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  1. Corny reminds me of the "We both like soup" lady in the movie, Best of Show. She's dumber than a box of rocks and as deep as a glass of water. Some guys seem to like that. The bigger the bolt-ons, the lesser the brain activity. 

    I never thought I'd like Annie and David but they are great together. 

    Annnndreiiii, is a goon. He's a monosyllabic asshole. He thinks he's hot and I bet he'll end up cheating and knocking up some waitress or stripper. I loathe him.

    Colt and his mama act like a married couple. It's a strange relationship. They both bore me to tears. 

    • Love 14
  2.  Parker was laughing about the 'breastfeeding joke' in a previous episode and even did a selfie with Jenna making light of the joke. Now he's pissed off about. Parker can't seem to pick a lane. 

    Jenna would rather lie, and continue to bone the chef than establish healthy boundaries and be honest about her previous relationship with Johan. This is not good. Adam owns very sharp knives and gets mad very quickly. 

    Georgia's constant sexual innuendos is borderline harassment.  I have a feeling she enjoys going after other women's men. It makes her feel powerful. But if she gets the man, she'll use him, and dump him soon after. It's not cool. 

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  3. What a boring season finale. 

    How much did Maddie get paid to bellow & moan on camera? Does she get extra $ to have her water break on camera? How about the gratuitous shot of her squatting in a tub?

    I hope this is the end to the  Sister Skank Travelling Peen show.

    At this point, they've covered it all. Unless they repeat storylines, like discussing if Meri will get another wet bar, or Janelle will get a jacuzzi tub in case any of her other kids want to plunk a grandchild in it. We've already seen the whole mess of building their cult de sac paradise in LV. 

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  4. Not a fan of Jenna, BUT is she not allowed to have a prior relationship? I don't understand  what's disgusting about Georgia and Jenna dating the same guy. It's not like it was at the same time. Adam is definitely off kilter. He's got a psycho crazed look. He could go full Fatal Attraction at any moment. 

    Ciara decided to use reverse psychology and flirt with Georgia. Smart move. Paget still ended up in bed with Ciara and Georgia went off to strum her guitar alone. 


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  5. Thin-lipped Tom thinks he's all that and bag of crisps because he lost some weight, most likely for shitting too much from drinking the coffee he's shilling online. He got his 15 minutes of fame by being a boorish clown to a woman with a penchant for plastic surgery and low self-esteem. *slow clap* Hope you sleep well, you Zoolander weasel-faced dickbag.

    There is no words to express the disgust I have for the Jabba the Hut- Fred Flinstone mash-up that is called Ed.  The stink of mayo, sweat, and cheap cologne permeated a dark cloud that infected the Philippines. He can stick his elfish nose in the air all he wants but he looked utterly ridiculous in his bright orange shirt and shoes toting behind a woman who looks like a child. I'd gladly give Rose and her son a ticket to a better life if it could save her from Ed's creepy whispers and sweaty embrace in this twisted Lolita fantasy. 

    I fast-forward past the faux bi couple, Babyhurl,  and the sociopathic, backward cap wearing Geoffrey. 

    Avery and the Bug-Eyed Smooth Operator remind me of the Barfy British dude and the lady with the cute baby Lucy. 

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  6. I love how all these folks start out with excitement as they are about to meet the "love of their life" and then it all spirals down from there. It ends up being a storm of  weeping fits and angry tantrums. 

    My advice. Drop your expectations. Meet people in real life. Take it slow. 

    Of course, that doesn't make for good tv but it's clear that this type of show may no longer exist in the future. Unless they plan on FaceTime/Skyping for the remainder of their lives. 

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  7. Sobbin definitely has Grody by the short n' curlies. And now, all of a sudden their kids are her kids?    "STAHP FREAKN' OUT MAH KIDS." 

    I ended up fast-forwarding through most of the show because quite frankly the Brown family housing crisis is insignificant these days.  

    I hope they end up in tents on Coyote Poop Pass. 

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  8. Twit is an athlete according to Jessica.  hahahahaha.  Continue to feed the delusion. Twit thought she was an Olympian when she was handed that medal. It was like in kindergarten when everyone go a reward for tinkling in the bathroom like a proper little lad or lady instead of in their underoos. No hot tubs were  around, so Twit got the award.  

