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55 Excellent-
It looks like Star is being shopped around to see if another network is willing to pick it up. I’m a little torn about that. As much as I wanted a season 4, shows transferring networks don’t always work out well. Hopefully, they would get a better staff of writers though. It also seemed like the cast was over the show. You can tell the cast genuinely likes each other, evidenced by them hanging out outside of work, but I think a few of them were frustrated with some of the writing and artistic choices just like the fans. If we never get another episode, I won’t be too devastated though, because I feel like we wouldn’t have gotten any good explanations or resolutions anyway. We sure as hell didn’t see a smooth transition between season 2 and 3. It’s like they completely rebooted the show and only pulled from past seasons when it was convenient. With the show leaving so many cliffhangers, it kind of leaves all the fans to imagine or assume the ending they wanted to see.
Well, the show is officially canceled. It was great coming her and discussing!!! 😘
Grey’s anatomy survived Derek being killed when people thought the show would fail. I’m sure some people quit watching but not enough to make a substantial dent in the ratings. That said, Star’s Derek isn’t going anywhere unless Quincy wants to leave the show. Regardless, if Star gets renewed, I can’t see them getting a season 5 so ratings won’t really matter. I guess I shouldn’t hope for better writing, but I’m a secret optimist, lol. So, I need a valid reason on how he survives. I don’t think Alex would leave. I think the Olivia situation will cause some tension though. Or I could see Derek leaving Alex, over guilt about Olivia and his affiliation with the Bankhead crew getting people killed. The writers would frame it like he’s doing the noble thing and trying to keep her safe. But then it would backfire because Alex would probably get kidnapped and used for leverage. I could so write for this show, lol. I think it was just a dream sequence, narrated by Carlotta, reflecting on how the girls had been dreaming of that moment since they were kids and the hard work it took to get finally get there.
First of all.....RUBBBBYYYYY!!!!! I'm crying on the inside!!!! Sorry, trying to compose myself. Let me see if I can get through this.... Just once, I would like this show to pick a couple of storylines and flesh them out to their full potential instead of giving us 100 storylines at once, most of which will never be resolved. That being said, I enjoyed the finale for the hot mess that it was. I'm almost (ALMOST) ashamed to admit it, but when things don't go my way, I find mild enjoyment seeing the other side of the aisle living in misery too. I guess misery does love company. Unless you're a Dalex fan (and even they have a few issues to work through), everybody's ship is virtually nonexistent right now. Things that stood out to me the most tonight: 1. The show has a selective memory (Ryan Destiny's actual words on twitter) and completely decided to ignore the 'So Sick' nomination. 2. So is Xander dead or not? 3. Did no one realize Ruby (I still can't believe they took her out like that!!!) never made it to the wedding? 4. I really can't stand the way the writers write Derek. He always has to be Mr. Perfect, which is not realistic in the real world or on a show filled with so many other flawed characters. Even when he fucks up, he's still the innocent one. I guess technically he was 'raped' by Olivia but really? He was so drunk he couldn't tell that the woman he was actually about to marry wasn't kissing him and doing other things with her mouth on him? That should be instinctive, just my two cents. Also, good intentions or not, it is ABSOLUTELY his dumbass fault his wedding got shot up. 5. Speaking of Olivia, why didn't anyone know she was getting out of jail? At the wedding, why did they just let her walk away? What else does she have planned? 6. I knew Derek's Bankhead shenanigans were going to come back and bite him in the ass. I don't think he got shot at the wedding, but if we get a season 4, how is he supposed to survive a whole ass gang hunting him down? If one crew member dies or goes to jail, they'll be another one to take his place. Derek is marked for death unless the writers do what they've done all season and drop a storyline when it becomes inconvenient. 7. I think its safe to say, that's the end of Mateo. His character wasn't really relevant or interesting this season. It looks like Cassie and Angel are dead too, but I can see them miraculously surviving if Star gets renewed. 