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Posts posted by WinJet0819

  1. On 9/22/2021 at 9:38 PM, dovegrey said:

    It’s not even that I don’t like Kidd; I really, really don’t like Kidd with Severide, hanging off Severide in Cruz’s hospital room, dangling from his arm at a scene, etc. They’ve been an unprofessional PDAfest since season 8, and I can’t imagine the disaster it would be if Kidd became a lieutenant at 51 while Severide was there. She can’t seem to focus with him anywhere near her on a call. Go Get This somewhere else, Stella Kidd.

    Couldn't be said any better. Stella has become a joke since being put with Severide. All of these PDAs are making a mockery of the CFD, which is prided for its professionalism. And it's an embarrassment to female first responders who are self-assured and don't need a man to pump them up.

    • Love 5
  2. Maybe it's just me, but I really hope it doesn't come back. Trying to revitalize this show, along with going through with it for CSI and Dexter, just screams laziness from studios and a money grab. And it speaks to the lack of original ideas when trying to bring back shows that haven't even been off air for a full decade yet. And Criminal Minds, especially, didn't finish off that well in it's final seasons, going by the ratings. Usually, it's better to just let shows stay done.

    • Love 4
  3. On 7/12/2021 at 1:14 PM, dovegrey said:

    I also think the show still does fire and rescue better than the bits of what I've seen of 911 and Station 19 (I can't stand their brand new, clean turn-out gear), and that part of Fire is still fun to watch...although, unfortunately, this part has been waning.

    Fire lost all credibility in regards to doing fire and rescue better after the proposal crap. That will never go away, especially considering this is a Dick Wolf show.

    • Love 2
  4. 14 hours ago, jabRI said:

    At least this season the cliffhanger wasn't 'house 51 is in danger of being closed' which seems like we've seen a few times.

    But this is another cliffhanger with all or part of the house being trapped and in mortal danger. Season 2, Season 5, and Season 7 all ended with similar cliffhangers.

    And this one to end this season was probably the most incredulous of all of them. But what do you expect when the righters no longer care about keeping things authentic?

  5. 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Still finishing up the end of season one, one episode of that season left to watch.

    Mills is an emotional wreck/hot head.  I don't know if he truly dumped Dawson, because he was that upset with her, or if he dumped Dawson, because he thought he would lose her to Casey.  Maybe a little of both.

    What did Mills expect Dawson to do?  Did he expect her to tell him up front that she knew that Boden had slept with his mom?  Given Mills' history that more than likely would have set him off.  Dawson did the right thing.

    Mills has a really short fuse, and I don't think that is a good thing to have, given the line of work he is in.  Given his volatile behavior, I don't think he is the type of person to get romantically involved with either.

    I liked Casey's girlfriend, or whatever she was to him before she was murdered. 

    Matt's relationship was Hallie was always something I wish they had kept. A main character starting a show already in a relationship and having it grow. But they just had push Dawsey. 

    • Love 3
  6. On 6/22/2021 at 9:12 PM, AnnA said:

    I'm watching S2 now and so far I love it. The early years were so much better than what I've seen the past three years.

    I read a lot of negative comments about Gabby but so far, she's OK. I guess she doesn't become a pain in the a$$ for another few seasons and until she hooks up with Casey.

    I really enjoyed the backstory of Molly's.

    It really wasn't until Gabby decided she wanted to be a firefighter out of nowhere that the negativity with Gabby started. And once the one person who could keep her in check left, that's when the show graduated to Gabby Fire.

    • Love 1
  7. 22 hours ago, dovegrey said:

    I never liked Shay when she was attached to Severide; I found them to be super creepy and weird together, but Shay was pretty cool when she was with Gabby, Rafferty, and even sudden friends with Casey near the end of season 2. And I still don't understand what happened with Mills/Charlie Barnett; what a waste of a good character (I'd rather have seen Cruz leave than Mills, hindsight being what it is). Other than that, I liked Newhouse, too.

    But almost all the characters were awesome back in the earlier seasons. The characterizations and writing shifted so much by season 5-6 that it's pretty much like watching an entirely different cast of characters for seasons 1-3, with season 4 starting to show the results of Fire's writing/showrunning talent being gutted to support PD and Med.

    But funny enough, and most likely due to Shay being gay, they were a prime example of a well-done platonic relationship. They worked together and cared for each other like you'd expect from good friends. And that is a foreign concept on One Chicago these days. Now, if male and female characters care about one another, they have to be in a romantic relationship.

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  8. On 5/27/2021 at 12:41 PM, iMonrey said:

    So Casey finally got some. It's been a long dry spell for him.