    If my friend gave me a framed picture of ourselves for a housewarming gift, I'd be a little disappointed. I want a fruit basket, or a Winners gift card. Come on, spend a little, Whitney!

    Whitney a good mom? No Babs, you're wrong. She wasn't paying attention to Harper while she was pushing her in the swing.  She was pushing Harper rather aggressively for her age, and the kid was really airborne and probably vomited afterwards.

    Whit is eating up the attention from Chase and Buddy. Whit thinks herself a hot commodity and the boys can't resist her earthquaking twerks. The cottage cheese thighs slapping brings all the boys into her yard.  🙄 Buddy was laying it on thick in the car, and it was actually a funny moment from Buddy. Whitney isn't fully respecting her fake romance with Chase and I hope it is followed up with a fake break up. 


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  9. How is it possible that Yolanda is that stupid? I've read stories about men and women who fall prey to  romance scammers and wonder how they could be so naive. These folks are prime examples of how gullibility and desperation make one an easy target. 

    Lil Ed is a BIG fool to think Rose loves him for him. She wants a way out of poverty and he's the ticket. It's just reality.  Its extra disturbing that Rose resembles a 13 year old girl. 

    I don't mind Varyna. She's direct and realistic. Her yellow 80's power suit was fug tho. Talking online doesn't equate in instant chemistry in person. Yet, Geoff seemed utterly shocked that she wasn't going to sleep with him the first night. 

    Ash gives me the creeps...big time. I've also met a guy who said he was a relationship coach. It's code for "unemployed player"

    I have a fairly strong stomach, but I almost vomited when Usman and Babygirl Lisa started making out in the car. 



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  10. The first thing I noticed about Ashley B was the fake nails. One of the mysteries of the universe is how one with extra girth can wipe themselves, but with those talons it would certainly cause some bodily injury.

    I get very angry when I see children neglected. She couldn't even lift and hold her sweet baby because she was so big. How's that for good god please don't procreate ever again? Her older child seemed over it, and I don't blame her. She never had a parent ever... Just a tub of lard in a push up bra.  

    I tried to summon up some sympathy for Ashley but could not grasp leaving her two young children behind (again) and heading off to Houston with her sister. She lost a little weight but the wheels fell off the bus because things didn't go her way. 


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  11. On 3/1/2020 at 1:24 PM, teachermomma3 said:

    This outfit looks terrible.  I'm a plus sized woman and I am comfortable in my skin, but I would never wear this.

    Her Fupa is moving south, and those booties make her legs look like stove pipes. 

    20 hours ago, Donut Bear said:


    He looks like a serial killer.

    • Love 6
  12. How to settle the land dispute:

    Buy 4 modular homes, and plop them each on a section of land. Get a hat, put the wives names in it and pull the names. First name, gets first pick of what home they want, rinse & repeat. Easy peasy. 

    None of them need big houses anymore. If they have large family gathering they can rent out a community hall. 

    They're such lame losers and most people in the real world would never dig themselves into such a financial pit. The grifters have to grift. No doubt Coyote Poop Pass will be left in the dust and sold off in an auction. The Travelling Sister Skanks and Sperm donor will be off to another state to grift. 


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  13. We got to see Twit fill her gob not once, but three times.  The camera person made extra sure to zoom right to the food, and right up to the huge forkful going in her mouth. I swear she ate the entire bread basket plus that gross greasy pasta.  🤢   When she was cooking eggs, I thought she was making it for herself and Ryan. Nope. Just herself. 

    The fact that Chase is acting threatened by Buddy's faux adoration of Twit is hilarious.  That storyline is so far fetched.

    The Paris trip is paid by TLC and not Ryan and Twit's fake business.  BUT she's so MAD at her Bro. Paris...ugh. How dare he!

    Ashley just happens to have extra air miles so her and Todd can go too. Right...

    I hope Babs washed her hands with bleach after rubbing Twit's disgusting feet. Twit, as usual, splays herself on the couch and expects her elderly mother to cater to her. Meanwhile, she is acting fake concerned about their health. 

    Does she have nothing to wear but cropped tops and yoga pants?