8. I could care less about Star and Jackson but I kind of liked them this episode. But I also feel he's too good for her. Still, I'd rather she be with Jackson than Noah. I thought they had finally stopped teasing that relationship until the very end of the episode when they went to go get Davis. Noah will or has forgiven her, but for Star get his parental rights terminated...that was low even for her. And I have a feeling that once Davis is found, they both will have a hard time turning over the court's decision and keeping Davis from getting adopted. 9. If Angel does die, I wonder if Simone will wind up pregnant from the broken condom. 10. I wonder how Alex will react once she learns that Olivia wasn't lying about being with Derek. Will she ignore it because she knows Olivia is crazy and Derek would never cheat on her intentionally? Or will she feel betrayed and that Derek subconsciously wanted to get back at her? Should be interesting. 11. Who wants to take bets on Noah's mom being the one who stole the baby? I must admit at first I had no idea, but I saw a comment on twitter about Noah's mom and immediately I thought …."YESSSSS"!!! Here's hoping for a season 4 so we can get our hopes up about these cliffhangers being resolved, only to be disappointed when they jump ahead two years with no flashbacks, LOL! Oh, and excuse some of my language in this post.
I’m tired of the show trying to rewrite history (Dalex being great communicators, Star acting like Jackson didn’t have a reason to leave, Jackson acting like he didn’t leave (though he had a good reason to), Stoah being exes and Nalex being a fling when it was vice versa, etc); or addressing a long ago topic with one line (ex: Alex’s abortion), when it was never properly addressed to begin with. Random thoughts about tonight: 1. It was never established how/when Alex got her car but I assumed she bought it with money she made from her modeling contract. 2. Even though Alex’s wealthy background has been mentioned constantly, didn’t she give back all her credit cards back in S01E02? Again, I assumed that maybe she got money from her mother sometimes before they fell out. But has she been dipping into the family money this whole time? 3. Exactly, how much money do the girls have? If Star can afford that loft ( even though she stays acting like she still broke) based off the royalties of ‘There for you’, shouldn’t Alex’s bank account be bigger since she writes ALL of Take 3’s songs and had/has a modeling contract? So again, why would she still be dipping into the family trust especially when she’s been trying to separate herself from her parents? 4. Cotton was literally on screen for 10 seconds the whole episode. 5. For once, Star didn’t steal Alex’s part out of jealousy, but it was still mad disrespectful. Why couldn’t Star jump in on Simone’s part for the sake of balance? 6. I’m not an ageist by any means. As long as I find a couple interesting, I don’t mind seeing intimacy no matter how old they are. But on a show filled with younger cast members that literally have a fan base full of various ships for their characters, why has the show chosen Carlotta as the one with all of the ‘hot’ scenes? I was frankly a little uncomfortable watching it and I didn’t buy it. 7. Postpartum or not, Star is being selfish. I believe she wants better for her kid, but not at the expense of giving up her career. 8. Simone proving once again how young and naive she can still be. I can understand not running and hiding but she is asking for trouble by speaking so recklessly. Also, she needs to be more considerate of Angel’s feelings and how the bombing affected him. 9. Liked the Take 3 performance. I must admit, I’ve missed their performances together. Something special happens when all three of them perform (that’s the only props Star is getting from me tonight). 10. Things don’t look good for Angel or Cassie in the season finale. I would say that means they are safe and someone else will die, but then again Noah being Star’s baby daddy was too obvious and that’s exactly what we got. I wonder who is shooting up the wedding and why. It looks gang related which makes me think either Cotton pissed off the wrong people by killing Leon (?) or the Bankhead crew is retaliating against Derek. 11. At this point, don’t know if I want Star to be canceled or renewed. However, if they do get a season 4, they need new writers ASAP. While the first two seasons still had their weaknesses, they were more cohesive and a bit more grounded in reality. Season 3 has literally been like watching a telenovela on crack, where storylines change or get left hanging for no reason, and the writers don’t even bother to check what they wrote in previous episodes to keep the narrative consistent.
