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Posts posted by Jess14

  1. On 3/30/2023 at 9:22 PM, abbyzenn said:

    I might not have been watching closely -- why did the terrorist couple kill the woman in Racine?

    I thought that was one of several things about the assassins that was really unrealistic. Stealing a baby from a mall and then murdering a woman in the suburbs? That’s just begging for attention. It would’ve made way more sense to break in when no one was home or to come up with some ruse about an old gas line and needing to get into the basement, etc. Add on the staying at a home when the owners are on vacation (something neighbors would notice) and getting into shootouts on major roads, and they were pretty bad at being invisible.

    Overall, there were a gazillion plot holes and a lot of things that didn’t make sense, but it was an easy binge. I would watch a second season if it was similarly entertaining.

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  2. I was rooting for Naho, especially after she got the hardest flavors and theme (skateboarding….really?), but her cake was just too messy. Naiel’s cake was beautiful, and he was able to overcome his issues, so I think he deserved it. Outside of a week or 2 towards the end, he was one of the best all season. Sohan also made a beautiful cake.

    I hope that they keep using bakers who are older moving forward. The baking this year, including those final cakes, was so much better than what we saw in last year’s finale.

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  3. I also have to say that I didn’t like the twist in this episode. Maybe I need to go back and watch prior seasons to see if they were similar, but it seemed like the twists in the past either required baking a separate smaller item or using things that the bakers could incorporate into their desserts without having to change the whole thing. Here, adding a tea flavor basically upended the plans for 2 bakers. That seems silly. 

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  4. Aww…I didn’t want Genevieve to go home, even though I get why she did given that she left off toppings. I do think taste is most important though, and I can’t imagine a sour cookie being something that anyone would want. I’m not even a sour candy fan though, so perhaps I’m not the best judge of that. However, I also didn’t think Sohan’s other cookie looked all that appealing. 

    I’m rooting for Naho.

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  5. I thought it was pretty clear that if Alyssa didn't get the win, she was going home. She has always been good, but she has never really broken into that top group of bakers. 

    Several weeks ago, I thought it was probably between Genevieve and Naiel, but now I think Genevieve or Naho will take the win. I feel like Naiel has slipped in the last few weeks, and Sohan is always right there but never seems to get the win. 

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  6. I thought Jason got the short end of the stick with red velvet. It’s such a common and classic cake that it seems much more difficult to make that into a trendy cupcake, as opposed to the other flavors, which are usually other types of desserts besides cake (pies, cookies, etc.) or not desserts at all (PB&J, Strawberry Lemonade). It was dry, so he didn’t execute it well, but still, I thought he had a more difficult task than the others. 


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  7. 2 hours ago, StellaCL said:

    In season 7 Chelsea was a major kiss ass and got an eye-rolling amount of air time, but I never minded her in season 8. At least she had personality and a sense of humor. "The fatties are still on the team" was just her trying to get her crying teammates to laugh, none who even showed any weight gain? It all seems contrived by the show and Kitty was their go to person to make some sort of drama happen. I have no doubt the producers put Kitty up to going back to K&J to report that Chelsea was being "toxic" in the locker room. Considering Chelsea was struggling dance-wise, it was a win win for TPTB - cut her, but find a way to make it a dramatic and entertaining storyline. They didn't give a damn back then what reality tv did to these gals after the show aired - Carla, Vivian, Chelsea, they were all collateral damage to get their tv show plot. 

    I found Chelsea’s reaction to be hilarious and far more entertaining than her S7 persona, so I’m not complaining about her lol. However, I really don’t buy that the “fatties” comments were just about making her teammates laugh. Now, to be clear, I don’t think it’s “toxic” either. I just think that’s probably how the DCCs regularly talk and joke amongst themselves about K&J and their BS weight (and other) requirements. Back when I was a cheerleader in high school, I could absolutely see us having a similar reaction after getting called out for something that we thought was dumb or uncalled for. I think Chelsea, who was pretty young, just forgot for a moment or didn’t care anymore that she was on tv. 

    Kitty strikes me as someone who would go tattle on the girls for laughing about a weight talk, especially since she’s one of the main ones who was always calling out cheerleaders for weight gain. Also, we’ve seen over the years that Kelli loathes when anyone doesn’t toe the line exactly how she wants them to. So, sure, maybe it was all contrived, but that situation didn’t seem that far-fetched to me.

