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Posts posted by Avaleigh

  1. 3 hours ago, tearsandhysteria said:

    I really liked this series although I have some questions also. I was irritated in the same way I get watching the handmaid's tale on how June and Dana both seem to never take the danger as seriously as anyone else. They still talk too loud  or smart off. I get being upset at injustice but learn to hide it better and be cool in front of your enemies. Dana should have tried much harder to keep a lower profile. She shouldn't have gone around telling Rufus how she wasn't scared of his daddy and how the rules didn't apply to her. She was less scared and than Kevin the entire time which made no sense. They both talked too much and that kept getting them in trouble. 

    I felt this way about Kevin too. Like dude, just don't show Tom how bothered you are. Keep your feelings to yourself until it's safe. It isn't going to help him or Dana if he gets on the wrong side of Tom.

    I really hope that Kevin doesn't change for the worst if he ends up being left behind for too long. If she doesn't go back right away, years may pass with him being stuck there. Who knows what he'll do while he's stuck in survival mode. 

    I'm so glad that Olivia is back in the present. I hope she is able to get therapy and rest before she starts her new life. (I can't help but think of stuff like how she explains her long absence from the workforce on a resume lol.)

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  2. I wish they'd dipped a little more into the issue of the titles once they touched on it in this episode. Here, Harry is saying that they were willing to give them up if necessary. This was surprising to me because at one point I thought they very much indicated that they weren't happy about Archie (and later Lili) not automatically being made a Prince (and Princess) once Charles became King. (Obviously, the Queen was still alive when this first came up publicly. )

    I'm curious if they still want the titles for the kids or if this is water under the bridge for them. 

    I also wish they’d elaborated a little more on the options they were given when they told the Firm they wanted to be part time royals. Harry says there were 5 options given. What would part time royalty have looked like from their perspective? Why did setting up shop somewhere else in the Commonwealth fall through? I get why South Africa fell through due to the leak, but why were all the other possibilities scrapped? I didn't think that H or M made that clear here.

    They touch on these topics in the episode but they don't give much clarification in this docuseries. There really isn't that much new information being given and that's too bad because I think it would have been helpful in proving Harry's point in the trailer that everyone would have done the same as they had if they'd been in their situation. 

    In terms of negotiating staying in the family--given their understandable fears about security, it's harder (not impossible, just harder)  to understand giving up being a working royal when they desperately wanted to keep the royal security. Presumably they had the best protection as working members of the family because they had more intel, resources, etc.

    So what was the ultimate sticking point for the palace and H&M that neither apparently could budge on? It would have been interesting to get clarification on that. Did H&M only want to go to the big events? Not do anymore tours? What was their idea of a reduced role that would still have them be working royals? (Or was it all down to wanting the palace to release a statement each time the toxic media spread a an untrue story about H&M?)

    These questions still feel unanswered to me. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Notabug said:

    I suppose Meghan, presuming she has any interest in acting anymore, could perhaps try to produce and act in some sort of dramatic piece for Archewell, but I don't see many writers and producers who provide that sort of content choosing Harry and Meghan over more experienced producers.

    She said in an interview that she doesn't want to go back to acting. I thought that was interesting because she also says in this series that she was never looking for that indie role that would get her awards buzz or whatever. I get the impression that acting isn't a passion for her. 

    They said they want to provide "uplifting" content. I don't know what all that would exactly entail but if they can create some family friendly or maybe even children's content (she did the children's book) that could do well. 

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  4. 53 minutes ago, Notabug said:

    The problem with that approach is, that, if they don't continually remind people of their connection to the BRF and their experiences there, everyone will quickly move onto other things and they won't have an audience for their topics and charities.  They are in the position they are in because of his family.  He's a former Army officer with no education beyond secondary school.  She's a college graduate actress who had a supporting role on a cable TV show.  In and of themselves, they have no power and cannot either shine a light or make the kind of money they want to make and lead the sort of lifestyle they would like to have.  

    They've both got very expensive tastes and seemingly want to travel in the top echelons of celebrity.  Without his royal family background, they cannot sustain it.

