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Castiels Cat

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Posts posted by Castiels Cat

  1. On 8/25/2022 at 11:53 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

    oh man, now i really really want Jensen back for S4. 😍

    It's guaranteed that Jensen will be back. There's no way he won't be in s 4.

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  2. 8 hours ago, christie said:

    My impression was that they spared him because the girls said that the Edward call was fake and that Leland was behind it. We saw Leland and Edward carrying Andy (was he dead or drugged? We don't know). Sheryl looked really panicked when the girls said that the call was fake. We see her making a call and then Andy's back. It seemed to me that they panicked when they found out that the girls knew about Leland's involvement and, in their panicked state, decided to let Andy come back. 

    I got the impression that Father Ignatius was gonna be their new handler (for lack of a better word). On the other hand, it could just be wishful thinking 'cause I love Wallace Shawn. 

    My impression was that he wasn't dead yet. I am trusting that God worked through Grace, David and the girls to save Andy and by extension reach out to Kristin; she needs to start believing.

    14 hours ago, Niuxita said:

    Damn, KH is just fantastic at the heart-wrenching stuff. From Kristen's near-hysterical confession to David in last season's finale to her reaction to being told the fake news about Andy (from the moment she saw someone other than him appear in the video call) to her tearful joy at seeing him again, she never fails to rip my heart into shreads. I just love watching her.

    I never got the impression throughout the series that the show was going for a "Chosen One"-type storyline with Kristen (with Lexis, yeah, maybe). He is probably after it because it is a sibling to Lexis, the previous Chosen One, whom he has realized things aren't going to work out with. Also because it comes from RSM, which has spawned its fair share of demonic children with no input from Kristen.

    I thought exactly the same thing when she said that all her friends wanted to talk about was boys or something like that. 👀 I definitely would prefer this turn of events to a "Lynn suddenly feels a calling to the church" because the show could use more lesbian content (and no, Kristen and her nun girlfriend Fenna don't count 😜).

    Even though I'm a card-carrying member of the "going to hell for still shipping Kristen and David" club, I thought the Bouchard marriage reunion was lovely. I 100% believed Kristen when she said she loved him. It's nice that the show is not going for an awkward love triangle thing with them and is letting them be genuinely in love and happy. Though I feel bad about what is ahead for Andy before someone catches on/he suddenly remembers what happened to him.

    I was disappointed by Sister Andrea, a character we are supposed to side with, toeing the party line, as it were, with the whole "That is not how young ladies behave!" wrt Kristen's daughters. Fuck that! Young ladies should be allowed to be loud and obnoxious, the way boys are allowed to be and the way the show allows the 4Ls to be. Anything else is just, as Kristen would say, patriarchal bullshit. That said, the best part of that scene was Laura deadpanning "Mirabella" when Kristen was introducing them to Sister Andrea by name, and her sisters' wordless "WTF" reactions. I love those girls.

    Her love for Andy is what let the exorcism she witnessed work on her. She felt such guilt for committing adultery and a desire to commit herself to Andy that she was exorcised.

    I didn't realize until this finale that's it is Kristin. 

    S 1 begins with Leland engineering her professional downfall however a door opens through David and the Church. Leland corrupts her by forcing her to kill to protect the girls.

    S 2 leland goes after her support system. She is exorcised.

    S 3 leland has cheryl. He tries to take Andy without realizing his innate power; cheryl initiated that. He comments that if Lexi is not the one she is the ambassador. Grace's vision saves Andy. Grace says she has been blind; I think that this was in regards to what she saw when she was at Kirsten's. She saw that Lexi is fine; that's because Lexi is not the real target.

    3. It was in Leland's eyes. The baby is personal. It's not about the baby. It's about Kristin. We know his main goal is finding someone for the royal sigil.

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  3. On 8/15/2022 at 6:58 AM, Affogato said:

    Wears a full body mask. 

    yeah I got that. But it would make some sense to mess around with that story. More than one can wear the outfit. I’m not devoted to rhe idea. Just sayin’. 

    They really really messed with the DNA a lot if it's a clone unless the switch out at unmasking which feels cheap.

    But then Frenchie just whipping up the deadliest nerve agent like it was a no bake cheese cake felt extremely cheap.

  4. 52 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    I think so too. 

    They love the actor...

    He was always in the mask so yes there can be another BN.

    Killing him gave us some insight into HL and gave what's left of the 7 a reality check.

