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Posts posted by Liddy52

  1. 8 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I get it maybe in the first episode.  But by now? It's so unnecessary.  By now, the hours of competition are piling up.  The kitchen has been thinned.  The fatigue is starting to show on the faces and bodies of at least some of the chefs.  You can see production scrambling about to give the impression of constant movement. 

    They have enough to do more showing vs. telling. 

    Especially when some of these chefs are more well-known than others. 

    Yes, I have to feel that way especially with Marcel and Carlos. And I really feel the producers are trying to make those two the stars. I wonder if the judges pick up on that and subconsciously judge them more favorably. I don't think they would purposely do it. However it is happening, Carlos still is annoying to me. 

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  2. I like the Voltaggio Brothers and enjoyed  their appearance. However they kept commenting on how they had never seen a competition like the relay one in which the one team member set up the classic combo dish and the other teammate didn't know what had been started and how to complete it. Guy's Grocery Games has had two episodes with a similar but to me more difficult challenge. It involved 3 team members and more requirements for the dish. Is there only one female chef left? I don't think any of the judges ate deliberately biased but it is interesting when you compare the results with the blind judging on Tournament of Champions. 



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  3. Honestly the only way I ever know whether Sonny's off his meds is that the story tells us. Because he always seems like he is throwing temper tantrums if things don't go his way, medicated or not. I  don't see that much of a difference. 

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  4. I have been on both a murder trial and on the grand jury in which one of our indictments involved child molestation of a toddler. Rough stuff! In the murder trial, it involved a couple of drug dealers who got in a fight with each other over something petty. The court appointed defense attorney kept confusing his client's name with the victim's name. The prosecution put the victim's mother on the stand and showed her a picture of her deceased son and asked her what the picture was. She said, It’s my son....dead". Then she was dismissed. I didn't get the point of putting her through that. There was no disagreement that her son had died. The defendant was CLEARLY intellectually challenged but his lawyer didn't bring that up. During the testimony of one of the witnesses to the argument which preceded the shooting, there were references to other people who had been present by the names of " Ant Dog" and "Lil' Stink" ! When the jury went back to deliberate, we were handed a brown paper grocery sack with no explanation.  In the jury room, one of the gentlemen opened the bag and pulled out a blue plaid shirt covered in dried blood. We assumed it was the victim's but not sure WHY it was sent back with us. It was never mentioned in the trial or presented as evidence. We surely didn't need it. I was very proud of our jury. It was pretty clearly an open and shut case and we didn't get it until late afternoon.  We deliberated thoughtfully and carefully before coming to a verdict.  The child molestation case when I was on the grand jury was soul wrenching. Tears were streaming down many faces. On all the other indictments, after the District attorney presented their evidence,  our foreman would ask for a show of hands for those in favor of indictment.  On this one, after the presentation of the evidence, the foreman couldn't even speak, he was so choked up. We just all silently raised our hands, as we sat shell shocked. We continued sitting there in silence for a short time and the foreman got up and told the baliff we had to have a break. I hope to never be on a  grand jury that has a child molestation case again!

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  5. Thanks for getting this forum started. Agree with everything that has been said so far, especially with the part about half the contestants being gone so quickly! I have never seen,  or at least never noticed, the lady co-host , so not sure what her credentials are. I also found Marcel to be more tolerable than in the past. And yes, glad Elizabeth Faulkner is gone! I was amazed at all the different egg dishes the contestants came up with in the second round.








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  6. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    A post by Janelle on Instagram:



    Bless her heart. I do understand that they put their life out on television and Social Media for the world to see. But I do think that a time of such grief for a family is a time that we can show grace and hold back on the snarky comments.  There are plenty of other opportunities and piling on now doesn't benefit anyone. Just my thoughts, you may not agree.


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  7. 11 minutes ago, beckie said:

    Does anyone else here suffer from vertigo? I've had it for years, to varying different degrees,  but the attack I had this week was by far the worst, and still hasn't totally straightened itself out. 

    My old Dr was awesome with helping me try to figure out what worked for treating, or at least managing it. My new Dr doesn't seem too concerned.  I'm frustrated because I work in a factory and it's not safe for me to be there, but I can't afford to not work. 

    I'm going to try to get an appointment with my Dr this week and see if he will finally take it seriously and maybe have some other suggestions. Fingers crossed. 

    I do not have vertigo but have heard people say that physical therapists can help, sometimes in just one visit by showing you some exercises that help realign the crystals in your ear, or something like that. Someone who knows better can correct me. I think you might find examples or information online.

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  8. 1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

    Its 11 pages long. Here's the first page which gives the flavor of what they're looking for. image.png.1405aafe091c4e01b96ca9a6411117e4.png

    Thank you!

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  9. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    Its the same guidelines they have been posting recently. If you access it from the top of the Counting On home page are you able to read them?

    No, I cannot. I tried several times over the weekend and could not.  I was hoping this link might work better but unfortunately it comes up in exactly the same format.  Thanks for the suggestion,  though.

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  10. When I click on the above link, the document with the guidelines is very small on my tablet, making the print impossible for me to read. I have tried several times to enlarge it to no avail. I am not particularly tech savvy. It might be my tablet and everyone else may be able to read it easily, but I cannot. Thank you for any suggestions on how I can read this.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

    OK, so according to Kody, he and Robyn get 8 acres ( 4 each), and a very large house, Christine gets a modest house, Janelle gets 4 acres of land and Meri gets 2 acres of land. And am I correct that both Meri and Janelle contributed the proceeds from the sale of their Los Vegas houses toward the purchase of Kody and Robyn's house? And Kody's rationale for why Meri gets so little is that she only has one child?? Now I understand a little bit better why Meri always wanted to count those children that she wanted to have when determining the division of assets in the family. Janelle and Meri both need to hire themselves a really good lawyer.  Kody is trying to commit highway robbery!!

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  12. 1 hour ago, jsbt said:


    Looking at this, I seem to remember some questions or comments about why Bobbie's hair wasn't done better or "fancier ". (That isn't the right word but I can't think of exactly what was said). I think we now know with the gift of 20/20 hindsight that she was ill and possibly, though not for certain, undergoing chemotherapy. It was poignant watching her discuss her time on GH.

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  13. I just realized something: At the time, I was kind of put off by the Spencer women welcoming Willow into their little sorority before the wedding. Now with the knowledge of Jackie Zemon's illness and death, I wonder if it was in part written to highlight Bobbie once more. 

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