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15 Good
  1. Now I feel guilty for basically saying how effing crazy Ryan makes me. That wasn't nice. How would I like it if I was on Jeopardy and someone wrote about wanting to, like, well, kill me? I guess I would have to stay away from this stuff. Or maybe just go to Reddit where they are nice to Jeopardy players, especially Ryan. Not just nice but Fenster fans. That would be fun, lots of nerds ghouling on a nerd like me. But then I would probably suspect that not everybody is my fan and I would be seeking out nasty stuff and then I would probably end up here and ok Ryan, if you are here, I'm sorry. You are so damn annoying and of course if you were my co-worker I wouldn't *really* want to kill you but I think I would have to run into my friend's office and talk about you all the time and then I think I would have to have it out with you and I would cry and maybe you would cry too and then we'd sort of end up being kind of friends, and that's how it would go. So who would you rather hang out with Ryan, all those dorks over at Reddit or me, who will tell you like it is? You are so effing annoying but hey you are kinda smart and I'm glad you have a lot of money to go traveling and I hope you can dial it down like a million notches and just be ok, not a showoff. Get a little French girlfriend. Relax, have a good time. See you on TOC.
  2. Two random observations about Ryan: 1. I think he is lurking here and deliberately trying to provoke a reaction. Maybe we need to use reverse psychology because I think he gets off on rejection, even though he is the smartest person in the room. 2. It seems like he goes for long spells without buzzing in at all, like he's deliberately trying to fall behind. Or, alternately, he may miss a couple of big money clues and then when it looks like he's in big trouble he pulls it out of the hat and takes the lead, like he did yesterday as he came down the final stretch.
  3. Can you imagine what it would be like to have Ryan as a co-worker? It's a wonder someone hasn't gone postal on him yet. I'm pretty sure I would if I had to face him every day and the prison time might even be worth it.
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