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Ray Adverb

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Posts posted by Ray Adverb

  1. So that explains where all the production budget went.  I suspected it for a while.

    Great episode.  My favorite part was Dee's Mister Magoo antics.  Loved Rex getting all paunchy too.  I hope the actor didn't get out of shape for this role.  I hear there are techniques a fit person can use to bloat up temporarily to look paunchy.  They use them for those before and after photos you see in fitness ads.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

    What bugged me was Charlie not even bothering to get out of the bear trap. I don't know how they work, but all he had to do is pry it open, right?

    Didn't you see the part where he did get out?  You disarm them by pulling down a release lever.  Charlie didn't escape because he is an idiot and forgot about the release lever.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

    I know this is “Sunny,” but I have to ask: how could Charlie still have a leg after losing all that blood and being in the trap for at least 24 hours? If it turns out Charlie dreamt the whole episode, I could buy that without too much complaint.

    Frank lost a lot more blood in "Frank Retires".

  4. 12 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    I hate to say it but I am starting to think that if they are going to go down this road they should probably just end the show. If Apu is offensive because on the surface he is a stereotype and is voiced by someone who doesn't share that background, well then that definition fits most of the characters. Will "The problem with Smithers" be next? The show plays with stereotypes yes but it is not hard, at least for me to see that they are satire. Hell Homer is a fat, lazy stupid American. 

    The whole thing reminds me of Speedy Gonzalez, also a huge stereotype voiced by someone not Mexican. Cartoon network started pulling Speedy cartoons in the 90's only to have Latin-American groups speak out against the move and say they actually liked Speedy. I wonder if there will be anything similar from Indian people who appericate the Apu character and how well he is developed?

    Why don't the people offended by Apu just not watch the show?  It's the stupidest thing.  Media depicts too much sex, or makes fun of religious faith, and some people say "if you don't like it, just don't watch".  The same media depicts something that makes them uncomfortable, and the same people say "destroy it!!!!".  So many people get so fixated on making everything conform directly to whatever makes them most comfortable.  Apu is a long lasting beloved character.  Why should we cave in to a vocal minority?  If they don't like Apu, they have the option of cancelling him from their lives.

  5. Quote

    It's the weekend of Super Bowl LII from Charlie's perspective. While Charlie searches the back office, Cricket steals the suit leaving Charlie home alone to defend himself.

    That second sentence is confusing.  What is "the suit"?  I'm guessing Green Man, although I feel like they left a couple words out of that sentence.

  6. Homer (authoritatively): "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!"

    Guy in bathroom stall: "That's a RIGHT triangle you idiot!"

    Homer: "DOH!".


    I love the pacing of this scene and how quickly and aggressively the random guy in the stall corrects him.

    • Love 4
  7. Was that Danny Devito's character from Taxi on Frank's license?

    I loved Dee essentially turning into a female Dennis after driving a Range Rover.  That group of rich bitches was perfect for Dee.  I wish that could have lasted longer, but her overreaction was terrific.  Also I had forgotten about them shooting up Dennis' car with the RPG.  I thought that was just random vandalism.

    Frank's old school pornography stash in the woods was strange.  Besides the antiquated nature of magazine porn, why would he hide it? 

    • Love 3
  8. Finally a decent episode.

    • Multiple locations.
    • No heavy handed social message.
    • More characters outside The Gang.

    Next week it looks like we're back to the same old thing though, with The Gang hanging around the bar making heavy handed jokes about transgender issues.  This has been a really weak season.  Where did all their money go?

    • Love 2
  9. On 10/1/2018 at 5:34 PM, 3girlsforus said:

    Well yea but here's why she doesn't. It doesn't make for "bragging" videos. I personally think she should do outdoor walking or swimming but a treadmill would work too

    I am skeptical about the efficacy of outdoor walking.  I never do it because I know I'm not moving at a particularly good pace.  I need that treadmill to govern my speed.  It ensures I'm doing a brisk 4 MPH walk instead of a casual 2 MPH stroll.  On the other hand, treadmills do have weight limits and for good reason.  The one I use at my gym is only rated to 400 pounds.  I'm 265 pounds so I'm good, but I used to own a really shitty, cheap treadmill that was only rated to 250 pounds.  I burned out the motor after about 10 workouts and had to throw it away. 


    So maybe outdoor walking would be a good start for Whitney.  In her condition she probably couldn't keep up a 4 MPH pace for more than quick bursts and might be better off at 2 to 2.5 MPH.  But if she hurts her feet in even minor ways that could disrupt her rhythm.  I'm thinking primarily of blisters.  I have intermittent problems with blisters.  I find with exercise it's good not to overtax yourself so that you can keep a rhythm and turn it into a habit.

    18 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    With a modified jumping jack, you don't actually jump, you just extend one side's arm and leg at once, then switch to the other, back and forth. It still moves the whole body like a jumping jack but it removes the impact. Whitney should not be doing ANY high impact exercises, or she will be looking at knee/hip replacements within 5 years at her weight (and that's if a doctor would even do one)

    If she did it on some sort of gym mat to cushion the blow of the landing would it be safer?

    • Love 1
  10. 10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    They've also done a ton of bottle episodes throughout the seasons. I'd have to watch the episodes again, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that at least 10% and up to 30% of the episodes are bottle episodes.

    Here is every episode that has aired so far, from most recent to the pilot.  Bottle episodes are in bold.  There are 137 episodes.




