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Posts posted by PicnicLife77

  1. It seems to be the thing to do to share medical issues these days. While I'm annoyed by a lot of it, I'd rather put up with a few attention whores and be glad that others have the platforms to get the support they need.

    I had the same surgery as Marissa, and I will say my husband filmed me coming out of it because I was loopy and hilarious!! I've also had other medical issues that I didn't do a play-by-play of but shared when I felt discouraged and needed prayers or a friend. Some people share every hangnail, and it's annoying but I have to remember everything is relative. 

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  2. I'm not surprised C and T haven't voted. And I'm actually okay with it, to be honest. I'm not all for the push to vote just for the sake of it. If a person is not informed or doesn't care enough to vote, I'd actually prefer that they DIDN'T. I don't want people voting who don't know why they're doing it and might change their mind in a year. And there's nothing wrong with changing your mind when you become more educated. But if you're not ready, you're not ready. 

    And I'm keeping in mind that these two didn't have the best role models. It can't be an excuse foreverything, but I'm glad they're finally growing up, how ever long it takes, and I'd rather they skip the voting than just go with whatever someone in their lives (Butch, for example) tells them to vote for. 



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  3. On 3/11/2021 at 2:09 PM, Mothra said:

    Maci:  "You can ask us anything."

    Bentley:  "Where does the baby come out?"

    Maci:  "That's a conversation for another time."

    For what it's worth, it was actually when he asked how the sperm comes out of the penis that she said, "Well that's for another day."

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  4. On 2/25/2021 at 9:06 PM, iwantcookies said:

    He is always made up. Hair done, clean clothes and he obviously works out . He likes being on camera.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don't. We snark on them if they're frumpy, too.

  5. 55 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    She's awful...always harping on Maci for this and that or complaining about Bentley not showing up for this or that. They forget that he has a busy school/athletic life and also that spending time with his father who treats him like crap and a step mother that is aloof and cold doesn't make it a fun place to be.

    Not to excuse this, but just a thought in general: these people are all relatively young. They were old enough to create children and should be old enough to parent them, but I'm not surprised they aren't more tactful. I think at this age people mistake saying for doing (with all of the sanctimonious pontificating we snark about) and believe they are advocating for or having the right mindset about these children by making these comments. We all know their actual actions are lacking, but I truly believe they think they are supposed to say and feel these things, and in most cases they didn't have the best parenting examples to teach them otherwise. 

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  6. Re all the preg tests being expensive: I can't find the post I'm trying to quote, and it's not a super important point as that entire scene was absurd and foolish, but you can actually get them for a DAAAAAALLOR. Not sure how accurate they are. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers paid for all those, though, to have a storyline. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

    What is Gary’s deal , Is he subconsciously in love with Amber or does his pity for her just run really deep ? I used to think the latter but now not so sure . He seems a little too into always having her around . 

    I'm about to reveal my own codependent, dysfunctional patterns here:

    For.Gary, I'm not sure. Maybe the money from the show is a main factor. But I also.believe he may feel some guilt (although he shouldn't, at all) that his life is turning out so well while Amber's hasn't, although by her own doing. It may make him feel like a better person, like he's paying things forward somehow, by taking on some responsibility for her. 

    I have someone like this in my life, and when mine started to drastically improve I did feel like a horrible person for "leaving them in the dust" and picked up some codependent behaviors to make myself feel less guilty. It was genuinely painful for me to see the other person not progressing in life, and I was less able to enjoy my own success when I watched that person flounder. 

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  8. 22 minutes ago, edie3 said:

    Ryan went and stayed in his room during his kid's birthday party? FFS

    I know the type. We have one in my family. Nobody knows what's "wrong" with so-and-so but everybody expects this behavior. 

    On one hand I want to say they're just addicts and hold themselves to horrible standards when it comes to being the slightest bit inconvenienced or uncomfortable and doing anything for others. On the other hand, I believe some of these types do have legitimate underlying mental issues ranging from social anxiety to more. But substances don't help. 

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  9. C&T should just adaaaaapt a boy. May not be the best parents, but it makes more sense. Also, C wouldn't have to worry about "postpartum".

    Rhine was clearly high. His head even jerked as he sat there in his chair like a disabled elderly person. 