    Now that Archewell Productions is up and running, maybe they'll be able to create some money-making content that isn't focused on their connection to the royal family.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Humbugged said:

    So having Knauf lie for him while on a NDA for which he was rewarded , faking Harry sig on a document ,feeding the RR for 2/3 years is the way to get a truce  /s

    Stop feeding the Royal Rota fake Meghan stories which they still do as has been seen this last week  - 250 articles a week

    And glad to see Ashleigh is back

    We're in agreement that this isn't acceptable behavior. I'm just saying that now that they've put their side of the story out there for the second time, maybe they can move on and focus on the stuff that brings them joy and maybe even reconcile with the family at some point. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    The problem though is there is no official royal fashion protocol.  All of that is BS made up by the media to push their agenda or filler.  If you Google BRF protocols, you will get articles that are thinly sourced and really based on Elizabeth's personal preferences that have been misconstrued to be "official" or practical solutions born out of preventing mishaps. If there really are BRF fashion protocols that must be observed at all times while a member of the family is in public, then there would be one written up and readily available to all the women in the family.  And given Meghan's personality she would have followed it to the letter.  

    Taking the phraseology out of it for a moment--is it fair to say that this is an event where people are expected to wear _______? This is an event where a top hat, white tie, tiara, etc. is expected. Is that a better way to put it? For example, Meghan knew that she would be expected to wear a hat for a balcony call. Maybe there isn't an official rule book but people and staff know the basics, right? You can just do a general search of royal family balcony pics over the years and see that the women aren't doing bare shoulders. That's all I'm saying. It would have been easy for her to find something to wear that would have been seen as standard for that type of event. If she didn't want to that's fine but it isn't out of the ordinary to comment on that sort of fashion choice.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Notabug said:

    I don't think it is in either one of their natures to step away from the public arena.  While they do not like negative press, they do like being public figures and being visible as celebs.  It would be nice if they decided to change the subject away from their courtship and early marriage, but I don't think they can get the attention, and income, that they seek without making Harry's family an ongoing part of their story.

    I honestly think it would be healthier for them to move on from publicly discussing their time with the royal family including the exit. Just focus on shining lights on the topics and charities that they think need attention. Spend the rest of their time with family and friends and making money doing whatever brings them joy. 

    I think the biggest takeaway I had in this episode is just how frosty things are between H&M and W&C. Yikes. It seems like this docuseries is only going to deepen the divide between the brothers. Very sad.

    It was surprising to hear Meghan saying "Your brother..." (or did she say "It's his brother"?) and then indicating that she wanted to say more but was choosing to refrain from completely going off. That, in addition to Harry revealing that William was screaming at him--they have to know that this is going to be hurtful to William and Catherine. Harry at least acknowledges that William is in a difficult position, but that understanding doesn't seem to extend to wanting to call a truce.

    I wonder what it will ultimately take for the rift to heal?

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  8. 21 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    Comparing Meghan’s coverage to Kate; while there was an undeniable racial/class element to Meghan’s coverage, I think it’s leaving out part of the story. People were ALWAYS going to compare the wives of William and Harry to each other. Diana for example, could do no wrong in the public eye, while Fergie was called vulgar and “Duchess of Pork.” They just took the racial aspect and played into it. Also; why not address the undeniable misogyny of the trope of “women just can’t get along” that played into the coverage. 

    I think it's easy to forget how terrible some of the press coverage and media intrusion was for the Middleton family because they didn't have to deal with the horrors of racism in addition to the misogyny and classism that they very much had to experience. The media brought up Catherine's uncle's supposed dealings with drugs and sex workers as if it somehow reflected on negatively on Catherine. Pippa's love life was constantly scrutinized and every guy she was with was suddenly under a microscope. Carole was painted as a scheming, working class social climber who didn't know the aristocratic lingo she was supposed to use when she was socializing with the royal family. They even made fun of how this woman expressed the need to use the restroom. The brother James was at one point compared to Rob Kardashian. Just really intrusive and unflattering stuff.

    Regarding the media criticizing Meghan for doing the same things that Catherine would do--this was beyond frustrating. How is holding a baby bump seen a negative? How does that rile people up? I did it all the time when I was pregnant. It's totally naturally, so it's really infuriating to see the toxic media turn it into something that was somehow inappropriate as opposed to loving and natural.

    The only thing that was slightly disingenuous was the comparison of Meghan’s off the shoulder look with an off the shoulder dress that Catherine wore. They were showing two completely different events. If you look at all of the women at the balcony events over the years, they aren't doing bare shoulders. Meghan was doing something out of the ordinary. Just to be clear, there isn't anything wrong with Meghan wearing whatever she wants to wear, I just think it's unreasonable for H&M to think that people wouldn't comment if she decides to break with royal fashion protocol. People have always commented on the clothes the royals wear. It's part of the gig. Flattering and unflattering comments are to be expected. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    They may not have even been given the opportunity to view this before it was released which, again, is not uncommon, and even if they had, it is very unlikely much, if anything would be changed at this point. 

