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Posts posted by Nicmar

  1. On 12/20/2021 at 10:39 PM, isalicat said:

    I have a package in front me of something called "Moon Cheese" which seem very similar to your Whisps - they are 100% cheese (all cheddar) and 1 gram carb per 10 chips. The main issue for me with these things (although I bet they are delicious - I haven't opened the package yet) is that for 10 little chips you are talking 350 mg. sodium. Two-three handfuls is enough sodium for me for the day and after that I swell up like a little toad. So I am still lacking in a non-carby snack that is not also loaded with salt (well, other than celery but how much celery can you eat without anything on or with it?).

    all natural peanut butter with celery is good. It couldn't have that much sodium?

    On 12/20/2021 at 6:39 PM, GreekGeek said:

    For cheese and citrus, here are some suggestions. I haven't tried them myself; I don't care for goat cheese, but may try oranges with Alpine or cheddar.

    I will happily devour anything sweet, but I'm trying to cut back on sugar and carbs. One savory snack I've enjoyed that isn't chips or crackers is Whisps. It's crispy little wheels of toasted cheese. It tastes like the crispy edges of grilled cheese sandwiches or the browned cheese on top of a casserole.

    One sweet snack I've indulged in is Harry and David's Moose Munch, caramelized popcorn and peanuts.



    You make your own crispy cheese snack by grating cheese on a parchment paper in little mounds and baking it.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

    Yes. She was the one who gaslighted everyone including Lea about her pretending to be single but was actually married for years to her boyfriend. She was always a mean girl, as was Miss Alexia. Alexia has been humbled over the years by the stuff she has gone through, but Adriana has gotten worse over the years. Her son was normal, not a fame hoe like Brooks of Salt Lake. Adriana is actually well traveled and speaks many languages. Education can't buy class or empathy.  I never liked her, but I always found her style cute and not as Miami Bedazzled Hustler Playboy Mansion Vibe that many sport here. But now even her clothes look bad partly because of those big ass hooters she got like Ramona's- I think they ruined their figures with those cartoonish bolt ons.  Same as that baggage Larsa purchased. Another one who was pretty on the outside, there was no need to do that Ladies. 

    And if Y'all watched the original, Marisol's Mother Elsa was a cautionary tale for bad plastic surgery overall. She was pretty woman before she scalped her face. Sad AF. 

    I remember Adriana said she she used to sleep in the art gallery with her son because they didn't have any place to live.

    Maryisol looks bad, she did something to her face. I never care for Alexia and Larsa. 

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  3. 18 hours ago, lamujerdecente said:

    Especially since if u watched the last seasons, she got physical with Joanna for getting in her space.  Miami is not the best place for non-anti blackness. Many here think they are White folks when north of west palm beach they are Black. I been told I am white here. I am not but all they see is skin color. 
    I despise Adriana and Larsa from before. Larsa hasn’t been too annoying but Adriana is her usual self just obviously older and more insecure. Aging gracefully is not the business for her. 

    Was Adriana the one who ran a art gallery and has a son? 

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  4. On 12/14/2021 at 2:48 PM, Deskisamess said:

    Can McCormick Spices please stop showing people cooking with a baby strapped to their fronts? The new one has her spilling a teaspoon of some spice on the baby's head, and blowing it away.

    Any spice would burn the eyes like crazy. Red pepper, cinnamon, salt, it's just so wrong. Last year the gal cooking was putting stuff in boiling water, with a baby strapped on her front right over the flippin stove.

    My 10 year old (at the time, now 42) was burned by boiling water in the kitchen. So commercials like this make me cringe.

    I was burned with boiling water at 5, It was an accident I was trying to close the door and the handle was in the way and I got burns from head to legs. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks, I also had pneumonia at the time. The worse burns were on my hip and they had to do a skin graft from thigh.

  5. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I am more convinced than ever that Heather is using this show to add to her acting reel, she has created a monologue to show her range as a villain, Terry accepts Shannon's apology because Terry does not care about any of this crap.

    Shannon really should have grown some balls and quoted Sutton and said "Or what?" and walked away...it would have been like throwing water on the wicked witch, she would have had no comeback and would have shriveled up.  Also, the medicine cabinet situation in the Dubrow's bathroom was other worldly, so perfect and I am green with envy, I hate them even more now.  They just wanted to show them off, they did and I am green, green with envy.