    I do agree about Kelli, etc when it comes to reality tv though. There are plenty of instances where it seemed like they went out of their way to embarrass girls. 

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  8. On 1/17/2023 at 12:09 PM, MaryWebGirl said:

    I think Kelli really liked her. She sort of looked like her daughter (and I think they became friends), and they liked her sob stories too.

    Yep. Kelli loved her in S7. She and “pretty little Emily” seemed like her favorites. Kelli was hooked after her interview where she talked about her dad seeing the cheerleaders on tour. 

    Its interesting because Chelsea was all about being a DCC during trading camp her rookie season and then clearly did not seem to give a damn about toeing the line by that second training camp. The “fatties” and “oh no mam…well, on the weekend” in response to the question about partying still cracks me up.  It was so condescending. The novelty had definitely worn off.

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  9. I thought Aisha’s design was better than Dru’s, but I was ok with Dru winning. I hate a dry cake, so I think that was enough to seal the win for him, given that his design wasn’t bad. Also, I know Aisha wanted the Caribbean theme, but I actually think she would’ve been better off getting something else and showing some more range. 

    I really liked Aaron, but I was surprised by how rough his cake was. NYC has so many iconic sites that it seems like it would’ve been an easier challenge for him. I was also surprised by Jessica’s cake. I thought it flat out looked bad - nothing screamed Paris at all to me. I wish they would give them an extra couple of hours. 

    Overall, it was a satisfying season. I liked most of the bakers and found almost all of the eliminations to be non-controversial.

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  10. On 10/23/2022 at 4:01 PM, vanillagum said:

    What I find annoying is she 'expects' them to go to school or have full-time jobs, but makes it very clear that the TC schedule is completely inflexible, and 'if you have any conflicts, bye!' 

    You want well rounded adult women with careers to be DCCs, but you make it damn near impossible for anyone to get through TC without quitting their job or scaling back to a part-time job that doesn't even utilize their schooling. 

    How many people have we seen quit their jobs during TC? Even in season 10 also, Kat's intro segment is about how she has a cool job at an ad agency, and then soon after that, she's like, yeah, I quit my job :/

    Then in s13 Kristin was exhausted and sleepy all the time (and it seemed to show) because she worked full time and had to drive a ton to make it to practice after work. Sounds like an absolutely exhausting endeavor for literally anyone who has to actually support themselves 

    Yeah, exactly. Also, it doesn’t seem like a lot of the ones who quit good, full-time jobs go back to them either. It seems like so many of the DCCs end up having fitness or dance jobs or being SAHMs. There’s nothing wrong with any of those jobs, but I always wonder if any of them regret it or if the DCC/Cowboys networks are strong enough that they feel it was worth it to leave careers with upward financially ability for a 2-3 year dance job.

    It really seems like undergrad is the sweet spot if someone is going to be a DCC. I definitely think that the average undergrad student could swing 4 3-hour classes and the DCC schedule. If undergrad is still like it was when I was there, most classes are not like grad school, where you have to read and be prepared each class. For the most part, you could show up up class, study for the few of tests throughout the semester and finals, and be fine. Law school (third year aside)/med school/MBA programs, etc, no way would those be compatible, IMO.

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  11. On 8/19/2022 at 12:39 PM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    Yeah but a few other girls were doing the same thing. I seem to recall Molly being right by her. And off screen, you could see someone beside Keyra do that high kick first. She just copied them. I mean not that that makes it alright lol, but still she wasn't the only one. 

    Yeah, they all showed up together cheering. It wasn’t just her. Keyra’s cut always came off to me from Kelli as a “I never liked her body type or her face, and she’s not a ‘yes mam’ girl, but I can’t use dance or weight a reason to cut her, so let me use this late excuse” type of thing. That’s not to say that the DCCs don’t stress being on time, but my guess is that being late once wouldn’t have gotten one of Kelli’s favorites cut. 

    I don’t think Kelli or Judy really wanted to take her as a rookie, but the guest judges liked her, and the team badly needed power dancers that year. Also, she got the friend bonus from Cersten. Once those things were gone, I think Kelli jumped at the chance to clear up a spot for someone else.

