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  1. That's pretty illogical. And obviously what Adam teased already proved that hey are going to make anything related to Emma a focal point of the show. And just because Jen will not appear in any future, doesn't mean the true disappearance of won't be revealed in words by other characters to Henry. You forget? Lancelot revealed in words and hinted that he survived that against Cora and it didn't show in flashbacks. Which also clued us in that Cora lied about his so called death. The same for Aladdin, when we never saw him use the shears to remove his savior powers, we were only hinted at that. The similar thing where August reveals he knows who Neal really is, but we never saw what Neal saw in Pinocchio's box in the flashback until the archive version in s214. And even if Jen did do filming for what really happened to her character, that might be for studio filming during her time of filming 7x02. Just like how they they had her vision of s6 filmed but are cut in pieces while being shown in every episode.
  2. It looks like Snow got a new fan. Ella 2. After Henry described his grandparents to his future wife, Ella2 stated that Snow is her kind of Woman. Might be possible that she and Snow may meet. Oh and in case no one has posted these, in October Adam gave hints and spoilers that we may see the real story of Emma. know this was Jmo’s last episode and she and Hook seemed to get closure, but is there more to their story they want to tell possibly? Hook told Regina, “If he knew what really happened, he’d drop everything and come back. She wants to let him get on with his life.” “What really happened”? And someone asked Adam on Twitter how this really explained Emma’s absence for the rest of the season and he responded that it would all make sense by the end of the season. He also said, “We’re fully aware that NOT seeing Emma needs to make sense logically given her character and who she is.” This seems to clue us that this may not be what we think, and that Emma we saw in NEF2 may not be her but probably someone else in disguise trying to escape the realm. Which might tell us that this Pregnancy of Emma's might be fake. Here's the links to the spoilers: Also Rose (Alice 2) spoiled that the troll under the bridge of Hyperion Heights, has a story and may have been alive before. Also there was a TVLine Fall Prediction for OUAT S7 that Prince Charming might return in S7B. Even though it is only a prediction, TVLine already predicted that Neal would return in s5 and that S3B will have a Wizard of Oz arc. And they both came true. So it might be possible that Charming will return. http://tvline.com/gallery/fall-tv-predictions-2017-lost-spinoff-scandal-finale/#!19/undefined/ I would't count on CS getting anything best. Because Adam already spoiled that we will see the real story of what really happened to Emma. And this Emma might not be who we think it is. These Spoilers below relate to what Hook just said to Regina after lying to Emma when saying, “If he knew what really happened, he’d drop everything and come back. She wants to let him get on with his life.” I once asked the Showrunners if they will ever bring up the Real Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk or the real With from Rapunzel in. And now I got my wishes. I also once asked if we may see other characters like Captain Ahab, and it might appear that he is coming. But who will he want revenge on? Moby Dick or someone else this time? That's the question. And since the Showrunners teased that they might bring in the real Morpheus and another Peter Pan, it might seem so. I asked them that too. Only most likely they will turn Pan into a hero unlike the s3 one (cause he is really a different figure named Malcom and doesn't count as a Peter Pan). I seem to have gotten my other wish on seeing another one of the babies being a grown up like Gideon is now. And that was Robin. Possibly we might see Prince Neal, Alexandra or Philip Jr as a adults too.
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