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Posts posted by JenMcSnark

  1. Re Michonne's kitana: Did anyone else notice the handle of her improv weapon? It looked very similar to her kitana handle. Did I miss her taking cloth and making a grip or am I imagining things again?


    That's what I was just coming to ask.  I totally thought that was the remains of the katana and was going to ask if anyone remembered it getting broken last season.


    Also, I think the burst of gunfire heard at the trough was after Carol shot the propane tank (or whatever tank it was) and the walkers were all heading over there.  Didn't some of the Termites start shooting at them at that point?  Because the girls with the pokey sticks ran when they saw how many walkers were coming...presumably to get others to help, right?


    I also think Tyreese did kill the Termite.  I thought he looked completely honest with Carol and his explanation made sense.  Also, upon rewatch, I thought that the last time we heard him yell (when the view was of the top of the cabin) and then the last punch, he may have said "I will!".  IDK, I'm probably making this up, but I could swear I didn't hear a definitive "T" sound at the end that last time.

  2. CarolDaryl hug!!!HolyHoly!CarolRIck Hug! Daryl crying! RIck crying seeing Judith!Holy shee-it!

    So much this.  You put it far more succinctly than I possibly could have!

    • Love 8
  3. I need to rewatch, but I thought that she seemed negatively startled for lack of better words.  She didn't seem afraid, but she didn't seem welcoming either. If it was Nyssa, unless they have had a falling out we don't know about, I think she'd be happier to see her. 

  4. I think part of the problem in bringing up another character in response to a post is that it's so often something like


    OP:  Laurel chews her gum so loudly!  I hate that.

    NP:  Well that one time, Felicity was chewing hers loudly too.


    It's all so nanny nanny boo boo to me.  In other words...childish. 


    I admit that I laughed when the crowd cheered the wrong sister dead comment.  Normally I am against bad sportsmanship, but occasionally I just find things like that funny.  There's a cheer in baseball that goes "What's the matter with Hol-land?  He's a bum!" and I see people get so offended.  Players just laugh it off and know it's part of the game. 

    • Love 2
  5. I think the only reason KC got to keep the Black Canary role is because it was in her contract and they have to adhere to that contract or pay her lots of money to get out of it.


    However how they choose to get rid of Sara/CL was the worst way I've ever seen on tv. Let's throw out the garbage. 


    I still love how that's what they think making Sara part of Laurel's journey means. They don't interact at all for 13 episodes, then when they finally meet up again Laurel screams at her and throws a glass at her head, then all they do is talk about Oliver, finally in the last episodes of the season have Laurel see that her sister is a hero with the only real talk they've had all season, get tranqued and kidnapped and rescued by Oliver (back to no interaction with Sara), happily send her away to be a killer, then Sara comes back and dies. What a journey those two had, completely separate from one another. 


    All we have is Laurel seeing Sara's a hero and go "I WANT!"

    Such a great post. 

  6. I think the thing that SA said about the "growing number of superheroes in Starling/Central cities affects Oliver's end place this season" means that Oliver won't have to always be the Arrow (meaning he can take some time off and have a "normal life") because there are other people also out there saving the city.


    It reminds me of when Faith came to town on Buffy and everyone thought Buffy could go to college and have a normal life because Faith would protect Sunnydale. Or even the end of the series (spoiler for Buffy)

    when all of the potentials turned into actual slayers.


    I hope this is it, because my first, cynical thought upon reading that is Oliver's "end place" will be with one of the growing number of superheros...and we all know which one. 

  7. I didn't like much of anything about this episode.  I've heard Amuse douche before (and stolen it myself) so it wasn't funny to me.  I did like Claire's physical comedy, but not the storyline.  Lily was cute; normally I just find her bratty.  Obvs where she gets that from. SMH And I love Phil but this wasn't his best work.  Didn't laugh once, which continues my trend for this season.


    How sad that this show has fallen so far.  And how sad that it still gets awards that should be going to others more deserving. 


    One plus was that I actually thought that Cam was a bit toned down this episode, but still too annoying for me.

