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Posts posted by Demian

  1. 10 minutes ago, Kimmmmmm said:
    1 hour ago, ebk57 said:

    This confirms that I don't want to see NY, NY.  Not one bit.  

    I do.

    I've read that Colton Ryan has an amazing tap number on top of a skyscraper, and I wish they'd have highlighted that tonight.  But I guess that would be giving away the best number for free on broadcast television.

    It's weird, because he gave the most charming performance in that awful Dear Evan Hansen movie, but in tonight's performance, he embodied, like, the exact opposite of charm.  Which is strange for a lead in a Broadway musical.

    • Like 2
  2. I'm not mad about Some Like It Hot (though I think any adaptation will do a grave disservice to the original movie, which is one of my longtime all-time faves, so I'm totally biased), but the lack of precision in that tap-dance kickline did make my eye twitch a little.

    (Not that I'd ever be able to do what those performers were doing at all, of course, but still...)

  3. On 6/2/2023 at 6:32 PM, TVbitch said:

    Glad Sam didn't have sex with her neighbor. He's hot, but drunken neighbor sex with a guy wearing an ankle monitor is rarely a good idea!  

    Not that I'd know this personally, but yes:  Never have hot drunken neighbor sex with someone wearing an ankle monitor.  (Even if your neighbor is wearing that ankle monitor for something as stupid as growing pot in their basement.)

    • Like 5
  4. 13 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Yikes.  As a resident of one of the communities that have had recent mass shootings at a big box store where the employees wear blue vests, that scene (sorry for the pun) triggered me!

    I think it's triggering all of us, and I think that's the point.

    • Like 2
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  5. 21 hours ago, oldCJ said:

    Was the packaging of the pillows supposed to be comedy? The whole scene was strange with the massive boxes and packing peanuts and Sam diligently following directions that made no sense for shipping pillows. 

    Yes, because Sam's sister has clearly never dealt with the Internet economy on anything until Amy Sedaris blew up her line of decorative "c***" throw pillows.  C'mon, boxing each pillow with a hundred thousand packing peanuts and a thank-you note?  Tricia's clearly out of her depth, here, though she definitely shows signs of catching on.  Eventually.

    I'm glad they got a chance to deliver such a wonderful hour-long season finale that also functions as a series finale, because I'm pretty sure that evil asshole David Zaslav is going to cancel this show before the third season.  And possibly wipe it from Max entirely, so he doesn't have to pay anyone residuals.

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  6. Just now, SHD said:

    It would’ve been really funny if Daniel Day Lewis really did show up in that movie.

    I was totally expecting that, and was terribly disappointed when it didn't happen.

    • Like 5
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  7. 5 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Were we supposed to see a kinder, gentler Gene when he was with Janice?

    I'd have to go back and watch those scenes, quite honestly, because it's been years since they aired.  The most recent scenes with Gene have been, in my opinion, all about him exploiting his supposed sorrow over her death.

    • Like 5
  8. Just now, sistermagpie said:

    Gene chose to kill him and go to jail for both murders, one of which he actually did commit.

    Gene always has to be the main character in his own story -- and he needs to be in complete control of that story -- even if that means dying in prison for a murder he didn't commit.

    When he was doom-scrolling through those items in The Hollywood Reporter and The Los Angeles Times, where other people were defining him and his story, I thought he was going to kill himself.  But then, Barry showed up and quite conveniently gave Gene an opportunity to reclaim his narrative -- which Gene did by shooting Barry in the head.  Gene's always been a monster, too.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

    Loved the image of Barry being strapped walking out of that store and nobody paying attention to him. Even got into his car with everything on him.

    Agreed, and I also loved the music cues in that scene:  "Finally" and "More Than Words."  The last time I heard both pumped into a store as background Muzak was at a ShopRite on Staten Island (the one next to the mall, natch).  For some weird reason, they made perfect sense as background noise for a future Wal-Mart in Los Angeles where you can just walk out with an entire arms factory strapped to your back.


    7 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    Sure, she wasn't giving him details, but she would have made it clear he wasn't a hero, so I wasn't sure if John was supposed to be fooled by the movie and see Barry as a hero with a tricky legacy.

    Sally was still so blisteringly self-obsessed in that last sequence (and yet, so deeply distrustful of men), that I doubt she's spoken much to John about Barry after she sneaked out of the motel room.  I wonder how much Teen John remembers of that shoot-out, and Hank, and all of those others dying, and how much of his memory has been overwritten by his monstrously self-serving actress/director mother's version of those same events.

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  10. On 5/15/2023 at 9:24 PM, Crashcourse said:

    And, once again, Athena is the only police officer in LA to show up at a major disaster. 🙄

    Hey, I don't know about you, but if 1000% certified badass Angela Bassett showed up at my emergency?  I'd immediately know I was in good hands.

    18 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Buck’s donor baby, that’s the biggest preemie baby I’ve seen on tv.

    You aren't watching Yellowjackets, I assume.

    18 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    The aftermath of what happened to 118 aren’t quite believable. Their not-so-minor injuries heal faster than bullet trains. Are they immortal or something?

