting character on this show so she is sure to be gone soon.

    Dick Wolf will continue to preach gun control and never reflect the reality of Chicago. That the gangs are behind the carnage. By gangs I don’t mean mythical Irish Mafia types. He doesn’t even use the now non existent Italian Mafia he uses the Irish Mafia in Chicago that died with Dion O’Bannon. Law abiding citizens can’t carry in Dick Wolf’a World. They have to be the prey of criminals and depend on the corrupt Chicago cops. Because when you need the police in seconds they are only half an hour away. 


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