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Posts posted by Was-MArsenault

  1. 11 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    I'm guessing everything is pre-loaded onto a server, and however it is on the server is how it goes out to the satellite. There's no opportunity for someone to catch a mistake unless it was caught at the pre-loading stage.

    It would be nice to imagine there's a projectionist in the booth, though. 🙂

    Just don't expect anybody at TCM to be looking at it.

    Oh I know that, but just wanted to let people know on here that there is one.

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  2. 3 hours ago, voiceover said:

    Just finished watching the TCM premiere of Bull Durham, which is the best baseball film ever made, and one of my all-timers.  It all starts with Ron Shelton's script: tightly written with wit & smarts & and a terrifically realized **adult relationship between Susan Sarandon and Kevin Costner.  It's a relationship whose sexuality is teased out over a series of back-and-forth, over-intellectualizing convos the two have over baseball.

    That push-pull is complicated by their weapon of choice: the pitching rookie (Tim Robbins) who an irritated Costner is meant to mentor, and a beguiled Sarandon is bent on seducing.  As the years pass, I am more & more charmed by Robbins' performance.  His Nuke is such a goofy pup in the beginning, but, oh! the end!  It's not really a case of the student becoming the master, but in their last scene together, he shows the old guy he's learned about more from him, than how to throw a curve ball:

    "You gotta play this game with fear and arrogance!" rants an impassioned Crash.

    "Fear and *ignorance," Nuke slyly echoes.  Before a sputtering Crash can correct him, he grins & admits he just likes watching his mentor get all riled up.

    The screenplay should have, but didn't, win that year in the "Written for the Screen" category.  But at least Costner's blistering list of his personal beliefs, and Sarandon's opener about the sacred nature of the sport ("....there’s one hundred and eight beads in a rosary and one hundred and eight stitches in a baseball. When I learned that, I gave Jesus a chance.") live on in Great Movie Quotes perpetuity.

    MLB Network just showed this recently as well.

  3. 19 minutes ago, MissAlmond said:

    I really liked him in Baa Baa Black Sheep as well.

    • Love 4
  4. 4 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

    This was so sad.  He was one of those guys always around.   He even has a film in post production.    But oh, he was crossing the street to the theater where his wife was working.   She might have witnessed it.   Poor woman.   

    91 and die crossing a street.   Active, getting around on his own, and THIS happens.

    What was the film?

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