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Everything posted by jingles13

  1. LOL!! I feel the same way..I always think it's someone's Carma coming to get me..Taking away my shows!!
  2. No, I didn't,..but a lot of Peeps from AMC were watching and said was really good
  3. It's Finale now of ''Sirens''..:)..It was an interesting concept , though..fun to watch, just to see how they have them react to situations
  4. I didn't get into those either..watch The Colony..
  5. LOL!! I was following ''SIREN'', for the Fun of it..LOL!! Not Bad...Mermen and Mermaids..:)
  6. No, don't care for it..saw so many A I movies,..this is boring to me..liked the first season, but not after that..
  7. Yes, I'm hoping he left it in the store, and they have it locked up..but he swears he put it in his back pocket...Good Night WT..Pleasant Dreams..
  8. No ..I'm notwatching Salvation either..My Favorite show of this season jusgt had it's finale Sunday..''The Good Fight''..Oh I LOVE that show!!..CBS All Acess...I also love ''The Hand Maids' Tale''..on HULU..it's suppose to be going to Net Work TV next year...so that would be Season 4..don't know how they'll work that out??
  9. No, I haven't..they cancelled my show ''The Path', also..I'm bummed.. WOW!!!..Nope..I don't give the walking dead more than season 10...the funeral music is playing
  10. Your both re-watching LEGION, right? No I haven't will have to have Sammy help me with that..never stayed long in FB..AMC was just much easier to use..
  11. And is Nuihc here much??,,,,,and what about Pamala,..has anyone been chatting with her??..I have her email..
  12. Sammy's FB is the safest place to chat...I just don't like all the advertisements and notices and all kinds of Stuff..it's a bit distracting ,..overwhelming..but thee are separate rooms also
  13. So Ooooh can't watch anything with us because of the Time Zones?/
  14. Yes we are;;;OK, I will look into that later WT..I'm too tired right now..
  15. Yes, I told him all that and to take his passport to DMV tomorrow try to get temporary licence
  16. Yes well the Mall he was shopping in..is at least 5 cities away...stores are closed and too far away.. I did hit follow for all of you individually
  17. So you can see my email account?? I am following everyone from AMC??
  18. No Cherokee,..didn't find his wallet..now he'll have problems tomorrow..he's a driver for UPS..
  19. What emails Walker Talker..and where is everyone??
  20. Yes Walker Talker, it also blocked me, and then I was shut down??..but signed back in..this site is not conducive to lively chat...I thinkyou all should go to Sammy's FB..I haven't been there for a few days...Nexus..are you in FB under Nexus, or something else??
  21. Just want to say..if this doesn't work out..everyone should jump to Sammy's FB room..there's a Safe Hose within the room, with peeps you all know and have chatted with..it was started by wePEN, but he's hardly around anymore,..very busy ..one man show..produces electrical boards..just drops in once and awhile now..but bella is always on..and all the other hanger ons, that stayed with AMC..except for ZBGC..she was really hacked badly a few times, and trolled,..so she's really paranoid about joining anything new..which is why you don't see her here//:(..she maybe on YouTube,..because she already had an account there,..but I don't get that site either,..have to keep chasing the videos!!..What's Up with that???Ha!..Be back later
  22. Hey Everyone..:)...So what's up with tonight's Watch and chat for ''LEGION''??
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