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Ray Adverb

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Posts posted by Ray Adverb

  1. On 2/23/2020 at 11:19 PM, scrb said:

    Yeah figured Latte Larry would go hog wild with the handicap placard.

    Ok there’s going to be a big payoff with the urinals, including the woman’s urinal.  Didn’t know what women would do with their pants while hanging on to the bars and squatting.

    People are going to be going over to the ladies' room and pooping in the toilets there.  This is beyond disgusting, so it will wreck Larry's business.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

    That's true, but the cartel folk are adept at burying people in the desert never to be found. And no one back home knows where they went, the men themselves didn't even know where they were. Even if bodies were somehow found, it would be hard to pin on Gus, Mike or anyone.

    Do you mean hard for the police, or hard for anyone at all?

    Because the cartel has a much lower standard of evidence than the police.  If Gus murders a bunch of workers who were constructing a supposedly legitimate chicken cooling facility, that's going to destroy any shred of credibility his precarious cover story has.

    • Love 2
  3. 13 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I was also unrealistic that they didn't kill all of Werner's men.  If killing Werner was necessary, killing them was just as necessary.

    That isn't how Gus Fring operates.  Remember in Breaking Bad how he bought the silence of his imprisoned employees instead of having them killed?  Gus Fring has a certain amount of honor.

    Werner was killed because he was uncontrollable and disobedient.  The rest of the crew was perfectly subservient.

    • Love 5
  4. I'm a little hung up on the geography of this episode.  Last week, Garth said they were looking for a place in Alaska, between Kotzebue and Barrow.  Neither of these places is accessible by car.  Basically the only way to get there by land is walking, dog sled, or a rolligon.  A heavy duty off road truck, Jeep, or SUV couldn't get there, much less some tiny Impala.  I guess maybe the writers had a vague idea that these places were remote, but had not actually looked at a map.

    • LOL 2
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  5. I just watched episode 2 and 3 back to back.  I forget a lot of what was in each episode.

    I liked #2 but #3 was awful.  I hate episodes where the offense is overly contrived, to the point where I can't conceive of an actual human acting this way.  When that happens, I just get angry instead of amused.

    Like that crap with the doodle.  Those other pieces were not doodles.  Doodling is very specifically just freehand drawing without a lot of attention.  Larry continuously told Andy's wife (whatever her name was) that he could not draw.  He said this over and over again and she refused to let it go.  She badgered him into doing something he could not do, then screamed at him when he didn't do it well.

    And Laverne's actions made no sense.  In private, she backs away from Larry and warns him about her cold.  Then she immediately goes in for a kiss in front of a crowd.  There's no way this makes sense unless she was intentionally laying a trap in order to humiliate him publicly. 

    Why is Larry so hung up on this law suit?  He can either let this woman shake him down for hush money, or let his reputation take a hit while she or her lawyer bankrupt themselves on legal fees.  It makes no sense that a guy who seems to pride himself on being a rude, hated, cranky old man would suddenly be so concerned about his reputation.  But then I guess we wouldn't really have a story.

    That charity event was still a pretty good display of the vapidity and egomania of Los Angeles celebrity culture.

    • Love 8
  6. I found it all kind of schmaltzy and sappy.  I also didn't like that they used the "Bearimy" units to refer to time.  It stripped the show of all sense of how long they were actually there.  1000 years?  10 million years?

    Why were Tahani and her sister so surprised at the way their parents acted?  The entire point of the test is that it is soul purification and the people will be drastically different than their time on Earth.  Hitler, for example, could come out loving Jews.

    • Love 2
  7. On 1/24/2020 at 9:52 PM, Castiels Cat said:

    Barrow was the setting of the film Thirty Days of Night 

    I know.  Because it's way the Hell up there in the Arctic Circle, so they get 24 hour days during the summer and 24 hour nights in the winter.  You could certainly go there if you had a plane, boat, or magical teleportation.  But any place between Barrow and some other human inhabited place would be in the wet and hostile Alaskan tundra.

    • Love 2
  8. On 1/24/2020 at 10:30 PM, trudysmom said:

    Anyone else notice the name of the store where Dean's card was rejected was "Beren's" something or other.   I don't usually catch stuff like that.

    I don't usually catch stuff like that either, but I think it was practically the same shot that the credit for the guy named "Beren" popped up on the screen.  It was tough to miss.

    • Love 2
  9. The first act was pretty weird.  I liked the episode.  Very meta while still having meta-ness that was relevant to the plot.

    But still nothing with Jack?

    Also, they're going to some place in Alaska between Barrow and some other place I can't recall?  Barrow is completely inaccessible by ordinary motor vehicle, so I wonder how they're going to get to this place along the way.

    I wonder how many miles that Impala has.

    • Love 2
  10. I thought for a moment that was the finale.  But I also swore I remembered there being 13 episodes.  It had a lot of finality to it. 

    Chidi going fanboy over some ancient philosopher most people have never heard of was gold.  I also like that they addressed what has always seemed like a problem with Heaven.  Sure it's nice, but with eternity, you're gonna get bored.

    I like Michael's idea of periodic mind wiping.  Their excuse for not doing that was kinda lame. 

