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Posts posted by Stephanie23

  1. 21 minutes ago, dmc said:

    Somehow I suspect it will.  

    I don't know about Serena she just lost another deal

    Fred's deal was voided for the 22 resistance fighters.  

    I don't doubt that Serena will somehow milk this situation.

    • Love 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, dmc said:

    She's not a fugitive.  Because Fred is no longer in Canadian custody when he's killed or on Canadian soil

    And Gilead doesn't care about him.

    Yes, but killing him is somehow gonna bite her in the ass in season five.


    Funny how in the end the most benefit from Fred's death will get Serena because she can show him off as a martyr to their fans and also now she is liberated from him and as we saw throughout  all of the seasons that it was Serena's wish from a long time ago.

    • Love 4
  3. 1 minute ago, MichaelaRae said:

    I really thought when the run-Fred-run scene started, they would make him THINK he was going to die ("scare him to death"), making him feel a fraction of what they felt as women in Gilead - chased, persecuted, terrified, hunted - and then NOT kill him but then hand him over to Gilead for a big heaping gulp of the hideous system he created. That's what I WANTED to happen. While I can empathize with the particution, it was very unsatisfying for me. My scenario gave me the best of both worlds.

    Yes, Serena and Fred (and Lydia) deserve to be punished by Gilead, the monster they created.

    • Love 8
  4. 1 hour ago, dubstepford wife said:


    Serena is the real villain at this point, and I think she always has been.  It's a woman focused story and Serena, Aunt Lydia, and Janine all have lots of story left to tell.  We didn't need Fred anymore.

    I wonder who will take on the roll of the main male show villain because Nick, Lawrence and Putnam don't fit the mold.

    We know that Serena will probably stay the main female villain.

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Bannon said:

    Fer' the luv' of Fonzie doing aerials over cartilaginous predatory fish, if they write an intimate relationship between Tuello and Serena next, it'll be a good thing I don't own a pistol, because I'd otherwise pull an Elvis on a 72 inch flat screen.

    Hahahah well they are definitely heading thowards that. Even tho it sounds a bit like a South American telenovela-style.

    Fred who is slow and delusional realised that something is going on between Serena and Tuello (more on Tuellos behalf).

    1 hour ago, Maurina said:

    That was the most disturbing attempt at fan service I've ever seen.


    • Love 4
  6. 54 minutes ago, Bannon said:

    I can understand why the audience might enjoy watching Fred's demise, but my honest reaction is that this episode featured incredibly clumsy&amateurish writing, which was the culmination of a season where the writers sacrficed the narrative for the dumb visual, to the point where the audience didn't even get the visual, just the butchered narrative. I cannot decribe how bad I thought the Fred&June in the prison cell scene was, and then that was nearly topped by the awful dialogue between jogging Tuello and June. I feel bad for the actor playing Luke, with what the writers have him doing and saying.

    When this show is not in Gilead, it just falls off the cliff, it seems to me. I may "Homeland" it, and give up. It's kind of interesting that the two shows both suffer(ed) from similar structual flaws.



    I agree so much with this.

    We need more Gilead next season, Canada just isn't working.

    We did not find out who is Nick's new wife, what happened to Esther, Janine and Lydia, also big mistake not showing Serena the ring and finger, etc.

    Maybe a controversial opinion, but I am not a fan of the episode (and this season in general), didn't expect much and they still kinda disappointed me lol

     Everything in the second half of the episode felt like a THT fanfic.


    Tuello omg he definitely gave Fred to Gilead only because of Serena. Now everyone sees that he  does have feelings towards her, even Fred saw it in the way he was observing them talk and when he said what he said to him on the bridge.

    Next season the two of them will have a relationship now that Fred is out of the picture.


    Luke was never a character that  I liked. But this season he delivered.

    He was the voice of reason for June and she didn't listen.


    I hope next season we get less of June finally, there is so much more story to be told besides her story.

