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Posts posted by isalicat

  1. 6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Everyone with cats and especially black cats would do well to keep them in on Halloween. There is a special place in hell for people who chase and kill them because they think it's funny.

    Yes, many shelters will not allow black cats to be adopted in the weeks just before Halloween because people take them for cruel reasons I won't elaborate. 😿

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  2. 41 minutes ago, Laura Holt said:

    My cousin is driving me crazy.  Every single time she gets a new man in her life she completely makes herself over into this person she thinks he wants her to be.  This time around the new guy is a hunter and suddenly she's taking lessons in gun safety so she can buy guns.  This is a woman who, a few guys back was a born again vegan.  It's infuriating to watch because I know,  based in every relationship she's ever had, that when this one runs its course she will change herself around to be the "soul mate" for the next guy.  

    Just curious...why does this drive *you* crazy? I would let her do her...maybe there is a chameleon somewhere back in your family tree that you have not yet learned about? 😸

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  3. On 10/27/2023 at 12:50 PM, Browncoat said:

    Peeve of the day -- my stupid satellite TV.  It worked fine this morning, and at lunchtime, but now, for no reason I can see, some channels are not coming in.  It isn't cloudy, nothing has disturbed the dish, and no trees have grown branches that block the dish in the last four hours.  I checked the cable, and it all seems to be connected properly.  It's just so random.  And annoying.


    ETA: And it's back.  No idea why.

    This is clearly *them*, not you. Happens due to rotation of the earth vis-a-vis the satellites that are transmitting...My husband was a beta tester for Dish when Dish first came on line so he used to explain these things to me...not that I understood 1/4 of it. 😸

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  4. My surgical oncologist moved out of town a few months ago, so now for follow up I am seeing a nurse-practitioner while they are searching for a replacement. Apparently it is incredibly difficult to attract doctors to my neck of the woods due to our housing prices; so you know its crazy expensive when even doctors can't afford to live here. My first mammogram since my mastectomy came back all clear last week so I am still doing the happy dance of joy. (Gals: silver lining to a mastectomy - your mammograms take half the time :) I have a separate, medical oncologist for everything else whom I see every three weeks after they do a blood draw and then he sends me on for my infusions (which I keep insisting are just H2O, given that I have experienced zero side effects despite being quizzed assiduously each and every time). This will go on until May with alternating MRIs and mammograms every 6 months. Bring it!! F**k cancer! (Get your mammograms!!)

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  5. On 10/23/2023 at 5:51 AM, Shelbie said:

    About a year ago I started using a dishwasher cleaner monthly. It never smells odd and my glasses and cutlery sparkle instead of looking cloudy.

    Yeah, I'm doing mine about every 2 months - the water where I live is so hard that you pretty much have to use a dishwasher cleaner to get the lime residue out of the hoses or say adios to your dishwasher way before time.

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  6. Once upon a time, I was standing at a bus stop in San Francisco (by myself...it was in a neighborhood about mid-morning and no one else happened to be waiting for a bus at that time) and a guy about 18 or so walked by, and then came back and grabbed my right breast, and then walked away. I spun around and at the top of my lungs yelled "What the f..k, f...khead!", and then made as to pursue him. I am all of 4'11" and was then around 100 lbs. but I can be way fierce and he looked quite scared and start to run...HA! There was no one else around but it was pretty satisfying nonetheless.

    Another time I was walking to high school on a major L.A. boulevard and a guy (in a raincoat, how cliched) walked towards me and then opened his raincoat to expose his withered little man parts. I don't know what he expected, but I dissolved in laughter, and he quickly closed up the coat and skittered away.

