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  1. 2 hours long for that? I like Shawniece. Only person 100% into the process letting her guard down and being genuine. Jephte a close 2nd. Jackie is a princess who wants constant reassurance but I can understand after what she's been through. Ryan is a wannabe male alpha douchebag worried too much about his perception. I think deep inside is a good person if he ever grows up. Jon is immature as mentioned but I think him opening up allowed miss "I-wanne-be-famous" Molly realize this relationship won't lead to monetary gain or fame so she never emotionally invested herself. The key line was Jon angrily stating weeks ago how she was cold when the camera's were off but bubbly when they were on. All season long my wife noticed how Molly would always pose and flick her hair for the camera before conversations. She did it last night as well. I think Jephte & Shawniece can go the distance. Hope they do. She is a great catch. Anyone who can be themselves with or without make up, laugh with and laugh at themselves is someone who is genuine. Hear that ladies? That is what men want. Not the bimbotic M<olly's of the world who are great to look at but cannot handle any semblance of imperfection about themselves or their projections in life. Marriage is work, trust and understanding. I think Jephte will soon admit his feelings for Shawniece OFF camera. That's my take anyway. Great reading some of the comments here. At one point I was near giving up on this show because of the Molly annoyance factor but glad I stuck it through. That and my wife had the remote.
  2. So agree...Ryan and Molly...very much alike in some ways. The most self serving & embarrassing thing Ryan did was take Jackie to watch him play soccer and do a few tricks. This was all about him being worshiped as an athlete. Perhaps he should have taken her somewhere he knew SHE liked and wanted to do to show how much he was invested. That is what a true "man" would do. But oh yes...the camera's. Image. Poor insecure guy. Coughcough. Father time will get even with Ryan because in 5-10 years he will be bald and his inflated ego will take the ultimate blow perhaps allowing him to reflect on his selfish decisions in life and lack of compromise. Jackie is no prize either. While I feel for her for having gone through such an overwhelming tragedy, she has behaved like a spoiled princess who is used to getting her way and who pouts when nothing is perfect. Life is not perfect, relationships are not perfect. They require, work, time, understanding, compassion, selflessness, reflection and compromise.
  3. Just caught up on last 2 episodes the other night. No offense to anyone but I'm convinced Molly went on the sow to get TV exposure for a modeling/acting career like so many who go on shows like the bachelor and others. There have been so many slip ups that have aired reading her mannerisms/body language where it comes across as contrived and Jon is just playing along because obviously they talked about it before camera's rolled. My opinion. Glad she was exposed and video'd by Jon and it seems the program agreed to blur the video to avoid and protect Moll;y because she was making angry faces at Jon so they could extend the suspense for another week plus when we all knew it was pretty much over. I feel for both of their families whether they are genuine or not as they are all entrenched in this drama and will continue to be long after.
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