    • Love 17
  7. 5 hours ago, dmc said:

    Am the only person who thinks

    Fred is going screw Serena over

    leave her in prison, she will deliver

    baby goes to the father Fred

    The baby goes over the border to Gilead because Fred gives it to them 

    Fred gets killed 

    and she’s going to be stuck in jail trying to get her kid back from Gilead 

    This is most probable outcome of the Waterfords since we know that a baby will be transferred probably to Gilead from Canada on a border. And there are many spoilers floating around that June will kill Fred and the producer said that Serena will be somehow separeted from their baby.

    Also we all  damn well know that Fred still wants to punish Serena lol

    I think that the last scene of the season will be a cliffhanger where June will be somewere in 'no man land' between Gilead and Canada and she will be deciding to stay or to leave to Gilead and we will not know and the first scene of season five will be June in Gilead.


    Overall I have very low expectations for season finale because this whole season just wasn't working for me. It was the weakest season in my opinion and I know that season 3 is many fans least favorite season but compared with this one, season 3 is great.

    • Love 2
  8. Something will probably happen with the Waterfords baby and it's gonna be big. For some reason they made Serena's due date approaching in the last couple of episodes. Literally she was five months pregnant in one episode and in another she looked like she was eight months pregnant.

    • Love 4
  9. On 6/9/2021 at 7:17 AM, EllaWycliffe said:

    Gilead just makes boneheaded move after bone headed move. Sending the Putnams to basically say "fuck you, we're not doing shit" pretty much guarantees Fred turns. 

    Yes, that was an epic mistake made by Gilead. They basically gave Fred a reason to help the Americans.

    I don't get why they did it.

    Or was it made because the show writers need an excuse so Fred could walk.



    • Love 3
  10. 9 hours ago, madpsych78 said:


    Even though some of the fans had signs praising the "Waterfords," other signs just had Serena's name alone. There were no signs that were strictly pro-Fred. Serena is regarded as the star, just like they were pre-Gilead.


    And that will probably be one of the reasons of their downfall. I don't know if anyone catched it but Fred had an interesting look on his face when he saw that the protestors were in fact Serena's fans. He was definitely feeling pre-Gilead vibes when she's was the 'man' in the relationship, and he didn't like it lol

    I wonder what will happen with Hannah in the future, because I don't think she will make to Canada in this season. and I have a feeling that a major character (Emily or Nick maybe) will die and it will be June's fault.

    • Useful 1
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  11. 35 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:


    Why aren't both Fred and Serena in some sort of uniform prison?  


    They are in detention not prison or jail.


    2 hours ago, mamadrama said:


    I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with me. On a scale of 1-10 I liked this episode around a 6, but I haven't been higher than that since the 2nd season. I'm completely whelmed by the whole thing. I think I've become Handmaid weary and am just burned out. Having to wait a year between seasons, and 2 years for this last one (which I know isn't their fault), is just killing my interest. The cinematography that I used to find beautiful and interesting just falls flat to me now. I don't like June, but I like Lizzie's acting even less. I can't care about her character anymore. I'm much more interested in Emily, Lydia, and Serena Joy. The latter two might be villains but I still find them more interesting to watch. 

    If I start a series then I'll stick with it until the bitter end, but I miss actually looking forward to midnight. 

    Oh you definitely aren't the only one. I started to dislike June since the second half of season 3 and now in this season she is to me the least interesting character compared to Waterfords, Lawrence, Lydia, Nick, Emily, Janine etc.

    I kinda wish her story would have some kind of a closure this season but unfortunately that's not gonna happen.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

    We've had some fairly decent spoilers up until these final two episodes.

    I do know that several recappers/reviewers were given all the episodes early, EXCEPT the final two.  I hope that means something shocking, such as, even more forward progress in the stories!

    I have an idea what it might mean, but it could be too early for that.  My other guess is Fred and possibly Serena deported back to Gilead, the cliff hanger of course being what will Gilead do with them?  

    There are some spoilers that leaked about a baby crossing gilead-canada border but it isn't clear in which direction and there was a spoiler photo of fred from the last episode entering a van which is supposidly the Eyes and tuello is right there.

    • Love 2
  13. 7 hours ago, Bannon said:

    He was a different person while his wife still lived. I suspect, with each day that passes without her influence, he becomes more unmoored from any ethical humanity. I suspect he has it in him to become a chronic rapist like other Commanders.

    But for him to become that he has to have a second Wife.