    Apologies to any men persons on this forum, but really? What possesses you sometimes? 😸

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  7. I'd like to make a general comment, not directed at anyone posting here specifically, but just inspired by 40 years of being in the recruitment field (thus vetting resumes and interviewing people non-stop for what felt like a lifetime, because it was!). There are some things that factor in on decision making on the part of the hiring person or persons that aren't readily quantifiable or necessarily obvious to the applicant. One of them is a general sense of well-being and self possession, which is not something that comes from the job (unless your job is your vocation, which is unfortunately rare in life). People who are "comfortable in their own skin" and are not desperately looking for affirmation from others, or expressing entitlement or unhappiness either verbally or with their body language, are going to be perceived as much less "high maintenance" by a prospective employer. An example: If I interviewed someone who brought up company PTO policy right away, I took that as a real red flag that this person valued their time away from the job more than they were interested in doing the job (and that may have been unjust, because everyone deserves a life away from work, but there it is). As a hiring manager, you don't want to bring someone in these days unless you are *absolutely sure* they will be a "happy camper" because employment laws make it so difficult to get rid of permanent hires (thus the ever growing penchant for filling jobs with temps or contractors). This is also why internal candidates have such an advantage, because they are already vetted for their personality issues, unlike someone coming in from the outside. People who already have purpose and meaning in their lives are more confident and successfully communicative during a job interview process; you can just tell: by posture, by eye contact, by facial expression, by composure when you ask something they had not anticipated. Just some thoughts...

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  8. 21 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    One thing that’s crazy is how many men think unless they put their hands on you, it’s not harassment.

    Being an old (I'm 67...so not very old, only somewhat old 😸 ), I kinda subscribed to that myself back in the day (as in, stick and stones...). If a guy was just blatantly rude and forward in a sexual way, I always either ignored him or had a snappy and hopefully withering comeback, so it just never mattered to me. But NO touching! without consent, ever. That was my line in the sand.

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  9. 11 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    My kid grew up with cats. They're living, breathing lessons in consent. I'll never forget once when he was chasing around one of the cats as a toddler and he goes "He touched me with his pointy hand!" He was only about 3 but he learned not to hassle the cats.

    Amen to that. Once my son, as a toddler (who had been forewarned about what cats find threatening behavior), got his face right up into the face of my big tom, who was trying to take a nap on the couch, and my tom gave him a good swat across the nose (just enough to draw a tiny bit of blood, but no lasting damage). That "learned him", as they say. 😺

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  10. 3 hours ago, AgathaC said:


    Seems like a kid who’s almost 13 could remember the proper way to treat a dog. And to understand when I’ve explained that he doesn’t like to be hugged or restrained and the way to win him over is to treat him better. But, no.

    Anyone else dealt with something like this?

    No, but from this I would suggest the SS's father have a sit down talk with him about respect for all creatures including your doggie and if that has already happened and hasn't worked, its on to family therapy. Really...I'm not being glib, because a lack of physical boundaries around animals quite often turns into the same behavior around humans and you really, really don't want this escalating. Good luck!

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  11. For those of you who are both lovers of language and enjoy science fiction: one of the very best scifi novels I have ever read! Just finished "Embassytown" by China Mieville, published in 2011 (I am making my way through all his books now because every one has been so excellent - read "Perdido Street Station" first, which takes some dedication as it is very dense and the first third is all set up for when things really get going, then "City vs City" which is probably his most well known novel). "Embassytown" is about a human colony amidst a very, very alien species on a planet in the far reaches of a distant galaxy and an incredible meditation on the power of language itself. It is extraordinary!!

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  12. 22 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    I started going back to the Church I went to growing up once or twice a month.  


    While today it feels it's not nearly as crowded as it was...  I kinda of like that in a way.  Getting at least a little something of going there once in a while 

    Good for you! Remember if you encounter someone or something that "puts you off" that churches are not hotels for saints, but hospitals for sinners. 😺

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  13. 1 hour ago, PRgal said:

    Our little guy is FIVE!!!!!  We had our party yesterday and it was a complete success (despite the sugar high).  I'm now contemplating whether to donate half his gifts to a toy drive during the holiday season.  It's just way too much and I can completely understand why another parent requested no gifts for their child's birthday.  I feel badly not bringing anything and am thinking of asking the mom whether there's a preferred charity we can make a donation to in the child's name.

    If the toys are still brand new (preferably still in their boxes/plastic wrap), find a shelter for abused women (who generally flee with children in tow) - they would love to have toys to give to those (often traumatized) kids when they arrive to make them feel welcome!

    • Like 6
  14. 19 hours ago, Calvada said:

    The best thing about holiday pie?  Having some left so you can have a piece for breakfast the next day! 