    • Love 1
  8. 1. Blue Bloods - Fair

    2. Sara - fair but her screentime was an extension of Oliver

    3. Laurel also had her plot lines in s1

    4. Oliver had mama drama in s1 as well.

    5. Our debate

    So 3 and 4 imo aren't variables as both existed in s1.


    Did he? I can think of very few.



    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the bolded.  Sarah's story is an extension of Oliver's, sure.  But so is everyone's.  This show is about Oliver.  It is about his journey and the relationships around that journey and how they influence him.


    IMO saying Digg lost screen time because Felicity is worse than Digg lost screen time because Sarah but that's okay cuz that was really about Oliver is a little bit ridiculous.  


    edit: hopefully that makes a modicum of sense.  haha

    • Love 5
  9. See i feel like this question is an open gate to her answering the same old practiced line "they are soulmate" or "Comics"


    Personally, and I actually been thinking about it today before i read your post,  if i had the chance i would have ask her (preferably in front on the EP's and the rest of the cast) something along the lines of "in recent interviews you mentioned how you still see Laurel and Oliver as soul-mates, destined to be together, that they are still very in-love (or whatever it is she says in interviews) yet the EP's, as well as several cast members; specifically Stephen. who said so very specifically during interviews at SDCC) that the only woman in Oliver life now is Felicity, we had at least one if not all three EP's saying at one point or another for the last several months that Oliver and Felicity are truly in-love with one another. So i'm just wondering how/why, despite all of those statements you would view Laurel&Oliver as what i can only assume the show end-game, especially as we have not really seen anything on screen to indicate it."


    although there's possibly a less passive aggressive and more nicely way to word it. (i'm just done with giving a fuck, plus it's been a long day.)

    now I seriously wish i did cons, cause i would have loved to see the reactions of the cast and EP's to such a question, and how they would answer it.


    That is a good question and one I'd love to see her answer, but I doubt she would.  I just figure with her personality, if you want a real answer, you have to sugarcoat the question a bit.


    But I will definitely consider prefacing it with something like 'In the comics the O/L relationship isn't happy or healthy...' or 'Putting aside the comics because they don't really apply to the show....'  I'm hoping that including the 'why...soulmates' part of the question will prevent her from giving that generic answer. 


    Edit:  I don't expect TPTB to rake her over the coals in public.  But there are ways to turn what she says into more of a question by responding something like "L/O soulmates?  Well, I guess we'll have to see." or something not so lame as that.


    But they definitely have the power to talk to her and tell her "Hey, you can't say that at cons anymore...it doesn't follow the current story."  Which is true and wouldn't make her feel stupid.


    And one other thing to add, reading this last page, I came to realize that I can't look down on KC's self-esteem.  I think she's a beautiful young lady who believes (rightly or wrongly) that she is capable of doing anything and that she's the star of anything she does.  So I guess I can't have a problem with her showing her biceps in response to questions.  She's probably justifiably proud.  


    I appreciate CL's seeming humbleness and wish that KC knew how to at least give that appearance, but that's why I generally tune her out and don't watch her videos from cons, etc.  Except occasionally on here.  I can't resist the temptation sometimes. 

    • Love 1
  10. "I think people see me as a dramatic, serious actress," says the woman whom I will never think of as anyone other than Julia from Heart and Souls.


    (It's not your fault, Kyra. Robert Downey Jr. has only escaped the same instant mental association from me by virtue of being in so damn many movies.)

    I love that movie!  When he's crying and saying "Julia!"  oh the feels!

    • Love 2
  11. It was written into the show as Sarah's opinion...not necessarily the truth.  


    But I would like to see Oliver and Laurel have a healthy relationship for a change.  But as others have said, it needs to be earned.  By both of them I would say. Perhaps this "partnership" will be the start of that.  I just sinceriously hope that it isn't the start of the OTP of O/L.  I don't see any amount of reparations as being enough to heal their romantic relationship. 

    • Love 1
  12. And I think Tommy was the tag along of sorts for Laurel. Until the Queen's Gambit went down.


