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Posts posted by Teafortwo

  1. 5 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    6,568 steps yesterday.

    Dentist did more adjusting and feeling better.  I'm sure many more to come.

    Few last errands added some steps.

    Surgery went well, was home just after 10am. Just bandaids over incisions! Totally exhausted! I've been nodding off all afternoon.  Fingers are still numb from the shots. I've been icing periodically and definitely taking it easy rest of day.  

    You are a trouper! To go through all that and still post to keep us all updated! Very glad to hear it went well and I hope the healing process is smooth. 

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  2. @Gramto6 You have so much going on that I almost didn't reply, but wanted to let you know that I recently discovered Pretty Litter. I don't know if it's environmentally friendly like the pine, but the amazing thing about it is that urine kind of dissolves when you go to scoop it, so you end up only scooping the poop! It's very lightweight also. I don't know the cost but thought it might be an alternative if the pine ends up being too heavy when used. 

    Good luck with your hand surgery and I hope the pain from the dental work lessens soon!

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  3. @Gramto6 I've enjoyed reading the garage-transformation and cat trapping saga immensely. You and your friend are amazing and it does my heart good to know what you've done for these kitties. As a fellow cat-lover, I salute you!

    I hope you can both get some proper rest now that this project is complete - but I know you will still be putting in a lot of work every day, feeding, cleaning, replenshing supplies and on and on (I've had some experience of those big Chewy boxes!).

    Thank you for the daily updates on all of this - and the wonderful photos of the reconstruction and the cats! 

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  4. On 3/2/2024 at 10:00 PM, Irate Panda said:

    Does anyone have a favorite model or brand of a Dutch oven cookware? Is Le Creuset really worth the money or do you prefer something else?

    Very late to the party here, but I recommend Xtrema cookware. It is similar to LeCreuset, but totally non-toxic. They have sales all the time and the prices I believe are overall less than LeCreuset. I have the baking pan, a large saucepan and the 9-inch skillet.

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  5. I'll miss this forum when the show ends, but I have to agree. I hope the Browns collectively refuse to capitalize on this tragedy. If they refuse to film, the show will end, or TLC will have to resort to clip shows if they want to keep milking it. 

    I understand if the adult children want to continue to capitalize via their social media/Patreon etc. but that is different from the parents continuing the show. I feel strongly that the kids have every right to get whatever income they can, since they did not have a say as to whether or not they wanted to be filmed before they came of age.

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  6. I share in everyone's grief and cannot stop thinking about this family and what they are going through.

    Regarding the InTouch Weekly article: the claims about Gabe/Kody on the night that Garrison's body was discovered is bogus information that was generated by a heinous, malicious youtuber who calls themselves Without A Crystal Ball. InTouch and other outlets picked up these lies and ran with them. The person also made up a story that emergency services (or police) were called to the She-rah chateau the night after Garrison's untimely death. The police were then inundated by calls, which prevented them from doing their work. 

    Please do not give WOACB any clicks or other engagement. Hopefully they are being sued as they have been many times over. I cannot imagine more disgusting behavior than this attempt to capitalize on a tragedy.

    InTouch did a followup re the fake story about cars going to the Brown's home: "Contrary to reports, the Flagstaff Police Department tells In Touch, “We have had a very heavy call volume regarding a supposed incident at the address you have provided. After speaking with the dispatch and confirming in our system with names and DOB there have been no calls dispatched to the address. No incidents have occurred with the Coconino County Sherrif or Flagstaff Police Department.”

    If you're interested in how I learned about this, please DM me. Thank you all

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  7. 16 minutes ago, zenme said:

    The torment and sadness that young man must have been feeling for him to resort to suicide.  It's truly heartbreaking.  


    Yes, this is the first thing I thought of. The amount of pain he was in was literally unbearable. I had my own mental health struggles around his age and they were agonizing, but this would have been a whole other, much lower and darker level. I am so sad at the thought of his being in such terrible pain. 

    My heart goes out to the whole family - and all of us here as well. When I think of the impact on Gabe my mind shuts down. And when I think of the impact on Truely as well. Of course it is devastating for the whole family, but of the kids, those two in particular stand out for reasons I'm sure everyone here understands. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

    Wait, WHUT? Saint PATRICK'S Day??  What happened to VALENTINE'S Day?  She totally missed the opportunity to make heart shaped RICE KRISPIE TREATS!  For $50 bucks!!

