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Posts posted by Anothermi

  1. I was sooooo scared that Ghost might go down. -- abelard


    QUOTE by Pallas

    "I need you more than I need him."  Jon Snow, to Sam, of Ghost.

    Speak for yourself, Jon.

    OK, I'm referring back to this because I've been doing the selective re-watch thing in order to get a few things straightened out in my mind.  I recall reading the Jon Snuh (RIP Ygritte) quote and thinking "I don't remember it that way". 


    Sure enough, Jon tells Sam, just before they get off the elevator, that he doesn't want Sam out there and Sam basically argues that hiding won't protect him from the Wildings.  Then Jon hands Sam a key and says "I need HIM more than I need you."  Uh. Thanks bud.  Don't hold back. Tell me what you really feel.  Then I wondered who HIM might be.  Silly me. It wasn't likely to be the re-animated corpse of Commander Mormont (or Benjen Stark?) now, was it?


    Anyway, when it turned out to be the key to Ghost's prison I forgave him.... But NOT the show runners who gave us a few seconds of Ghost attacking someone and going all Thenn on them.  After that no more shots of Ghost so I guess he must have been starving and finished his Wilding meal and lay down for a nap?! [/cheated]


    Um, so back to my original point.  Was that just a typo, Pallas?  Or did you actually hear it that way?

    • Love 3
  2. Not sure if it was this episode or another one, but some character (Lyssa? so perhaps last one?) spoke about Litterfinger "turning up" at their door in the Riverlands and being taken in.  Maybe his family sent him off to find someone to be the ward of - but without any formal process because, well, they were "nobodies" in the Westeros social scheme. Or maybe he ran away from his nobody-ness and decided on his own to take a chance with the Tully's? That's how I interpreted that brief statement anyway. PB turned up unannounced and managed to get himself a new home. 

    • Love 1
  3. The only time I gasped or groaned during the ep was when Ygrette was shot -- to say, "Oh no, not Sam..."  It's not as if A Show risks suffering a shortage of irony.

    Hee! No, A Show does not suffer a shortage of irony - ever.  Sam may not have shot Ygritte (Jon's first twu wuv) but he can still be held responsible for her death because it was He: Samwell Tarly, who told the boy "Olly?" (yes, replay has Sam confirming his name though I didn't remember this from 1st watch) who was, up to that point, being very Former!Sam-ish by cowering behind a post at his station (the elevator) to: 1) get him up to the Top and 2) be ready to bring him down at the signal AND 3) to "find a weapon, Olly. Fight them".


    Without Sam-the-Man!  No Dead!Ygritte.  However, I think Ygritte's feelings toward Jon could have turned on a silver Stag at any moment and if Olly hadn't killed her right then, Jon could easily have been the dead'un. 

    • Love 2
  4. My goodness....how could I forget this one? This number was saved on my Tivo until the DVR broke and had to be sent to pasture. LOVE that rountine. Jess Le Protto was the best IMHO........

    - luvthepros

    IIRC didn't those three also choreograph that routine?


    It was so much fun and I think, although most people won't remember Matt Flint, it was a much better introduction to him as the UK winner than the solo routines that Jack Chambers (who I loved) and Talia Fowler (who I also loved) were given to perform as part of their prize for winning SYTYCD AU 1 & 2.  They were so much better than the routines they were given (sorry Mia and Sonya, respectively), but at least they got to hang out with some of the US contestants and expand their contacts. 

  5. Ryan not only didn't get any love while he was a contestant, they didn't even acknowledge him when he partnered with Eliana.

    Yeah, I found that really low.  I was not a fan of his during his season, but I saw him and Ashley in Burn The Floor and had a change of heart.  I think every other All-Star at least got a "good to see you again" but Nigel and the other judges just pretended he wasn't even there. 

  6. Loving his thread title.  I'll bet, given how badly off the Night's Watch is, that he's had his fair share of green eggs (but no ham).


    - When Sam joined the Night's Watch his strategy was to let people knock him down and then he just wouldn't get up. He couldn't/wouldn't fight. - This time, even though he is no longer "no body", he was able to load a cross bow and shoot the Thenn (I think it was the boss guy who got all the talking parts) even though the guy was barely 3 feet away from him. 