Lawd...where to start... 1. I’m not going to go on my usual Alex/Derek rant but I have a couple of quibbles. I believe Alex loves Derek but can the writers at least try to make us believe he’s more than just a safety net for her? On other shows, even when I don’t like certain couples, it still makes sense about why they are together; you can still see some fire and passion. All Dalex gives me is ‘meh’. 2. Cotton is now a cold blooded murderer ....WHAT?! 3. Star is the literal WORST!!! I’m more than annoyed, I’m disgusted. She is so selfish! She rode Alex all last season, accusing her of looking out for only herself when everything Alex did was for the group; then at the FIRST opportunity, Star bailed and went on tour solo. And now that Alex bided her time, didn’t step on anyone’s neck, or release a diss track, Star wants the group back together just to save her own neck. I will give Alex props for bailing her out (when we all know Star would not have done the same), but I really wish Alex would have stood her ground and let Star reap what she sowed. And exactly HOW does she plan on giving the baby up for adoption without Noah giving permission? Wouldn’t she have to take him to court and prove he is unfit? UGH! 4. Speaking of Alex in general, I don’t mind seeing the softer side of her, but that doesn’t mean she had to lose her backbone. Alex was so fierce last season. Now she’s a pushover. At first I let it slide because of all the trauma she endured, but now it’s just plain ridiculous. 5. As usual, the writers took the cheap and unsatisfying short cut by mentioning in passing that Cassie asked her permission to date Maurice. They are forever building tension in certain situations but never giving the audience a good pay off. That being said, I do like Maurice and Cassie as a couple so hopefully they can still keep them interesting to watch now that they’re just flat out together. 6. The anger Carlotta had towards Cassie and Rashad was just so random to me. They tried to have Cassie explain it in a throwaway line about Rashad reminding her of Calvin’s side of the family but still. And you would’ve thought that Cassie and Carlotta never made up. I’ve suspected since day one that Rashad is Carlotta’s son. We’ll see. 7. Could care less about Mateo, Giselle, or the fate of Gravity Records. But what was the point of showing him cheating? 8. Didn’t really care about Angel or Simone this week either. Much like Dalex, the Sangel magic has been missing for a long time now.
Star gave the baby Noah’s last name so his name is Davis Brooks. Speaking of Star, she jumped right back into being her stubborn, bossy, and controlling self. I’m glad Alex and especially Simone checked her. Star’s ego is out of control. Instead of accepting help, she really thought she could jump back in and take over the reigns and that the group really couldn’t function without her. But the hard truth was, with the exception of Noah, everyone was doing just fine (some might say better) when she was indisposed. And the only reason Noah didn’t fare better is due to the pressure of becoming not only a father, but a single one, overnight and dealing with a bad back injury. I’m glad Calvin is dead and I hope that storyline is too. I know there is still the mystery of Carlotta’s son but please no more mention of Calvin. Throw Cotton’s storyline away ASAP! Noah... *sigh* Again, realistic portrayal of how hard it is for addicts to get AND stay clean but In this particular instance I want the TV version where Noah is magically cured. Simone spent most of season 1 and 2a high as a kite and now you would think she never touched a drug in her life. Also, I get that Noah effed up royally, but to not let Noah see his son even with supervision is going too far. Simone and Alex KILLED their performance! Take 3 is probably at their best when they have all three, but this further proved that Star isn’t as important as she thinks she is to the group’s overall success or survival.
I’m really hoping for a Liz/Adrian reunion at some point. I wonder what will happen when Liz finds about the judge. Will she be cool about it or will the claws come out? Something about the judge seems a little shady to me.
