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Posts posted by 853fisher

  1. My impression of the rappers was that they didn't think it would be cool to seem too invested.  I don't think they were making no effort at all, but you'd never catch them on the edge of their seats trying to spit out a last-second answer.

    I was a little surprised to see "orgasm" in one game and "climax" in the other.  I think the writers are trying a bit too hard with those kinds of answers and the dirty pun categories.  I'm not a prude, although I guess that's what all the prudes say - I just think there's a time and place for everything, including keeping it clean and suitable for the whole proverbial family.  Going "blue" doesn't really add anything to the show IMO.

    I do always give bonus style points for contestants who say "Things You _____," "What a _____ Would Say," etc., instead of just "_____."

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  2. RE theatre/er, the director of our high school program taught that "theatre" referred to the art or the practice thereof, while a "theater" was a performance space.  But all the movie houses I attend seem to use re.  Interesting.  I'll be keeping my eyes out.

    RE co-champions, I would not be opposed to them either.  I suspect the main reason that rule changed is that the show does not want to pay more than one player's score in cash. (I've forgotten the details but I recall reading that Arthur Chu bet to tie several times during his run, and the rule changed not long after.)

    It's also been pointed out that each slot occupied by a co-champion means one fewer person, of the tens (hundreds?) of thousands who apply, can play.  There aren't very many contestants a year who have lost in a tiebreaker - maybe they could be included in future "Second Chance Tournaments."

    • Like 5
  3. No BMS for "Adams"?  Really?  Eyebrows up.

    Here is some info about electric unicycles, in case you are curious.  I hadn't heard of them before they became somewhat trendy in San Francisco a few years ago, usually among young "techie" types.  I think they're an interesting idea, because they would be easier to take on a bus / train and store at a destination than a bicycle, but balance is not among my outstanding qualities, so I haven't tried one yet.  They're also quite expensive - often $2K or $3K.

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  4. "Jesus wept" always makes me think of the (underrated, IMO) last season of "Community," with Dean Pelton in the virtual reality machine.

    4 hours ago, Trey said:

    I know there are juries of nine people but twelve is more widely known so I was surprised the contestant said nine..

    I wondered whether she was thinking of the Supreme Court.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    I want to plead "burden of knowledge" for whiffing FJ because any other reason is too embarrassing, given that I lived as an adult in California for 23 years, but I think "burden of knowledge" means you did know it, and I never did.

    I have lived in CA for not quite a decade and did get it, but I was thinking about this too. I don’t think I know it just from “being around” since it’s not like, as you mentioned, NH’s motto, plastered on everything.

    I go by a state office building, decorated with a large seal, fairly often. I had to look it up to be sure but it does have “Eureka” on it. Otherwise, I’m not sure where I would have seen it just by virtue of being here.

    I think I might have learned it in relation to the gold rush story. I wonder now. Put that on my list of feature requests for Humans 2.0: “where did I pluck that from” recall. ;)

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  6. Oh boy, another "how closely have you read your Bible?" category, my favorite!  (In fairness, a few were common expressions, but still...)

    The way Mayim's hair was falling on either side of her head put me in mind of Elly May Clampett.  I acknowledge that it has no more bearing on how she hosts than the color of Ken's suits - I still thought it was terribly unflattering.

    I'm not unhappy to see Steve leave.  Every once in a while there's someone I just don't "vibe with," as I've heard it said.  That's Steve.

    I'm going to go have a lollipop or something.  I'm obviously in a very sweet mood.

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  7. 42 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    I read it as Steve being much less confrontational in outside life than he is in court.

    Yeah, maybe I thought there was something there beyond face value because I just find that an odd thing to want to share on national TV.  It wasn't an especially funny or interesting story, and that characterization of himself is really one of the few things he'd most like the world to know about him?  I know we're all different, but I simply don't get that, so that must be why I thought there could be some deeper meaning.

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  8. That was definitely an exciting finish.  I was surprised the challengers "only" got 14 in their final chase because it seemed they were going faster than that.  It all worked out in the end.

    YMMV (and judging by comments I think I am in the minority) but I don't get anything from the lounge.  They say the same few general things every game.  Wow, you think the contestant should have taken the higher offer / are pleased the contestant took the higher offer?  You think achieving a pushback was critical / missing a pushback was critical?  Tell me more!  They could cut that bit out without losing anything from my point of view.

    • Like 4
  9. Thank y'all for helping to keep us in the loop.  This mode of scheduling drives me up the wall.  I'm a creature of habit - I'd rather have these shows consistently than maybe this week, maybe next week, maybe we'll take five weeks off just for giggles, please watch our special report...no!  If you tape 13 shows, show them on 13 consecutive Thursdays.  Harrumph.

  10. I recognized Russell right away, but couldn't've told you where from.  I looked at his credits and don't think I've heard of, much less seen, most of his comedy work.  I thought about it a little more, and I think I know him from "25 Words or Less" and maybe one of the other recent game show revivals.  Maybe he has a good agent?  Anyway, he got me to his IMDB page, and I'll be looking out for him.  Not like I'm any big tastemaker, but when you're trying to break out, any little bit can help.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    When Temeena said "Peroxide," Mayim ruled her incorrect with a definite "NO."  Wouldn't that have called for a BMS?

    I wondered that too.  I kind of thought "who is Mann," which was accepted without further qualification for Leslie, should also perhaps have been BMS'd.  There are many famous people with that surname or a homophone.

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  12. Steve’s anecdote about not wanting to ask a trespasser to leave his property was an interesting choice given that he represents owners subject to claims of eminent domain.  Was there supposed to be an implied "joke," that he would really have taken measures harsher than offering lemonade, that didn't read?  I thought it was very odd.