    My family has a cheesecake tradition for Christmas: I make cheesecake (from scratch!) on Christmas morning, and we have the first piece at tea time. Then another piece for dessert after Christmas dinner, and then more for breakfast the next day (its great for breakfast!). I usually make (made - this whole tradition actually died when my husband passed on 4-1/2 years ago - I don't do it anymore as I don't see my only child at Christmas since traveling over the holiday became so fraught - we see each other via Zoom on the day to open presents and in person other times of the year) at least two - one with a crushed walnut crust and another, either with a chocolate graham cracker crust or a choclate chip crust. Plain old graham cracker crusts got too boring!

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  15. 6 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    I don’t get why my mom just can’t get behind supporting her own child in something I want. 

    My mom very vociferously wanted me (simultaneously) to:

    (1) find a husband with a brilliant career (or lots of inherited wealth) who would "take care of me"

    (2) have a brilliant career, preferably as a lawyer or some other publicly recognized way of making lots of money.

    I did neither, pursing academia (which rarely pays well) and then preferring self-employment as a technical recruiter so I could live in the mountains and ski as much as I wanted, and marrying a guy, who like me, had the hippie values of self-sufficiency, frugality and "living lightly on this earth".

    It drove her nuts, but then I was not my mother, and neither are you your mother. Don't look for validation from other people in this life, especially those nearest and dearest to you. March to your own beat! Integrity is the key to being able to look in the mirror every morning and smile at the day ahead.

    And yes, front line customer service as a job is generally like being held captive in a vampire den (very draining, no matter how much blood you had to begin with). Its not a long term career option in my opinion.

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  16. I have only seen Obi-Wan and Andor (the latter of which was the best TV I've seen in many years) of the Star Wars TV series previously - none of the animated shows, and I enjoyed this but felt it was just an eight episode set up for something...

    I have no quarrels with anything specific, just the extremely slow pace. Sat through the first two episodes of The Mandalorian before bailing because I felt like I was watching paint dry, frankly. Only Andor had enough plot for a full eight episode run, in my opinion. Maybe a two hour movie will be a better vehicle.

  17. I know its only warm-up games, but I am so happy the NBA is back tomorrow! In my opinion, baseball has been ruined by the new rules and watching the NFL is watching people get concussions on purpose in a very dull sport, so other than the English Premier League (which is difficult for me to watch live because of the time difference from England to California), the NBA is my go-to action fix!


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  18. 1 hour ago, PRgal said:

    Surprised no one has posted in a while!  This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada and I have, as I've done so for past few years, pre-ordered carved turkey breasts from a local store.  I was going to order stuffing as well, but I found one at another store that looked better to me.  I'm making the remaining sides - roasted butternut squash and (purple) sweet potatoes (likely with carrots as well) and air fryer green beans.  My parents are bringing a salad and I'll also be making Greek yogurt pumpkin cornbread drop biscuits and cranberry sauce.  As for pie, yes, I DID order a small apple crumble pie, which my husband requested.  Debating whether I'll get pumpkin tarts as well.

    That all sounds delicious, PRGal! However, I am thankful our (the U.S.) Thanksgiving is not for another month and a half here because it is 85 degrees Fahrenheit at my house today and the idea of eating all that...not happening!

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  19. 10 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

    I’ve been looking online for the last 6 months thinking about a cruise or travel by myself. I’ve only been on the 4 night Mexico cruise years ago with my late husband and enjoyed it. Do you mind telling me what kind or destination you went on? My two best friends who are long time married gay males kinda led me to believe we’d do a trip when one got an inheritance in November but they haven’t said anything since so I’m thinking they’ve rethought it. I might add they are going on a weekend getaway in a couple of weeks. I’m put off and hurt when I think how I’ve treated them to a coastal getaway, always  driven my car on day trips dinners treated birthday dinners etc now don’t think I’m even in the picture now they have  new car .  
    I’m in desperate need of a trip

    I am not who you were asking, but now that I've been, I would not hesitate to go on a cruise by myself (you are super secure in your cabin and there are always lots and lots of staff around) to almost anywhere on Princess. They had a nightly gathering for all the singles on board (and I don't get the impression it was to provide "hook up" opportunities, so not to worry there) and overall every time I sat down with a glass of wine or a cup of tea in one of the many cafe areas, there was a friendly person or couple nearby who was happy to get acquainted. Plus if you go to Hawaii, there are lei making classes and hula classes and ukelele classes so there were many other chances to make new friends!