    So I guess when you go through the new door, you just get eternal unconsciousness?  Some peaceful oblivion?  Maybe they'll do reincarnation instead.

    • Love 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

    But if they were under control you wouldn't need hunters...

    What I'm saying is that it's only like 95% under control.  Either by God's choice (more likely) or by his impotence.

  12. 47 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

    If the current world is God keeping the monsters in check then he's doing a piss poor job.

    What do you mean?  There are monsters, sure, but the various hunters are able to keep them mostly under control.  The flash forward scenes were suppose to illustrate that the monsters utterly overwhelmed the hunters.

    24 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    With no disrespect to the wonderful  Rob Benedict, why wouldn’t God pick a taller, handsomer vessel?   Dean towering over him was quite amusing.

    I think it was always God's intention to confound people by appearing as a short, nebbishy, dork.  Remember Metatron's reaction when he found out?

    • Love 2
  13. Unpopular opinion, but I loved it.  I love most episodes of this show.  Too bad to see it go but they had a good run.

    I'm wondering how their victory against God would lead to the bleakness they witnessed and monsters overrunning humanity.  Was God keeping the monsters in check?

    It's about time they followed up on Jack's fate at the end of last season.  Maybe he'll become the new God?

    • Love 4
  14. Jumping straight to the comment box without reading anything, to avoid spoilers.

    I only got to start watching this yesterday night (January 15th 2020).  They released it on Hulu.  I only saw the first episode.

    I never saw Ken Jennings during his original run in 2004.  The only time I have seen him compete is in tournaments and it was never fun.  The problem with Ken is that he is head and shoulders above virtually every other person who has ever been on Jeopardy.  So it's always a complete blowout until the end of the tournament, when he competes against Brad Rutter, who is the only person so far who could match up with him.  But before that was a series of blowout curb stomps against lesser opponents, and even that final match had a third guy who you knew would come in last.  So it was never fun to watch Brad or Ken compete.

    For that same reason, I ended up growing bored with James Holzhauer's run after about 15 episodes.

    So with these guys, it was always like that part of a Marvel movie where the hero blows away normal people for a while, until late in the film where he goes head to head with the main villain and actually has to struggle.

    Watching this special tournament, though, has been a real treat.  It's like watching the World Series.  It's so great seeing titans of the game go head to head.  They're evenly matched; nobody is struggling and nobody is blowing away the competition.  It's a nice, fair fight.  And that's not something you usually see when Ken Jennings is involved.

    So anyway, I have only seen the first match.  Those were some tough questions too.  On a normal episode I can usually answer maybe 40 to 50% of the questions.  Here I was down to like 5%.  But I guess if you're playing top level Jeopardy, you have to have top level difficulty questions.

    That was unfortunate that Brad kept blowing it on the Daily Doubles.  But that's also a great thing about the format of the tournament.  Each match is a fresh start.

    • Love 1
  15. 6 hours ago, bros402 said:

    318, I believe - so 79.5 demons per human (if they keep the 4 humans in a neighborhood)

    But that was a special project.  The ratio is not usually that high.  If you had 10 billion humans being tortured by 5 billion demons, that's workable.  If you had 10 billion humans being tested, requiring roughly 80 billion demons, that's not.

  16. So the new version of the afterlife is that everyone, no matter how good or evil, gets infinite tries at some test of virtue?  Demons are going to switch from torturing souls to running after life tests?  For every human who ever dies?  That sounds unsustainably labor intensive.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Maisiesmom said:

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I do watch this show and enjoy reading the posts from the Pounders. I am a funeral director and recently received a call from a lady who was trying to have her loved one cremated. Sure, no problem, right? Wrong! Her loved one weighed over 800 lbs. and after some calling around and trying to help her, I discovered there is no crematory in my state that could handle a person of that size. Her only recourse was to have her person buried (involving buying 2 grave spaces, an oversize casket and vault) which will end up costing thousands of dollars. Maybe somebody needs to explain to these huge people they better have a plan in mind and money put away for the time when they cant put the food down and as Dr. Now says "the body will just give out". I hope this doesnt offend anyone but I thought it was an important point to make.

    Okay this question will sound gross, morbid, and insensitive....

    ...but can't they just, like, cut the corpse up into pieces and burn it up in sections?

    Why is it so expensive to dig a hole and throw a corpse in it?

    I mean there has got to be something that can be done if someone can't afford these costs.  You can't just leave the corpse lying around like an old sofa.

    • Love 1
  18. On 2/4/2019 at 11:39 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Not necessarily my vote, but I will always laugh thinking about Schenee telling Dr. Now that she does believe the hand of God will reach down and grab her if she jumps off a building.  First, free will; you chose to take the leap Schenee. Second, God can't slap that donut out of her hand?  And now I want a GIF in which exactly that happens.  Pounders, get to work! 

    Ick.  Makes me think of the man, trapped in a flood, insisting that God will save him as 2 boats and a helicopter come by to save him.  In Heaven, the man asks God why He didn't save him.  Then God says "I sent two boats and a helicopter!"

    God was helping Schenee lose weight.  He sent Dr. Now.  God doesn't work in big flashy miracles.  He doesn't bail us out the way a father might rescue a helpless toddler.  We're adults.

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