    - When they went searching for Benjen Stark and found White Walkers instead, Sam's only job was to send out the ravengrams.  Didn't do it - scared stiff. 

    - Was barely able to talk to Gilly initially, and now he's kissed her and acknowledged that he cares about her - instead of contantly denying it incase she rejects him. 

    - Gave an ORDER to Pyp which countermanded the orders from the acting Commander - and swore when he did it, rather than apologize for both swearing and being assertive.


    That's enough for me.  


    edited because Sam did all these things, not Jon - D'oh!

    • Love 3
  7. Abelard, Blackwater also had the drama of the women sequestered in the Holdfast with the King's executioner... and the start of Cersei's alcoholism - uh - I mean sense of helplessness and despair.  Locking Gilly and Sam Jr. in a larder can hardly compare. And Pyp is no Cersei, although he certainly seemed to feel just as helpless. 


    Oh, and it had the Hound face his greatest fear and decide to "Fuck the King" and fuck off. 

    • Love 2
  8. Yeah personally they have talked enough about the animosity between the two groups that I don't find it hard to believe that both sides have an us vs. them attitude and don't view an alliance as being worth considering. I do however think Jon will probably succeed in uniting them, whether by negotiating, or by killing Mance and becoming the new Dread Mance Rayder himself.

    Even in this episode the show runners took the time to have Sam read a book about the horrific things the Wildings did to non-wildings and then have Maester Aemon tell him that the author had never even seen a wilding much less witnessed their barbarity.  Further he pointed out that Sam might try to imagine what the Wildings say about how the horrors the Night's Watch perpetrate against them.  Sounds much like most wars: WW I & II or the conflict in the Middle East to me, well, except for the religious aspect, which I wrote about back on TWoP.  At least the "Northerners" of Westeros share the old gods with the Free Folk, but who "was here 1st" and who "started it" were probably enough to get the ball rolling those many hundreds of years ago.  


    Heck, we even know that the Wildings are famously unable to get along with each other - so much so that Mance appeared to be a miracle worker by getting them to band together.  Jon's point about Mance being the glue that holds all the tribes together came directly from Mance's mouth. I actually believe that if he could kill Mance, the Free Folk would end up fighting each other about who should be the next leader.  And that would lessen the Wilding threat. Which is the shortsighted perspective. But having the long view is not usual.  Fighting the fire that is in front of you IS.  If you put it out then you turn to the next one.  


    I don't see why the Wildings would be any more altruistic than the leaders of the 7 Kingdoms who've been busily re-arranging the deck chairs on their own personal Titanic. They (the Wildings) may know about the WW, but it never caused them to get together before Mance.


    However, I also think that Jon may be setting out to find a way to stop the wilding threat and end up having to follow another path just to get there. 

    • Love 1
  9. Anothermi - I believe you are correct on both counts about Travis and Benji.  Wasn't Benji's spot originally a ballet dude that was obligated to take a company offer in Switzerland or something?

    Thanks for that.  


    The ballet dude (Dallas Blagg was his name and I quite liked him) who couldn't get out of his dance company obligation was from Season 3.  I think Jimmy Arguello was the contestant to replaced him.  Didn't work out quite so well for him as for Benji. >.<

  10.  We can't know for certain whether his keen eye was mostly honed by the harsh looks he was forced to fend off, or if his compassion for broken things springs mostly from identity rather than empathy.  I think though that his moment of truth in the trial -- when the truth seemed to descend on his head like an executioner's ax -- won't be for naught.  As Tyrion would say, "He's changed."  He's on the cusp, like Dany just before she stepped into the fire and emerged, draped with dragons, or Jon Snow (as seems likely) takes command of the defense of everything below the Wall.  Or Brandon said, "I know where we need to go."  It seems to me that this saga is about what people do, after such moments.  I think Tyrion has given himself a whole 'nother half-life.  

    THIS!  I am concerned (assuming Tyrion somehow avoids execution by whatever means) that Tyrion's "change" will be to choose to become the "monster" everyone believes him to be.  I think that might be difficult for him as he seems to have that empathy for bastards and broken things deeply ingrained in his psyche. But that is the sort of thing that can be over-ridden by conscious effort. Soooo....


    I hope this doesn't happen.  We don't really need another character consumed by revenge. 