    Hopefully that act will have ramifications for anyone who thinks they are part of team V going forward.

    It most certainly informed Ashley's decision to erase the tape of Maeve escaping.

    But yes. A lot of the specific choices made in that finale were whiplash inducing and anticlimactic.

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  5. 6 hours ago, kwnyc said:

    I KNEW they wouldn't kill Andy. And we know that Andy can see demons...didn't he see the one in the office when Sheryl was staying there? Also, he is a Buddhist, right? He's called on his spiritual practice to heal his youngest daughter, and to heal his relationship with Kristen (with the burning ceremony). I wonder if he's going to turn out to be a secret weapon for Good?

    But they have definitely fucked with his mind. Seeing Grace's drawing triggered him...which is why I don't think it's an Andy-double. 

    Good on the kids for figuring out Leland was behind the "Andy's missing" message. WHY didn't Kristen OR Ben snap to attention when Leland's name was mentioned?

    And yes, all this lack of communication...has he or Lynn (was it Lynn?) ever mentioned throwing the head in the jar down the toilet? FINALLY Kristen mentions to the team: oh yeah, the toilet overflowed with blood.

    And WHO is Crystal? (The voice trying to scare the kids through the wall?)

    It's good to know that if you can see demons, you can also kill them with a shovel. That talk by Sister Andrea to Lynn was more useful than a thousand job fairs! (Though, based on the ex-nuns I know, maybe Lynn just hasn't realized she's a lesbian.) I also don't think that's an ordinary mosquito net Sister Andrea gave to David.

    When Sister Andrea turned on the light and saw all the demons scurrying away, was I the only one reminded of Ghostbusters?

    I can ALMOST buy that Grace is too traumatized to describe the person who attacked her (she never met Leland, did she?) But how is the Church going to handwave the murder of a Monsignor? And are they just going to let Leland continue to do what he wants? I don't see the Holy See letting him take out one of their guys without a MAJOR response. 

    I'm so glad Good is finally coming to David's aid...I also interpreted the 38 days as how long it will be until the baby is born. And I don't know if it's Leland's seed that fertilized Kirsten's egg...he's too middle management for that. It's somebody higher up.

    Also: f*ck Dr. Boggs for going from ally to Leland's stooge in the space of a season.

    ETA: Now that Boris McGiver is out of the picture, I hope this means that Wally Shawn (Father Ignatius) becomes a recurring character.

    Good catch on Andy seeing the demon previously.

    Cheryl told Leland when she came back to him after their big break up that she had dated demons before. Maybe Kristin is part demon or was given demon blood at a young age.

    Andy is good, spiritual  and has always had a natural antipathy to Cheryl which grew to epic proportions as she bec6more demonic.

    The kids can go either way.

    Leland and David are battling for Kristin's soul I think. She is the real one Leland wantsfor the royal sigil. I think the baby is a MacGuffin,, a tool to control her. Andy may well be a secret weapon. He was spared because God wanted him spared. He is important which is why Grace saw that he was coming home.

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  6. 1 hour ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

    The S3 finale was okay but it leaves me unsatisfied and wanting more. Too many stories, all piling-up but lack of resolutions. 

    Father Ignatius made me cry. Part of me wants Grace to tell him about Monsignor’s last words but if she does, am worried he will take his own life to be reunited with his love.

    The church didn’t alert the police about the crime. They didn’t preserve the crime scene either. Will the Entity (Vatican) investigate this murder? Using Grace as an excuse for not calling the police was weak.

    Am glad Andy has returned home even though we know it’s Not Andy. At first, I thought it was a dream. He can miraculously walk after months being in “coma”? 🤨

    I hope Kristen will not (continue to) be in denial re his odd behavior like she did with his “bad connection”. Kristen ignoring the girls telling her about the hoax, stupid move. Not Andy told Kristen he’s feeling trapped. I seriously hope she won’t brush this off as “amnesia” etc. 🙄

    Ben’s scene with Laura was sweet but I cannot believe that he didn’t take Laura’s claim seriously (re Leland’s involvement). What’s wrong with Ben and Kristen? Pay attention to things that matter!

    I love it when Sister Andrea blatantly told the girls that’s not how young ladies act. I love it even more when Ben teased them, “Burn. Burn. Burn.” 😂

    Thank god Sister Andrea didn’t kill George and Flaming Jinn. I like them both. Is that how the demons supposed to be destroyed? Too much time was spent on the demons killing scenes, around 5 minutes. 

