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Posts posted by stan4

  1. Oh!  And I HATE that they made Michel gay.  HATE. 

    As a straight guy, he was quirky and hilarious.  As a gay man, he's an obnoxious, insulting  cliche.


    Also, maybe it's bc I hate stereotypes (effin lazy), but I never assumed he was gay prior to the revival.  Especially bc there were subtle scenes that spoke to the contrary.  For example,  that whine about how the Deans of the world always get the Lindsays.

    NOT how the Lindsays got the Deans.


    Of course, ASP crapped all over the characters in the revival (probably as a giant F you to everyone who was able to move on with their lives when she was dumped from the show).


    But Michel was a true travesty.

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  2. Kelly Taylor is one of those ubiquitous people who is self-righteous and holier-than-thou but actually a truly horrible person.



    I was the exact grade as these people, so it was kind of like we grew up together (same with Saved By the Bell - go, class of '93!).

    I also attended a high school and lived in a town with an inordinate amount of wealth (Ferrari in the student parking lot at a public school, anyone?).

    The choices they made were ridiculous and no one I knew was nearly that stupid.  Even the stupid people.  


    Donna drank; Donna should have paid for it.  Also, there is no way that it wouldn't have just come down to parents whining at administration.  Students gathering to actually do something?  HA!

  3. Ooh, I have many unpopular opinions.


    1.  Rory and Lorelai are simply horrible people.  Self-absorbed narcissists who have the gall to get upset at other people for the same behavior (or even behavior that isn't nearly as bad).

    2.  Logan was Rory's best fit (educated, similar goals/background, challenged her, etc) and actually one of the only characters who demonstrated personal growth (until it was taken back in the revival).

    3.  The revival was total drek.  I mean, it was BEYOND garbage.

    4.  Jess is a dick.  I have met and know many guys like Jess and they are exhausting and they are generally dicks.  He was a HORRIBLE boyfriend and then gets mad when his gf tries to stop him from mauling her.  He's rude to everyone, he thinks his snarky "cynicism" makes him cool, and he hits below the belt for no reason.  I will never understand why anyone is "Team Jess."

    5.  I liked Season 7.

    6.  Rory's story lines were the most boring for me.

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