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  12. Daniel and Nicole can’t get evicted fast enough. I wish one of them was leaving this week instead of Ameerah. That whole fight was just absurd. In general, I can’t stand people who can’t just own up to not liking someone or not wanting them in the game for game reasons. If Nicole would just say, “I want the reward that the remaining Festie Bestie gets after the eviction, so Taylor needs to go,” that would be fine. But no, she and Daniel have to make Taylor out to be some type of horrible person. Just gross. 

    I’m so glad that Taylor found an alliance. 

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  13. On 3/28/2022 at 2:46 AM, Roseanna said:

    I don't believe that Pen had altruistic motives at all but she only thought to save herself. Lady W.  gives her power over people and she enjoys it.

    Agreed. I wonder how much of the feelings toward Pen are based on the book, where it seems like she is likeable. I never read the books, so my only impression of her is from the show, and I cannot stand her! She is vicious, and I also have no urge whatsoever to see a romance between her and Colin. I didn’t even feel sorry for her when Colin was talking bad about her in the end….sucks to have someone who you think is a friend say bad things about you behind your back, right? 

    I liked Anthony and Kate, but I was expecting more at the end. It almost felt like the writers ran out of time, which was unfortunate. Their chemistry was amazing.

    I thought there was way too much focus on the Featheringtons, and I also thought that the wedding episode dragged on.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Uk-Eve said:

      O.o nice. I so never understand the doctor matches done from the degrees (but I am not a doctor/dont have medical degree in any shape, so I guess I will be the naive girl about it). I guess we would never know what her dreams in what field she wants to work in as a doctor etc is, but basing it on her previous jobs yep I think we all thought she would be a plastic surgeon etc, but we wont really know unless we are friends with her and ask. 

    It’s not unheard of for med students to decide to specialize in something different than they originally planned. I know someone who went through a full residency (his top choice) and then had a change of heart about what he wanted to do. So, he re-matched and started over in a new residency for a different specialty. Luckily, his spouse had a lucrative job lol. So, it’s certainly possible that Cersten is going for the less competitive options (and I wouldn’t blame her for that), but it’s also possible that she could’ve decided that she doesn’t want to do plastic surgery anymore or simply prefers something else. I guess we’ll see. 

    Congrats to Jenna. It seems like the two have been together for a few years now, so it’s nice to see an engagement. She has been in several weddings, so I’m curious to see how big her wedding party is.

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  15. I was rooting for Nadya because I liked her the best (although I liked all 4 of the final contestants). So, I should be happier with her win, but her cake decoration was so sloppy that it’s hard to be. I don’t necessarily have an issue with her winning because her cake tasted the best, but with all 3 cakes being subpar, I wish they would have just picked the winner based on the season as a whole. I think Ellora and Sarah were better throughout the course of the entire season.

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  16. On 2/18/2022 at 5:30 PM, PomPomPom said:

    I think this is a "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't situation". Putting aside anyone's views on JJ as a person, I think the main motive behind the whole "cover up" was to protect the reputations of CJA, the cheerleaders involved and the cheerleaders in general. I understand that the sleaze bag at the centre of this consequently got off lightly but the recent reports indicate only circumstantial and a lack of solid evidence. If he had been dismissed he could have claimed unfair dismissal and the story would have come out anyway with the potential of him gaining compensation if the reason for dismissal could not be proven. As in any case it comes down to whether the evidence is sufficient to convict. I don't for a minute think the ladies involved were satisfied with the outcome but they were at the time kept from the press feeding frenzy and compensated to a degree. Current reactions to the story coming to light are an indication of what that press reaction would have been. I'm not sure whether I'm happy that the story has finally been aired or not. It may have come as a relief to the ladies involved or not.

    I don’t agree. This is not a criminal court of law, so the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard to convict has no relevance whatsoever. Also, didn’t one of the cheerleaders say that she saw him and immediately recognized him. That is not circumstantial evidence. Also, as noted by other posters, it seems like they purposely chose not to seek out additional evidence that could’ve supported the cheerleaders’ story. “Unfair dismissal” isn’t a thing. He would have to have a legal cause of action. Texas is an at-will state, but even if he’s covered by a contract and can only be terminated for cause, an investigation finding that he has potentially committed actual criminal offenses and violations of workplace standards is “cause.” As for compensation, they paid the cheerleaders $2.4 million dollars, so they paid a ton of money as it is. 