    Lynn’s interest in becoming a nun - it was sudden and out-of-nowhere. Is it just a filler or is it going to be a parallel to David and Father Ignatius’s stories - having internal conflict then turns to religion then having some sort of doubt? Does Kristen know her eldest daughter is sexually active at 14? Lynn is obviously a good liar.

    What’s so special with Kristen’s egg that made Leland practically hunt for it? Her bloodline?

    Does Sheryl know that is Kristen’s egg? If she does, why would she be okay with it? It doesn’t make sense. For how long the show is going to keep us in the dark re Sheryl’s intentions in becoming demonic? At this point, her character is irredeemable. 

    Soon there’ll be 5L - Lynn, Lila, Lexis, Laura and Leland Jr. 😆


    Pretty sure that Cheryl has agreed to eat Tim Matheson which means she has agreed to become a demon. When Tim M. Dies she eats his sigil. There was an arc in regards to her corruption in s 2 and a discussion about this.

    After this episode I think Leland has always had his eye on Kristin.he focused on her. S 1 was engineering her fall. However it also out her with David, God's agent who exorcizes her in s 2. This season he corrupts her therapist. In s 2 he corrupts her mother.

    Kristin killed for her girls. Leland is going to use the child to manipulate her towards evil.

    2 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

    I would guess that at this point the one creepy dude who has been stalking their family for 3 seasons is their first suspect for anything bad going on.

    Grace talked to her. She knew her dad was coming how therefore the avalanche story was a lie. Leland was obvious from that point.

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  7. On 8/4/2022 at 2:46 AM, SherriAnt said:

    My big 3 from this were; Todd cheering on a murder?! I hope they show if he gets consequences from his wife? (Sorry, forgot her name)

    Did anyone else think Ryan looks sickly? He's very pale with dark circles around his eyes.

    And why did Noir see cartoons? Did I miss an explanation in past seasons?

    Noir is apparently mentally ill and apparently spend his spare time hanging out in n abandoned, derelict fast food pizza restaurant from his childhood. He feels safe there. The imaginary cartoon mascots of the restaurant are his only friends and confidants, even accompanying him to work, and he eats beans. Those cartoons tell Noir everything he needs to hear just like HL's magic mirror.

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  8. On 8/4/2022 at 12:20 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

    Just moving this over here as there is some spoiler talk beyond the Herogasm episode.

    I totally loved season 1 & 2, and especially season one because it was like nothing else I'd seen, and I loved the idea of turning the superhero mythology on its head. I think maybe the Emmy nod went to their head a little though, both in terms of feeling the need to amp up everything that worked (the shocking gore, the language, 'comedy') to the extent that by the end of season three, I was left a bit fatigued by it all. A feeling definitely not helped by Kripke & Co's constant assertions that every episode, every scene, was ZOMG! GOING TO BE THE MOST EXTREME SHOCKING FUCKED UP BEST THING EVARRRRRRRRR. ZOMMGGGG!!!! The creative team has absolutely bought into the hype, IMO.

    Not gonna lie, I loved every moment of Soldier Boy, and I, too, love Frenchie and Kimiko . But there was far too much 'tell' about Soldier Boy that didn't fit with the 'show', and they kinda sorta ruined Kimiko with her sing-song, gleeful murder spree in the finale. So much of the clever, adult storytelling went right out the window (including the woobification of Black Noir).

    And now it seems they are going to center the next season around the battle for Ryan's soul. I'd be okay with that if it meant focus on real battles between a powered-up Butcher and psycho Homelander that ended with actual consequences (ie, Homelander's death) and Ryan was mostly offscreen. But given the actor's bump up to regular status, and the fact there's no way they are killing off Antony Starr, I have zero confidence that will be the case. The past three seasons I couldn't get the episodes quickly enough. I think I'm probably going to wait to binge next season if reviews prove me wrong.

    I was so invested in the potential of a depowered HL... he is still a psychopathic and psychologically powerful character. However the arc of being normal and not a supe would have been amazing. Why give SB that power just to give Kimoko a dance number or two and retire Maeve. 


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  9. On 8/6/2022 at 12:46 PM, Affogato said:

    It is possible the new 'Black Noir' comes up from varsity; also that it is a homelander clone.