    Mackenzie doesn't need to wear blush. And I feel bad for her dad. 

    I'm sure I'll have more profound thoughts om par with Tyler's wisdom after I watch the episode again. 

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  10. On 2/13/2021 at 3:44 PM, Opine said:

    Haha!  I don't love it, but they aren't that bad.  I mean I certainly like their sleeves better than the current DCC sleeve which gets poofier every year.  The little skirt is pretty hideous, but compared to the DCC diapers I am not sure we have a clear winner.

    Right? Aren't they totally diapers?! I always think that. And I really don't like when girls wear white "booty shorts" for their costumes because they absolutely look like granny panties. 


    ETA: TBTB will probably think this means to make them smaller, but I think that's actually the problem. When the girls' legs are apart at all, the leg of the shorts disappears and from the front they become big old men's briefs. Maybe a different color would help?

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  11. 1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

    It's the other way around. The party on the 9th for filming is at Ryan and Mac's house, and there's another party later at Jen and Larry's for people who don't want to film. 

    When Bentley said yes, he thought he was saying yes to the party at his Mimi's house because that's what she told him. Turns out it's actually at Ryan's house. Jen claims she got the dates mixed up. Maci and Taylor don't believe it was an accident, and are not happy with Jen and Larry for disrespecting Bentley's feelings and boundaries with Ryan.

    Up until this season I liked Jen and Larry, but I don't believe she got her dates mixed up. I think she knew what she was doing. This also makes it so Rhine's interactions (or lack thereof) with Bintley won't be filmed, which is convenient for that side of the family.

    I believe Maci would be vilified either way, so if I were her I would almost tell Jen he will come to the party at her house and not to the other, regardless of the dates. If Bintley truly does feel uncomfortable at Rhine's, of course. If it's just a control issue for Maci then he should go either way. Jen and Larry will still be at the other one to act as a buffer, right? Plus it won't be filmed. So are we to believe that he just doesn't like the environment enough to miss the party?

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  12. I like McKenzie and her family, especially how close they are and how little drama there is between them (not talking about Josh, here) but yeah, way to GIVE your dad a heart attack! I wonder if he would've chosen that day to go to the grave (or "see her headstone", as they called it) had it not been for the show. 

    At this point McKenzie and Cheyenne do not belong on the show. Really the only ones whose storyline have anything to do with young children at this point are C&T, and it's not even the original child they came on the show about. 

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  13. On 2/11/2021 at 5:53 PM, FozzyBear said:

    Good for Gary, I guess. Although, and this may be my Californian showing, is $500,000 an empire? I live in a pretty affordable city by Californian standards and that’s still just one really, really nice house.

    Where I live in the midwest that would buy you 5 to 7 decent houses, but I still don't know that I'd call it an empire. It's pretty common in my area for people to own several rentals. 

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  14. The bouncy house is closed? Oooooh, the bouncy house is closed? THE BOUNCY HOUSE IS CLOSED?!

    I could've "went and took" her there while everyone else "shaaaaapped". 

    "She's "tuckled" in, right? She's buckled in?

    There was enough silliness here before T even exploded. I actually really liked Cate in this scene. 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Well, googled microblading and now I understand why so many people on TV have such stupid looking eyebrows all of a sudden.  You couldn't pay me enough to look like that. Jeez. And now I can't stop seeing them on most of these stupid Teen Mom too-old-to-be still-doing-this-damn-show women. It's like suddenly everyone wants to look like Joan Crawford, which is not a look I ever could stand. And I cannot believe anyone would let Catelynn do this to them, considering how perfect you have to be and how long it lasts and it can get infected etc.  Lazy sloppy Catelynn. Nope.

    I hate Maci so much I can barely stand it. She keeps blasting that poor boy's problems all over national TV like it was nothing at all. She just wants something to have drama about and she keeps using him, at his age, to get it.  That is the most overscheduled, overgossiped about child on television right now.  That poor child. I wish there were consequences for the cavalier way she handles his private life on TV. God knows neither she nor MTV have any conscience at all about it.  God I hate her. 