    Assuming they have zero control over the editing and the final product, they could still clarify about anything that runs contrary to the overall message they want to put out there. 

    My guess is that they're essentially happy with the final product and haven't felt the need to issue any clarifications. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, ursula said:

    She’ll need to show emancipation papers which she doesn’t have and then will be labelled a runaway and if no one claims her, she’ll be auctioned.

    This makes me curious how it worked for the gens de couleur libres in Louisiana and Mississippi or the children born of slaves who'd been freed. Did they walk around with papers on them at all times? I'd be so worried about being robbed of them. It's not like they had photo ID or prints or whatever else the could use to prove they are who they say they are.

    That's on top of Spartan Girl's point that even if they have those things people could just choose to ignore it. 

    Even if Dana could make it north things aren't much better there.

  11. Yeah, I think in reality Kevin would have been out of there. With Dana screaming and scratching him and then she starts saying that her mother was dead and now she's alive...

    The Nightmare Neighbors are so OTT it's hilarious. Their cat goes missing and they immediately assume it has something to do with their new neighbor who lives across the street? No other possibilities? Lol. 

    Wasn't expecting Kevin to go back to the past but it's an interesting development. 

    Nobody in the past comments on how Dana got her black eye. It's just par for the course in their world. Sad. 

    Kevin is the worst liar. Like why wouldn't you say you're headed north and that you're a northerner who was visiting southern relatives? Also, I couldn't decide if it was a good idea or a bad idea that he decided to pretend that Dana is his slave. I get that they didn't have the time but ideally they could have discussed which strategy would be better. I can't decide if it would have been more dangerous or not to say that she was a free WOC. What does she do if she's stuck there and something happens to him?

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  12. 2 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    Harry said: "I think for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit the mould as opposed to somebody who you perhaps are destined to be with."

    So he presented these things as opposites. It was a direct insult towards William.

    We don't know if he was talking about William because he didn't name any names. But there's no debate that he's speaking in general of the men in the family and the kind of women they chose to be their wives. Catherine fits the mould. Sophie fits the mould. Fergie did too initially. Camilla's background prior to her first marriage fits the mould but in terms of Harry's point, Diana is probably a better example. 

    Harry was indeed presenting it as an either or. He could have elaborated and said something along the lines of "My brother was unique in the sense that he was able to find a woman he was destined to be with who also happened to fit the mould."

    By presenting it the way he did of course there are some people who are going to feel that Harry is heavily implying that certain men chose a woman who would fit the mould as opposed to someone they were destined to be with. The editing only further implies that Harry could be talking about William. If he wasn't talking about William, Harry could have easily clarified but chose not to. 

    If he hadn't generalized by saying the men in the family, I would have just thought Harry was referring to Charles and Diana since Charles was clearly looking for someone who would fit the mould. But by saying, in general, that the men are tempted or urged to do this, it suggests that multiple men in the family have done it and Harry is an exception because he decided he didn't necessarily care about finding someone who would fit the mould. 

    I can see how that implication would be hurtful to wives like Catherine and Sophie.

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  13. I read the book years ago so it isn't super fresh for me but I remember finding the story to be very intense and engaging. I'm glad it finally got an adaptation. It was long overdue. 

    Some initial thoughts:

    I like the actors and think the actress playing Dana is doing a great job so far. The aunt is an interesting addition. She isn't fooling anyone--she's 100% jealous that her niece got the house.

    I think it was a smart decision to have the mother be stuck in the past. It really raises the stakes because now it isn't just about Dana trying to rescue herself. 

    I'm less sure about the decision to make Dana's modern relationship so new. I mean, they just met and now she's disappearing and having what sound like hallucinations. I just feel like the average person would run or call the police or even think that *they* were the ones sleepwalking or hallucinating. I feel like if they'd had a more established relationship it would make more sense why he isn't running out of the front door.

    Regarding the scene with the mother (Olivia?), I get that she's in shock, I just feel like Dana should have had more questions at that point. I'd have so many! At least Olivia was asking the right questions. Do you remember me? What happened to your dad? Who raised you? How'd you find me? And, most important--Can you show me how to get the hell out of here?

    I wonder if there's some significance to the showrunners choosing for this to be set in 2016? 

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  14. 36 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

    This contrasts with William's statement that the interview should be ignored completely.  Diana never recanted what she said in the interview, and others have said she did not regret giving it. 