    It is being played by the same actor that played original BN. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Kristen's egg just getting murdered so easily was kind of a cop out wasn't it? Having Leland be daddy to her egg baby is soooooooo much better. I approve.   Quick question though,  why does Leland want her egg so badly?  Is it just to mess with her head?  I mean she does have some really cute and intelligent kids.  Plus there is Lexis......   So maybe we will find out there is some demon blood already in the family.   But other then that it is Leland just kinda poking the bear.   Which is pure Leland.

    Well Andy is back but it looks like he can see demons now.  I am glad the show isn't dragging out the "Andy is dead" storyline.  This works for me.   He is back but there is something not quite right with him.  And this puts him smack in the middle of the big overiding storyline with everyone else instead of being on the fringes of it.

    Lynn legit wanting to be a nun might be an interesting storyline for atheist Kristen. How do you support a child's choices when you don't support the child's choices?   I thought Lynn's scenes with Sister Andrea where fun  with them discussing what it meant to be a nun while Sister Andrea was killing demons.

    I really like that  show takes the Father Ignatius and Korecki relationship seriously.  Everyone was so concerned about Ignatius feelings and treated him like someone he loved died.  I honestly wouldn't mind if he was the gang's new go to for the the Catholic Church.  

    Leland dropped the line a few episodes back... if Lexis wasn't the one she was the Ambassador. He is referring to a high high level demon. I am now assuming that his child with Kristin is option 2. The fact that Cheryl will be taking over for Tim Matheson's demon by eating him when it's time implies that the bloodline is special. My pet theory is in fact that Kristin is the special one and Leland wants to make her go dark to exploit her. This is why he has focused on her so much.

    Cheryl sees demons. She drinks demon blood I think. I assume they fed Andy demon blood. Maybe they will eventually make him a demon too. He's one of them now.

    6 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Also, does that mean the father of Kristen's not-egg was just crazy and murdered his wife and child for nothing? Or are all the eggs from the fertility clinic demonic?

    S 1 dealt with cases involving children that resulted from this clinic. There were issues. RF is on the Vatican/Entiry watch list. Leland is involved. It seemed they were probably breeding new recipients to be gifted sigil hors d'oeuvres, ie. Become demons. So yes... evidence points to all of the babies being compromised. Lexis is ok for now.

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  11. On 7/13/2022 at 3:31 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

    The first part of my post was in response to the question of why he didn't go after Vought along with Payback. I assume he didn't think he was going to be captured, so his plan was to go after Stan/Vought next.

    Kripke stated explicitly in an interview that Soldier Boy was kept alive for a reason. I'm not saying his revenge in endgame - but if he's wakened (say, as a weapon for Grace/CIA) and has the opportunity, I'd guess that it would at least be part of the equation.

    It's true that as long as he can be triggered by this Russian music/flashback, he's too dangerous to be out in the world. My guess is that the CIA will spend their time learning how to control that (off screen until such time as the story ends), and then they'll use him for whatever the end game is.

    Nobody puts JA in a box. Not even the Dabbling Hack could do that.

     Definitely see Payback part Deux.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    There's a difference between filing a corporate complaint and turning someone over to be tortured and imprisoned. Gunpowder could easily think that making a complaint to Vought was OK because Vought would protect him from SB's wrath by keeping it anonymous or the same control it exercises over all the supes. But he could think selling SB out to the Russians was a bridge too far because of various reasons:

    • It's anti-American to give SB to the Russians because it would potentially let them catch up in the supes race.
    • It's inhuman to let SB get tortured and experimented on the way the Russians would, and as much of a dick as SB is, he doesn't deserve it
    • His personal brand is more tied to SB than the others and he would suffer if SB was to be "killed"

    Gunpowder disputed Butcher's info although Butcher claimed to have proof...

  13. On 7/11/2022 at 10:52 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

    There is not much doubt that he would be racist and probably homophobic and xenophobic as well, given his age and the times he grew up in. In the Nicaragua flashback we saw him being this 'toxic male' towards Grace. But then we also saw his reaction to her actions during the attack - he showed her respect, if grudging. We saw him puzzled and maybe even repelled by the gay couple on the street in his first State-side appearance, but then he basically shrugged and move on. He expressed remorse for the people killed in his black-out explosion, and gave Hughie the opportunity to clear the 'innocent' people, both supes and humans, out of the way before going after the twins - and nobody else would've been harmed if not for the damn Russian music. None of that screams 'racist' to me, and in fact seems to show that he might've been able to evolve and adapt to this new era he found himself in.