    Back to peeves: Echoing others on the RSVP issue: I'm in charge of a big fundraising dinner the weekend after this and people have waiting until the very, very last minute to RSVP on their attendance. I have lost so much sleep over this - the invites went out 7 weeks ago!!! Bleah....The event coordinator at the venue says its getting worse along these lines, for what reason she does not know.

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  20. Unfortunately cervical cancer is a non-symptomatic potential killer, so a pelvic exam and pap smear are really necessary on a fairly regular basis. Peeve: those speculum *are* uncomfortable and many doctors don't really appreciate how humiliating the whole process can be. Nonetheless, if you ask for a smaller size instrument (make sure they warm it up in advance too) and find a (woman) doctor who is specifically empathetic to patients who really, really hate the whole thing, it will be worth it. We have mammograms and pelvic exams/pap smears not because they are fun, but because they can quite literally save your life (my mammogram saved mine - finding cancer before I would have known and before it could spread outside the breast).

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  21. I did a 17 day Princess cruise from Los Angeles to Hawaii and back in June and it was absolutely wonderful in every respect. Took my son, splurged on balcony cabins for each of us, and as we both have the same general ideas of schedule and fun, we both enjoyed ourselves immensely. I've never been on a cruise before and now I have a peeve: Cruises seem to be popularly perceived as rowdy, eat-all-you-can, drink-all-you-can, pollute the ocean, -athons. And maybe some are, but Princess at least takes a lot of trouble to be as "green" as possible (and you avoid taking a jet so there is that "carbon offset") and although there were a number of children on board, there was total civility at all times. I had not gone before because of the bad stuff I had read, but now I'm thinking about another one, very soon!

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  22. I hope this is okay with the forum mods. I wanted to provide a couple of links for those who might be interested in getting into grant writing (either as a help to any non-profits or other organizations, or as a potential part- or full-time career).

    Here are two great places to start:

    Foundant.com  (for educational webinars etc. and tools)

    Grantstation.com (for free and low cost training - here is a freebie coming up:



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  23. On 9/29/2023 at 1:21 PM, PRgal said:

    There are a lot of onlies on this board!  Any onlies who are one and done parents?

    Me. Partly because I could not get pregnant (severe endometriosis - had exploratory surgery after trying for five years, was told I was most likely not going to be able to get pregnancy without IVF, which was not anything I wanted to do, so gave up, looked into adoption, moved to the mountains to ski most of the time and got pregnant! at age 36...so that was it) and partly because I really loved being an only and it turns out, so did my son.

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  24. 20 hours ago, secnarf said:

    The saga with Ginny continues.

    We tried meloxicam to reduce inflammation in her nose in case that was contributing - no effect. Now, she has yellow/green snot coming out of her nose at rest and is sounding much more congested so I think she actually probably needs antibiotics again. They have ordered in azithromycin for us, as a new antibiotic to try. She is still sneezing out quite significant "snot rockets" that are bloody though.

    The new food had helped her stool a lot (at least until starting the meloxicam), but no effect on her respiratory symptoms.

    Both Ginny and Luna have occasional miliary dermatitis spots that come and go. I'm wondering if they both have allergies, but I also worry that it's something infectious. I was told they had ringworm before I got them. I am so scared of it because of the environmental measures required (e.g. ripping up all your carpets, etc). It doesn't seem super likely this is ringworm, but I'm wondering if I should do the test for my peace of mind - but also terrified that it will come back positive, even if they are just carriers of it. It doesn't seem severe enough to be consistent with allergies/atopy. This is causing me more stress than Ginny's respiratory issues, to be honest.

    I've also read that dry food can contain storage mites that can be a cause of allergies in cats. Given how Ginny's respiratory symptoms improved when she stopped eating her dry food, I wonder about this for these guys.

    Not sure if anyone has experience with any of the above?

    Is there any reason why you can't just stop giving her dry food for a couple of weeks (there are so many canned varieties out there) and see what happens?

    I would do that immediately and also consult a different vet for a second opinion, as others have suggested here. Good luck!! 😺

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