    What a disappointing loss for Ben.  What could he have been thinking?!  A real shame, but I guess I can't be too sorry he didn't move forward if he was going to play like that.

    I did know FJ, from somewhere in the back of my mind, but suspect my spelling would have befuddled all assembled.

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  13. I recently rewatched the "Galentine's Day" episode of Parks & Rec, and had forgotten the category, so I came up with "uteruses before dude-eruses."

    5 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

    I got Porgy and Bess but I call foul because it is done more as an opera than as a Broadway show. The clue says "most revived show in Broadway history" so I feel that the revivals should be on Broadway not the Met.

    I'd also be curious to know how they quantified "one of the most revived..."  I got it too, but I wasn't sure how often it had been on Broadway.  "Show Boat" is another one that started as a traditional musical but is more often done, when it's done at all, by opera companies.  (It seems to suit some elements of the show more than others, but that's another discussion for another day.)

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  14. Russell was a little too "on" for me, but he did play well.  Jason and Wayne were both good too.  Lindsey struck me as someone who could have improved over a week's worth of games, as in the 70s/80s.

    I'd love to have an every-weekday Pyramid again.  25 Words or Less makes much hay out of a few excellent celeb players who visit regularly, like they used to on Pyramid or Password.  But you can't really approach things that way when nobody plays more than two games a year, and most do less than that.

    A bit of related trivia: I think Jason is the second person on this new version, after Rita Moreno, to have also been a celeb player pre-2000.  I'd be curious to see a few others who are still in public life.  To name two who played often and well, Melody Thomas Scott is still on "Young and Restless" and Vicki Lawrence is still doing performing / speaking tours.  So call me a dinosaur - I can hope!

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  15. I too thought I heard "Elsa" instead of "Ilsa."  I decided to keep my mouth shut when I went to look up a few favorite scenes on YouTube and one of the first things I heard was Sam pronouncing the name an awful lot like Leigh did.  I guess it could be a bit ambiguous.  I still think she didn't really know it and got lucky she didn't have to write it down.

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  16. I apologize to the people of Alberta and to Jesus Christ.  In an untimed written test, I'm sure I would've had the right answer under Crossword Clues.  In the heat of the game, I'm afraid I said the crucifixion occurred in Calgary.  Oy.

    • Mind Blown 1
    • LOL 18
  17. I didn't know "Confessions of a Shopaholic," but I think I might have recognized Isla Fisher without sunglasses.  I guess you could see her red hair, but otherwise the photo was not helpful to me - I really struggle to recognize faces with sunglasses, masks, etc.

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  18. 4 hours ago, illdoc said:

    Arggh! Forgot that the Chase was on last night. At least it sounds like I didn't miss much. Who was the Chaser?

    Victoria this time, and it was Ken's turn to have to wait for the proverbial next train instead of sitting in the lounge.

  19. 2 hours ago, secnarf said:

    My mom answered 45 to the clue tonight 😂 I thought that was kind of her. I'm sure Diana Ross would appreciate it.

    She'd love that!  I hope she reads Primetimer. ;)  A friend of a friend on Facebook said Diana would probably have sent him a signed picture if he'd guessed she was 33⅓.

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  20. I am very impressed with those who got Ford's Theatre.  Like many others, I knew the J Edgar Hoover Building was in DC, but that was about all I knew.  I think perhaps the clue we were supposed to glean from that is that we were looking for a historic site in the denser "everyday" part of the city rather than where all the monuments are.  But how to pick Ford's Theatre over, say, Watergate...I'm not sure.  I thought this one, and a few others recently, could have used maybe another half a clue.

    1 hour ago, stonehaven said:

    The only notorious urban place I could think of was Ford's Theatre. I would have a hard time even setting foot in that place knowing what happened there.

    I was really surprised when I learned it is still an operating theater!  IIRC it was used for various other purposes immediately after the assassination and was only restored to its original purpose about 50 years ago.  We saw "1776" and "A Christmas Carol" there when I was young.  I recall having trouble taking my eyes off the infamous box.  I think the experience of being there, not just to see a monument but to participate in the same quotidian thing Lincoln was doing, was really powerful, and more than a little eerie.

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  21. I spent half the game convinced Jake was one of the kids in a family we knew growing up.  Of course that's no fault of his, but by the time I figured out he wasn't who I thought he might be, I felt he'd wronged me somehow!

    I know who he did wrong - Diana Ross!  That lady can't get any breaks.  It was just about three months ago that two contestants put her down for FJ when the clue was about someone who turned 95 in 2021.  At least Jake took 5 more years off her.

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  22. 3 hours ago, Trey said:

    I wonder if they would have got Detroit if the clue had been reversed, giving the Canadian city.

    I'm not sure which way I think is harder!  I think I probably would have gotten it either way, but only because of the stories earlier in the year about traffic between them being disrupted by the protest convoys.

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  23. I think (hope?) the judges would definitely have accepted Hays Code or its formal name, the Production Code.  The clue was not pinned to a specific text or anything else that might have used just "pre-Code," so while that's maybe the most frequent term of art, I don't see anything to proscribe giving more information.

    I really liked all three contestants today, so I would have been happy with any result.  I wonder how long this “streak” of 1-day champions will continue?  I liked Mayim’s outfit too.  Could anyone make her lapel pin out well?  I had a terrible picture today but I’ve always liked that kind of jewelry and was curious.

    22 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    If you're going to tell a story about a poem tattoo slow down and explain it so I can understand it.  I have no idea what he said or what he was talking about.

    Yes, I thought Yungsheng was quite charming, but I had to work to understand him there too.  Maybe he'll have simmered down a bit by tomorrow.

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