    He was most vocal and derisive about the current state of masculinity but it seemed more like a disdain for what men have become, rather than toxicity towards women. Just as antiquated an attitude, but not (IMO) inherently evil. It certainly didn't make him more dangerous than Homelander. That, for me, is why Starlight's pearl-clutching and MM's revenge-at-any-cost rage is just poor story-telling.

    It may just indicate that they are flawed reactionary characters operating without all of the facts because they made assumptions and Hughie never explained about the ptsd, etc.

  14. On 7/11/2022 at 1:51 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Grace not being fully retired can easily be a plot point in season 4, and whatever arm of the US government she still works for has multiple spies in Vought.  To me, this is completely plausible.  Also, we have seen Neuman double-cross Edgar, who's to say she would not have another back-up plan up her sleeve?  

    Or Grace wants him for the same reason that Butcher was using him. She will use him to take out HL and save Ryan. Mallory is a major player in the comics.

  15. On 7/11/2022 at 3:41 PM, Aithne said:

    I agree with this. Don't get me wrong - I love the Annie and MM dynamic, and the Frenchie/Kimiko story was aces in my opinion - great character exploration with solid grounding in previous seasons. What they did with these 4 will make the team dynamics richer next year. The enjoyment I felt in that last scene seeing MM tease Annie lightly about cleanliness (contrast with his irritability at the beginning of the season about using plates), and Frenchie finally at ease in spearheading their new egalitarian dynamic (contrast with his brooding in S2 about Butcher being missing and not having called) - good, good stuff, and it came from the team's fragmentation. They're going to be a more cohesive and proactive group now, which should be great to watch. 

    But. What would the story have been like if it wasn't so fragmented? How would SB have interacted with the rest of the team if we weren't on our little Caucasian males-only adventure into traditional gender stereotypes and how we eventually reject them because they're not in our nature or out of love for someone else? The story isolated the Soldier Boy plotline basically as soon as he woke up, and I think it could've been really fun to explore the dynamics if it had been done differently. 

    Not to mention that.Highie never shared the fact that his ptsd caused the big blow-up explosions that killed multiple individuals. He could do controlled blasts and he actually wasn't an evil murderer just on a payback mission. There was never an attempt by the 2 team members who actually hung with him to explain what he was like. 

    If Hughie had done so,  the obvious... HL would've neutralized.

    Most of the intraweb is expecting to see him in s 4.

  16. On 7/8/2022 at 12:49 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

    IYKYK. When asked in an interview what he would have liked to keep from set, at first Jensen 'it's a real eye-opener' Ackles said Soldier Boy's shield, but then said he'd changed his mind and didn't want it after all. I assumed it was because it was too heavy...



    Link about Black Noir recasting same actor.

    On 7/11/2022 at 9:37 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

    Kripke said in a post-finale interview that (paraphrased until I can find the article Soldier Boy was kept alive for a very specific reason. I figure that means the endgame for whenever their final season happens.

    Also, the responses to this tweet from Kripke leave me no hope that the creative team will see anything wrong in the way things went in the finale and we can only expect more the same next season.

    Ugh. I just read that plotlines from Varsity will be interwoven into season 4.

    Not sure I care about rando college supes.

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  17. 1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    That is almost worse, pandering to fan service instead of serving the story.  Ugh.

    Maybe I misread. I am pretty stressed these days. I thought it was odd... but I am pretty sure he was talking up the actor. 

    I guess HL would have him cloned or somesuch because he did seem to care.

    It's just lazy writing. Worse than the whipping up deadly nerve gas in the lab in a jiffy nonsense.

    The great fight scene was not enough to overcome the nonsense.

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  18. 11 hours ago, ahrtee said:

    I guess I'm going to be unpopular with many here, and defend SB.  

    By today's standards, yes, his behavior towards women and minorities is toxic and unforgiveable.  There's no way I could condone any of his behavior today. 

    But I grew up in the 60s and 70s and, believe me, he wouldn't have been considered that bad.  As a teenager, construction workers whistled and made catcalls at me when I was walking down the street, and half the women I knew were proud of it, because they thought it showed they were attractive.  I got pinched on the butt in a NYC bus when I was in junior high and my mom just sighed and told me that next time if I feel someone getting too close I should just move away.   Men like SB weren't called toxic or even sexist--just another annoying thing women were  supposed to put up with.  And even SB (other than his comments to Grace in the flashback) wasn't so blatant in public, even though his actions in private were appalling.

