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Everything posted by IGuessScorpioFan

  1. I wish they would fix all the horrible writing of The Scorpios... I feel bad for TR & FH sometimes that their characters were written so well in the 80s and then they kind of made them horrible parents later on. What made them special was that they would never abandon Robin and do anything to protect each other. Then when the EP at the time sabotaged them in 92 and made it so they couldn't come back to the show, and killed off their characters... by the time they came back... I have no idea who wrote the explanations, but anyone who loved those characters could've come up with something better... Hello, Robert could have been in a coma... Anna could have been sent on a missing persons missions to figure out who this person was. Maybe she's told it's some lunatic in a hospital saying things and mentioned her name and she shows up and it's Robert Scorpio! See, that would have already been better... Anyway, when Scorpio came back they made him into this horrible person, kind of like Luke and it never quite sat right with me, They can fix it. And they tried to make Duke the love of Anna's life, which would've been okay, except they made him return to the mob and then die, which sucked too. Then they made Anna having kept a huge secret from Robert about having a son which I think TR & FH could've acted the sh*t out of, but they spend months on it, and then only gave them like 3 scenes to talk about. Back in the day that would have been an intense week that would have gotten that back in bed together. I still think before TR retires or dies, they should make that character end as the great Robert Scorpio, great father and great love of Anna's life.
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