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Posts posted by Nicmar

  1. 9 hours ago, monagatuna said:

    That's regional--I grew up in WV and it took YEARS to train myself out of calling them ree-see-cups.

    I didn't watch the videos all the way through but from the few seconds I did watch, these people seem so sad. No wonder they look at Whitney like a rock star. But what really struck me is, was that 11 minutes of just yammering in your car about what you eat in a day? I can't think of anything more boring! No one cares what you eat! I don't even care what Jillian Michaels or Shaun T or Richard Simmons eats! And I LOVE Richard Simmons! I can't imagine subscribing to a channel of someone who's so boring all they do is aim a phone at herself and have a pity party about how fat they are and how much drive-through garbage they eat. I love my own diet, fresh veggies and mostly whole foods, and even I would fall asleep if I tried to film myself talking about what I eat in a day.

    My Mother in law pronounces Reeses like that. I tried telling her thats not how you pronounce it. My husband prounonces it just to piss me off! 😠

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Using pre-shredded cheese is a big no-no. Factories coat the cheese in potato starch to prevent the shreds from sticking together. As a result, the cheese is drier, loses flavor and doesn't melt as easily. It's fine for convenience, but if you want truly amazing mac-and-cheese, put in the elbow grease and grate it fresh. 

    I never knew that about pre shredded cheese! Makes me want to never buy it again

    • Love 6
  3. 3 hours ago, nkotb said:

    Ugh, I can so feel Khloe. I absolutely detest when I'm working out, perfectly glistening, in full perfect makeup, hair perfectly down over my shoulders, & perfectly styled, with my clothes perfectly showing off my perfect body, & some whackadoo snaps a pic, then edits it a bit, & posts it to social media. Poor Khloe, I feel you girl. We've all been there.

    In reality, when I go to the gym, at 4:15AM, since I have to go early or I won't make it, because, life, plus, I have to coordinate with my husband to make sure he's home, because we don't have an army of nannies, my clothes kinda match, my hair is in a bun on top of my head, my face has been makeup-free for 10-ish hours, & I don't glisten, I sweat, & it ain't pretty. Should I buy her clothes & maybe I'll be just like her??

    Yes, I know it's an advertisement, but it'd be better-received (by me, anyway), if it looked a smidge more realistic. Like, blot the gloss a bit, so your lips don't look like you used a full jar of Vaseline. 

    Looks like she's in a sauna.

    • Love 2
  4. 11 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know about that. In our area teenagers make $15 as babysitters. Nannies make more (700 and up per week) and often get some kind of benefits. 

    So i worked as a nanny for over 10 years. I made really good money starting out.But i have a friend who was nanny when her daughter was born she took her to every job she had babysitting. Never did i recieve any kind of medical benefits from those jobs. I'm so glad i dont work with kids amymore LOL

    • Love 2
  5. 1 minute ago, krushin said:

    Me too, but I seriously doubt even Whitney would be dense enough to mix up those medications. I think she’s just trying to be quirky and zany for her fan club 🙄

    I own cats as well never would i mess up giving my meds to my cats. What fking moron. 

    • Love 6
  6. 5 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I definitely don't think she could have washed her hair - I don't think she had enough room to raise her arms up that high. But I think that someone was styling her hair for the dance classes and she could have had it washed as well. Or gone to a Drybar for a scrub and a blowout.

    Or hook a hose and wash down while wearing a bath suit. Or wash down with waterless foam that they use on people who bedridden

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    At least one person mentioned the colored contact lenses that she frequently wears. Without them her eyes are not blue, not green - but hazel. She really is hungry to hear how beautiful, fierce and confident she may be.

    Her followers are DELUSIONAL, just as delusional as she is.

    She is just fishing for a compliment. Those are annoying as hell. My SIL was like that .

    • Love 7
  8. 4 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    I have a different take on that scene.  

    I think a lot of people who are morbidly obese probably experience depression, and even some self-loathing, that makes it hard for them to get up and get active.

    If by feeling good about herself this woman meant she had the confidence to get up and get moving, I think that's a positive thing. 

    We only get isolated glimpses, in drips and drabs, of the many ways in which Whitney is functionally disabled because of her size and physical condition.

    Off of the top of my head, what I can recall:

    * unable to shave her own legs

    * unable to dry herself after a shower

    * unable to tie her own shoes

    * unable to wipe her own ass without an assistive device (which you know can't be as accurate as doing it by hand)

    * unable to apply the glide cream she needs to walk any distance without chaffing

    Please feel free to add.

    Can't get up after she's fallen.

    • LOL 1
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  9. 17 minutes ago, Emma C said:

    I mean, how big would you have to be to aspire to be her size?

    I don't know anyone including myself would want to be that overweight. It comes with health problem , diabetes, hyperlidemia, arthritis  which she will get eventually or already has. But don't tell any of her followers that or will go after you lol

    • Love 6
  10. 7 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    I just saw a clip from this episode on the MBFFL FB page. Buddy's new alleged girlfriend is actually sorta pretty. Heather is average --- not a raving beauty but not ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Why EITHER woman would want Buddy is beyond me. 

    What does Buddy do for a job?

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