    Also - whole 'nother half-life - WIN!

    • Love 1
  11. From what I have read, the dance community is pretty intertwined.  Everybody knows everybody.  They tried to pretend that they didn't know Travis when he came to audition, but his mother was clearly a well-known and well-respected teacher whom everybody in the community knew.

    Yeah, this has been true of a lot of contestants.  Someone connected with the show knows them/has worked with them before they auditioned.  

    But talking about Travis, and I'm going to need help here because I'm not 100% sure of my memory on this, but didn't he end up auditioning twice?  I have a memory that he auditioned with a big group from his mother's studio and didn't get a ticket in New York, so he showed up in one of the Southern audition cities on his own and got through there.  IIRC that was the genesis of double-auditioning in subsequent years. 


    It kind of disappeared from my memory banks when I learned that Benji had not made the top 20 initially because that boggled my mind given how popular he was (and I admit to being a Benji fan that year, despite appreciating Travis' dancing).  Boggling is not good for one's memory.  If I am correct, it shows that the audition process for the top 20 has (or had) it's weaknesses because those two were the most popular dancers that year. 


    Can anyone corroborate this?

  12. A quick google of his name brought up this IMDB link:

    Armen Way
    Actor Bio:
    Armen Way is an actor, known for Walls (2011) and So You Think You Can Dance (2005).

    Not much there, and the SYTYCD date refers to the 1st year of the show, not the year he was on it. That appeared below the "Bio" as his second acting credit:

    Self (1 credit)
    2013 So You Think You Can Dance (TV Series)
    Himself - Auditioner
    - Auditions #1, Part 1 (2013) ... Himself - Auditioner

    So he auditioned last year. Good catch.

  13. Nextiteration, Thanks for the reminder of the 1st Imogene Heap routine.  I really liked that one too.  The Moment I Said It surpassed that one IMHO, but it is still up there.  And the mention of Message In a Bottle reminded me of another Mia - King of Pain with Kamilah and Nick. 

    • Love 1
  14. Oberyn fair Oberyn.  Forty thousand brothers/Could not with all their quantity of love/Make up my sum./What wilt thou do for her? - Pallas

    Oh My!  Welcome back Pallas, you've been missed (in a quiet but intense way).  ;-P  


    This is the 2nd Shakespeare reference I've read (or is it the 3rd? and was the other one Hamlet as well?).  I'm thinking I'm going to have to bone up on my Shakespeare to fully appreciate GMMR's sub-themes.  Great Fun.  Thanks for bringing it up.

    • Love 1
  15. Hmmm.  I have no recollection of anything called the "Golden Company" either recently or in previous seasons. Could you remind me where it was mentioned?


    I'm not certain that joining Stannis would be a good idea for Jorah.  First, I don't think he is all that interested in fighting on behalf of anyone but Dany, he is not, naturally, an altruistic man, nor do I see him as a sellsword type. JMHO.  (BTW this is the second woman who he as lost because of a bad decision on his part - the 1st of course being his wife and decision to sell his poachers into slavery.)  


    Further to the selling slaves part, I can't help but think that Stannis - who would know that Jorah had been condemned for being a slaver - wouldn't accept his brother's pardon of Jorah without meting out some kind of other, more appropriate, punishment for the illigal activity he was guilty of (see Davos, The Onion Knight).  That's the way Stannis rolls.

  16. Have we ever seen Nigel's wife....anywhere? I'm trying to recall it, but I can't.

    They've been separated since 2003 or 2004, but during Season 1 of SYTYCD US she was on the judging panel for the audition rounds.  She was also a regular judge on the 1st incarnation of SYTYCD Australia (all three seasons), and she was more annoying than Mary's screaming and Hot Tamale Train rolled together because she rarely made any sense. One of the good things about the SYTYCD AU reboot (season 4) is that she is no longer a judge!

    • Love 1
  17. I found I have been thinking about one tiny part of Oberyn's speech to Tyrion about the 1st time they met.   I know that the main point being made was that Oberyn saw Tyrion as another human being and that he knew Cersei hated Tyrion since he was born, but I kept thinking about the fact that Dorne and the Martells have been absent for the 1st 3 seasons of this story or only barely referenced...


