Yeah, now that you mention it, I remember Ryan said he wanted this show to be a kind of escape from the shit show this country (world) has become and give some relief to the audience, so I guess killing off any loved main character would not make sense, unless they have changed their minds OR any of the actors choose to leave (which I don't see happening. It's a great gig for all actors involved and watched WW). I also wouldn't mind them killing JLH but agree, she will NEVER go out willingly.
Since I am one of those who LOVE Abby (her story reminds me of my aunt, who took care of my grandma when she was dying of alzheimer's and lost an amazing relationship with a man she was with for 5 years, not bc he was bad or she was bad, but bc for 3 years her life was consumed by her mother's disease, sadness, guilt ... It was hard to watch, but there was no way she was sending her mom to a home.... I guess that was just so familiar, I recognized Abby) so I for one would love for Connie to come back for a short arc and yes, I also thought they could kill her and have closure to her character ... It'll also bring some drama with it :)