    I would like to go to Gina's closet and remove every stretchy knit dress she has and introduce her to cotton, linen or blends of and good tailoring and teach her how to stand up straight instead of the hunchback posture she has where nothing looks good on you when you hunch over. The hat she bought at the racetrack was cute too bad she did not wear it properly.  Heather's strange friendship with Gina makes me think of LVP's friendship with Brandi Glanville, odd because they are not in the same economic circle, not in the same social circle (off the show they probably do not talk), will Heather get Gina to do her dirty work?  

    Emily and her lashes at that get together with Jenn, Nicole and Gina, so long and thick we could hardly see her eyes which is hard enough without those fake lashes.

    The racetrack restaurant was completely empty except for the HW's, it was supposed to be a Very Special Veuve Clicquot Race Day that had a high dollar ticket, nobody else bought tickets for it? Why do I feel like producers messed with us a little.

    Heather riding on Terry's knee, sigh.  I thought of the story that Kyle told about how she and Mo did the deed at a fancy event.

    Noella's body is sort of amazing but her boobs are so low.  I understand having laryngitis, I used to get it every spring with the weather change, no voice at all, the doctor told me it is even worse to whisper, more strain on your vocal chords.

    The divorce paper flowers looked fake to me. 


    Noella- she is a attractive woman and her body is good except like you said the boobs are low hanging and I noticed her mom had a rack like her.

    Emily- needs to wear clothes that fit her body and short shorts and short skirts are not it.

    • Love 10
  6. 15 hours ago, snarts said:

    There's a scene from the trailer of Jackie banging on a door like she's been locked somewhere (1:12 mark)

    There's also one of Shauna pulling a knife on Adam (1:04 mark) and of adult Nat sighting a rifle/shotgun (0:59 mark). 

    We haven't seen any of these scenarios yet.  How many episodes are left?  Also, if they're paying attention to continuity, after the girl falls into the pit, the one standing over looking down at her in animal garb is wearing red converse high tops. Anyone recognize the wearer?



    I thought the converse was pink?

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  7. 17 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    I watched Real Housewives of the North Pole last weekend, too. I though Kyle was fine in it. The movie obviously knew who the audience was going to be and played into the Real Housewives-style drama. I mean, she won't win any acting awards for it or anything but her skills were on the same level as other actors at her level. 

    I saw the trailer and decided nope, not for me.

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  8. On 12/17/2021 at 6:37 PM, emma675 said:

    Texas here. Over the last three weeks it's gone from the 80s to the 40s to the 80s to the 40s over and over. My allergies are about to kill me and I got a damn mosquito bite last weekend. In December. I hate this. 

    Its going to be 82 here in Texas for Christmas!! 🤔

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  9. On 12/22/2020 at 9:53 PM, carolinagirl81 said:

    Yes this is a reboot of Dr. 90210 that aired 2004-2008 the first aring had: Dr. Linda Li and her anesthesiologist husband, Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, Dr. Robert Rey and his stay at home wife Haley and their bratty kids, Dr. Jason Diamond who thought he was hot shit and was dragging his feet on committing to his girlfriend who he eventually married and before this cast seasons ended they had their first child, Dr. Paul Nassif who was married to that Maloof woman at the time, Dr. Raj Kanodia, Dr Will Kirby aka Mr Big Brother and Dr. Robert Kotler

    I remember Dr.90210 especially Dr. Robert Rey. The other doctors not so much. Paul Nassif was on there? 

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  10. On 12/19/2021 at 5:43 PM, Tatum said:
      Reveal spoiler

    Ohhh man. I can't imagine that's an error. If someone took the time to identify characters Jackie might have liked, I can't believe they wouldn't check things like release dates.

    (Spoiler tagged just in case, even though this was from this episode).


    I like the Reddit comment that Jackie wanting to be Angela from American Beauty needs a whole thread of its own. I mean, that honestly makes ZERO sense. The whole point of her character arc was that she was so desperate to avoid being ordinary, which she absolutely was. I mean, you could draw parallels between Angela and Jackie, but who would actually want to be Angela?


    ETA: Screenshot actually says movie characters I would be, not movie characters I want to be. But I don't know what she'd have in common with Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction nor why anyone would want to be this character. For that matter, Pulp Fiction doesn't really fit in with most of the chick flicks Jackie listed. That would be so typical of a teen girl to pick her because her boyfriend made her watch the movie and said Uma Thurman was hot. I swear, I think all these characters are at least loosely based on people the writers knew in high school.

    Where did movie characters come from all I saw was favorite bands and song in the journal...?

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  11. 23 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    So, she's on yet another vacation (albeit only to a South Carolina beach) and she posted a video of herself in the pool giving her dog swim lessons.  Oh, and Lenny is with her.  

