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Posts posted by NutmegsDad

  1. I felt a great disturbance in the interwebs, as if millions of former TWOPers suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


    Then I watched todays episode and found out they showed a picture of SWSNBN.

    • Love 14
  2. Farewell, Alexis' digs set. *Hardwick "In Memorium Montage*


    Hello new Brownstone set, new Covenstead for the Davis Girls.


    Please let all that Mickey's death impacts on Julian is that Julian now works undercover for the cops. (Or has been)


    Dammit, who was smart enough to realize that Olivia and Ned were Brooklynites  that would click?

    • Love 1
  3. Too bad "sending a message" through  a Cassadine will have no real ramifications. Nicholas will just mutter around and say it's his aunt's fault for shacking up with mobsters, and who knows where Victor is/or cares.


    I'll wait for the day when something like this happens and Molly goes all Valar Morghulis on the perps.

    • Love 1
  4. And of course, shooting a helicopter down in a city is never good because it can spiral out of control, crash and kill innocent people on the ground.  Or crash into the roof of the hospital and kill everyone on the roof.  (which I don't think I would have minded) It was such a stupid scene.


    Yeah, but that would have been all Ava's fault, because she lost her right to live when she killed Khaaaanie, and the only reason she's alive is that she's carrying his child, and now that she's getting away, she  lost her privilege of gravity and physics, so....


    I was this close. THIS CLOSE. I had my bags packed, my ticket punched for the Barge, and my launch was ready to take me. All that needed to happen was that Sonny stop Ava from getting on the chopper and flying away. We FF'd through the Mickey/Julian/Ava scenes just to get to the punchline.


    And Sonny lost. Maybe just today, but Sonny lost!. And Ava got away. Even if it's to another prison with Mickey and Julien dies, Ava got away from Sonny!


    It's say when I take  my GH victories with a low bar.

    • Love 7
  5. There's a group of recent preceding posts which I want to hold hostage in a hotel lobby with explosives while an Equinox briefcase is retrieved.


    I would submit that using "we" for applausing Ron's work, he would not have an issue in its use. Only when it's critical is it "well, that's just your opinion, man." Can't have it both ways.


    Rosalie was rocking the body in her scrubs. Glad to see more of her (and  how). I think Rosalie/Morgan is why Ron is quashing any Britt/Morgan hookups.


    And at NutmegHaus, we thought "Daddy" was Mickey Diamond. A little Wikichecking and constructive SORASing, and she could be Scarface!Lily's kid.  When Sabrina(and Carrrrrrlos) come back, look for her to interact with them.

    • Love 2

  6. As a child I read a Pulitzer price winning book by Tracy Kidder SOUL OF A NEW MACHINE which really gripped me at the time. I don't know whether anybody here remembers this book. It was a very important and revelatory book at the time and it influenced the way I thought about computers and the people who engineer and design them.


    Ooo! Ooo! Mister Kotter! Me! me me!


    I read it in college (required as part of a computer course), and LOVED it. I remember an auction at the Boston Computer Museum where they had a signed copy by the author and all the people mentioned in the book. It went for $300 (late-80s).


    You're right that there is no Tom West. In fact, they should have made a miniseries about the book if they wanted to capture the 80s computer rush (albeit, it was the twilight of the mainframes).


    Sorry, show. Joe may be bi with a lover with AIDS in the early 80s. He's still a psycho asshole to me.

    • Love 1
  7. When she first mentioned the "personalized" OS, all I could think of was that "Bob" UI. Anyone remember that? He was supposed to be like a guide and I think the opening screen was a house or a neighborhood. I think he also asked "What would you like to do?" It was really lame, so I gave it a couple tries and got rid of it. However, I think Cameron's idea is very ahead of it's time, and if she's correct that Gordon's ideas would mostly impress programmers, then she definitely has a more marketable idea.


    She's 30 years ahead. With search engines and the Internet, she described Siri.


    Gordon is descending into madness at a rapid pace.  John better schedule another asswhupping with his cop friends on him.


    However, we screamed "NOOOOOOO!" when Donna gave Joe that 'lingering look'. If anyone is going to have  an affair with her, it should be Cameron. :)

  8. The Levi scenes were so bad, I wanted Michael to call Sonny over to take care of him.


    I am genuinely surpeised (and thrilled) that the Rafe storyline is going at full speed and (hopefully) it will be wound up quickly.

    I  might get my wish, since Rafe is going to die in the -magazine-teaser not-too-distant future. THE, VAMPIRE BOY, THE!

  9. Are money purses a real thing? Oh yeah, I remember the bride herself going around collecting cash. How tacky.


    Ours was used just to hold and collect the cards/money from the reception. After we arrived at our hotel that night, it was valet parking before we knew it and our car was parked with all our stuff, including our bag, inside (and it was a rental!)