1. Tonight’s episode was okay. For the most part, I like Simone’s character but I’m tired of her always lashing out. If we didn’t know they were sisters, you would still be able to tell Simone and Star are related because they are both team #TooMuch. Don’t get me wrong, her reasons for lashing out were very valid, but I wish she was able to communicate her frustrations in a healthier way. 2. I like the performance and song for Take 2 and Gigi 3. So Maurice and Cassie are officially together now? Last episode, I thought they were still tip toeing around each other. Regardless, I hope Cassie tells Carlotta about them soon before it blows up in her face, especially considering how far they’ve come in mending their relationship. 4. Carlotta is the strongest yet most vulnerable person on the show. 5. Noah... while portraying his constant struggle with addiction is accurate in real life, it saddens me to watch it play out on TV 6. Cotton literally has a whole storyline now and she was still on screen less than two minutes. 7. Derek and Alex... meh. He finally saw her have a panic attack so... progress. Alex looked a little jumpy when she was talking to Noah, I wonder if she thought a reporter was going to catch them talking and start drama in the press. 8. Even though it got a little repetitive, I like how they mentioned how complicated Star and Alex’s friendship is. It has been a little disingenuous for them to have Alex acting like her and Star don’t have several deep rooted issues and conflicts between them that haven’t been resolved. The problems don’t disappear just because Star was incapacitated for awhile. You can love, be worried and still have hard feelings for someone at the same time.
I don’t know if I would say I found Alex annoying in that scene, but maybe a little out of character. Usually Alex says what she has to without beating around the bush. And when someone snaps on her, she snaps back. Even Carlotta was looking like, girl what are you doing? I heard about a certain character (won’t spoil it) coming back for the wedding whom I’m sure will wreak havoc, but I don’t know how. Not sure about the investors and Mateo. I mostly understand what he is saying but I find my attention wandering elsewhere when he’s on my screen.
It’s very random... like everything else on this show. His character has added nothing to the show. They should have let Ayanna.
I’m going to make this quick...ish. 1. The way they’re setting up this Maurice/Cassie relationship, I can’t help but root for them a little more each week. In real life, this situation would be a hard NO, but in STAR universe, I’m loving it. And Xander is gone!! YAY!!!! Did he kill himself or did Cassie shoot him from a distance? 2. Cotton finally gets a storyline 13 episodes into an 18 episode season, but her time was still so brief, we don’t even know what the plot really is. Also, does she work at Karma and are we supposed to know? If so, when did that happen? 3. Good to see Carlotta back. Can’t say I missed her the past couple of weeks but whenever she reappears, it’s so refreshing. She really grounds the other characters. 4. Star.... I know Jude was on maternity leave during this part of filming so they had to come up with storylines to explain her limited scenes, but they are really doing the most. And I really can’t find it in me to care or feel any type of sympathy. Then that whole Noah monologue by her bedside... I can’t without writing a novel. That leads me to my favorite subject... 5. Derek and Alex. *sigh* I really can’t. Even though I prefer Alex with Noah ( when he’s clean), I wouldn’t be bothered by Dalex if not for the piss poor writing. They have spent the better part of three seasons being ‘cute’ but not communicating. Now, in two episodes they’ve become talking experts. Now, suddenly Derek is sensitive about Noah and Alex is sensitive to Derek’s feelings about Noah. But haven’t Derek and Noah been ‘cool’ the last few episodes, dappin’ it up (which I mentioned repeatedly was unrealistic)?! And you mean Derek had no problem with, or Alex didn’t feel any awkwardness taking Noah to the Sapphire party? Or hugging Noah in front of his face at the ASA nomination party? But now she can’t perform with him. I get the history behind the last time they performed ( especially that song) together, but it’s still a reach. If they’re no longer feeling each other, it shouldn’t be an issue. You can’t literally be buddy buddy with your ex one minute and be trippin’ the next. What bothers me the most is that the writers want to invalidate that Noah and Alex ever truly cared for each other. I would’ve bought it as a steamy affair she regretted had it been a couple of hook ups. But Alex spent too much time fighting her feelings for Noah even after Derek broke up with her, which indicated her feelings went deeper than the surface, and then when she did finally hook up with him, she DATED him. It wasn’t just sex. But I digress. Despite ALL of that, if the writers had at least attempted to show how remorseful Alex was or made her work harder (or at all) to get Derek back, I wouldn’t be looking at my TV in disbelief every week; nor thinking that Derek is too soft. And now we have this proposal which will most likely lead to a wedding in the season finale, where something is bound to happen. *sighs again* Again, if someone has a different perspective, please share. I want to understand. I’m done. Thank you for coming to my sad and repetitive TED talk.