    For Laurel from her perspective perhaps, but certainly not from Oliver's perspective from what we've been shown.  There were plenty of comments between Oliver and Tommy and also scenes that showed us that those two were tight. And Oliver has said Tommy was his best friend.  


    That is not a tag along.  And, IMO, it reinforces one thing that I feel about Laurel which is that she marginalizes anyone who she feels doesn't have anything to offer her.  See Felicity and Digg.  And even Sarah, until Sarah was a superhero.

    • Love 2
  13. One thing that does concern me for the direction of Laurel's character is that no one contradicts her statements or appears to try to explain what is coming in the future.  


    You  would think after KC making these sorts of statements repeatedly, TPTB  would meet with her to discuss her views of the character and where she is going if KC's statements were incorrect.  Perhaps L/O is the endgame?  Which really worries me.


    I plan on going to the Portland wizcon in January and both Stephen and Katie are supposed to be there.  I would like to specifically ask her the question "After everything that Oliver has done to Laurel and how unhealthy their relationship has always been shown to be, why would a strong, educated women even want to be Oliver's 'soulmate'?"


    I mean, one could argue that some of the healthiest years of Laurel's life were after Ollie and Sarah presumably drowned. She fulfilled her dream of being a lawyer and began helping others and she was dating Tommy FFS.  Not being cheated on and marginalized like Ollie seemed to do. 

    • Love 10
  14. I went to a food truck/food festival today in Oakland and the prices from a lot of vendors were significantly lower than their normal rates.  I know for the Eat Real Food Festival, they guaranteed that all food would be $8 or less.  I did see some trucks getting around that by charging for "extras".  But I do think that festivals and events do limit prices.


    I would never pay $15 for a quesadilla let alone $25.  But I also agree that I wouldn't buy a quesadilla from a food truck in the first place. With one exception (The Chairman Truck) that I always eat at, I try to buy something that I wouldn't normally eat or have easy availability. 

    • Love 1

    I'm also on team no costumed Felicity, but I agree. Sara just revealed her identity to Laurel yet she passes the jacket to her!? It even would have made more sense for her to give it to Sin since Sara was looking out for her and she was actually the first person helping Sara. Sin didn't help fight crime of course, but they stayed together in the Clocktower and I'm sure she helped her by bringing food and keeping a lookout.


    said this in the Felicity thread, but I wanted to comment on one aspect that's been bugging me. 


    Sara, who just spent who knows how long watching over & protecting her sister Laurel, basically gives her the jacket which intimates her approval of Laurel becoming vigilante.  Yet she's been protecting her because she knows Laurel does not have the skills or inclination to fight & take care of herself, let alone Oliver or the city.  Otherwise why protect her?  Why be so concerned?


    She might as well have said, "I'm tired of you getting between me and Oliver and me and our parents.  And generally just being a public nuisance. So here...have at it.  I'll finally be rid of you."


    Now of course I know that's not what Sara was thinking in Arrowverse.  But what the writers want us to think just doesn't make any sense whatsoever based on anything the show has told us or shown us for the last two seasons.  


    • Love 1
  16. Skye is well-liked pretty much everywhere but at TWoP, so I doubt the possibility of the finale including some Skye-related material turned many viewers away. Even at TWoP, I'm not seeing the intense Skye hatred that I used to.

    I also have to interject that for people like myself who don't have a problem with Skye, the hatred at TWOP was so strong that it was somewhat intimidating to post. There was quite possibly a very vocal minority of people who strongly disliked Skye who posted there. 


    I personally love the show and the cast.  I'm looking forward to see where it goes from here and hope they keep going in the strong direction that the second half of last season pointed towards. 

    • Love 3
  17. Just rewatched the pilot today.  I was amazed at how different Laurel looked.  I thought she looked different in S2 but didn't realize how much.  I really liked almost everything about the pilot.  Oliver's bond with Thea. Oliver and Diggle.  Moira's scenes. Walter.  I didn't remember Tommy being so douchetastic so, like others have said, glad they went in a different direction with the character. 


    Good times.

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