    I thought she regretted that she was duped into giving the interview? I'm confused on this one. I applaud Harry though for wanting to protect her legacy here and think his love for his mother is touching to see in this series. 

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  15. 21 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

    As the saying goes, Middle-of-the-roaders get run over. 

    Really? So I either have to love everything H&M or I have to take a seat with the toxic media? Those are the choices? There's no in between to just talk about them on the show the way I would talk about anyone else on a reality show or docuseries? Sounds pretty unreasonable. 

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  16. 9 minutes ago, maggiegil said:

    I thought it was odd too that Harry referred to her as Catherine which is what we know her close family and friends call her and what she prefers and then Meghan called them Kate and Will.

    I noticed that too. She called her Kate in the Oprah interview as well. I remember it being made known early on in their engagement that she prefers Catherine and have wondered why the media still refer to her as "Kate Middleton" after all these years. I think it's better to call people what they want to be called. It's not unlike people on SM who sometimes call Meghan Rachel.

    Maybe Meghan calls her Kate for the benefit of the audience because so many people know the PoW as Kate and not Catherine?

    Sidenote: Has Meghan ever referenced why she decided to go by her middle name as opposed to her first name? 

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  17. 44 minutes ago, DkNNy79 said:

    Sorry I don’t blame Meghan for cutting out her father after what he did.  He brought all of this upon himself.  

    I don't blame her either. He left her no choice. The irony of course is the series informs the viewers that he ghosted H&M and not the other way around as the media made it seem. Even after his foolishness came to light, she and Harry were still attempting to reach out. I wonder how much money the media have paid him over the years? Hope it was worth giving up a relationship with his daughter.

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  18. 5 hours ago, pancake bacon said:

    Thank you for the well-done articulation of why there are critics of Harry and Megan – and their docuseries/reality progamming. We recognize they endured very real threats of racism and the pain of mental health difficulties, but pointing out what their flaws are and disingenuous framing of their narrative is not "hater" territory or defaulting to 'racist' comments. We credit them both for having the platform to share their true love to the world, but there are valid criticisms for using the platform for shallow hype (at least in the first volume of episodes). 

    You've touched on something that comes up a lot during the Great Sussex Debate. There's very much a sense that any criticism about the series can be misconstrued as coming from so-called "hater" territory. Even something as innocuous as fashion criticism is treated as though it's stepping over the line and only a hater wouldn't love something that Meghan is wearing. Or only a hater wouldn't understand Meghan's explanation in this episode of why they're doing this series in the first place.

    Is there somewhere in the middle on all of this? Is it okay to comment or criticize without the criticism being interpreted as being on Team Toxic Media who want to tear down and spew vitriol over every thing that H&M do? When it comes to the bones of the argument--has Meghan had to deal with and continue to deal with an appalling amount of racism that isn't acceptable on any level? Yes. Were she and Harry right to leave? Yes. Is Meghan in a no win situation in terms of the people who have taken the view that she and Harry have been wrong together since day one? Yes.

    All that being said, can we comment on this like it's any other show? I've watched too many seasons and versions of the Real Housewives than is good for me lol. I want to be able to comment on this show with the freedom I can with those shows. I want to be able to praise or shade when necessary without having to worry that people might think that I'm taking the side of the toxic media.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Turquoise said:

    I didn't care for the editing that appeared to be subtle digs. Harry talking about marrying for duty instead of love-on the screen is pictures of William and Catherine and the Queen and Phillip. Harry talking about having to ask the Queen's permission to marry-there's footage of William and Catherine standing apart during an event. I know they want the focus of the series to be their big love story (even if they can't keep their stories straight about how they met). I do believe they love each other. But there's been absolutely no indication that William and Catherine are anything other than a love match. I think it's been fairly well documented that the Queen was head over heels for Phillip. If they wanted pictures/footage to illustrate what Harry was saying, that was the perfect time to show his parents.

    The tone of this stuff makes me wonder what they think they will accomplish in terms of their relationships with Harry's family. I can't tell if they want things to ever be friendly again or not. I think they'd feel hurt if the shoe were on the other foot.

    Charles might not have married Diana for love but she seemed to love him at the time. Charles also got his love match the second time around. I'm not sure how much duty played into him marrying Camilla. William and Catherine were definitely in love. Andrew and Fergie seemed to be too in the beginning. Anne married for love twice. Edward and Sophie. I think most of the royals seem like they've been lucky enough to marry someone they actually love. Harry isn't unique in this regard. 