This season is definitely on the zany side. I don’t mind the schoolhouse rock-esque videos (which every episode will have) because they’re catchy, short, and informative. My problem is that I’m just not invested in Diane’s storyline. I can understand her character’s viewpoint of feeling like the world has gone insane under Trump’s presidency; I can even understand the need to do something or feeling like fighting fair against a corrupt system will net the same results. That’s all great, and despite my lack of interest, the show is very well written and good at conveying what the writers want to get across. Where Diane’s story falls off the rails for me is her obsession with Trump. When the news cycle gets too hectic, I take a step back to find my sanity. Diane seems to delve in further and spin out of control. Maia is a character I’m indifferent about. While her storylines aren’t bad, they aren’t compelling either. I’m semi-interested in her relationship with Blum moving forward (for those who don’t know, he’s a series regular this season) but only mildly. Speaking of Roland, it’s too early for me to form an opinion about his wayyyy over the top personality, but I hope he tones it down moving forward. The rest of the characters I absolutely love and can’t wait to see what happens. I’m loving the dynamic between Liz and Adrian. It’s all so ambiguous and I find it interesting that the rest of the firm can’t seem to get a good read on their relationship. Even though Adrian and Liz were adamant about not crossing the line, Lucca never seemed fully convinced. And Jay seemed highly skeptical as well, almost angry. I know he was witness prepping them but he still came off a little to strong to me. The only thing I feel like the show is missing from the season so far is more courtroom drama or intriguing cases. I don’t think the shows needs a “case of the week”, but I miss them talking about the law. All that being said, I still feel like this is an excellent show and one of my highlights of the week.
Maia and Blum were working together because their respective clients (One ordered the murder and the other executed it) were being tried together. Maia tried to get a mistrial declared in the last episode but the judge refused to split the defendants up. She screwed Blum over by agreeing to a deal with the prosecution of six months for her client of if he ratted out the other defendant.
W.O.W!!! 😱🤯😱🤯😱 I know this show always moves at a fast pace but this episode was on whatever Gigi and her aunt were snorting up their noses. That being said, I actually enjoyed this episode immensely; definitely one of the best ones of the entire season. So much happened, I’m still processing and can’t go into a deep dive but I want to point out a few things. 1. Called Carlotta’s son still being alive. 2. I’m not a Star fan at all, so her being in jail doesn’t move me. But that aside, Star having less scenes and Mateo and Carlotta being gone made the episode flow better because they had less characters to give screen time. Again, the cast needs to be trimmed if they get a season 4 pick up. 3. As of tonight, every member of Take 3 has fallen victim to a broken condom. 4. I have to go on my weekly rant about Derek and Alex. The season 1 chemistry is long gone. And I get that Derek is the ‘good guy’ but he came off a little preachy and self righteous tonight. The writers really write him like he can do no wrong; very unrealistic. Also, they’re really pushing the Alex/Noah friendship (a little too hard IMO) which is fine I guess. However, I felt more heat from their one hug than all of Alex and Derek’s scenes put together. Yes, I’m biased but if anyone disagrees with me, PLEASE tell me why so I can genuinely understand. 5. I feel like a terrible person but I’m actually really feeling Maurice and Cassie. What is wrong with me? 😩😩😩