    There are always multiple sides to a story, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the article painted this in the worst light possible for the Cowboys, but nothing that I’ve read puts this in anything but an awful light for them.

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  17. 8 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    Really? Aside from the first what was beautiful about them? White/grey flip/new build boxes churned out by the thousands with no thought or design. Nothing special imo, let alone "absolutely beautiful". 

    Different strokes…..if everyone liked the same type of houses, life would be boring. I’ve bought an older home (not 1920s old, but older) and two newer homes (one brand new where we were able to monitor the construction). I’ll take the new build every single time….. less issues, and it’s not difficult to add your own thought or design to a home. But that’s just been my experience. With crap builders out there, I’m sure many people have had bad experiences with new construction.

    Im curious about where the house that the Atlanta/Decatur house actually was. When they threw out a $550k budget and wanted to be in walking distance of restaurants in Decatur, I knew that wasn’t happening lol. I think the realtor said the one that they chose was 5 miles from the center of Decatur, which doesn’t sound all that close to me. Regardless, it seemed like the best choice for them. I wouldn’t want my partner’s students walking all through my house. The detached space was clearly the best for that. 

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  18. 5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Natalie or Anfisa in a poodle-perm wig. 

    With regards to Trusova, she clearly felt 5 quads plus zero artistry should've outscored 2 quads plus decent artistry. The judges apparently disagreed. FWIW, I thought Anna was solid, but nothing about her performance moved me. If they'd given the edge to Sasha, I wouldn't have considered it scandalous. They were both just "meh."

    The judges actually agreed with her, unfortunately. She won the free skate, but she fell on her ass in the short program, and Anna didn’t. 

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  19. 2 minutes ago, blackwing said:


    I agree, also, the main difference is that the scandal involved two Americans.  You had the rich proper pretty American princess (horseteeth aside) who got brutally attacked by the rough white trash one who was her main rival for the U.S. title.  It had all the makings of a salacious TV movie of the week, which it ended up becoming.  The fact that a feature film was made about this decades later really shows how long of a staying power this scandal has.  Even decades later, those of us who remember this incident instantly know what someone means when they talk about "doing a Tonya Harding" or mentions "whyyyyyyyyyyy... whyyyyyyyyy".  

    I only casually tune in to figure skating every four years, but still remember Tonya and Nancy.  The image of Tonya in her magenta outfit skating to Jurassic Park and then stopping in tears and putting her skate on the ledge because her lace broke, Nancy in her sparkly white dress and her hair in a princess bun doing her signature spiral, Oksana Baiul with her bad 80s bangs doing her donut spin, "why is she putting on makeup, she's just going to cry it all off anyways", etc.  That was a scandal that has become part of American culture.

    I don't think many people outside of skating fans will remember these three Russians for long.  I can't even remember which particular one won in 2018.  It won't be a lasting scandal because it confirmed something that has been long suspected, that Russia isn't above cheating.

    Agreed. I wouldn’t be surprised if NBC gets pretty good ratings, and I’m sure the network is thrilled with how things went (doping scandal, favorite falls apart, diva tantrum, awkward medal ceremony), but I expect that this will be forgotten fairly soon. Even with someone like Svetlana Khorkina, she was around for a long time, so even 4 year gymnastics fans could recognize her. These 3 Russians will be replaced by new ones soon. 

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  20. 13 minutes ago, Minneapple said:

    Not only did she do nothing to protect Kamila, she actively harmed her by (probably) giving her drugs.

    And then made her tell stupid lies about her grandfather to hide the fact that she gave her drugs…. If Kamila and her parents are smart, she will run from Eteri after this.

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  21. 3 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Why is Trusova having a meltdown?

    Yeah, she’s being a bit ridiculous. I understand Kamila’s meltdown, but her?!? I get being upset for your teammate, and this week had to be draining on everyone, but Kamila fell all over the place. Does she think she still should’ve medaled? 

  22. Just now, Rootbeer said:

    Anyone wonder if the Russians didn't decide that this was the best way to get the problem behind them and she was told to tank?

    I wondered too, but she really seems devastated. I’m not sure she could fake that. I just think she totally buckled under the pressure. 

    Im glad that they finally got the cameras off of Kamila. Enough about her! Focus on the winners (and no, I don’t think the other 2 Russians are clean either, but this is a much better result than the alternative, which was no medal ceremony). 

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