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  20. 11 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

    If it was me that "H" was interested in, I dont think I would google Harry. I think I already know everything Google has to tell me about Harry. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    They had that mutual friend, so I'd ask her more about him and I'd look at his Instagram on her phone. 

    I feel I'd do both. Not that I'd want to go down a rabbit hole or anything. Too much research would be weird too. But I'm not sure I'd want to go in without any background info apart from a few IG snaps.

  21. When it comes to whether or not their answers are rehearsed, I guess I can see both sides on that one. On the one hand it seems like they want to come across as authentic and relatable but answers that seem like they're rehearsed don't necessarily accomplish that feeling for a viewer. (Depending on the viewer, I guess.) OTOH if they don't rehearse, there are so many people who dislike them who are desperately looking to pounce on any inaccuracy or statement that could be misinterpreted and used as ammunition for the people who want to come for them. I agree with those who think it makes sense for them to go over and practice the message they want to put out there. 

    The only thing I disagree on is the idea that this is their only opportunity to get their message out there. They have a very large platform and people are always going to be ready and willing to listen to whatever it is they want to say. I'm pretty sure that they aren't going to stop talking about their connection to the royal family anytime soon. 

    Regarding the curtsy, I agree that she was making a dig at herself as opposed to making a dig at the Queen or the royal family in general. 

    As to how believable I think it is that she wouldn't have done a little background reading (in addition to Instagram) to prepare herself for interacting with him or his family? Meghan comes across like a thoughtful, intelligent and sensitive person. In pre Harry interviews she very much sounds like a woman who did her homework on any given topic. I find it unlikely that this is the one time in her adult life that she didn't do her homework. To me, it's more likely that she's sensitive to the speculation that she was calculated in her approach to dating Harry and becoming his wife and this is why she wants to shutdown the idea that she ever googled him.

    I don't see anything wrong with googling the person you're about to go on a date with (or looking at their Instagram feed) but I don't think she's wrong in her suspicion that if she'd admitted at the time to doing one or both of those things, that people would have used the idea that she googled Harry (or checked out his Instagram) as so called evidence that she schemed and plotted to get him as opposed to the real story--that they had a natural connection, clicked and felt comfortable with each other very quickly so that everything else fell into place organically.

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  22. Samantha Markle is awful. Just awful. Full stop. She's so jealous she can barely keep herself from foaming at the mouth.

    I find it very strange that the advice from the palace was to cut Ashleigh from the invite list. If I'd been an adviser I would have told them to invite Ashleigh. If people learned that Meghan had a great relationship with her niece and that Samantha has barely been a part of Ashleigh's life, it would have shown that Samantha is the one who has trouble maintaining relationships. 

    Instead, with Meghan only inviting her mother, it came across like she might be ashamed of her family or that she had no interest in keeping ties now that she was marrying into royalty. Not one person on Doria's side made the cut? If for no other reason than for her to have a family member she knows that she can talk to at the reception. I don't think they made the right call here or with Ashleigh.

    It would have been refreshing if H&M could have admitted that they would have done things differently with Ashleigh if they had to do it over again. Instead it's just written off as being out of their hands with blame squarely being put on the palace. 

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  23. I wish there was an all episodes thread because I can't 100% remember everything that happened in each episode. I still haven't finished ep 3 yet.

    I don't think there was much new material here. One thing that felt genuine to me was when Meghan was explaining that her initial instinct was to be friendly to the paparazzi. That she was trying to make the best of a weird situation only for it to be completely misinterpreted by the British press. To them it came off like she was loving the attention when in reality she was just trying to be friendly.

    What seemed less genuine to me was Meghan's answer about why they're doing this docuseries in the first place. She mentions that it isn't something they're particularly comfortable with but they think it makes sense to tell their story from their point of view. This part is fair enough but since it isn't something they're comfortable doing and they already made the essential points of their story in the Oprah interview, why do this Netflix series? Obviously they're doing it for the money, right? They want to be able to continue to live a luxurious lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that. If I could earn big bucks to show a fraction of my life for the cameras (especially if anonymity is already off of the table as it is with H&M) I'd totally do it. But she didn't give a genuine answer about why they're doing this in the first place and for me, that made it apparent that this is going to be a carefully constructed puff piece as opposed to a more honest look into their story and everything they've gone through. 

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  24. I'd like to see Deniss be a surprise win. Unlikely, I know, but that would be my preference. As long as he medals, I'll be happy. 

    Alexa and Brandon in first again after the short. They must feel amazing this season. 

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