    About being racist--again, it's more an attitude of superiority than actually doing anything to act on it. (That's assuming that whatever happened to MM's family was an accident, even if it was collateral damage for something else he was trying to do for "good.")  If SB deliberately targeted anyone because of race, religion, or any way of being "different," then yes, that's racist by any standard.  But we didn't see that.  So I'm willing to let it pass until I see something different.  

    Now there's no way I'm going to defend SB's casual attitude towards the major destruction/collateral damage caused by his "heroics."  But, in a pre-Marvel world, that's pretty much what superheroes did.  They saved the day and then flew off, and no one ever considered what damage they left behind.   Battles were held in the middle of streets, buildings exploded, cars turned over, which made exciting images but no one ever stopped to look at the casualties.  Spiderman, IIRC, was the first of the "humanized" superheroes who showed remorse or concern about his own actions.

    So I tend to think of SB as Kripke's version of a typical 50s, 60s and 70s superhero as seen through today's eyes.  Asshole (by today's standards) yes.  "Toxic masculinity" (sorry, @gonzosgirrl) definitely, in this more aware century.  But nowhere near as bad or dangerous as HL, or any of the Supes who believe that they're above everyone else because of their powers, and who feel entitled to do whatever they want, no matter who it hurts/kills, for no reason than their own gratification, or that "they can."  That's HL.  SB is just a superhero out of his time and being shown up for how thoughtless and "unsuper" those heroes of the past really were.  

    I am slightly younger than you and agree completely. Times have changed. Jensen totally nailed this.

  19. On 7/9/2022 at 9:06 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

    Right? I'd assume at least part of the fans' affection for the character is tied to the actor. This is a pretty strange message to send, lol. 

    My understanding is that the same actor is going to play him. I read that somewhere.

    I originally thought that it would be a HL clone per comic source material but now I wonder if it's a Noir clone.

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  20. On 7/9/2022 at 7:53 AM, BabySpinach said:



    Have people still not learned to not put kids at the center of non-kid stories? Child actors and their characters are almost never as compelling as the adults, especially with this show's cast. Can't say I'm particularly invested in Ryan waffling between psychotic little shit or goody-two-shoes while the actually-interesting characters cater to and revolve around him.

    Mallory will also be involved because she is invested and he is her surrogate grandchild. She will release SB. 

    I think we will get a big showdown eventually.

    Very annoyed at the writing of that final.

    Could have been better. Parts did work.

    Would have liked to see more supes depowered. Ridiculous not to depower HL...

    But that does veer way of the source material.

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  21. 5 hours ago, Aithne said:

    What would've helped would've been a line or two about what goes into making it. I'm a biologist, not a chemist, so I don't know what the language would be. But if I were to be talking about a deadly virus, I could say something like "it's not hard to propagate from a technical perspective, you just need x cell line and cell culture equipment you'd find in any lab. The problem would be containment and making sure I don't die, so we'll need a BSL-4." or something along those lines. Doubtful that they'd be allowed to legit discuss how to make it on TV, but even a few lines establishing that it is surprisingly simple to make with a few common organic pesticides or whatever it is, and the challenge is actually (containment, not dying while you're working with it, stability, whatever) which they'd address by doing it at Vought with proper PPE etc. could've eased my mind there. 

    And of course, disabling the cameras to give them more time before the guards came storming in, having Kimiko take the fight outside the lab to buy more time before he gets shot, etc. Establishing that they'd need even 20-30  min could have been more believable to the audience (regardless of whether the actual IRL procedure takes 3 minutes or 3 hours). 

    I read that the writer for this episode was new, but really, the rest of the team should've tightened these things up before approval. 

    I would have bought that Vought had a weaponized supply on hand and they just needed to break into the lab.

    You nailed the logistics. 

    He definitely had the wrong PPE and should be dead. That did not look like the proper respirator for gases at all.

    42 minutes ago, Aithne said:

    I'm afraid that they might. It has largely become The Homelander Show, and as delightful as AS is in the role, he's wearing thin for me as the villain who is never really in danger from anyone. 

    He was in danger from Maeve and SB. If they had stayed on mission they would have succeeded.

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