    She has a beau now...probably spending V-day with him lol

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  9. Also in attendance was Ysabel's boyfriend. Unlike Audrey, Leon, Hunter's Audrey, Michelle, Logan, his face was blurred out in the very brief shots he was in. I completely understand why some family members choose not to be on camera, and I respect them for it. 

    I also respect Gwen's choice not to attend, for whatever personal reasons. This board has been pretty respectful of her choice as well, which is refreshing. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

    I hear it as "He's someone!"

    I'm happy for her if he's really her true love, but I do think she latched onto him awfully fast. They said in an interview that David said "I love you" first. I think that was really all it took. They do have a lot in common with their backgrounds, number of kids etc., love of family, and I'm heartened by the fact that Truely seems to like David very much. But I think Christine's fear of dating maybe short-circuited her dating phase too early. Fall in love = no more dating. I hope we'll see Meri go out with more than a couple of men before she finds her match.

    Just now, Teafortwo said:



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  11. 15 hours ago, dariafan said:

    I don’t think that’s what he originally wanted to say , but changed it before it fell out of his mouth 

    I think he was going to say "Christine accused me [Robyn cuts him off with "aren't we just so happy for them"] ...of finding my soulmate and now she's found hers." My speculation based on what he ultimately did say.

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  12. On 12/28/2023 at 3:06 PM, General Days said:

    I think she was odd man out of the big kids,

    She was also excluded from some of the big kids' couch sessions - Hunter was included. I've read some speculation that the family (or production) were concerned that she was a "wild card" and might say something "unacceptable" or embarrassing (although they could have edited her if that had been the case, idk). She must have felt very left out.

    ETA: Mykelti did make that comment about Robyn sniffing Kody's jacket - it's possible the parents were afraid she'd say worse in the couch session and production would run with it for entertainment value.

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  13. 4 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

    What bugged me was when she was wedding dress shopping with the other wives and she was on stage prancing around and posing like she's a supermodel in front of everyone thinking it's cute. She loved throwing it in their faces that she was the skinniest one in the bunch.

    She did this on another occasion too: I think all 4 wives were in San Francisco (or Seattle) and she tried on dresses in a store that did not carry plus sizes, while the others watched.

    On 12/23/2023 at 11:38 PM, Gramto6 said:

    I think Kootie would end up in a straight jacket, headed for the funny farm if CB ever left him. His brain would explode, he could not compute how that could happen..."who to blame?"... "who did this to us???".

    As Kody likes to say, "Here's the thing": There has been some speculation, and I believe it's justified, that he went online and found a bunch of men's rights groups during the pandemic (what's called "the manosphere." I think that's influenced his behavior and the change from someone who seemed at times to listen to and be willing to accept the perspectives of his wives, to the current person we are seeing that all the wives say they don't recognize or "isn't the man I married."

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  14. Armchair psychology: Robyn has a huge fear of abandonment. I believe this is her driving force in life. She keeps her kids dependent in a desperate attempt to ensure they never leave. She loved having Kody all to herself ("I don't let him out of my sight" she said in one episode that showed Kody spending a day with each wife early on in Las Vegas). She didn't care much for the other wives as individuals, but she liked the idea of a "sisterhood" -- relationships that would always be there and didn't require any work on her part to maintain (clearly, she miscalculated). That is why she dissolves into histrionics when anyone leaves. It's not about who is leaving, it's about her feeling she's being abandoned when anyone leaves. It's also why when she abandons the group (for ex. withdrawing from the gift exchange), she projects that onto others, feeling that they are leaving her. She feels like she's been serially punished with each wife's departure. 

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  15. On 12/24/2023 at 9:55 AM, Yeah No said:

    Wow I was just looking at my TV schedule and there's another episode on tonight - a "Look Back" on how it all began.  Is it just me or is anyone getting the feeling that all of these retrospective episodes so close together are leading up to the end of this series as we know it?  I have said over and over again that I thought they'd milk every last cent out of this train wreck that they possibly could, but even I'm wondering now if this might signal the end of the road for the series in general and maybe in the future we might only get special update episodes.  Or maybe it just seems that way.  I still can't believe they would be wrapping this up when they're probably getting some of the best ratings they've ever had.  But where can they go after this?  

    I think TLC may be testing the waters for more of these look back/pillow talk type shows. They've milked 90 Day Fiance eight ways to Tuesday and back, and even aired multiple Family Chantel seasons. Imo they are looking for a way to milk this show further. They must know that Gwendlyn and Mykelti have done well with their patreon rewatch/commentary. I think there's still enough interest out there for a least a couple more seasons. They were still filming as recently as Avalon's birthday. Ah well, time will tell.

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