    Well, duh, obviously.  They've been surviving stupidly fatal wounds ever since Chim took that rebar through his skull in Season One.  And tonight?  With the broken ribs and concussions and contusions and the face-smashes into shatterproof windshields that actually shattered?  The members of the 118 are obviously The Eternals.

    • Like 6
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  11. 5 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    In the U.S., new terms start a few months after regular elections - we hold regular elections in early November, and then early the following year the new term begins.

    You know, I have no idea what time of year the present-day scenes are supposed to be happening.  Have there been any specific references to dates?  Some of the clothes say Early Autumn, sure, but others really don't -- and the mountains surrounding Lottie's compound seemed awfully green for upstate New York in late October/early November.

    • Like 3
  12. On 5/12/2023 at 12:37 PM, Black Knight said:

    the phone number at Lottie's compound is a real number you can call. It's 607-478-1033 - have fun!

    Ha!  The 478 exchange is in Andover, New York, which is just two hours north of where I live.  Maybe I can swing by the compound tomorrow and paint a barn with a makeup brush.

    Also:  "High-calorie butt meat."  Hee!

    • Like 1
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  13. Kinda loving the country intros this year -- it's, like, "This Is What Putin Is Trying To Destroy In Ukraine," "Here's What Putin Would Try To Destroy In The United Kingdom If He Got A Chance," and "Here's What Putin Would Demolish In Every Single Other Country In Europe If We Didn't Oppose His Stupid Fascist Ass At Every Single Goddamned Turn."

    • Love 1
  14. Cute fact:  Jeffrey Donovan's birthday is May 11th, so that cake scene was timed for his actual birthday.  Of course, they made his character five years younger than the actor actually is....

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  15. Just watching this now, but the fact that they somehow managed to toss completely unnecessary shade at the Funny Girl revival within the first two minutes of the episode has me grinning like a maniac.

    • LOL 5
  16. On 5/8/2023 at 10:16 PM, kwnyc said:

    I knew Bobby was going to take Adrienne Barbeau

    That was Adrienne Barbeau?  Fuck. Me. I mean, looking at her resume, I've seen her in dozens of movies and TV shows, but I guess I couldn't recognize her in a wedding dress.  She's usually covered in gore. (And full disclosure:  I think I remember her first on Maude.  Christ.)

    • Like 3
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  17. On 5/5/2023 at 6:26 PM, sistermagpie said:

    I was pretty sure from the start the baby wasn't alive - especially given how huge he was for a newborn. I mean, I know that's normal for TV, but it was too much in this case.

    I knew the kid was toast once the placenta came out first, but the massive size of that supposed newborn confirmed for me that Shauna was hallucinating -- newborns on 1990s TV shows were always that big, and I figured Shauna had never actually encountered a day-old infant in her life, so she fantasized something from the entertainment she was familiar with.

    • Like 7
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  18. 13 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    his bitch lawyer

    I just couldn't get past the fact that the bitch lawyer was played by Brooke Smith.  Like, is Catherine Martin taking out her issues with Buffalo Bill on this poor little trans kid now, 32 years after she was stuck in that pit for a week?

    • Mind Blown 1
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    • LOL 6
  19. 9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    And sorry Tommy, but no one would call out a woman's church crown as a funny hat.  Come on!  Who writes this?  She would be drummed out of church more for that than for dating the Pastor! The church hat is a force of it's own -- a status symbol, a fashion statement, bragging rights, and can cost more than the rest of the outfit!

    Just quoting this because it needs more attention on its own.  Brava!

    • Like 2
  20. 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    In the real world yeah that would be a huge deal, but on this show people almost day just about every day and no one seems to blink. 

    Remember that chunk of rebar going straight through Chim's head?  This show apparently doesn't.

    • Like 1
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  21. 22 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

    And Eddie and Buck having a "deep" conversation in the cemetery: two actors with not a thimbleful of talent between them trying to carry a whole scene ... yikes. 

    When these scenes happen, I either shut my ears off and just stare at The Pretty, or completely ignore them and, like, play Wordle.  Yeesh.


    11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    Well, two public servants will have a pretty decent retirement income on top of social security, so maybe they don't have to save that much...

    Don't get me started on how many of my cousins retired at 45 with full pensions from their time in various police and fire departments....


    4 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:
    11 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    Because I can't stand Eddie and I barely tolerate Christoper (I hate all kids, not just him; don't throw tomatoes at me!),

    This is a safe space. 

    Indeed it is.  I don't hate all kids, but I absolutely fucking detest all kids on TV shows.  (Well, except for Stranger Things, I suppose, but 9-1-1 is definitely not Stranger Things.)

    • Like 5
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  22. On 4/20/2023 at 10:29 PM, Rinaldo said:

    My apologies, I can see how that came off in a way I didn't intend.

    No worries!  I understand how individuals can get all riled up over something that seems pretty insignificant to outsiders, and how those individuals can occasionally turn on each other.

    I do think, though, that we're all here because we all share a very niche interest in musicals, and we should probably be kinder to each other than most people on the Internet would normally be.

    That said, I cannot wait until the next episode.  I love what this show is doing, and I can't wait to see what's next.

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