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Posts posted by Janc

  1. On 3/2/2020 at 11:38 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    And I know everyone in this country deserves a defense attorney and legal representation, and he is doing what is best for his client, but Uncle Jerry's lawyer strikes me as just a big a scumbag as the rest of them involved.  He just does it wearing a nice suit. 

    The lawyer couldn't even get his client's name right, he called him "Mr Jacobs" twice during the press conference clips.  

    I can't stand the brother Frank and his wife, their smug smiles are so annoying.

    Glad they included a segment on Gloria's arrest, I hoped they would, poor woman.  Also love Marsha, Jerry's 4th (?) wife.  What was her line, there's no free lunches but sometimes there's some hidden brownies? lolol

    • Love 4
  2. On 1/9/2020 at 11:03 AM, Melina22 said:

    I was shocked she was going to tell several people! I can see her telling maybe one, but several? How will it even work if half of the players know her real identity and half don't? There's no way it'll stay a secret, and it's hard to imagine it not backfiring on her. 

    In a way I'm glad she's telling though. I feel like there's something so demoralizing about trying to interact with people who think you're movie star gorgeous, all the while knowing you're... not. I can see someone like Alex not really caring, but you know Sean cares, and doesn't feel good about it. 


    I think the 'big secret' she's about to tell is that she has a boyfriend and isn't single.... 

    (above is not so much a spoiler but a prediction)

    How is Shubam going to react when he sees his so honest BFF is a guy?   Don't get the point of the mom being there, she should be doing the messaging for Ed.  Joey really grated at first but he's not so bad now.

    • Love 2
  3. Brian being so mad at his wife (forget her name) for hiring the detective and finding out Zach isn't his was so odd.... you're mad she that she told you she found out this guy was lying to you, and you'd rather him keep lying to you?   what?

    • LOL 1
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  4. 45 minutes ago, Sarah Heart said:

    I watched the wedding,the bride looked pretty,goose looked happy,the usual. It was a very nice hotel, a far cry from *cough* paradise, where they cram them in 4/5 to a room, in bunk beds.

    So what's with the double beds we are seeing Clay/Nicole etc. waking up in each morning?  I thought the 'overnight' dates on the final night were the only time they actually got to spend the night together?

    1 hour ago, LBS said:

    Random thoughts:

    The shot of the interior of the girls room with all the clothes strewn about, makeup products clutter, and suitcases all over made me itch.  I couldn't handle that mess for a day let alone weeks.   


    I love how defeated the cast-offs looked when they got back to the bar.  You know they all were hoping for a night in AC and interaction with other humans.  Well played producers.  Well played. 

    Yes, agree about the messy bedroom!  And how awful was it that only 8 BIPs were allowed to stay at the wedding, and the rest didn't meet the cut... how rude!

    • Love 9
  5. When Judy put on her coat and was escorted out, it showed her stacks of yellow legal pads were gone:  did she/Ailes destroy them, or did Fox get their hands on them, or did the investigators, ???

    • Love 1
  6. On 8/5/2019 at 12:02 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    The restaurant scene with the self-involved boyfriend was also brilliant.  Each was about their self.  Each had talked themselves into a relationship reality that was not there.  He came around and said the right things.  She was a fool if she bought them.

    That was her husband, not boyfriend.  And even worse, it appears they're still together (according to Wikipedia at least...).

    • Love 1
  7. 22 hours ago, metalchik said:

    "Pamela Hupp will spend the rest of her life in prison, rather than continue fighting 2½-year-old murder charges."  Yeehaw!  Would have loved to hear what type of defense she'd put up though. 

    Too bad she didn't also plead for Betsy Faria's murder, or her own mother's.   Can't wait for the Dateline update on this; was it a Keith case or Josh?

    • Love 9
  8. Loved that Stanford professor who smelled her bullshit right away.  I wish the doc had mentioned her dog ("wolf") that she'd bring into the lab... what a weirdo.  This is from the Vanity Fair article: 

    "Around this same time, Holmes says that she discovered that Balto—like most huskies—had a tiny trace of wolf origin. Henceforth, she decided that Balto wasn’t really a dog, but rather a wolf. In meetings, at cafés, whenever anyone stopped to pet the pup and ask his breed, Holmes soberly replied, “He’s a wolf.” ....   "And for the rest of the day, Balto would stroll through the labs with his owner. Holmes brushed it off when the scientists protested that the dog hair could contaminate samples."

    • LOL 2
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  9. 12 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    even though he’s been willing to play the role of pawn for the show he realized in that moment that Fleiss and ABC would not hesitate to blindside and humiliate him on national TV if it meant ratings.

    Not only that, he's realized Fleiss etc. have contributed to his humiliation by flying in Cassie's dad who of course wanted her to break up with him.  They facilitated it and they were duplicitously planning it behind his back while he was doing his happy smiley ITMs and getting ready to bone Cassie.  They knew he'd be heartbroken, and to him they've  been his  only friends and confidantes this past month.  How can he trust these monsters?

    • Love 8
  10. On 2/12/2019 at 5:51 PM, ApprenticeFan said:

    Hannah B. has been showed up during Hannah G's hometown date that she is proceeded to the hotel where she convinces Colton to talk to him. Both Hannahs are from the same state.

    Well, now I bet Hannah Big Tooth is on track to be B'ette, since they removed the scenes of her showing up to talk to Colton... don't want the lead looking too desperate and crazy.

    • Love 3
  11. 23 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    OMG I was thinking the exact same thing about the "on my own"! I swear at one point Meri must've said it about 10 times in one talking head!

    But that's not even true - didn't her mom contribute to the downpayment with the proceeds from her house sale?  So really, she AND HER MOM did it. 

    • Love 6
  12. 17 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    First time I’ve seen that..

    I’ve seen the result of someone scratching a name on themselves. I have never seen it done with block letters. Oh Meri.....

    Definitely not a Meri apologist here, but that could be anyone's arm, including Jackie's....

    • Love 2
  13. I don't know why they thought getting to Canada would make them home free, the story was huge here in Eastern Canada too. They'd have been recognized and probably caught at the border anyway, and extradited.  Interesting how the show changed Tilly's son's (and ex-husband's) name.

    • Love 8
  14. 2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I still can't get my mind around the absolute pointlessness of the young woman's death. 

    Totally agree.  Did they mention on this episode that Sam was found in the attic of another theater? I read in a news story that Dan lured Sam to that theater to kill him because it was on an army base that had an incinerator - which was why Dan dismembered Sam to get rid of his body that way.   

    The original Dateline was 2 hours, can't believe they crammed this new version, with all the updates, into one hour. They should have reversed it: original being 1 hour, this one being two.  I remember the first episode going more into Wesley, the kid who ordered pizza - why??    I do recall thinking Rachel was totally involved though, she's not as good an actress as she thought.  Get this: Rachel has made herself an IMDB page, with her only credits as being 'self' on the Dateline and 20/20 eps relating to this story.  Sick.

    • Love 11
  15. Here's a Variety article on how Ben Stiller was able to film at Dannemora.  Also an Albany article on how the show got the Upstate NY details right.


    Another article about a former Clinton inmate who worked with Matt and Sweat in the tailor shop and became a consultant for Ben Stiller on the show:  https://theoutline.com/post/6612/escape-from-dannemora-clinton-correctional-facility-prison-break?zd=1&zi=3rqrkssj

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