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Posts posted by Brooks

  1. When did Ziva have the opportunity to rip out a page from the journal.  I thought it was either in Bishop's or Gibbs' possession by then.  And how did Ziva manage to track the status of NCIS' investigation?

    • Love 9
  2. Bishop can't afford to keep this secret.  As soon as Gibbs finds out, she's fired.

    Did Ziva also abandon her daughter?  If so, not cool, and it destroys the Ziva mystique for me.

    • Love 2
  3. I'm saying what I'm doing for my health, which was the purpose of this thread.  And I'm saying be open to doing the research for yourself because so much of what we have been spoonfed is wrong or incomplete.

    I offered a way to avoid sunburns.  In addition, by making sure you have plenty of early morning and late afternoon sun you can build up a sun callus that helps protect against midday sun.  I'm not talking about a tan.  It's conditioning of the skin the way we were designed/evolved to do.  And it helps you get the much greater sun exposure you need for health.  Because the science has shown up for a long time that the sun is our friend.

    Too many  people with melanoma got that way because they didn't get enough of the right kind of sun.

    We need more Vitamin D and we need to figure out how to do that.  Megadoses of Vitamin D in supplemental form often don't help.  That should be a clue there must be another way.  But we also need more natural sunlight for all the reasons we have opsins throughout our skin.  They are there for a reason.  Even if you can't buy into that, we still to mitigate the amount and type of artificial light we expose ourselves to.  It isn't controversial that night shift work is bad for our health.  It isn't controversial that blue light by itself is bad for our health.  Technology is going to make all of this much harder so we need to develop personal plans, what might work for our individual circumstances.   That's my hope for fellow forum members.

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  4. There's a good app called dminder that people can use to manage the amount of Vitamin D exposure they received and avoid sunburn.  I plan to try it out next summer as I expose myself as much as possible.  There are even clothes made from material that looks like fabric but lets sunlight penetrate.  Like Cooltan.com.  The fabric is sheer, but it's a way to get sun on your girls or junk or nethers without neighbors screaming that you're naked.   It's a way to *avoid* cancer.

  5. You must assume everyone lives as far south as you do.  People in the northern states on the whole have pathologically low levels of Vitamin D and they're likely outside at least 10 minutes somewhere in the course of the day.   Exposing your cheeks under a parka midwinter isn't going to cut it.

    Aside from Vitamin D, we have photoreceptors throughout our skin, not just in our retinas, and we need as much of it exposed as possible so melanopsin and other opsins can work.   It is how we were designed.  

    But the main point is that sunlight is our friend if we don't abuse it (by only exposing ourselves at high noon), and the advice we have had for years to be afraid of it has been making us sick.  That's where science is but medicine hasn't caught up to it.

  6. It's truly amazing how much degradation Whitney allows from TLC, including the brilliant episode names.  It might be the most hypocritical thing about her, given her lifelong pursuit of no fat shaming, so casually puts up with this (and from  her mother) but not even a hint of it from anyone else.

    • Love 13
  7. 20 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    I haven't been so good with the sunblock, but considering the surgery I alluded to was related to a melanoma diagnosis...I'll be stepping that up moving forward :/  Use your sunscreen, kids

    Actually, if you look into it, studies and meta-analyses consistently show that all cause mortality and morbidity go DOWN with increased sun exposure.  There may be more skin cancer but more people do not die.  Sunlight is critical to our health but we need it at various times of the day, not just midday, to set the circadian clock that runs everything in our body, including our thermostat that drives energy expenditure (calories out).  So make sure you get enough general sun exposure WITHOUT any sunscreen, makeup, glasses of any kind, and as few clothes as possible.  Contrary to what the dermatology idiots have been telling us for years.  It's partly that your health depends on a good level of Vitamin D, and that comes from exposure to UVB light, unfortunately not supplements, because to be activated it needs to be sulfated and that is from UVB.  To the extent you thought all that walking and running in your neighborhood helped you maintain or lose weight, you probably never gave credit to the value of the sunlight from being outside.  Meanwhile, don't mess it up with artificial light, especially blue light in the evening.  It destroys the clock and hormone production.  I'm wearing blue-blocking glasses on a computer with blue-blocking software (IRIS) as I type this, LOL.

  8. 7 hours ago, Dot said:

    Episode 3 ratings

    #21 of the Top 50 Tue cable shows

    946,000 viewers (a drop of another 1/4 million or so viewers)

    0.26 rating

    At what point would you expect TLC to drop her?

    Does this mean there are 1/4 million disciples of this forum who have sworn off watching this show?

    • Love 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Dot said:

    I'm not sure I want to. We know -- shrinks tell us -- that our parents are very important in our early, formative years to what we become as adults.

    But, as adults, we need to make appropriate choices, no matter what we make think our parents did to us.

    Twit was overindulged, particularly by Glenn, not beaten or starved. And Babs is a Southern gentlewoman. Twit is crude & a sexual predator. No way is Babs to blame for that.

    I was just thinking of Whit's double dipping and whether Babs would have allowed that in her kitchen.  But then families tend to share the same germs so maybe it wouldn't have bothered her.  But Babs could have drilled into Whitney she wasn't allowed to do that around anyone else.

    • Love 4
  10. 13 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

    We who watch court shows also see this all the time. I could see Twit, after MBFFL is canceled, showing up on The People's Court or Judge Judy suing Buddy for back rent and loans while Buddy sues for emotional distress over having to apply chub rub to Twitney's nether regions.

    That would be delicious to watch, because Judge Judy's snark at these two losers would rival anything we have come up with!

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  11. 18 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t understand what the other women see in him but for Whitney a man is always about her proving she can get him. She wants him because Heather had him. I still believe her ultimate goal is to ‘turn’ on of her gay friends. She is absolutely convinced she’s so sexy she can do it. 

    That was one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes - Elaine complaining that she couldn't land this really luscious gay guy because, well, for many reasons she had to say very carefully on broadcast tv, LOL.  For Whitney, any challenge that is also pornographic will be high on her To Do list.

    • Love 4
  12. 13 hours ago, auntjess said:

    If you all are watching Family by the Ton, the first one to get the surgery is a woman with endometrial cancer, who can't have surgery for it, because you'd need to be inverted, and she's too heavy to tolerate that.  (I think it would crush her organs.)

    Jeez.  Whitney, are you paying attention?

    • Love 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    Totally agree. It must really bother Twit when her fans continue to say how beautiful her mother once was. For a narcissist it must be hell. Especially since most of the comments about Twit's attractiveness are from manipulated photos.

    Then any of us making snarky comments on her and the show's SM must remind her of her foxy mother.  Go for it!

    • Love 5
  14. From what I read recently, PCOS is a complex and there isn't full agreement on what symptoms constitute PCOS.  But she does seem to have a lot of indicators of it so I'm ok she labels herself PCOS, but not at all that she uses it as a crutch.  I would say the insulin resistance came first, though, and that is what she needs to focus on.  PCOS is just a subset of insulin resistance which can hurt her in so many other ways.

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