So agree...Ryan and Molly...very much alike in some ways.
The most self serving & embarrassing thing Ryan did was take Jackie to watch him play soccer and do a few tricks. This was all about him being worshiped as an athlete. Perhaps he should have taken her somewhere he knew SHE liked and wanted to do to show how much he was invested. That is what a true "man" would do. But oh yes...the camera's. Image. Poor insecure guy. Coughcough.
Father time will get even with Ryan because in 5-10 years he will be bald and his inflated ego will take the ultimate blow perhaps allowing him to reflect on his selfish decisions in life and lack of compromise. Jackie is no prize either. While I feel for her for having gone through such an overwhelming tragedy, she has behaved like a spoiled princess who is used to getting her way and who pouts when nothing is perfect. Life is not perfect, relationships are not perfect. They require, work, time, understanding, compassion, selflessness, reflection and compromise.