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  1. more of her crotch bumps are covered.
  2. What?? Mama Joyce? Joyce's mother's name is Joyce, too? That's messed up!
  3. OMG!!!! Dr Now with the burn. I did therapy as a child. YOU NEED MORE!!! Gas soaked drawers for Dr Now!!
  4. Hi my pounder friends. With the blink of an eye, another week has passed and we are back to our snarky place. I was able to start watching the show at the start, but I'm just joining the chat now. I was too busy with my naughty, guilty pleasure dinner. Frozen thin crust pepperoni pizza. I didn't have any energy or motivation to make anything else. Tonight's poundticipant--wow!! She looks a lot older than 44. Yikes. She's very lucky for her friends and family that care for her. And those shots of her bumpy belly-- oof. that was not a good look. One last thought for now... Why did they blur the logo on the transport van? They could be raking in business of future poundticipants. I don't know why more people don't use these kinds of services?
  5. I wandered, too. BUT LOOK! Travis is walking in a park......
  6. I've always wondered why they don't get some of these people some meds. Several of them have visible anxiety and could use some help.
  7. DR. PARADISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! It's been way too long.
  8. I thought I read years ago, that they are expected to do much more than a visit every 2 months. They have group therapy in the lobby with other poundticipants. Melissa used to lead them. I think they have more frequent check ins with other staff. All of this would be interesting to show. I don't know why they stick with the same formula in every episode?
  9. Gah! All this talk of Poutine is making me want some.........................
  10. Mmmmmmmm. It's sooooo good!!!
  11. Late to the chat party, but started watching the show in real time (something I NEVER do-- these commercials are horrendous!). And this is my first time joining the chat in weeks, due to life getting in the way. HELLO MY POUNDER FRIENDS!!! Missed you all! (How y'all doin'?-- said in Dr. Now's voice) Tonight's dinner (which I actually ate prior to the show-- something must be wrong with me tonight!): cup of chicken and dumpling soup, 2 pcs toast, blue moon to wash it down. xoxoxo
  12. It's one of my fave words, too!!!
  13. Another enjoyable evening with the pounders (YOU!) and Dr. Now. See you all on the flip side.! xoxoxox
  14. Jumbo Tenderloin with the works sized
  15. I've always said that Dr. Now needs some sort of group home/Weight Loss housing complex. They need daily check ins, daily therapy sessions, communal cooking with a nutritionist, field trips to the grocery store, PT in house, swimming pool, walking track. They need resources!
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