    Time's Up for the Gang

    The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot

    The Gang Escapes

    The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again

    Dennis' Double Life

    A Cricket's Tale

    The Gang Tends Bar


    Hero or Hate Crime?

    Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer

    Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare

    Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy

    The Gang Goes to a Water Park

    The Gang Turns Black

    The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Two

    The Gang Goes to Hell

    Charlie Catches a Leprechaun

    McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century

    Being Frank

    Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs

    Dee Made a Smut Film

    The Gang Hits the Slopes

    Frank Falls Out the Window

    Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Ass Kickers United: Mac and Charlie Join a Cult

    Frank Retires

    The Gang Goes on Family Fight

    Mac Kills His Dad

    The Gang Misses the Boat

    The Gang Spies Like U.S.

    Charlie Work

    Psycho Pete Returns

    The Gang Group Dates

    The Gang Beats Boggs

    The Gang Squashes Their Beefs

    The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6

    Flowers for Charlie

    The Gang Gets Quarantined

    The Gang Saves the Day

    Mac Day

    Mac and Dennis Buy a Timeshare

    The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award

    Gun Fever Too: Still Hot

    The Gang Broke Dee

    Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense

    The Gang Dines Out

    Charlie Rules the World

    Frank's Back in Business

    Charlie's Mom Has Cancer

    The Gang Gets Analyzed

    Charlie and Dee Find Love

    The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre

    The Gang Recycles Their Trash

    Pop-Pop: The Final Solution

    The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang's Revenge

    The High School Reunion

    Thunder Gun Express

    How Mac Got Fat

    The Gang Gets Trapped

    The ANTI-Social Network

    Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games

    The Storm of the Century

    Frank's Brother

    Sweet Dee Gets Audited

    Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties

    The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore

    Frank's Pretty Woman

    Dee Gives Birth

    The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods

    Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats

    Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth

    The Gang Gets a New Member

    Who Got Dee Pregnant?

    Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down

    Mac and Charlie: White Trash

    Mac's Big Break

    The Gang Buys a Boat

    Dennis Gets Divorced

    Mac Fights Gay Marriage

    The Gang Reignites the Rivalry

    Mac and Charlie Write a Movie

    The D.E.N.N.I.S. System

    A Very Sunny Christmas

    Mac and Dennis Break Up

    Paddy's Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mittens

    The Gang Wrestles for the Troops

    The World Series Defense

    The Waitress Is Getting Married

    The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention

    The Great Recession

    The Gang Hits the Road

    The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis

    The Nightman Cometh

    The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition

    The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell

    Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack

    Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life

    Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia

    Who Pooped the Bed?

    Mac & Charlie Die: Part 2

    Mac & Charlie Die: Part 1

    America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest

    Mac's Banging the Waitress

    The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis

    Mac and Dennis: Manhunters

    The Gang Dances Their Asses Off

    Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City

    The Gang Gets Whacked: Part 2

    The Gang Gets Whacked: Part 1

    Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender

    Mac Is a Serial Killer

    Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person

    The Gang Sells Out

    Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire

    The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo

    The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation

    Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead

    The Gang Gets Held Hostage

    The Gang Gets Invincible

    The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby

    Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad

    Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass

    The Gang Runs for Office

    The Gang Exploits a Miracle

    The Gang Gives Back

    Hundred Dollar Baby

    Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare

    Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom

    The Gang Goes Jihad

    Charlie Gets Crippled

    Charlie Got Molested

    The Gang Finds a Dead Guy

    Gun Fever

    Charlie Has Cancer

    Underage Drinking: A National Concern

    Charlie Wants an Abortion

    The Gang Gets Racist



    I count 24 out of 137, which is 17.5%.  But did you notice that this is the first time you had 3 in a row?

    • Love 1
  11. I feel like maybe if Whitney is trying to exercise for her health, she should stick to something simple, like something on a machine.  Treadmill, elliptical, stair climber.  Something that is just a lot of repetitive motion.  People are talking a lot about how she has "bad form".  I don't know exactly what that means, but it's hard to screw up something like walking or climbing a set of stairs.


    I could never do variety exercises like she does.  I just can't focus.  I need to get on a machine and do one thing for 45 minutes.  I prefer the treadmill personally.

    • Love 2
  12. People were talking about Whitney's love of Froot Loops in another thread.  It gave me an irresistible desire for Froot Loops.

    Man, those things trigger off some kind of ravenous hunger in me.  So sweet and crunchy.  As soon as I eat any, I want more.  I guess it's a good thing that I stopped eating sugary cereals long ago.

    • Love 3
  13. On 9/29/2018 at 11:17 AM, 100Proof said:

    Not feeling this season at all. Pretty much awful and zero funny. The writing, instead of being aimed at funny haha, is geared at being self referential. This way the show nerd/fanboys, who must be studying some kind of IASIP bible all night and day, get their satisfaction from exclusively being 'in on the joke'.

    Well, I don't remember the thing that Charlie said to Dee in episode 7 of season 3 that they now trotted out ten seasons later, but sure as shit the faboi's do and think it's all hysterical.

    I haven't really noticed that aspect specifically.  I've been annoyed at all the attempts at political and topical humor.  At least during the previous presidential administration, if you didn't want to think about politics you didn't have to.  Now it gets shoved down your throat left and right because entertainers either think it's important or they want to blow off some kind of steam and think their viewers are sympathetic ears.


    Also, that's TWO bottle episodes in a row.  They must have some really expensive episodes coming up.  Hopefully they have a good one revolving around the Eagles at the Superbowl.

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