    I see little value in hashing out whether Casey and Brett's relationship is appropriate. By most any standards, in real life it clearly would not be. But this is a show where every damn female character has hooked up with one of the dudes. (Except Shay.) It's such a soap opera, and not a very good one, since the writers don't seem to know what else to do with the characters. This firehouse romance shit is lazy and tedious. Couldn't they have some female characters that already have a husband at home and are happily married?

    So a boat has capsized in the lake, would the firehouse squad really be the rescue crew? I mean, I guess we've seen them do water rescues before but it seems like it should be someone else's job. That's an awful lot of training they'd need for every conceivable rescue type.

    Exactly this. That would be so refreshing for this show. Especially, when we consider this is the case in both 911 shows, and was the case way back in Third Watch. On too many shows these days, it seems the female characters exist only to fall in love with one of their co-workers. We've seen it on SWAT with what happened to the only female character.

  9. 2 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    But did Casey do that when he was married to Gabby?  That's also nearly the same conflict, that didn't already exist when he became her Lieutenant.  As of now, Casey and Brett are in a relationship; if he gets promoted, it really doesn't matter - it's a preexisting relationship before he became Battalion Chief.  I don't remember him losing all focus when working with Gabby, nor does Severide necessarily lose all focus when working with Kidd... I don't really see the need for the premature concern here, but I could be wrong.

    They all just need to report their relationships to HR so they are on the record and they can carry on as they please.  

    Gabby didn't work under him on truck when they got married. She was back to being a paramedic. If Matt is Battalion Chief, it's an entirely different conflict, as now EVERYONE: Truck, Squad, Engine, Ambo, works under him. So him choosing to be boyfriend first, over chief of the house, would have a much different impact. 

    And yes, there were times, when he lost all focus over Gabby. The day he made captain, and Gabby was stuck in that parking lot, he was willing to run in, with no gear and despite the fact truck mates were fully prepared to go in, just because it was Gabby who was trapped. And we haven't seen it with Severide yet, but that's mostly due to the fact he's not in charge of Stella. We have seen the conflict cause Stella to lose all focus. To the point where she let her own oxygen run out, when she knew she was low, just to stay with Severide, and almost lost a lung. And the the fact she was going to have Otis carry an unconscious man by himself in a smoke-filled home just because Severide was stuck, and Casey, of all people, had to reprimand her for it. And then this season, where she hesitated saving victims in a fast moving fire because she heard Severide might be in trouble.

    And even if Matt and Brett report their relationship to HR, it's still a conflict of interest that would require one of them to move. At least, in any real firehouse. Being together while he's a captain of truck, and she's PIC on Ambo is one thing. But carrying on a relationship when he's in charge of the entire house, including her girlfriend, has conflict written all over it.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, TM101 said:

    I have a feeling it’s Capp who dies, but then again, it could be Severide and then that would set up Kidd to fill his shoes as Lt.

    Not possible for her to fill his shoes as Lt. She's not Squad-certified. Though considering the fact that the show-runners and writers no longer care about authenticity, they could actually drum up some pathetic sob-story about how it's only right that she fill the shoes of her dead fiancé, and the Squad members say they'd be honored to have her lead them. 

    • Love 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

    The last 10 minutes was the best part. The rest should have been scraped and shown on the Hallmark Channel. I can see Severide or Cruz or Cap dying. Not Tony.

    The shots of Casey's face just lamenting or staring or looking for Sylvie was pathetic. Made him look creepy at times. Now those two got it out of their system and after two years of build up.........who cares!

    Casey's uncle Jake "staring at a TV and not really watching". Sounds like me watching NBC, from 9 - 10 on Wednesdays. 

    Funny how Severide and Kidd failed to mention he proposed during the fire.

    If Violet's mom likes the word "Good". I wonder what does "Good for nothing" means to her?

    Ritter know Casey has a construction business. 

    Cap kept Maize hidden all this time from his co-workers? Cap seems like a man that would be bragging to strangers about her. 

    Where was the CFD water unit? 

    I guess they needed to use most of the budget for the water scene and saved money with the dull Casey/Sylvie love scene.

    I was impressed Severide changed so fast in the Rescue truck from the passenger side.

    Did the ambulance take the long route or got lost to the pier? They arrived so late after the Rescue truck arrived.

    Little Ezra when you get a little bored watching fire trucks drive by on YouTube, give California highway police chases a try. Very entertaining. I have spent the past year doing it.

    Good riddance season 9. I think it's renewed for 2 more seasons. Yikes!

    I hope Boden takes the position.

    If Boden takes the position, it's going to be a long 2 seasons. Casey as Battalion Chief, while carrying on a relationship with a paramedic at his house would just be pathetic, and scream conflict of interest every episode. "Chief Casey, can I have few moments alone with you in your office? And can you shut the blinds?" Or if he learns that Sylvie is in mild danger, while Squad or Engine is bogged down in a fire. We already who will be the first priority.