  10. If we don't see baby Georgie, will we get adult Georgie back?


    That's their cunning plan. Have Maxie make enough mistakes to legally bar her from seeing Georgie until they SORAS the kid into an adult, played by Lindze Letherman.

    • Love 3
  11. Tennant hid his Scottish accent into a blah accent rather than American. Still a question how he will sound.


    The one change I could see if they were doing a paint-by-numbers copy of Broadchurch would be that the killer is

    her son rather than her husband





    • Love 1
  12. I think that's jumping the gun a bit. It would be completely idiotic for Levi to squeal to the judge on Nathan and use his Australian accent. (By the standards of this show, that makes Levi a criminal mastermind, heh.) Of course Levi is Up to No Good, but at this point it's because Nathan threatens Levi's relationship with Maxie. That can exist separately from any other nefarious schemes Levi might have.


    Yup. Should have added his "ooooo! Pretty Aztec necklace" at the Nurses Ball and him reading about the Aztecs. He may still be just jealous of Maxie, but Felicia is definitely on his radar.

  13. This was the first episode which I perked up, game a damn about a development, and said out loud, "Well, THAT'S interesting."


    Joe's been sabotaging the project (and Cardiff) since we first saw him, I was beling led to believe he was an IBM mole destroying the company from within. Joe's literal beatdown (and  I  am speculating that John was behind it) was long overdue and well-deserved. I  am waiting for Donna to come in and supplant Joe as the driving force.


    If Joe wanted to "teach" Cameron not to be sloppy, here's my slow clap. She still would have gotten out the code. I'm hoping that Donna will be a better role model.


    Cameron was going to spraypaint the house until Shotgun Guy came in and, she thought, "Now THIS is fucked up!" and backed away from the crazy.


    Gordon is still a schlub who is just there. At least he's married to Donna.

  14. Nathan's dropped accent confirms he's a con artist, but I'm saying there's more. I'm speculating that Connie/George/MacKenzie is being kept away from Maxie on purpose, to the point that Judgy Wudgy is in someone's pocket to keep ruling against Maxie and that Ellie was set up across the country on purpose. She may be a Lante baby or with some other purpose against Maxie/Felicia.


    (MacKenzie: A TWoPism against the renaming of swapped babies).

  15.  Levi might just be the most abusive male on the show right now, imo.


    He still has a way to go to beat Sonny. By Lila's Wheelchair, can't Nina just club him over the head with a bottle? She's a dead woman walking. Kill him and see him in hell on the next express.


    With Rosalie's DAT ASS and Nina's "Who Knew She Had an Ass?" added to Sam's Dirty Pillows, this has been a high-water mark for female eyecandy.

    • Love 1
  16. i want a Sonny - Nina hook-up just because their smush name would be Ninny.


    I am shipping Sonny/Nina so hard I'm a Ninny Nanny!


    I almost drowned in Sam's cleavage today! Oh my!


    The motorboating would be a high-speed launch to Wyndemere.

    • Love 1
  17. Preempted scene:


    Judge Wudgy: Detective West, I am putting you under oath, and I have this magic lasso which compels you to tell the truth. If you lie to me, you will be guilty of perjury, and you will lose your badge, your pension, and forced to wear a shirt forever. Now, tell me if Miss Jones knew about the hearing and did not attend anyway, because that will prove she's an unfit and unworthy mother, and will never ever see her child agai....


    (Doors open, in walks President Obama)


    Obama: Your Honor, may I address the Court...?


    Judge: In a minute, Mr. President. I have to get this stanvil out to reiterate my question, then you may approach.


    Obama: Oh, I was going to address through my Anger Translator, Luther.


    (Luther bursts into the courtroom)


    Luther: Oh, for the love of *bleep* WHO THE *bleep* CARES WHO LIED AND YOUR *bleep bleep bleep* HEARING? GET OVER YOUR *bleep* SELF! NOW GIVE MAXIE HER BABY BACK OR *bleep bleep bleep bleep* SCALIA AND THOMAS *bleep bleep bleep bleep* HIPPIE AUSSIE *bleep bleep bleep* DIGGADOO!"


    (Judge pauses, then)


    Judge: Court adjourned, case dismissed. (Taps gavel)

    • Love 8
  18. My husband was unexpectedly home today when GH came on. He took one look at Nina and asked me, 'is she supposed to be crazy?' BWAH!


    She's suppose to be 20 years younger, sort of like Jennifer Garner in "13 Going On 30". I'm waiting for further observations from Rip Van Nna on the outside world, like she didn't miss the Rangers in the Stanley Cup Final, or that they replaced the two Towers with one big Tower (and the conversation that follows).

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