    He started his speech "Our father brought me and my sister Elia with him on a visit to Casterly Rock. My first time away from Dorne. I didn't like anything about the Rock: not the food, not the weather, not your accents, nothing."


    I understand that the Martell's probably have boycotted King's Landing (and probably the rest of the 7 Kingdoms) since Robert's Rebellion, so that line made me think of how they used to interact with the rest of Westeros BEFORE Robert's Rebellion. 


    Daddy Martell "brought (his young) children on a trip to visit (Tywin at) Casterly Rock".  The only character I can think of who visits different parts of Westeros for purely 'tourist-y' reasons is Tyrion.  So, why was Papa Martell making a trip to Casterly Rock?  

    • So he could ogle the newly born monstrosity, Tyrion? That was, apparently, a big draw for Oberyn but somehow I don't think it was Martell Sr.'s motivation.  
    • Perhaps to bring his condolences to Tywin on the loss of his wife? Again, I kind of doubt that unless Tywin was married to a Martell, but I would think Oberyn would have mentioned that if it were the case.


    1- We've seen Ned take his girls to King's Landing because Sansa was betrothed to the future King and because it was time Arya got to see more of Westeros (and possibly to come into contact with other prospective families to marry into).  

    2- Joffrey was brought to Winterfell because his father felt a face-to-face meeting with Ned was necessary to convey his concern about Jon Arryn's death and convince Ned (before he had to order him) to come and be the next Hand of the King and further, to propose the betrothal of their children. (and incidentally, to try to commune with Lyanna at her tomb [/sidebar]).  

    3- Myrcella travelled to Dorne to become betrothed to a Martell and to protect her from the possible annihilation of Lannisters by Stannis, pre-Blackwater. 


    There always seems to be some official reason, and frequently it is betrothal.  So what might be a reason for the Martells to travel to Casterly Rock? The main one that comes to my mind is Papa Martell wanting to discuss the possible betrothal of his daughter to the Targaryen Heir (Rhaegar) with the (then) Hand of the King, Tywin, who would be at Casterly Rock due to the birth of a child or, more likely, the death of his wife. The Mad King may or may not have been quite so mad at that time, but protocol may have been to scope out possible support of the small council? Or maybe he was shopping around and was considering Jaime as a possible son-in-law? Also, I doubt Elia was already married to Rhaegar because then she wouldn't be travelling with her father and her brother, she'd travel with her husband, if anyone, right?


    I wonder how old Cersei, Jaime, Elia and Oberyn were at this time? It's hard to tell by looking at Tyrion just how much younger he is supposed to be than his siblings but I would surmise a good 5 to 8 years younger?  So at his birth they could have been 5 to 8 years old?  Old enough to show Tyrion off to visiting children (where was Tyrion's caregiver/wet nurse when Cersei was pinching his penis?).  I'm assuming that Oberyn is the baby of his family and that he could be close in age to Cersei and Jaime, perhaps a bit younger but not by much.  That would make his sister older than all of them (I think) so would likely nix the above idea that Jaime was a prospective match, which leaves me with Tywin being the main reason for the visit.  To get him onside with a Targaryen/Martell marriage alliance?


    It's intriguing to imagine all these characters as younger versions of themselves. (I pictured Oberyn with exactly the same outfit/coat-dress, only smaller, and looking like the 1st Karate Kid. ;-D) After all the devastation we've been subjected to it feels like blessed escapism to imagine that time. 


    I also wonder how long it was from that visit to the onset of the Mad King's excesses (burning Rickard and Brandon Stark) and the subsequent rebellion?  During that time Jaime turned 16 and joined the King's Guard, Catelyn and Brandon became betrothed, Peter Baylish acquired a sternum-to-gudgeon scar, and Robert became betrothed to Lyanna Stark.  Of course that leads to all sorts of other ponderings, like where was Lyanna Stark prior to the Stark BBQ at King's Landing?  Was she sent off as a ward somewhere as well (like Ned, as we don't have much info on females being sent anywhere but to the home of their betrothed which would have put Lyanna at Storm's End)?  Is that how she (fatefully) encountered Prince Rhaegar? So many questions (and this is not the thread to follow them up on) but then, there is still so much more Show to be seen. 


    All this food for thought from just one little sentence.  Did anyone else find themselves wondering about that visit?...or have any (unsullied) thoughts about my musings?