    Gary and Kristina treat Amber like another daughter.  She has no responsibility at all, she just lets them do everything for her and arrange things for her. I realize they are trying for Leah but they need to stop this. It is not helping Amber at all and in the long run I don't think supporting her infantile rageaholic mother is in Leah's best interests either. And Amber's eyebrow's are ridiculous too, not that anyone asked me. But just yuck.

    I still have no idea why we are watching Cheyenne on this show. Nothing about Cheyenne belongs here.

    Mackenzie is such an infant. We have to move in a week and everything is just magically falling into place and sunshine and roses and puppies await. She has relied on her family her whole life. Now she's taking all those young kids far away as a single mom for the first time and sure that should be no problem at all. That talk with her kids was ridiculous. They didn't 'agree' to move, they barely understand what she was telling them. She might as well have been talking about going away for a week's vacation. And her dad is ill now. Her sister always looks like she is trying to talk to someone who is intellectually and emotionally challenged and not upset them.

    On Mackenzie moving, though, I don't know how else I'd explain it to kids that age. And they don't get to decide, anyway. I think she did an okay job on that part. 

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  16. Tyler needs to calm down. He makes me uncomfortable and reminds me of a person in my family with mania and some other pathology. 

    Also, I'm not saying I'd want this for a child, but if Tyler wants a boy so badly, or either way if they are intent on another, why not adopt one and bring things full circle? 

    ETA: Because I couldn't stop myself from commenting while watching, what a stupid storyline with Amber and the house. And I may or may not have had a special brownie, but I'm on about my 10th time replaying the "bouncy house is closed" crisis, and for some reason so many parts of this scene crack me up. But really it's not funny, it's gross. 

    Catelynn's purple hair really contrasts with nature. 


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  17. On 2/4/2021 at 4:30 AM, ByTor said:

    Right? Like Lacey, retired a couple years and barely 25. Seems weird.

    I've been thinking about this. I don't know how to or if we can start polls, but I can't figure out even what I personally think would be the ideal age for a DCC. 

    When a girl is in her thirties we say she's hanging on too long and is a has been. But 18 yrs old are often called immature and lacking in life experience.

    This is a tough one for me. Honestly, I don't think pro sports and all they are exposed to is the best place for someone to be if they're too young, and I think they're better ambassadors approaching 30, or in the later half of their 20s. But their bodies seem to be at the DCC ideal at about 18. It feels weird to me to have 18 yr old out there in that position, though. So maybe 25 to 35? But then we're getting mature bodies and look like real humans. 

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  18. On 2/5/2021 at 4:34 PM, aeroluv327 said:

    Random fun question:  Who do you think are the prettiest DCC in the MTT era?  She doesn't have to have been the best dancer.

    My picks: Brittany Schram, Jordan (don't remember her last name; she was the one who missed the bus for the first home game), Brandi Kilby (I never understood the "stripper" look that they said she had!), Kelsey Lowrance, Sasha Agent.  

    For me: Katy Fink, Jordan Baum, Samantha, Kenzie, Briana Baisden, Olivia Stevanovski

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  19. 4 hours ago, TheRealT said:

    Ryan's Triggered! narrative is especially ridiculous because he claims to be triggered by stuff like people pressuring him to parent his child. And the "pressure" that Jen and Larry put on him was basically, "Hey, Ryan, why don't you come over to our house (from the house that we're paying for for you) and take a couple of hours off from shooting heroin to throw a ball around with Bentley or whatever else you'd like to do? Mom will even do your laundry and give you a casserole to take home and Dad will give you a cash tip! Come on, Ry, what do you say!" Larry and Jen are hardly ball busters and, even if they were, it wouldn't be reasonable or helpful for Ryan to blame them for his drug use. I guess there are rehab programs that tell the addicts whatever they want to hear in order to make money off of them and keep them from leaving the program. It makes sense that Ryan would only be open to going to that kind of place. Jen and Larry should go to Al Anon and/or private therapy for themselves. They're deeply flawed individuals/parents, but it's clear that they're terrified that Ryan will die or sever all ties with them (though, who would pay his bills then?) and I'm sure it's horrible for them to live that way and feel like they have to take on so much to "save" Ryan and their grandkids.

    This is, unfortunately, a PERFECT characterization of Rhine's time "spent" with his son. 

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