    I hope it's Severide that dies, so that Boden stays to "keep the house together" like Dawson choosing to stay to keep the house together after Shay died.

    • Useful 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

    Seeing where the ratings are, my gut tells me this show really only has a year and a half left anyway. It needs 16 episodes to get to 100- a milestone I'm sure CBS wants to pass- and the standard Hollywood "start-of-series" contract runs for six seasons, so I think we're getting a full S5 followed by a S6 of maybe 13 episodes that ends the show.

    Which I would be OK with. It already far surpassed the original's episode count, and very few shows get to 100 episodes anyway. Personally, being Canadian I don't know if I get Paramount+ up here but I don't know if I'd want it anyway, since paying for all these streaming services is quite the expenditure. Plus I think creatively shows almost always crest after six or seven seasons anyway, so there's no need to run this past its prime. I watched Criminal Minds for all 15 seasons and the last six or seven seasons I only tuned in out of loyalty. I, at least, want S.W.A.T. to end well before it gets to that point.

    Since the show seems hell-bent on pushing a Street-Alonso romance, when it's good enough not to need it, and just detracts from the actual excitement of the cases, the show ending sooner rather than later, wouldn't be the worst thing.

    • Love 2
  13. On 5/19/2021 at 6:35 PM, Danielg342 said:

    We'll see. If I recall correctly, NCIS: New Orleans and the original CSI had a few seasons on Sunday night.

    They had a few seasons, but it was essentially the beginning of the end. CSI: Miami lasted just 2 more seasons, with countless delays after being moved to Sunday nights. NCIS: New Orleans is another casualty after 3 seasons on Sunday nights. And CSI moved to Sunday night in its final season, and suffered delays to the point where episodes were actually pushed to the next week because of the Sunday line-up getting pushed so late due to football.

    Really, they would have been better off  moving this to Paramount+ as well.

  14. 3 hours ago, Guildford said:

    And PD is never-ending misery, torture and trauma with little or no relief. 

    As Dove described it last week, this is what happens when you remove the patrol aspect from the show, which gave a strong B-plot to the A-plot. Now, with no patrol, we're stuck with a majority of episodes centered on relationship drama, with LaRoyce Hawkins only ever being utilized as the token black man in two-or-three episodes. 

    • Love 2
  15. 8 hours ago, dovegrey said:

    Hell, I think it’s hard to reconcile Fire with PD and even Med. The showrunner is on record as saying Fire is a feel-good show about optimism and happy outcomes, with every episode needing a funny subplot. Move it to Saturday morning then. 

    And pick another fire department, instead of making a mockery of the CFD, one the of the most respected in the country. If they wanted a feel good show, they should work under Shonda Rhimes. They'd fit right in with Station 19. Leave Chicago Fire to the original show runners and follow authentic feel that all Dick Wolf show's have come to be known by.

    • Love 1
  16. And what's truly mind-boggling about this stupid proposal in such a dangerous situation is that this show is set in the same universe as FBI and L&O: SVU, which was part of crossover event 5-6 years ago. And in the past week, a little girl actually fought off a kidnapping attempt using tips she had learned from watching SVU. It's kind of incredible how two shows, in the same universe, can have two completely different impacts. SVU keeps the realism, and and Fire has decided to become Grey's Anatomy/Station 19. IMO, it would make any idea of a future crossover a joke.

    • Love 2
  17. 16 hours ago, dovegrey said:

    🤣Aside from the Stellaride junk, I'm kind of miffed that the writers spent 13 episodes harping on Dawsey and then resolved it entirely off-screen. I would never call myself a shipper, and I stopped buying Matt and Gabby as a happily-ever-after couple in season 4 (but kinda loved them in seasons 2-3, when the show was normal), but that's a conversation I wanted to hear/see. I wanted real closure on those two, and I think more was needed than what this episode gave; even after three years of slow build-up, Casey and Brett as endgame still seems super weird (but not bad), and I don't feel like I can pinpoint when or why Casey fell for Brett and/or when he stopped waiting for Gabby to come back. It more seems like the writers were told to move on.

    It seems that once again the writers were using Casey's feelings over Gabby as a lame plot device to drag out the Matt and Sylvie drama. Just like bringing up Matt's head injury storyline with time line discrepancies galore. It's pretty obvious the writers have gotten lazy and their one and only focus, it seems, is to push drama ahead of authenticity. It's pathetic storytelling. And compared to other Dick Wolf shows, the Law & Order franchise, and FBI, and even oldies like NY Undercover and Homicide, the One Chicago franchise has totally jumped the shark. None of the shows even try to be believable anymore. They just want to be a discount Grey's Anatomy and Station 19.