    • Love 1
  18. And did anyone else see the Secret deodorant commercial starring Jasmine from last season? - Bella


    Yes, I did.   I googled it and was pleased that basically she got to dance through most of it.  She appears to have had to learn the "apply deodorant to your armpit as if it were a delightful baby" technique -  and very expertly I must say. (I normally use the mirror rather than twist my head and gaze at my armpit.)


    I was going to link to it but it seems to have been nuked. :-(

  19. I really like the ballroom dancers toward the end who were not profiled, just shown a few times.  The girl had a sparkly green dress.  Wish we'd seen more of them.

    Yeah, they were part of a short montage, but they got a ticket.   I wasn't sure who you were talking about so I did a search and when I saw them all I could remember was thinking the guy reminded my of (a very young) Jay Leno!  Now he's Not!JayLeno to me.  Not sure he'll like the moniker if he makes top 20.  >.<


    ETA:  More on the topic of dancers who remind me of other people on TV. 

    Megan Marcano (been-on-my-own-since-I-was-12) reminded me of someone, but I couldn't pin point who it was. Finally a name floated to the surface of my conciousness.  It's Dianna Agron from Glee.  Facial expressions mostly, but that's who. 

  20. I loved the Mia group routine to "Higher Ground" Season 5.  (don't know how to link, haven't spent much time on this site yet!)

    Ahhh, yesssss.   I spent an inordinate amount of time freeze-framing this dance to try to figure out who/where each dancer was.  I was rewarded by finding out that the dancer I had summarily dismissed as "meh" in the Top 20 was an impressive lead (female) dancer in this piece- Ashley Valerio.  However, most viewers didn't know this and I think she was voted off (or as Unca Nigel would say "not voted to continue") the next episode.  This had been her third audition, but she did get to work with Mia  and as a lead to boot (which she confirmed in one of her exit interviews).  :D

    Higher Ground link.


    I was pre-disposed to love anything by Mia since season 1 and anything by Wade once he started choreographing on the show.  

    I think  my top 2 Mia routines are group routines and they are The Dance (with Mark Kanemura lead) and The Moment I Said It (with Danny Tidwell lead).  


    I have to spend some time deciding on my top Wade routines.  They are hard to rank - for me at least. 

    • Love 1
  21. Perhaps Willa was a girl that Ned loved before getting married to Cat. Ned and Robert both studied with Jon Arryn somewhere south of Winterfell. (I would guess King's Landing, but I don't know for sure.) She could have been a girl that he had a thing for prior to the whole burning of Lord Stark and Brandon. 

    Funny how we imagine small things like that in such different ways, but I guess that's why talking together about the show is so interesting.  We all have different ways of viewing the same images and interpreting the same dialog.  


    I always imagined that Ned and Robert "studied" with Jon Arryn on his home turf - The Eyrie - and the surrounding lands of the Vale.  The Targaryens were still in power then, and I didn't get the impression that Jon Arryn had any position in THAT court or even in King's Landing, until after the Rebellion. That would mean he remained at home and was Warden of it like Ned was for the North later on.  Just my imagination of course.


    Anyway, I also like the idea that Ned had a love before Cat.  With my imaginary placement of where Ned got trained - the Eyrie - it might be possible that she was from a Keep of a bannerman of Jon Arryn (spitball: in which case she could still be in the Vale, albeit an old woman now!! Yeah, snowball's chance in Hell for that.) or at least be a girl from that area rather than someone from King's Landing.  I'd be happy with any scenario of Ned-had-a-past-love though. 

    • Love 3
  22. (What I like about the auditions is that sometimes we see amazing dancers who can't carry their talent through to the Final 20 but who are worth watching nonetheless.)

    I agree.  I think I didn't watch the auditions in Season One thinking it wouldn't be worth it.  Then I had to go find them because So Much Happened in the auditions during Season 1.  Learned my lesson.  Besides it's fun trying to figure out who's in and who's not by the way they are shown.  By now we all can recognize the Sob Story Time Eating Fakeout (not put through) auditions.  Still, I've found in the past, that contestants who I knew nothing about when they were chosen for the Top 20 actually had a lot more screen time during the auditions than I realized, just no talk-get-to-know-you time.  

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