    First thing I thought was "Wait, the hotel allows dogs in their pool?" 

    Second thought was  "Dogs are natural swimmers. Why is she trying to teach the dog something it does naturally? "

    Third thought: "I wonder if they know she pees in pools?"

    Fourth thought: "You're at the BEACH. Why are you in a pool instead of the ocean, FFS?"

    Someone posted a comments that they hope she and Lenny get back together. She replied that she's in a relationship already. Her imaginary French man.🤣

    • LOL 6
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  12. 1 hour ago, JustHereForFood said:

    Wow, what an age! I hope it works and she is able to celebrate with everyone she wishes, with all appropriate precautions of course. 

    This, so much. Every unhappy relationship that I've ever observed seemed to impact the children negatively by staying together and positively by finally separating.

    I love Betty White!! 100 years She does even look like it!

    • Love 11
  13. 10 hours ago, amarante said:

    On a very inconsequential note, Noelle was carrying what I am almost certain was a fake Birkin. It was turquoise and had some idiotic quote like "rich bitch" or words to that effect.

    She is not rich enough to deface a Birkin - that is Kim Kardashian level of money (she or Kanye painted some Birkins a few years ago) and she is almost certainly not at the level where she is buying a turquoise Birkin. If it were an authentic Birkin it would be the tan or black until you move up into major income levels where you have multiple Birkins.

    It said Rich Aunt on the bag and it was ugly just like her little coin purse on a strap bag she was wearing when she had drinks with Nicole and Shannon.

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  14. 17 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    I just read Kathy is coming back because she got the higher pay she requested. I’m so disappointed, she doesn’t need the money. And I don’t know if she’s still a friend of or if she’s a full housewife. I’d have more respect for her if she was donating her salary or part of it to charity. 

    I rather have Kathy than Erika and Rinna.

    • Love 18
  15. On 12/11/2021 at 8:39 AM, chlban said:

    Yes, Gina really showed herself again. I actually liked her last year but maybe it was just that with Kelly, Brownwind and what's her name-the one season wonder-Gina looked decent. But, I already dislike her again. And Emily is still a waste of air time. Yes, the other chick was drunk and stupid too, but she was right that they had just net when Emily was blathering about them being friends. When this show started, the women were, at least for the most part, actual friends and neighbors  ( Vickie, Laurie, Jeanna). It was the same with the NY housewives. This group just doesn't mesh well. Maybe it will get better but, so far, it sucks.  Also, I am in for some pretentious behavior and house porn and I liked Heather, for the most part, the first time around. But, she is looking so bad this year. $36,000 for that stupid party? I, and several other women, just spent hours of preparation and an entire day putting on a boutique/bake sale at the animal shelter where I volunteer. We were thrilled that we raised over $5,000. Not because we sold $5,000 worth of stuff  but because our supporters, many former adopters, would hand us $100 for a pack of cookies priced at $3.50 and refuse change. Bless them, they helped us save more lives. If  you can afford to toss money away, at least put some of it to a good cause. Not wasted on a bunch of women you really don't care about and that you KNOW are only going to get drunk and stupid. Not liking Heather this year at all.

    Thank you for raising money to save lives! 

    • Love 3
  16. On 11/28/2021 at 2:09 PM, kristen111 said:

    I love when the Father says “I have to eat so I can take my back pills”,  that’s my husband.  The Grandparents are so typical.

    Whenever my husband says he needs to eat, I always ask him because you need to take your back pill and he doesn't get it. lol

    • LOL 3
  17. On 12/12/2021 at 6:11 PM, Miss Anne Thrope said:

    New shirt or old, I can't get enough of that commercial.  It's just perfect.  (And if it isn't, I don't want to know!)  I choose to believe dog is getting the old shirt. 


    Here's the commercial, and it looks like some outtakes are tagged on at the end,  




    I Love this commercial! 💗

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  18. On 12/11/2021 at 11:00 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    One of the things I didn’t realize about having a dog, is that you see so many more dead things. 

    I have seen more dead RATS in the last few months than I have in years. Some crushed by cars, others dead on the sidewalk. Ewwwwwww. 

    I also have seen pigeon carcasses and dead squirrels. Yeah the things you learn. 

    So where I live at we have Owls because I hear them and small birds of prey, I think one of them dropped half a mouse carcass in our backyard and one the dogs decided it was going to bring it my house, I started screaming like a little girl. I am deathly afraid of mice and rats.

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