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  14. I detest Adam & Jenna. This episode was a barf-a-thon watching them flirt and kiss. 

    Georgia and Paget are gross. Stop flirting with each other. It's so disrespectful to Ciara. 

    Madison and Parker both seem to be caring people. I don't know why they're getting the brunt of the criticism from their bosses. Ciara was in the wrong leaving the deck when Parker was having lunch. You don't leave the deck empty even if it appears the guests are napping. Also, Madison seems to be taking on more workload than the other two. 

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  15. If you google "Dr. Now's diet plan" it comes up with several links to it. She had no trouble finding the number for the pizza place, but can't goggle a diet plan?

    Seana is 'dead inside' Her eyes were empty. Her face, expressionless.  She has no ambition. Tour bus driver? A hell no. It's just the first thing that popped into her head. She didn't seem to have any hobbies or interests besides eating. 

    As for her Mom. Yeah, maybe the relationship seemed off there, but if she was to stick around, I don't think it would have made any difference with Seana. Seana is bound and determined to be miserable for her entire life. Therapy only works if you're willing to do the work, and the same goes for diet and exercise. Seana expected the magic miracle of surgery as a way out and it doesn't work that way. 



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  16. "Onions" Adam is such a douche. I loathe him. He has the nerve to run up to tell the Captain how to Captain the sailboat. Who does he think he is? I know what he is: he's a mediocre cook with a bad attitude.  And the single Mom he dated dodged a bullet by getting rid of Onions. Can you imagine having a guy like Adam talk about being a good 'dad' in one breath, and then calling kids 'loud little shits' the next? Please, for the love of humanity, get snipped. 

    Parker is a bit dim, but he's tender hearted. Not many guys would sleep out in the galley to give space for another crew member. I'm sure why Piglet is jumping down his throat every chance he gets. He's seems to want to flex his muscles and prove he's a big man. 

    In what world is Jenna considered attractive? I find her the least attractive out of the female crew. Besides, her personality sucks. She's not funny, unless you call mean-spiritness humorous. Makes sense why Adam likes her. She seems to coast by and expects the less experienced staff to take the brunt of the work while she giggles and flirts with Onions. 

    Poor parenting is hauling a 1 month old on a sailboat. Seems like a recipe for disaster. Baby overboard. 


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  17. God, she's vile. 

    She flops herself across the entire couch and expects Chase to clean up after the party. She does this often (takes up a lot of physical space) and expects others to cater to her. 

    And ugh, to the way she speaks to her parents. The eye rolling, the shrill protests, the defiant nature.  How pathetic to be 35 years old and stealing stuff from your Mother's china cabinet. 

    She was rude and mean to her Greensboro friends. It's all about the bros now. Which by the way, is an aggravating term. Tal has done nicely for himself, but Twit was dismissive and plain rude to him. He's not a Golden Girl. He's a young man who has maintained a job and left middle school, unlike Twit.. He's an adult. . And this is a guy she (fictitiously) wanted to adopt a child with. She's so damn fickle. Thank goodness nothing came of that story, because she'd quickly get tired of parenting and Tal would end up a single parent. 

    I find the "athletic" storyline the biggest fraud of all. She traded her passion as a dancer and replaced by weight lifting. The dancing was a plausible since that was got her discovered in the first place.  She twerked her way into TLC. But a woman who barely can get down the stairs is able to lift over 200 lbs of weight above her head? Not likely. A sloth who can't clean her own house has the determination and drive to train for a competition?  No way. 

    What's next TLC. Twit wants the first fat Astronaut?

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  18. 1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

    Buddy. Looks. Terrible. 

    I’m all for people chasing their dreams, but Buddy and comedy are a bad fit. He just doesn’t have it—joking around with your friends and performing in public are 2 completely different things. He doesn’t have the wit it takes to be funny (and he has zero confidence). 

    Also, he looks like shit. He’s always been a chub but it makes you wonder if he’s using food more now to cope. 

    THIS. Hard living will do that to you. If I saw him on the street, I'd surmise he was in his mid-50's. Also, he has the personality of a sloth. Sloths are cute and Buddy is not, but I'd imagine if they talked, they'd sound like Buddy: V.e.r.y...s.l.o.w...a.n.d....m.u.m.b.l.y. 

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