    I have a theory that when Serena and Fred return to Gilead, maybe they will kill Fred but Serena will become a Wife to some other (widower) Commander. I don't mean Lawrence but someone else.

    I just don't see her as a handmaid because she was the 'poster girl' for Gilead Wife.

    • Love 5
  14. 14 hours ago, jeansheridan said:

    Finally, I will flat out admit, the Camille and John scene was hot. They had chemistry starting from the bar scene. And yes it is messed up of her, but emotionally it made such sense. An eighteen year old isn't intimidating to her thirtysomething self. And he really was so intuitively tender with her. All his instincts about how to approach her were correct. Plus I am glad she had about 10 minutes just to relax. Fully relax.

    Yes, I agree so much on this. I really liked their chemistry.

    But I'm confused with show Alan because I don't remember him knowing what Adora does with her daughters in the book.

    And from the book I always saw him as being out of it all, but not like this as a personal slave to his wife with a few signs of rebel and even possibly violence in episode 4.


    And I have to praise again Amy Adams and Patricia Clarkson for being so perfect in their roles.

    Believe it or not but before the show was even in plans and I was reading the book I imagined Patricia Clarkson as Adora because she looked perfect to me for that part and when I saw thet she was cast I was really happy haha

    On the other I don't know why but show Amma isn't working for me.

    • Love 2
  15. What's up with the last scene in this episode with Alan entering the room and it looked like he was about to rape Adora and then nothing mentioned in the next episode?

    I was so confused by it.


    And omg I heart Jackie so much hahaha

  16. The last scene with Camille in bed and Amma touching her naked back, and Adora looking from the door and Marion saying "it's not safe here for you" was extra creepy to me.


    Camille literally need's to go back to St.Louis to her boss who is the only parent and a loving person to her.

    • Love 4
  17. They way Adora said to Camille that she never loved her even hurted me to hear it :(

    God she is cold and evil to her.


    But I don't think she loves Amma either.


    And what up with Alan and him being a slave to Adora? WTF?

    I'm so annoyed with that.

    • Love 1
  18. There were few extra LOL lines this episode like: "Forget your lunch today Waterford..."-Random Gilead Commander and "It was nice knowing you" by Commander Lawrence Wife hahaha


    I hate so much Eden’s dad and June because she stayed (again) for a millionth time.


    Rita and Nick and Emily this episode <3

    And I liked how Janine said Eden died for love :(


    EDIT- What was in the bag that Fred was holding when Serena came back to the house? Is it her finger? :O

    • Love 10
  19. Yes, I would love Gilead story.


    To see all the politics  and government, what's happening in Hawaii and Alaska, what kind of relations does Europe have towards Gilead? Is it different in Eastern and West Europe...?

    • Love 3
  20. 1 hour ago, LittleRed84 said:

    I could be wrong but it looked like the commander took HIS ring off and set it on the bedside table?? 

    Maybe it's Serena's ring and he has it while they cut off her finger.


    I don't get from the spoilers on reddit, who on the end escapes? Emily, the baby and/or the new Commander?

    And why is Nick pointing a gun on Waterford and  why doesn't Serena after they cut of her finger escape also if she was given an opportunity because of the fire?

    And how come does she gives up her child so easily ?

    • Love 2
  21. Don't know why but I cried like a baby for the very first time watching this show  in Eden's scenes with Nick when she said that at least in Heaven she'll be with her love and when she started to recite the Bible :(


    Again June's  storyline for me was the weakest part of the episode, but I loved everything in the storyline with Emily, the new Commander, his Wife, Aunt Lydia.....

    And when Fred said that Eden was a slut, that made me hate him more then anyone in this show, they way he talked about a child like Eden was disgusting.


    Feel's like that with Serena they are going  into victim territory in the next episode and the next season which is not something I like because of the reasons why and who will punish her.


    And also is there an end to Fred, he's got some strong plot-armor for sure.

    • Love 5
  22. I am so not happy with what they'll do to Eden, no point in just showing again and again how Gilead is evil.

    And I am starting to think that Serena will escape (or maybe get pregnant in the beginning of the next season) so that's not good.


    The new Commander looks like he'll bring a refreshment in the story.

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