    • Love 1
  18. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Will should have ensured the medication was secure.  There are procedures for that.  Still Natalie is the worst.  They are trying to justify her conduct on the basis that she lives her mother and anything is allowed if you love someone enough.  If that was the case, doctors and their families would get first pick to receive organ transplants.  


    Though even Will wouldn't have expected a fellow doctor to steal the leftover trial medication and then have her mother use it with no monitoring. He packed up the the trial user's existing meds and and left it available for pick-up by the mail courier.

  19. 15 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    There's a ceremony in house and they never took the trucks out of service? Too bad the call didn't come in to interrupt Boden's speech. Wonder how long it took them to change out of their uniforms.

    3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I wondered that too!

    Not the first time either. Remember Boden's wedding in the Season 2 finale?

    • Useful 1
  20. If Boden leaves, this show loses all since of credibility. Casey as a battalion chief, carrying on a romantic relationship with a paramedic who works under him. Ugh. That has trainwreck written all over it. And then two Lieutenants in the same house who are engaged. Just ugh. Dick Wolf is willing to let his first Chicago franchise show basically dissolve into a slightly more serious version of Station 19? Please leave Taylor Kinney. Get out of this mess. Run far away. This show is making a mockery of the CFD at this point. This show was supposed to show insight into the every day dramas that CFD members face. Not showcase relationships and drama, and become devoid of anything resembling the CFD.

    • Love 3
  21. 1 hour ago, DanaK said:

    Will always falls on his sword for Nat and this time he shouldn’t have

    I thought Charles’s patient had seemed to recover too quickly; I guess she was just putting on a front. He was way too patient with her given her nuttiness and clingy behavior, but at least she’s getting proper help now


    8 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

    Natalie should have been pushed off the roof. Will is an idiot for jumping under the bus for her. He deserves to be fired for sheer stupidity.
    St. April saves the day once more! 🙄 I really liked Archer tonight. 

    And this is why this show is getting beyond tired. Even in her final 2 episodes, she is STILL protected from facing any consequences. Her character has never faced any repercussions. One way or the other, rather by sheer luck, or being benefitted by people protecting her, she continues to skate without any consequences for her actions. It's sickening.

    • Love 10
  22. 23 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

    Aaaaaaaaaand with the Stellaride marriage proposal and prolonged makeout session in the middle of a burning building, Chicago Fire has, on a Very Special Episode, jumped the fucking shark. What an absolute disgrace and a disservice. I hope Taylor Kinney really does leave and takes Stellaride with him.

    Now we have legit proof that this show really has become Chicago Fire Anatomy. They just need to add Shonda Rhimes to the credits as producer. I really do want to puke. The CFD should sue.

    • Love 1
  23. 10 hours ago, cathmed said:

    Time to cut this show loose.  It had gone downhill since Connor Rhodes left and it became a "hit and miss" show for me.  Now that others left/leaving--which Nat & April were not my 2 faves anyway; however I think a character assassination was done on both, imo, as  , they were not that terrible when the show first started.  The remaining cast and storyline is just horrific and can't carry this show any longer.   Again, imo, a once decent show ruined.  I'm through with Chicago Med

    They actually were that terrible.

    The problem with this show is that there's been no character growth from any of the characters. Will has always believed his judgment is better than his patients', to the point where he thinks he's God. Natalie always believes she's right, and if someone disagrees with her, she'll go over their head, and get rewarded for it. Ethan always makes judgments on patients without knowing their story, and has been wrong on more than one occasion. And April always drags her personal baggage to work. That's how they've been since Season 1.

    • Love 3
  24. 2 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Interesting.  But as you said, there's no way that Kidd is anywhere close to being Squad certified.  They have to SCUBA dive, for one, and an episode just a year or two back showed that she'd never done it before.  She couldn't be rescued certified in that amount of time.  I would buy the argument that Casey is Squad certified, but never Kidd.  

    I know this show loves to bend the truth and reality, but that would be one line crossed too far.

    I just watched Zero Dark Thirty recently and Taylor Kinney had a very small role in it.  He was good, playing a Navy SEAL opposite Chris Pratt.  But this is his most lucrative job, and unless he's got something else lined up or there's a reason to absolutely hate the set of CF, I don't see why he wouldn't stay.  These are NBC's highest rated scripted shows (I think) so he and Jesse Spencer should be making plenty of money.

    Sometimes, it's not always about money. Julianna Margulies choosing to leave ER, and walk away from millions while the show was still at its peak is a prime example. She had nothing lined up either when she left, but she landed on her feet.

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