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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. I don't remember much good about the later seasons but I was an April fan.  I don't think I liked her at first but by the time they paired her up with Bobby I liked her better than Pam.  I remember being shocked and royally pissed when she was killed.   Also count me as a big fan of business woman Sue Ellen.  Had she stayed on, April had lived and they had never introduced the awful Cally and James, this show could have had a revival of it's glory days.  Instead, we got JR turned into a putz who everyone from oil CEOs to country hicks could get the better of him, sad sack Bobby and... really nothing and no one to care about.  

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  2. 6 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Is Lola sleeping with the cruise director?

    There is definitely something going on there because she was clearly uncomfortable with him chatting with her husband.  I originally thought affair but later figured he's involved with the pirates somehow.  It may be both.  His job may have been to seduce Lola to get Intel on the couple.  

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  3.   I only know these Crissly people from seeing commercials for their reality show so I know nothing about them.   But I know I saw the daughter on some other show delivering almost the speech about her parents entering "the federal system" and getting her siblings, etc.  I don't know what else I would have been watching with her on it (and I think it was even a show where she had to reveal herself) but I had a huge case of deja vu.  She was far and away the worst singer I've ever seen on this show, but it was obvious she was going home before she opened her mouth based on the simple costume.  

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  4.  I still find Ray the most boring character that's rotated through the team over the years.   The fact that Mr. X is his father is the most interesting thing about him.  I'd vote to swap them out in a heartbeat.  Especially don't care about Ray's dating life.   I did like the case over all.  There was nothing too gruesome and they're trying to sprinkle in a little humor.  Loved the landlady telling Remy to stop being sassy.   

  5.  I don't like the Europe office having a mini-bullpen.   No one is going to bark orders to those analysts like Jubal does in NY.   Also, Jaime's replacement is supposed to be some super awesome analyst with kick ass research and multitasking skills so it's kinda of lessen the need for her character by adding 3 new analysts.

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  6.  Editing / structure was weird.   Hunter didn't interview anyone from the third match (not that I'm complaining) and I think talked briefly to only of of the chefs in the fourth.   Britt and Sawyer got to watch Garces and Murphy since they would be taking on the winner, but why didn't Murphy get to watch the Britt / Sawyer match up?  And why were these two matches in the same episode when the other two weren't ones where the winners would face each other.  

     Zakarian is not that impressive of a judge.  When you have other Chopped judges (two who are winners) and Iron Chefs competing, the GZ isn't a wower when it comes to judging.  Ditto Carla.  Everyone seems to like her, but it was harder to muster up the 'OMG I can't believe she'll be eating my food'!

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  7.  Pamela Sue Martin's departure was a huge loss.  Dominique was a fantastic addition but still didn't offset the void left by Fallon.  Amanda was an ill conceived character that never should have been brought on.   She was bratty and never had an interesting plot.  

  8.  I can see why CBS is pushing the last half of the final season to the fall.   They have a lot of shows ending this year and the odds of replacing all them with winners isn't great.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Jordan reads so slowly.

     OMG.  Her cadence is driving me bonkers.  She must be flubbing things if she reads too quickly.  She probably regrets taking this gig.  In the first episode she commented "it's really long" when she unrolled the scroll.

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  10.  That was really bad game design.  At first I thought they all had different lists.  I can't believe there was more of them trying to stick close to the other players and seeing what they were getting.  It also gave two players the opportunity to gang up on the third.  If it had been Nicole instead of X with them (which would be monumentally stupid as Brittany pointed out) you know Frankie and Cody would have teamed up. 

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  11.  Damn the set designers had an effing field day with this.   Their budget must have been more than a family on The Great Christmas Light Fight.   I mean I know Hobby Lobby is always 50% off Christmas but they must have spent more than the entire redress for a new season. 

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  12.  They seriously need to stop these "would be bad in 1997" special effects and the "would be lame in any century" 'acting' from the houseguests.   Like seriously, stop it.  Anyone should be embarrassed by this shit but seriously X, you're a lawyer.

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  13.  I am tired of the quirky personalities too.  When Mackey said NCIS isn't a place for those, I said to myself 'well you should visit Hawai'i.  It's a requirement to work for or with NCIS."  

     I assume introducing the CIA plot will lead to a crossover with Hawai'i since they're leaning heaving into Tenant's CIA past over there. 

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  14.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the cookies from the Elf episode looked sloppy and amateurish.   The airbrushing was shockingly bad and the piping wasn't much better.  I've not seen that movie either so I was already predisposed to be bored with the episode.   Almost all of these competition shows do a tie in episode at some point.   Halloween Wars even had one this year for The Exorcist. 

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